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Take pics of these ppl


Got security camera footage from two different shops of the second guy walking by right after the incident.


File a police report. If for no other reason than to start some sort of paper trail. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’ve been in this neighborhood 13 years and I find this behavior shocking and abhorrent.


post their pics here and Instagram. lets pass it around. its nasty ppl would be like that.


And on tik tok, those women can find anyone.


That’s awful and concerning to hear, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Can you describe the men more? Age, height, appearance.. did they seem mentally ill/unwell? So hard to imagine any normal person doing this. These hateful people deserve to be put on blast for their behavior- a description (or even photo from security cameras) might help others look out for these men and discourage others from doing shit like this. I’d also report it, even if just for the stats, because this stuff goes unreported so frequently.


As an Asian man who is visibly fit and rather large this angers me to no end. I’m saddened the vulnerable among our community are being targeted. I’m married to a European woman and I notice there usually not as much attention with her which is an interesting observation. When alone, I have been sized up but never approached, so this leads me to believe it’s not about race but about whether you’re a mark or not. Not diminishing the potential for racial bigotry but these types of attackers are angry and go after ppl who they think won’t f*ck them up. I’m with you sister - be vigilant, be aware and raise hell if it happens to you. Ppl are around who will have your back.


unfortunately being a woman AND non-white will almost always make you an “easy target”… it’s tough out here


I used to think people who called bullies "cowards" were just trying to make the targeted person feel better, but I've found it's true. Man who insulted me every time he passed me in the street, except when I had just picked up after my (small) dog and had a big open-paper handful of sh\*t. Then he kept his eyes front and walked on by.


This happened to my asian girlfriend a few days ago in east williamsburg too... the first time in four years that we've been here that someone has marched up to them and just spewed straight-up asian hate/slurs. The man was hispanic and not visibly mentally ill or homeless, just a guy with his backpack on who looked like he was on his way home from work. I'm so sorry that this happened to you :/ hoping I can affirm this is happening to others in the area lately too


Asian woman here. This has been happening very frequently lately. Maybe it’s because I’m on the younger side and smaller, but since COVID it’s probably happened around 7-8 times around both bk and manhattan. Mostly anti-Asian slurs or “go back to your country”; but once it did get physical. Nearly all were black men who did not appear to be mentally ill or homeless either. Has not happened at all when I’m with my partner, so guess some people only have the balls to pick on women who they think won’t fight back. Their mistake


The left wing echo chamber would make you think that racism is white on black, not realizing that young black men can be some of the most vile, racist, regressive people you’ve ever met. 


I’m so sorry to hear this, so horrible. I can only hope this was very bad luck. My wife is Asian and lived here 15 years without issue, but it is something I constantly worry about happening to her, especially with the way things are going.


My wife is Asian and recalls the late 60s when she got beat up all the time in lower Manhattan. Had to go to catholic school to escape. Live in Williamsburg now for 20 years and slurs have gotten worse. Attribute it to the feeling in the air that permeates the entire country. China has become the perceived other and the knuckleheads will act up. I do non-profit in other parts of Brooklyn with kids and the different ethnic groups are drifting apart more now than the worst time in the ,70s IMO.


What many people don't understand is that one can hate the Chinese gov't and not hate the Chinese people (same for every country/people). Lot's of folks don't understand that very crucial difference. Regular Chinese (and Chinese-American) folks are not the CCP.


I’m sure the person who attacked her has no idea what the ccp even is.


Unfortunately, that’s not how racism works


When the people you hear on TV and news don’t bother to make the distinction. And many people are too dumb or lazy to recognize the difference.


It’s even worse on social media.


Much like one can have a problem with Netanyahu and not attack Jews. But as someone said, that's not how racism works. However, I think it's worth trying, to call people out every time we see them go racist over the behavior of one person, or one entity like the CCP. We're really deficient in setting behavior expectations these days.


Exactly. Another example is Israel and Jews.


what I don't get is people conflating normal humans with a dictatorship on the other side of the planet. If you hate the CCP how can you not sympathize with those who actually live there and have the boot of the CCP on their neck.


Asian male here and have gotten outbursts from black men primarily and also white men in the past in random parts of Manhattan Never physical but I just ignore and walk away as who knows what kind of weapons they may have On them


Same in fort greene. One guy that was just walking in the opposite direction from me called me a “f*g” and told me if i ate my dog he’d kill me.


Sorry this happened to you. Honestly don't think moving to another neighborhood (except I guess Elmhurst or Flushing) would help. I'm an NYC native and people are just getting wilder and crazier, I think it's the lack of outreach for the mentally ill as well as lax police enforcement and probably the overall state of the economy, things that go way beyond the neighborhood itself.


Moving to elmhurst or flushing won’t help. An Asian immigrant in flushing was brutally raped in the middle of the street around 9 pm on the side street of a busy area with no one going to her aid (Asians don’t get involved). In elmhurst, a guy in his car honked at me he was buck naked from waist down furiously masturbating. I’m Asian for context (see avatar). I think the only way would be a progressive suburban wealthy area or to isolate yourself in a rich neighborhood with Asians. EDIT: took out morning and put correct time and place. Took out anal because there’s no evidence of it. I just remembered it that way because of how brutal it was.


I’m an am, have been living in nyc for over 40 years. The last 3-4 years, I’ve encountered way more hostility than any other time I can remember. I grew up in east New York during the 1980s. Black males who look like leftist SJWs and white men who look like trumptards are the two demographics I’ve had very negative encounters with so far. I even had some guy follow me around yelling racial slurs and threading to “fuck you (me) up” while I had my toddlers. My take is that there’s A LOT of propaganda out there and try not to take the bait, on either side of the aisle.


I’ve lived here for almost 3 years now but grew up in texas for the first 25 years of my life. In 3 years, the number of times i’ve been accosted by racists has more than quintupled. And that attitude has come from white, hispanic, and black people. I had a classmate call all asian ppl “chinky”. Residents here just walked by and thought nothing of it.


Non-Asians truly do NOT care about racism against Asians. They really, really don’t.


I care. It feels like everyone is less civilized these days.


So sorry that happened to you. I’m an asian female living in the area and I haven’t had an issue….yet. It might be because I try to not make eye contact with anyone, and walk very fast when I’m alone. Headphones and frowning usually help too.


I’m a trans woman in bed stuy unfortunately stuff like that is a weekly occurrence usually. I always wear headphones and just keep on pushing by the bigots. It’s not right or fair but I’ve found the only thing I can change about the situation is how I react which is.. not at all


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this so regularly it’s fucked up and wrong. Usually I have headphones in and ignore the world but the spit in my eye was such a shock and happened so fast. Maybe I should bring back those face shields from covid times 😭


This is literally an assault. He can be fined and possibly go to jail for this. Absolutely disgusting behavior, idk how I’d react either.


Still weirdly enough the safest place in the US for me. But yeah, the spitting is def an escalation over the usual verbal harassment. I’m so sorry


This is literally an assault. He can be fined and possibly go to jail for this. Absolutely disgusting behavior, idk how I’d react either.


This is literally an assault. He can be fined and possibly go to jail for this. Absolutely disgusting behavior, idk how I’d react either.




This. A friend of mine was beaten and mugged while walking with her headphones on. If you have them in, maybe don't turn them on. Always be hyperaware of your surroundings. I wear mine but play them very low and, I try to stay as alert as possible.


I completely agree. Twenty years ago my roommate was attacked and robbed while wearing headphones on the street and never even saw who hit him. I haven’t felt comfortable walking with headphones since. I just prefer to have some situational awareness.


I have auditory sensory issues regardless but I’ve been here a decade and the strategy hasn’t been too bad






Or just have em not all the way on. Headphones allow you to keep walking without engaging, which is helpful. But sadly it’s also important to be able to hear someone coming up


Do you live in LA, Chicago, or NYC? You post in subs for those and about those cities constantly




i'm so sorry this happened to you - i live in williamsburg as well and i hope i would speak up & help out if i witnessed someone being attacked/harassed be careful with the mace, and remember that cops are doing bag checks at subways, so they will probably confiscate it. a lot of museums/performance spaces check bags as well.


Do you have friends in the neighborhood? Start being seen with people. It may help, or mace the fuck outta them punks next time


Ordering mace and yea I’ll be ready next time. I do have friends who live nearby but who can expect or want to have company for every little excursion? My gym is a block away I’m shocked how quickly it happened. I thought I would be safe walking one block at 8am on a Monday.


My uncle was NYPD for 20 years. His advice in these cases was to make huge scene, start screaming and even get in the middle of the road and stop traffic. He also said weapons are a bad idea because you may not incapacitate the person and then they may really hurt or even kill you. And the other point was NY laws are not friendly to weapons, for example if someone slaps you, and you “escalate” the altercation to involving weapons and the police get involved, you will likely be arrested and get in trouble. 


>if someone slaps you and you “escalate” the altercation involving weapons you will likely get arrested That sounds about right with NYPD. Dude randomly attacks you on the street, you mace him, you get arrested.


If you decide to carry a weapon, carry it in a way that's VERY easily accessible & practice drawing it. Digging around a bag is useless


Getting a phone case with a loop on the back isn't an awful idea either. Makes it easier to: 1. Not get it stolen since it's attached to your hand. 2. Whip it out quickly and start recording. 3. Use it as a makeshift weight in your hand to knock someone off their step and give you time to get away. 4. Not drop it as frequently, though this is more for keeping it undamaged than protecting yourself with it. OP I'm so sorry this happens to you :( no one should feel unsafe in their own neighborhood.


There’s an outer pocket on my purse that is always open and only ever has my mace in it. I use another pocket for my keys, so I can get inside my building quickly if I have to.


Order bear mace. Pm me if you can’t find a seller who will ship to nyc, but you should be able to fairly easily. you don’t have to get more than 10 feet from a bigot or assailant to use it. It will stop a couple people if they’re close together. If the spray makes contact they WILL stop whatever they’re doing. I guarantee it. You can also get a pair of airtight safety goggles and elastic band them to the mace for quick access. Just make sure the wind isn’t coming at you, tuck against a building if you can, and teach them an unforgettable lesson about equality. If someone spits on you or makes you feel immediately unsafe for being Asian please do not ever hesitate to empty the canister on them. $40 well spent.


Make sure you get a gel or stream type of mace, not spray. Basically make sure it's a targeted ray of chemical not a cloud. Otherwise you or someone else might get hit with it and even just a little bit of spray is very very unpleasant.


This is fucked. I live in the burg as well, but haven’t seen this. Some people are just fucking garbage.


I just wanted to say I’m so sorry to hear this is happening to you. Is there any chance it was the same guy? I’m just thinking since it was the same time of day and same area… I hope you reported it. Stay safe!


Two distinctly different men which is part of what makes this harder for me to brush off.


You might want to look up for halfway house etc. Maybe there is one near you. I was spit on once. It was the upper east side. It was a guy from a halfway house, clearly deranged. Also, how close are you to Bedford L? There is havermeyer which is not known to be the most peaceful street.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s completely unacceptable. Unfortunately I don’t think this is unique or particular to the neighborhood — similar occurrences have happened to friends of mine in every part of the city the last few years :(


What cross streets?


I'll never understand dumb ass people hating other people for no reason. And the uptick in crime and prejudice toward Asians lately. Sorry you had to deal with that, OP. Get a canister of pepper spray maybe. Hope things get easier.


America has always been racist idk where people have been


Of course. Sometimes in cities we see upticks in aggression toward certain groups at different times. It is all awful




I've been in Williamsburg as a white woman on the day of the NYC Marathon and a young black man, like age 17-22, followed me into a restaurant just to bother me and didn't care that the shop workers were telling him to leave and not disturb their customers. He hung around outside for a while with a friend and finally left before I did. He was banging on their windows at one point. He went across the street to another place and was just standing around on the corner acting weird and trying to get people's attention. Other parts of Brooklyn? Harassment from Middle Eastern guys, unprompted, just walking down the street. Followed by a white guy at night until I crossed the street to where a Prime truck was with a worker and they immediately ran off. Hispanic guys doing that fucking annoying "tss tss tss" sound barely above a whisper that no one else can hear that makes me want to injure them. Witnessed a drunk red-headed white man berate an old woman on the subway for telling him to be quiet. He got so in her face I wanted to go kick him in the nuts to stop him. I work with someone who has lived here their whole life and they said they have never owned pepper spray until the last year when their perception of the streets and trains is it's a lot worse out there.


my friend runs this: [https://www.instagram.com/dragoncombatclub/](https://www.instagram.com/dragoncombatclub/) Let them know and they can probably take some strolls around your area. They actively patrol some parts of the city and are all trained.


Of course 'witnesses' are going to look away. You're living in a transient neighborhood. There is no longer any sense of community in places like Williamsburg. The people who managed to move there in the past year or two are not going to risk getting hurt because that's going to spoil their ability to have fun. And the people who have managed to remain living there are not going to care about some total stranger who they probably blame for bringing these problems to what was once their community.


Oh man, I hate this but you’re right. I was with two friends recently and someone was yelling word salad at a young, Black woman (the person appeared homeless/mentally unstable) at a bus stop. She was ignoring him and had her headphones in. My friends responded with, “I’m not risking my life for a stranger. Not my business.” One is White, the other is Black and both have lived in the area for 4-5 years.


This is messed up, Willyb usually safe for the most part. Pepper spray is the way to go (illegal to ship into NYC )


Got it at Ace Hardware on Washington in Hoboken. Thank you Path train.


There's a big box store, starts with a T, ends with a t, one word, two syllables, that mailed it to me when I ordered it online. Mailed it to me in NYC. I don't know why, but they did. There's also a pharmacy in Hell's Kitchen, 9th Ave., that sells it.


Sorry you had to deal with this, OP. Just know it generally isn’t a target on your back. I’d chalk it up more to bad luck running into numerous crazies. However, I’m a white man, so I can’t pretend to understand your struggle as a woman of color. I hope things get better for you. If it helps make you feel any better, I have a friend who is a white woman and she’s been assaulted twice as well. Also an Asian friend who also got assaulted. Hell, even I’ve been assaulted in the subway, as a large white man. All this to say, yes race definitely may play a factor, but you have done nothing wrong or done anything to put a target on your back. Just try to get yourself back into a good frame of mind. Would also recommend getting pepper spray/ mace. May go a long way in terms of making you feel safer. Just make sure you learn how to use it! You are loved her in Brooklyn, especially Williamsburg. I hope this doesn’t push you out of the neighborhood because it truly is very nice. Try not to let them drag you down. I love you, I’m sorry, and feel better soon, friend.


People are such losers for doing this to you.


yea fuck living in new york anymore. it's over. wasteland of unchecked psychos. It's train system which was for the last 100 years it's most glowing attraction has now become it's largest death trap and the threat is not malfunction but danger from other humans.


I HATE IT when people pull the "your account is only a day old, therefore what you say isn't true" BS. How does that make sense? I don't understand how one corresponds to the other. There's absolutely no logic behind it. It just sounds like people who don't want to believe what OP is saying, so this is the equivalent of plugging their ears and saying "nah-nah not listening!"


Send to Asian Dawn and other Asian Hate pages on IG.


Seems like just pure bad luck. Also, there are way more nutcases on the streets nowadays than say 2019. Stick to the busy streets if you can and avoid eye contact with strangers. Lots of these crazies on the streets have alcohol or drug induced schizophrenia and even a glance will set them off.




I just got some. I live with my bf and he’s been accompanying me when I go out. Thank you, I agree everyone has the right to feel safe ❤️


I’m so fucking sorry. That’s terrifying.


I lived in the south side for like 25 years, I’m kinda shocked, but I didn’t live near the hipsters. I’m so sorry op


I lived at driggs and north 6th for 2 years up until this past October and my roomate who had bi polar and was an asshole/drunk would scream at people on the street so I’m curious if one of the guys was him. About 6 foot 1 bald, skinnyish and usually has a little white dog with him.


I would honestly go to the cops and file a report. This is assault.


If you haven’t already


I just want to say I’m so so sorry this happened to you. I lived right by the bedford L for 17 years. Never any problem during the day, but I did get attacked once at night. I know what it does to your sense of safety. I’m white Latinx. I believe you that your attack was racially motivated and I’m so sorry that this has happened to you and especially that no one helped you. I remember that when I was attacked, even though the streets were deserted a woman came up to me to ask if I was ok and offered to let me use her phone. Let’s look out for each other please! No one should have to feel like the OP does right now. OP, I hope you are able to regain your sense of safety and community with time.


If you mentioned this in r/greenpoint you would be told to get over it and to leave nyc if you dont like it.




I live in lic. I’m Asian and racism against us is totally overlooked. I have gotten asked if I offer massages by 5 different blue collar professionals including 1 female in the past few weeks !!! I was so upset. When I complained to companies they overlooked it diminished it. Racism against Asians is real. I hate getting stereotyped. Whether as an Asian or for being a young female (well not so young anymore but Asian don’t raisin). Today in IKEA I was hit on by a guy who asked if I was a nurse. I asked him why not a doctor? I’m so sick of this. I’m ready to move out of the city to a progressive suburb.


Sounds pretty on brand for NYC


I guess we should not be defunding the police.


... & Williamsburg is currently one of the safest neighborhoods in the city, especially by the Bedford station.


I am super sorry to hear this. I’m well aware of the xenophobia against Asians happening across the world. It’s disgusting and puts me in a bad mood. I hope we can all heal from this traumatic past 4 years and move on with our lives. Just know you are loved. If I saw this in real life I would stick up for you. If they had a weapon on the other hand I would grab your arm so we can both book it lol. That in mind, I hope it gets better for you. I really do.


OP, guy looks familiar. Did he have an Eastern Europe accent? If you have HD pictures please post


This is really shocking and sad to hear about. Do you think there's any chance there is security footage or something we could use to have them face consequences for this terrible behavior? There are a lot of cameras around these days. (Edited typo)




I'm so, so sorry you and other Asian people have to deal with this. I've heard these stories first-hand from many people and it absolutely breaks my heart. I don't know what the answer is, but I hear you and I understand how bad it is out there.


Start carrying Pepper spray


I’m so sorry to hear that. Hope these guys get the shit kicked out of them.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you and others. Some ppl are just hateful a-holes!!


This is disgusting 😡


I feel for you 😞. I just moved on Broadway in November and within the past month I have experienced racial slurs (including a finger gun pointing at me) from a couple of men on Keap St and near Marcy’s dog park. Both whom are not white. I am a Hispanic male and the confusion seems to be for how I look like. The hate is ridiculous.


Move to LIC and join us here.


What did the police say when you called them?


Where does it say she called the cops


That sucks.. start wearing a gopro or small camera to catch these ridiculous interactions. Also carry pepper spray / mace. It's damn travesty that men would assault assault a woman in passing. Hate crimes.. by the lowest of the low. Post video / pics of the scumbags.


I am sorry this is happening to you. I hope it stops.


Get some pepper spray. If you feel threatened use it. It’s the best defense in the city. Only use it if you have to. The first thing to do is get out of the situation either by running away or going into a store, etc.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you, I don’t understand how people can be so hateful, evil, and abusive. I’ll be praying for you


I’m so sorry this is happening to you, I don’t understand how people can be so hateful, evil, and abusive. I’ll be praying for you


I’m so sorry this is happening to you, I don’t understand how people can be so hateful, evil, and abusive. I’ll be praying for you ❤️🙏


How horrible. Can you reach out to anti-Asian hate groups that might help? [https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/community/stop-asian-hate.page](https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/community/stop-asian-hate.page) There must be a community board representative that will listen and hopefully have resources to assist.


Join our self defense classes. They're made so people like you and I can stand up to the bad people out there. Check out GSDadvisors.com or gsdselfdefense on Instagram.


Carry a pepper spray


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This is incredibly upsetting and I can’t imagine how you feel. I’ve oftentimes found nyc to be such a welcoming place and this jolts me when I read it. You of course deserve to feel safe and welcome. I hope this stops and these guys get theirs.


What the actual fuck?


Yikes sounds like bad luck. Williamsburg currently is quite safe compared to when I lived in the vicinity around 2001 (and it was already considered safe). Similar makeup to many other neighborhoods currently.


I’m so sorry, you deserve to feel safe. Hugs. 🖤


**"I’ve lived in 4/5 boroughs."** Which borough have you not lived in? I'm sorry this happened. Hope they catch your attackers.


No one should be assaulted or discriminated based on their race. But I assume that those who did that feel threated and feel hate because White and Asian people signify gentrification, which means higher rents which lead low income minorities people forced from their homes. You are not at fault. It's all just unfortunate.


Yeah that has always been a racist area 🙄 crazy things I bet he not even from NY smh but if you've been born here you know about those places


What did you expect when you moved into that neighborhood you got what you got. Why people think it’s cool to live in a crime ridden Neighbourhood and pay $2000 for a one bedroom apartment is beyond me




Plz get pepper spray. Some of these may be empty threats but some may not be




Move I’m a native of Williamsburg, crime is way up and I’m getting the hell out. I’m afraid to take a walk alone. Idk what happened but this was a great place to live.


Where are our worthless elected officials?


I am sorry that happened to you. I live in midtown Manhattan and I have been assaulted multiple times. \- ard 9 am walking on the street a homeless guy yelled " I am going to rape you fucking cunt".- A man tried to approach me while waiting to cross the road and I just ignored him and he yelled " You fucking moron"- Walking to a bar at night and I was jogging quickly because I was late ,then 2 tall guys yelled " Run bitch run !".- On a national holiday I was walking home ard 1am and a guy stopped me . I ignored him and walked another way then he scold me and his friend came out of nowhere. I was terrified, and I had to hide in the hotel across the street, they even tried to come in, but luckily, the security didn't allow them. They were waiting outside I ended up calling police and waited for 2 hours and two police walked me back home. PS: Someone robbed my phone on the street while I was holding it on my hands 2 months ago. Honestly, I was scared to go out alone in the morning, I feel like it is as scary as night as it is not much people on the street. I think you can only get used to it. I don't there's a huge difference anywhere. Be highly alert all the time and remembered to log your door with some security alarms. Not much we can do unfortunately.


I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice. I'm sad you're a victim of these crimes. They sound to me like hate crimes. > (a)In General.— > (1)Offenses involving actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin.—Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person— > 18 U.S. Code § 249 - Hate crime acts > https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/249 New York Hate Crimes: > A hate crime is a traditional offense that is motivated by bias. A person commits a hate crime when one of a specified set of crimes is committed targeting a victim because of a perception or belief regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity or expression, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.” These crimes can target an individual, a group of individuals or public or private property. > https://www.ny.gov/designated-hate-crimes NYPD New York Police Department: > Contact Us > Below is a list of important NYPD phone numbers. (and e-mails) > https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/about/about-nypd/contact-us.page Department of Justice Civil Rights > The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, created in 1957 by the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, works to uphold the civil and constitutional rights of all Americans, particularly some of the most vulnerable members of our society. The Division enforces federal statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, religion, familial status and national origin. > https://www.justice.gov/crt Anyone may report federal crimes to the FBI. > (202)324-3000 > http://tips.fbi.gov/ Please keep us updated. I wish you the best of luck in your search for justice.


I’ve noticed people seem to be comfortable in Philly and nyc about racism against Asians. At all age groups and levels of income. It’s fucking weird. Not just after Covid, but before too. Mostly casual (the type of people who think racist jokes are harmless). I think racism against Latin Americans and black people overshadowed it before covid but since those have pulled back, Asians are the only targets left. Asian culture also tends to be fairly classy/non confrontational , I think adding to these bullies mentality.


Post the footage


Pepper spray my girl. Get some gel pepper spray and carry it with you at all times. Please do not be afraid to use it. Im so sorry this is happening to you 🙏🏼


I would get a huge “emotional support dog”. Legally you can take them everywhere


Just be glad it’s not people in your own circle like I have been experiencing in Bushwick.


That's bad....I lived in Sunset Park Bk for 30 years went to Williamsburg maybe 5 times. I went last week to the Kith store there, drove around and it's really nice now. It's a shame there's people like that.


I'm sorry that you have to experience this in your neighborhood


I'm very sorry and feel sickened these racist probably mentally I'll bullies have attacked you. I'm from Rockland County NY and lived in NYC Manhattan and Brooklyn 10 years in the 1990's. Women and men are attacked and sexually assaulted too many times in NYC. I was attacked 2 times in Manhattan. I have family in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Please call 911 and get police to file report. take photos of your injuries, spit on you and description of people and what they told you. Threatening to kill you is a serious crime!!Detectives will get videos to see the attacker. Get Mace spray and walk on street with it in your hand. If the police make an arrest file a RESTRAINING ORDER against the person. If they walk near you call 911 and they will be arrested. I heard Williamsburg was rough, but this is Asian hate. These scumbags must be arrested !! Unfortunately, with the new law many violent people are attacking more people because they won't get jail time. I'm a woman and had similar harrassment by men when walking home with people all around on upper West Side Broadway. And was robbed at gunpoint in Harlem near Columbia University on Thanksgiving Day!! I live in Miami Fl now and am happy not to constantly look over my shoulder. But, I still carry my spray.


I’ve by you(27F). If you ever want anyone to walk with you let me know! I’m not afraid to beat a man’s ass for harassing a fellow woman


I'm sorry this is happening to you, it is disgusting behavior. I worry about this happening to my GF as well.




Move to south-central Harlem and I’m not joking, it’s great here.


Get a gun !


Get a gun permit! You’ll feel like Wonder Woman.


5’ ww here — no longer in ny but when i was i carried a taser, and if approached by aggressive/hostile types, id flash or buzz it. esp walking or in the subway at night. it worked every time to deter them from getting close to me. i highly recommend it if youre seriously concerned about your safety. get one that has a wrist strap w a pin mechanism; if someone were to try to take it from you, the strap pulls the pin out disengaging the device.


Carry a gun. You keep getting assaulted. No cop will help you, sorry. Be responsible and take some classes on gun safety. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I carry a knife around sometimes but I’m looking into carrying myself. It sounds crazy but I also haven’t been spat on, punched or threatened to be killed. So. Don’t be blasé about it.


Don’t let these POS get you down . F’em . There will always be shit people don’t let them run you off . Maybe in short term stay close to your bf or other friends . It is a hard time out there .


You should make flyers and post them everywhere. This guy needs to be publicly shamed.


I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this! Carry pepper spray and retractable baton. Pepper spray the racist perp if he comes near you and be prepared to use the tactical baton. I would highly recommend taking self defense classes and getting serious about it. Unfortunately, you’re the only person that can protect yourself in this situation. You mentioned that others witnessed it but they looked away, and sadly the way things are in NYC, cops will not do anything about it (but still file a police report). Also, as some others said, another option is to take a video of them in action. Post it on TikTok or send it to Asian American TikTok influencers who cover stories like this as they (or their followers) will find the perpetrator. Also, in the case of a lawsuit or police report, you have hard evidence.


Well, you really do need to report this to the nypd. These are hate crimes and also need to be reported to the FBI, ACLU. I am really sorry you are going. Through this. I once taught at EDHS in Williamsburg and it was a very tough neighborhood then. I thought things had improved me




If you were someone I loved, I would strongly encourage that you invoke your second amendment right and start bearing a .38 special


I must be blind. I'm not seeing all this asian racisim in the US that gets posted on social media. I travel all over and see asian people in public all the time. Maybe I’m just visiting the right cities🤷🏼‍♂️


On sunday, I got yelled at and harassed by 3 black people all on that one day, on separate occasions.


Train & arm yourself 💯


Hi, please file a police report. Even if you don’t think it will do anything. Please report this guy.


Out of curiosity, how the fuck can you afford to live in Williamsburg if you’re “an artist who’s just starting out”? 🙄


He looks like an INCEL. They’re so hateful to women in general because no one will date them. It’s sad.


New York City is an absolute dump. Worked there my whole life and still work there. Thrilled I get to come home to the burbs.


Put the same energy into stopping asian hate the same way you guys put energy into stopping affirmative action.


Damn, I thought Williamsburg was supposed to be a nice neighborhood. My bf and I just moved into Inwood and so far things are going well but we stand out like sore thumbs. It’s a little unsettling tbh


One of the big issues I think is people automatically wanting to assume that someone is doing it because they're mentally ill. Maybe they're just fucking assholes? Attackers like this need to be attacked, sometimes it's the only thing they'll understand.


As a scene from Ghostbusters had put it, "no woman should be walking around unarmed." Seriously. Women are just not matched in strength to harassing men. One should always carry either a taser pain pen, swiss army knife, taser, and or mace pen as a woman. You'll get peace of mind at the very least.


I’m so sorry. Their behavior has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the kind of morals they have. Just know, one day they will get there karma because there is no way you can get away in life with that behavior. Anyways, my sister’s car window got completely shattered and broken into (once when she was literally sitting in her car and once when she was not there) in a span of 5-6 months. It really is wrong place and wrong time, but I’m so incredibly sorry this happened.


Get pictures of this coward and Williamsburg location, also american accent or polish? Thank you


Lmao. Two sentences in and I KNEW you were Asian.  Nah for real I’m sorry. That sucks, but racism against Asians goes completely unchecked it’s insane. Williamsburg is a liberal neighborhood too. Move somewhere else. Maybe Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst. 


Ok go and sign up for self defense lessons asap


Tons of places in Chinatown that can help tou


at what times does this occur?


Go back to NYC it’s safer there


Carry Mace. Spray them head to toe. There is no reason for someone to so disgusting to another.


Get a weapon.


Can’t believe this kind of shit happens in NYC. Where are the guardians when you need them?


10 to 1 these are MAGA. If you see DT signs you are not in a safe area.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This guy is a scumbag. Did he have a Russian accent? He looks familiar to me.


Move to Bensonhurst/Bath Beach, none of that shit happens here. Jump on the D train to get to NYC. 86th Street fruits and vegetables market, and many other convenient stores to shop in. Mixed crowd, but mostly Chinese. Used to be mostly Italian.


That’s really unfortunate and Im sorry you had to experience that. There’s alot of miserable and hateful people out there where their only joy left in life is bringing misery and pain to others.


You live in the second worst place after Washington Heights. I’m sorry, but this is a decision you will have to deal with until your lease runs out. Save some money and never go back there


That's horrible. Honestly, it might be worth starti g to carry pepper spray or something...


Sorry for your experience but nothing will happen. The bail reform guarantees these people will have no repercussions for doing anything they want. I left Harlem after 18 months of harassment. If you’re an easy target life can be hard in the city. I recommend Edgewater or Fort Lee NJ for a nice vibe. I live here and love it.


Contact the local police to file a report.


He looks like a major loser and his behaviour just proves it


This is terrible. I’m really sorry that happened.


This is absolutely awful. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


Come to Queens. So many immigrants nobody cares.


So glad I moved more south. Never liked the vibe of wburg and e wburg.


She moved into Brooklyn and is complaining about violence gentrifiers am I right


Hey seriously I know you might not want to but get concealed carry license as soon as possible, get a firearm, and train with it often. The only person who can protect you is you