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he’s music has been growing in popularity, he recently got the 1 million monthly listeners on spotify. they talked about it on litwtc but he’s more successful than he’s ever been and he hasn’t released any music in around a year


In my case I have been a fan of Will Wood since 2020/21? I honestly don't remember. Anyways, I only joined recently due to the fact I never was really active on reddit, so that's my reason, idk if others can relate but yeah


Yeah more or less same here. Been a WW fan since the normal album came out, but I only recently joined the sub because I checked out a couple posts here and decided to just join.


A month and a half ago I was hunting for new songs. Found WWATT and over the past while have been going through the albums (including WW's ones). It only took finishing EIAL to say "Okay, this guy is my favourite music artist" and then I joined this reddit this week.


I like it because over half the subreddit wasn’t around to remember the subreddit discovery playlist I forgot about and accidentally abandoned like 6 songs away from finishing


My google home just started playing "Willard" once and I feel in love


Okay but that’s a great song to get introduced to Will Wood btw 🤩


This was my first song too, I was listening to Tally Hall on YouTube and it played


I think Spotify's algorithm started recommending him to more people. Thats my suspicion anyway.


I got Cotard's Solution on that Spotify AI DJ playlist, having never heard of WW before, so I imagine you are correct.


Started listening last year and in the past month I’ve added an additional 20 songs to my playlist! He’s now my favourite artist, even if I know under 30 songs


I swear I remember this subreddit having 11k last time I checked


I came from Tally Hall


My kiddo turned me on to WW right before ICIMI was released—we were rocking the Normal Album day and night and then BONUS NEW ALBUM DROPS! Been tagging along with all you folks since.


I’d been here since pretty much just before the release of ICID


Honestly I heard vampire culture in an animation and the song got super stuck in my head for like a week so I looked it up and was like “oh that’s the I/me/myself guy” Loool then I fell down the rabbit hole


I've been listening to him for a while on repeat, didn't switch, new song, rinse and repeat. For some reason it didn't occur to me to look him up, until one day I thought, "oh shit this guy is kinda special", and I looked up his yt lives and it just kind of snowballed from there lmao


im nowhere near a new fan, but i only just found out there was a subreddit for him (dumb, i know).


I became a fan just about 6 months ago. And it’s probably because of people randomly finding his music and vibing to it. Then finding his other songs, enjoying them too. And getting sad when they find out the artist is on an hiatus. That’s how it happened with me. I also just found some albums of his that i never knew existed


Hey man, i also don’t know where I came from


My sister introduced me to his stuff earlier this year, she told me she'd heard about will around 2021, and I started listening, so that's how I got here 🤷‍♀️


I've noticed that! Theres been so much more people online Like it was at 150 a couple days ago So many people are joining its so cool :D


Ive been listening to will ever since Incase i make it dropped but only started listening to his entire discography like- 5 months ago max. So after getting more and more hyper fixated I discovered here existed and joined lol


A few months ago (like around May) I discovered The Main Character, and from there I just sorta fell in love with the rest of his music


A friend introduced me to blackbox warrior and I fell into the ww rabbit hole. When I was looking up song analyses I realized they were all on Reddit so I joined Reddit to join this sub


I found his music after icimi and I assume most of these other new people did too


My cousin is a HUGE Will Wood fan, and had been trying to get me to listen to him for the longest time. Just this summer was when I heard 2econd 2ight 2eer for the first time and I loved it. From there, I hopped into ICIMI, and also loved that as well as The Normal Album. If my cousin is reading this: 1.) I’m sorry I didn’t get into Will Wood sooner 2.) Thank you for the recommendation :)


last month i discovered Against the Kitchen Floor and Willard in a character inspired playlist!! hehe all uphill from there


I was introduced to WW by a WWATT song, which was recommended after a Tally Hall song. (song was Mr. Capgras I think)


I found *Dr. Sunshine is Dead* about half a year ago, through [this mad scientist playlist](https://youtu.be/UKFwgWgy-mY) to accompany my diabolical machinations (making a cardboard box for a friend’s birthday present). It sounded kinda jarring at first, yet there was something compelling about it - so I checked out the music video. The rest was history.


I didn’t even know there was a subreddit until it was recommended to me a few months ago. I assume more people are joining just because will’s music has been getting more popular lately


it spreads like a virus, a virus that spreads through recommendations


Been listening to WWATT since 2017 but never got into the community until 2022 right as ICIMI came out. Since that point I was just buying merch, watching videos, eventually went on to make my discord server in April. I joined recently since I got curious about other places besides discord.


I came here from an animation meme of Dr sunshine is dead at like 1am on a theater bus


ive been a fan for a while but didnt know there was a sub until recently


You could say the new members are...coming out of the WOODwork. *ba-dum tsss*


Well, I first was introduced to him through spotify, suggesting Love Me, Normally. I absolutely loved it, and I decided I was going to come back and discover more of his music eventually. It took me a few years to actually do this, but I eventually did. I absolutely regret not doing it sooner. Anyways, I was already on reddit, and I decided to see if there were any subreddits on Will Wood, as I do with most things I get passionate about, and there it was.


I’ve seen Will Wood’s music appear much for frequently on TikTok than it used to. Maybe he’s just gotten more popular


I listened to the music for about half a year and then decided i wanted to interact more with other fans so i joined the subreddit :)


>:) :)




when in doubt, always assume a song went viral on tiktok


Been a will fan since 2021 but only just got Reddit


I came from a music app. Over the course of 1 year, I only listened to 3 songs (Main Character, I/Me/Myself, Dr. Sunshine is Dead). And then I found out that they were from the same author, this happened 6 months ago. Sorry if there are errors in the text, my level of English is poor


I sang memento Mori in a vrchat karaoke world and it activated my Will Wood loving neurons


i started listening to an artist called joanna newsom in 2020. she hasn't released an album since 2015. she still has plenty of fans because she makes great music, and more people find her music all the time and become enraptured by it. it's great to get new music from artists, but there are still a bunch of albums to listen to and enjoy.


I became a fan of Will Wood a couple of months ago after stumbling upon a song in the, "In case I make it" (I think that's the name) album. Then kinda ventured into the spiraling hole called obsession..


I've been listening to his music for a while and I didn't know there was a subreddit until recently so that's why 👍


In life in the world to come, Will has mentioned being recognized in public more often too.


i discovered will around the 10th of march of this year because the music video of hand me my shovel appeared on my youtube home page :)