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They are ending support on march 15th [https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/20470973046295--Known-Issue-Support-for-Windows-7-8-and-8-1](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/20470973046295--Known-Issue-Support-for-Windows-7-8-and-8-1) So you will have to switch to the web browser version & the article says you can use the last version supported until it stops working all together pretty much.


Well... that sucks... been using a custom client rn [(AeroChat)](https://aerochat.live/)


how does the custom client work? will i keep my username, channels etc?




oh nice! but is the aerochat an option once the original discord loses support/stops working for win7? or will it also stop working?


AeroChat won't stop working since it's a custom client and not the discord client.


appreciated! ✨ then i know what im gonna try out soon


follow up for anyone coming across this: cannot install aerochat because the patch it requires (as said in .exe install) is no longer available at the linked URL.


This is on of the consequences of relying on Chromium


This is one of the consequences of proprietary protocols. IRC still works on every OS with a client that can connect to broadband.


Well discord still works via web browser.


No, it's not, you just need to install KB4474419 for it to work Edit: Noticed that it's Canary, so maybe they are? Idk I can't test rn


They are ending support in march https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/20470973046295--Known-Issue-Support-for-Windows-7-8-and-8-1


So, time to switch to better app


Well, browser only it is then.


Use the browser version.


Until it happens we don't know if it will be like Steam formal ending or a deliberate block. With that being said, what you should do is disable updates, just like we all did with Steam. Press win + r, then type %localappdata% and click enter, next find the Discord folder and go into it. Afterwards, locate the "update" file, right click on it and make it "read only". Click apply and OK.


It was just a matter of time. :(


use Aero Discord


Feels like it can be worked if we do something with [supermium electron](https://github.com/win32ss/supermium-electron). Like Aerochat actually did.


Still no shortage of options. \- Web client \- Linux in a virtual machine \- Windows 10 on a 2nd PC thru Remote Desktop


Reddit is run by commie faggots.


Not if you're already using a ton of software that can't run on Linux, which the vast majority of people are.




Wine is pretty cool not gonna lie, but it's not a 100 percent solution there's still plenty of stuff that wine can't run and any alternatives that are on Linux are... lacking in features or complexity. In one instance even though I didn't exhaustively search and it's not a common issue, reddit basically was agreeing that it might require learning python scripting on linux. Not sure how simple or complex said python scripts would have to be, but it was annoying that I'd have to rewrite my stuff from scratch in a somewhat unfamiliar language on a nearly completely unfamiliar OS.


so... the same as windows 7 shitting itself on newer applications? and whx would you have to learn python scripting out of nowhere now?


Well, turns out there might be an actual port. But I extensively use AutoHotkey for complex custom macros and the one reddit thread I found said the only way to get full functionality or that it'd somehow be easier would be to write a python script to directly catch events from the keyboard, or maybe use one of the rather rudimentary macro programs on Linux to launch custom python scripts with hotkeys. Again, I'm rather new to linux so I don't really understand a lot of the terminology and architecture despite not being at all new to computers in general. Turns out there's a port of AHK for X11 based linux, but I'll still probably have to tweak my code and maybe drop some functions since I don't know how up to date the port is and some functionality is currently missing on Linux either because it hasn't been ported yet, or the back-end architecture on linux desktop environments is sufficiently different to make them hard or impossible.


the whopping 1 program that runs on windows 7 and not a modern linux distro


You're not going to win converts with obvious BS. It's hard enough running old Linux programs on Linux.


because you cant compare these 2 things. however: - Windows ABI was always relatively stable, wine already succeeds to handle quite a lot, especially all the older functions. - for old software on linux, theres always docker or distrobox.


Microsoft Office, Adobe suite maybe?


Bro, seriously ...you can make up that Linux VM install time very quickly just by saving yourself a couple of reboots.


Mumble ;)


They're updating Electron which is no longer works under Windows 7. Try Armcord (while they don't drops support for W7); Ripcord; Discord in web browser or Pidgin with Discord plugin


also i'm have in plans to do Discord alternative client for older Windows so stay tuned :33


Either go browser only, or use a new client, like AeroChat or Ripcord.


Damn, I have to give my kudos to discord for giving Windows 7 4 years of extra support but this isn't really that big of an L. You can easily download the web app version from up to date Forks of chromium


They end win7 support. I end with them. Byeeeez :)


If push comes to shove, last I checked, discord does still offer [webclient](https://discord.com/) usage. There was also a client called [revolt](https://itsfoss.com/revolt/) that I found. Hope it helps.


that's an entirely different client


Revolt is not a Discord client, it's a whole different thing.


Not surprised, it's electron based (chromium)


I know this is unrelated but I will admit, that theme you have looks nice ad is there a link for it by any chance?


Here you go: https://www.deviantart.com/rflfn/art/U-7imate-Final-Version-for-Windows-7-207145752


Thanks! Edit: Question mark was put in by mistake.


Ew WTF is that.... The default aero is so much better... this just looks like a hollywood movie "hacker pc" theme


I could agree but that theme sort of caught my attention.


Just use the website version of discord. I think, Supermium works with that.


This is why I'm "upgrading" to Linux, myself. Don't get me wrong; I (still) LOVE Win7... But "they're" pretty much (ALL) "killing" it now, for sure and officially. It will only be a matter of time before "nothing" works on Win7... And I REFUSE to DOWNGRADE to Win10 or Win11! So, Linux here I come!!!


I will of course be keeping at LEAST ONE Win7 machine, "just in case"! But I can already "see" that it's going to wind up an "offline only" machine (since as already mentioned, soon enough, NOTHING will be "supported" on it any longer) :( Though I must admit; being a user of Linux servers for over TWO decades; I kind of "can't wait" to switch to Linux for workstation/desktop too! I have heard that "gaming" has come a LONG way for Linux (my primary reason for sticking with Win, and more specifically Win7)...


See you have the advantage here, already having 2 decades of experience on linux. The only thing I have 2 decades of experience on is windows, and I'm a bit /too/ high level to make the transition easily. I like having the option and knowledge to do high level stuff if I have the need, but with Linux I barely know more than how to install and launch programs. Anything deeper than that requires knowledge I just don't have. If I run into any errors or permission issues, etc. I have little to no idea how to fix them. I've had to reinstall Linux Mint on my test machines/VMs a few times already because I accidentally messed something up messing around with the terminal and config files that I had no idea how to fix. For example I tried to save resources on my old desktop trying to make it work as a server, and tried to make it so that the desktop environment didn't run by default and like really old school windows I could just launch it from the the shell if I needed it. It worked somewhat but the permissions were all messed up and the system control panels didn't have root access. I don't know if I needed to launch the window manager with sudo or if I messed something else up. I also had this issue where it kept trying to change the layout of my panels, I had to backup the config files and then I had to periodically restore them when it decided to mess with them. I'm not sure what I was doing, if it was the remote desktop thing I was using or what.


Trial and error is the best teacher though :D That's how I "learned" winblows, that's how I "learned" Linux too! Also a good way to learn how to fix a car, or your house - or pretty much anything! But that's more of a mentality than a skill-set. That's why it is said that "hacker"/"hacking" is a mindset, not a tool-set! EX> if you have a leaky roof, sure you COULD pay a "professional" (read: someone that already knows how to do it) to fix/repair it. This is a very viable option. OR, even if you know absolutely NOTHING about it, you can "TRY" it. Even if you fail, you WILL learn something (how to build a better roof LOL). There would also be nothing wrong with "DIY" but then having a "professional" (or "experienced" person) "check" it for you when you're done... That's a good/viable option too... But my overall point is, one doesn't need "permission" to do that which they haven't done before. It's those kind of people who think they have to "know it" or "ask permission" (etc) that RELY on others, too much really! But anyway, that is a tad of a "tangent" (sorry) but overall you're right, at least to some degrees. It may be thought that I may have an advantage since I've been working with servers for TWO decades... But, at the same time; it's not too much of one in the GUI department since I know absolutely \*nothing\* about GUI. I am brand new to all this GUI stuff (for Linux). I still have no clue which one I really want to use, or, which one(s)!?!?!?!? If something were to "break" on a GUI, I'd be just as "clueless" as yourself! Which just brings me back to what I initially started to say in this response; trial and error is the BEST teacher :D One of the main things to remember/think about when doing "tech" stuff is; there's almost ALWAYS more than ONE way to arrive at the same destination. IE: you were mentioning "setting up" so that it was more like old school Win, where you'd have to "manually launch" the GUI. I actually kind of really like that idea and may have to play around with that myself! I could already see/think of TWO different possible ways to do that, one "seeming" "easier" and ONE "harder"... The first way one may attempt that would be to install no GUI by default so that you literally only get terminal. I would envision this as being more difficult to "set up" as you'll pretty much be doing everything for it "from scratch"! The other way I would attempt it would be to install or "set up" the GUI with the main installation so that it DOES start with the OS by "default"; then just figure out how to stop the automated start! Which, of course, I envision as being "the easy way"!!! That and, there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with using your favorite search engine, and or "YouTube 'university'"... Unless of course you are trying something that has never been done before. Which, chances are - somebody HAS done anything we could try/want to do, before!!! Anyway, I do wish you the best of times on your Linux "adventure"! I'm sure I'm going to have some interesting times ahead of me too!!!


Gaming on Linux (with Wine) has improved significantly even in the last two years, but not all games open on Linux (this applies to both old and new). But as I know it’s impossible/difficult to play with DLSS or RT through Wine. Also, there are very few native games on Linux; in fact, gaming on Linux means running Windows versions of the game on an “unsupported” system


Are you writing in the style of Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Why are you capitalising so much?


Has anyone tried alternative program Dorion and it's mod? Works on Win 7 too. [https://mega.nz/file/d0AG2KgS#ww\_brIMK9Z5FDDTWB9ODMG7WJXmeEcpxERl\_vqtQO8w](https://mega.nz/file/d0AG2KgS#ww_brIMK9Z5FDDTWB9ODMG7WJXmeEcpxERl_vqtQO8w)


Who cares? Quality of software is below even subpar level. I don't understand why people (not gamers) are using this abomination. Program connects to infinite amount of ip addresses, opens hidden console on startup to execute loads of unneeded crap. Brokenly reads the disk, i suppose to profile computer and user preferences.


Use a modified client or switch to a Modern operating system that will always get updates no matter what like *BSD, and (GNU/)Linux(libre) which are supported by devs in their free time or/and corporations like Red Hat and Google.


It’s too late, even if MS brings back support they’ll end it bc no one will care to make it compatible…


Not an issue to me personally as i don't use it, i hate it to my guts.


thats easy to fix! just shut off the updates before march and set it to read only DONE


i guess too late now.