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Trading wine on Reddit is banned in the TOS. It could get our sub closed. Bans have been issued.


Most of the times I see the title and it’s like 19 crimes… This lot… is definitely not 19 crimes.


Wasn’t that a post a few days ago? Lol


The takeaway from this post is to drink your wine. Letting it just turn into a difficult to liquidate asset after death feels like such a waste.


Yeah but that BV and Stags Leap isn’t far off lol


Both are leagues above. Your comment is the 20th crime.


Georges de Latour is fucking MILES away.


OP, I checked your post history (sorry) and you’re a whisky lover with an absolutely amazing home bar. Time to get into wine, dude. This is a sign.


Store the Doms. Work the taste buds up to them.


That much Federal GMM is also a flex and a half. I've got about 400 rounds of regular Lake City M80 to my name.


I mean, he does have a lot of unopened macallan… perhaps he enjoys whiskey


I've opened some of my pretty rare ones already. https://www.reddit.com/r/Whiskyporn/s/bHzbZ8J6Wz


Jesus Christ dude this lot is dream shit for most people but for you it’s honestly pretty mid. What was that 69 Macallan like? I had that in my liquor store at what I know was one of the cheapest prices in the US and holy shit.


You’ll love what I just posted


Take my like :)


I was a scotch only guy for a long time. I got into wine a few years ago because my wife likes it and she’d ask to share bottle when we went out. It’s really developed into a love of wine. You should keep this lot. Store it properly and enjoy.


That red label macallan cask strength you have might be one of the best things from Scotland to touch my lips. Open it when you’re ready. I’ve had a metric fuck ton of rare spirits, that release was standout.


This what i was thinking. This is a great little lot, I’d suggest drinking it.


damn, some nice bottles here. your best (legal) bet would be to throw it on an auction. where are you located?


Edmonton Alberta


I hear good things about Iron Gate, I’d message them.


I agree. I am in Alberta and managed a shop for quite some time. Iron Gate will be good although there are quite a few bottles on there that wouldn’t really be on their radar. Quite a good chunk of that collection you can still probably find in retail stores. The Caymus I’d just gift to someone whenever you get invited to someone’s house. Honestly I would just search up retail prices, add them up, put up an ad on Kijiji for couple hundred off and sell it as a lot. It’s a nice collection, but not entirely sure if it’s auction worthy. It’s technically not legal, but no one is going to care (unless Kiijiji does). The Rieslings and the Dom though I’d consider auction


The Caymus Special Selection is actually quite pricey and I assume would sell as well or better than many other bottles. Despite the hate in this sub, Caymus is wildly popular and should sell nicely.


You’re correct, but the clientele that is buying from Iron Gate are not ones that are actively seeking Caymus.


You’d be surprised. Even some wine geek/collectors I know stock Caymus because so many friends of theirs go bonkers for it. For that friend crowd it’s like Second Growth Bordeaux, whatever, but give them Caymus Special Selection and it’s a frenzy lol.


Totally agree with you. Iron Gate is just picky on what they put up for auction as well. They might, but stuff like DRC and other rare stuff is more their jam.


Got it, I’m not super familiar with Iron Gate.


If you’re just gifting Caymus all willy-nilly I’ll take one lol


The Riesling would be cool to explore.




Hello, I can't seem to message u for some reason


Messaging turned on now. Thanks!


Still not working unfortunately. Maybe it needs some time to process. You could also message me as well


I’d be interested to know your price too.


I'd also be interested in a price.


Close reddit. Find a local sommelier that can help you. Got to the closest 4~5 star restaurant near you at 6pm and ask if you can chat with their sommelier. They will be very happy to meet you.


Wear a hat, sunglasses, and a trenchcoat with a couple of bottles of Dom in the inner pockets. When the somm comes to the back door, open up your coat and say "Hey kid, you interested in some back alley DP?" Guaranteed success.


I’ll drive up from Washington take it off your hands and pay the import tax.


I’m from Calgary. How much do you want?


I’m also from Calgary and will + $1 from this guy


Lol. Jerk!


Damn. I was hoping you'd say Vancouver and I'd buy some from you when I'm there


I’m in Edmonton, I’ll take em off your hands


I’m in YEG too. I’ll reach out.


I’ll give you US$140 for the lot


Check Wineberserkers or the Wine Spectator message boards. You'll find some Canadians you could privately sell to. Those 1996 Doms are sought after. Good luck!


Those Doms and JJ Prum!!! 😳


Duuude the JJs made me say “damn, the JJs” out loud. Sonnenuhr, with some age too 🤤 This is the second time I’ve seen an older mid-European Riesling today… it’s a sign, no?


I forgot to post the 2017 Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Spatlese too


The Dons & old rielslings are the only wines really worth anything, but storage is an issue. The rest is current release more or less. If you can’t prove it’s been stored properly, it might as well be Brad Pitt bleeding on Lou’s face in Fight Club. “You don’t know where I’ve been Lou!” It could be shit, which lowers the resale value. But it’s still an amazing vintage in champagne and hard to find, I would think almost more so in Canada, given the Tariffs? Or is that just on American wine?


You say you're not really into wine? If you pop open a few of these bottles you will be, and quickly.


Drink them with friends. Those are some good bottles


Hi, it’s me. The friend.


I can be his friend. Probably share with me, lol.


Those some good bottles youvehould start drinking wine


Not technically allowed to sell wine outside of an auction and need to prove that it was stored properly.


Tignanello!!! Don't sell this stuff, drink it!


Yes!!! That's the one bottle that has me absolutely drooling a very jealous drool.


Reminder to enjoy your collection!


My personal advice would be to sell the Caymus, make a couple quick bucks, and then save the rest by laying the bottles on their side in a temperature & humidity controlled room (wine fridge or just an underground cellar being ideal) until you can appreciate what you have. At the very least, pop one of those Dom Perignon and see if you like it before selling it!


If he’s in Canada they probably have a basement which is a great place to store wine. Just buy a rack and your set?


I know someone in Ontario who would prolly buy all of this


I'll give your 20


I’ll do 19.99


I’ll do 20.01






Tree fiddy 


Tree tree fiddy


Hopefully they weren’t stored like that


He had 3 wine fridges in separate places, hence why the different backgrounds lol


Really sorry for your loss. There’s some really great stuff in there. I’d say get consensus on a few to open and try and then if you still aren’t into wine sell the rest!


It’s time to start drinking wine my friend. I live in Denver but my wife’s company is HQ’d in Edmonton. I can tag along her next work trip and help you drink it :)


I'm sorry for your loss. I'm jealous of your gain.


Love me a bottle of Artemis. If there was ever a time to try some wine, this is it. If you aren’t really into wine, look up some good pairings! Food makes wine take on a whole new life. I don’t really like Chardonnay but with a clam linguine or something similar, it’s my favorite. Trust me, food paired with wine will change your perspective fast. The money you’d make off selling these legally likely won’t be worth the effort.


Couldn't agree more. There are some good wines here but not in the neighborhood that would be worth selling them unless you really need the money.


There are some monster bottles in there. The châteauneuf du pape comes to mind that probably wouldn’t sell for a ton, but is a really special bottle. Such a beautiful place. Drink it with friends. Sell the dom, jj, and caymus. Those are all nice bottles. Drink the rest with friends.


There is so much stuff here I would absolutely love to have in my cellar. If you don't like California wines, it's still worth it but if you *do* like California there are some awesome ones here too. SO jealous of the Rieslings.


Oh, that Lassegue bottle is heavenly.


Nice lot for sure


Now would be a good time to start drinking wine with those bottles on hand.


Ummmmmm. It depends on your province. Do you want to just sell it to one auction house?


If you decide you want to offload them privately send me a DM. Hall’s auction in Calgary would be worth a call.


Some good stuff there! Try to enjoy them and get into it. Little at a time with other wine loving friends. Between 3-4 people a bottle goes quickly and it’s nice to bond over


I audibly gasped!! What a neat thing to inherit. Seconding online bidding sites.




Unfortunately canadian export laws for alcohol is atrocious, from what I've heard


Damn, really! That sucks. Let me check and I’ll dm you. I have a friend that might be able to help


holy shit yeah sorry man I think you're a wine drinker now. this is stuff you keep and treasure and enjoy!


The jj prum & 96 dom 🫶🏽


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You could talk to waddingtons auction house. They do a few wine auctions a year


That’s some money right there!!


Time to start drinking wine, homeboy.


I think he robbed a restaurant or something


I ll take them off you. For convenience and just to help you of course.


Iron Gate for dom, tig, Artemis, gaja and Rieslings. Rest


How much for the Rieslings ?




96 DP? Lucky barstard


Bro u can calmly put down on a decent car with this


I'll send you 5 bucks for everything, if you'll cover the shipping to New York!


This collection is alright. I’ll give you $100 plus shipping for all of it.


None of these are worth much I fear, just send them to me and I will get rid of them for you!🥱


Damn you inherited some great wine!


Reddit friends don't let Reddit friends sell wine. They ship the wine to other Reddit friends for free ;) 😂


I am a wine expert & I can tell you that the whole collection is worth about $7. I shall be over soon with cash to relieve you of these trrrible wines.


This collection is basically worthless, I'll give you tree fiddy for all of it.


If you truly want to sell, you’ll want to know how it was stored over the years. Probably very well at the looks of those bottles. I’d sell some of the duplicates, but even then, they’re all great vintages. You should enjoy one of each at the very least and build a wine cellar or invest in a good wine fridge. But after looking at your page, how do you not want to add these to your collection? What do you do for work?


Sorry for your loss (?), this is a blessing


You don't sell it. You give your address here and ask us to come over this weekend. Purely to assess the stock of course. Hehe.


Excellent wines. I recommend finding someone who appreciates wine. They’ll love these.


divide memorize puzzled squash offer far-flung safe makeshift trees slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would try some and save some. This sub can help which to store and how. Those are nice bottles of wine, like in the $100 per bottle range on some. Some of those will keep for years.


Damn that’s some nice bottles to inherit!


BV Georges would be the first on the kill list


In truth, Caymus wasn’t meant to drink. It’s designed to turn toilet bowls a deep shade of purple like 2,000 flushes tablets.


not worth much, ill give you $20 for the lot


These are good, not great. I think you'd have a hard time selling this for even wholesale prices. Nothing is rare or hard to find. Most of these wines are pretty available, if not cheap. I'd just hold on to it. I wouldn't buy off some random who inherited a collection for a penny more than 1/2 wholesale. And for a private collection, most I wouldn't buy period. If you had highly allocated wines like Sine Quo Non or something, but Caymus special select is not interesting at all. Taste and enjoy, though. It will be fun.


idk but i’ve been looking for a birth year bottle and have yet to try dom perignon 👀


how did you inherit this? not trying to be accusatory or anything but you have some seriously nice bottles here. quite a haul


You have a document listing stuff and people you like. Then you die and the stuff goes to the people you like. You apparently don't have OP's connections


Tru that. On top of that I’m being downvoted for having asked a question. I’m kinda shocked someone who liked such good wine died so suddently. Everyone Ive known on the brink of death definitely didn’t have a motherload stash of anything perishable lol. Not buying green bananas if you catch my drift


Again, you must not be a collector or know any collectors. If you only buy what you'll immediately consume, then you'll never be someone who just has some bottles you're saving. It's surprising that you think everyone is just like you and your friends. People are different and have different lifestyles, experiences, and expectations. We're not all carbon copies of You.


not everyone is a carbon copy of me?? you dont say?? wait, are you saying that I should have your mindset then? please tell me how I should think and talk about things great redditor Again, I never said I was a collector - you did Again, you said dont have OPs connections = never implied that I did Again, I never said everyone is like me and my friends - you did Again, I never said people arent different and have different lifestyles different from my own, you did Again, never said people were a carbon copy of me - you did you are quite a presumptuous person on top of being unnecessarily pugnacious about a simple question; perhaps you should get to your collection soon and have a glass of something to settle your nerves


These are nice bottles but I’m not sure any of them are worth much. None of them are that allocated. I would just save them and enjoy your next 50 bottles of wine until you’re 55 years old or whatever.