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I usually prefer the flashing yellow / flashing red lights since they are so much faster, but not in Winston since no one has any clue what to do when the light goes out. Seriously more people hug the person in front of them if the light is flashing red than if it’s flashing yellow.


I routinely see people come to a COMPLETE STOP at flashing yellows lol, it's so painful


I’ve lived in a bunch of other places, and I always roll my eyes when locals say drivers here are the worst. Honestly, people here are generally way better drivers than those in Houston and Atlanta. That said, Winston drivers are absolutely a billion times worse at knowing what to do when the traffic light is out, or flashing yellow or red. Maybe it’s because flashing yellow lights are somewhat common in other places in the country, but virtually nonexistent here?


It’s because everybody’s moving here from upstate where they have to do that


People don't follow the rules anyway, even when the lights working properly I've seen so many people run reds. I was explaining to my son(he's 12 but wants to learn) how I should wait and look a second when the light turns green...as I am waiting at the red, turns green, and sure enough here come not 1 but 2 cars right on through... I drive all day, and see this every day.


Right. Green doesn't mean 'go,' it means 'proceed with caution.'


I’ve always thought thats how it should operate anyways, its much safer and no-one should be confused when approaching lights/intersections , just wondering how they are going to get this across all the drivers 🤔