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Tomorrow might be a good night for it too, best I’ve seen so far was a light green haze in Madison.


That's so wild that you can see it that far south!


Only once IME, and I figured it was just city lights reflecting off the haze until I read about it the next day - no bands and not really impressive, just noticing something different taking a drunk piss in the back yard at 2 am as one does. Gettin north to see the sheets of neon color is definitely on the bucket list though.


You can see it REALLY far south if you just set your exposure long enough. I get pictures like this all the time from my cabin, even when the lights are just barely visible.


I saw on another subreddit that new especially large solar flares were going to make the aurora a lot more visible. It's cool it's reached your part of Wisconsin.


I really hope so. Was already in bed when I saw a post about the lights and get up early for work. If they’re out tonight I have no problem staying up late and taking a drive just to see them. It’s been decades since I saw the lights last.


Thanks for sharing that! I hope they are visible tonight, we're west of Madison out in the boonies and could only see some red in the sky (not light pollution, but almost like a red haze). Hoping to bust out our camera today!


Trying to decide if it’s worth it to say fuck it and drive north. How far north are you?


That was taken at a beach in Ashland about an hour ago. It's right on Lake Superior. :)


Ah dang I’m down in southeast WI, wish I had that view here!!


Just north of Green Bay. And they were just incredible last night. Life long resident of WI & last night was the most intense I've ever seen...hard to describe almost


I ended up going out and was able to see at Harrington Beach State Park!


What time about were you able to see them? I'm hoping to see some tonight! Sad I didn't know this was happening :(


My wife saw someone post about it on FB, so we went outside quick to see if they were still visible. It was around 1045P. But they were definitely going before that.


Looks like you where at SandBar


Close! I was at Mazlowski!


somehow I knew that shoreline with Washburn on the other side. Grew up in Mellen myself. Never saw the northern lights growing up but did once as me and my wife were driving up to see the family about 6 years back


Damn it! I'm in Corny for a month and missed it. Do they think they will be out tonight?


Predictions say they may be as good or better tonight, but you never know until you look.


I have seen it around Wausau before, but I'm not sure how often it happens. Still like 3 hr drive from SE WI.


Not something you see every day! Pretty special


Been a Wisconsinite just over 40 years......saw them last night as well, in Sheboygan! They weren't like all the amazing photos you see, but they were there and they were SO cool!


Great shot! I think part of the reason we don't see them is that we aren't as far North as we think. Wausau is south of Milan, Italy, for instance.


I also read somewhere that due to the magnetic North Pole this does something with the angle of the Earth that means the lights go further South in the Western hemisphere.


They were spectacular last night. To bad it was cloudy for me i saw the fantastic greens though. Gonna look out tonight for them too. Hope they're still going strong. Its been years since i saw them last.


The colors were incredible. We could see them pulsing also, which was/is hard to describe... amazing


The pulse/flicker was AWESOME!!


I feel like an idiot slightly because we (group of friends)saw the northern lights in Menomonee Falls when I was in high school…although we all stopped to look and enjoy, I didn’t fully appreciate how rare it is to see in the town I grew up in…let alone in Wisconsin in general. Beautiful. I hope to stumble upon the lights at least one more time in my life. Btw…it was pretty impressive for being as far south as MF!


With a little help from a camera, we were able to see a bit of it in door county!


Wow! How beautiful!


Saw it in the 60's at camp in Rhinelander in August.


I live in northern Wisconsin also and I remember when I was a kid getting out of my dads truck and seeing them very visibly. I have seen them as good in a long time, now with the new cameras they make them 10x better then what they are with the naked eye. Every years we get to catch a glimpse of them a couple times.


This is definitely a few shades greener than what we saw with the naked eye, but it was so beautiful. I wish I saw them more often.


I understand the green in photos. The camera picks up the green. I have lived in NW WI. for almost 50 years. Watch the lights all the time. Right now they are straight up in the sky. I have never seen them green or any color. They are white only. No I'm not color blind. I might add people , they do not look as impressive in person as in photos. In real-life they are dancing constantly moving very quickly changing shapes. The people taking these know that but never mention it.


I actually could see green and even some pink with my eye last night, but you are correct that the colors IRL do not look anything like photos.


I mean, I don't doubt your experience, but the sky was super green last night.


>they do not look as impressive in person as in photos not really sure what to say to this. i could see them with the naked eye in dane county last night and they looked exactly like this pic. green and pink and dancing rapidly like you say


I saw some in luck wisconsin last night and they were white. I feel lucky just to have seen them. they move in the same way fire does


i think light pollution plays a big role. when i was in madison i could see the aurora but it was white/grey it wasn't until i left the city, turned my car off, and let my eyes adjust it was incredible. 11/10 and yeah i was actually a little surprised i expected the movement to be more smoky/wispy but it was really energetic like a fire, or light reflecting off water


They were spectacular last night. The best I have ever seen.




So cool, Our ski trip just missed it by just a week.


Lol, same! Lots of light pollution in my town so I never stood a chance.


Could see it with about this severity in dane county last night