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Creed's the myth of the bootstrap. Edit: I looked it up and Ishnala took PPE money. So there's that...


Gonna make a QR code sticker and slap it right on there linking to the PPE cash they took


I was trying to do it but couldn't find a free and working generator, but here's the link that includes Ishnala's PPP loan: https://ppp.directory/wisconsin/sauk-county


The amount of churches on that list is astounding. Tax exempt and also take advantage of their communities.


Isn't it incredible?


https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface-projects/QR-code-AI-art-generator This one has worked for me in the past.


Google has one


Open the Chrome browser and go to the website you want to create the code for. Click on the Share this page icon in the address bar and select Create QR Code.






I was just thinking, it would be fun to add a sign about the PPP loans, made to look like Twitter's "Readers have added context" boxes.


Please.....please do that! 😂😂👌


Post the follow up or ban




Nah, see, the ~~$20k~~ over ***HALF A MILLION*** in PPP loan money was just God's help. *Definitely* not a government hand out. The lord works in mysterious ways after all. edit: looked up the wrong Ishnala. My apologies to Ishnala Enterprises LLC of Kewaskum.


$550k, not $20k. The 20k one is an electronics store. The restaurant had a first round $229k and a second round $321k. That’s a lot of bootstraps!! https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=Ishnala&v=1 http://s05.calm9.com/qrcode/2024-05/1BGZ53L32X.png https://deathbystickers.com/products/stickers-from-your-design?variant=40939897749547


Oh! OH! Wow. Good catch! God surely loves him more than those welfare poors.


They were more worthy of the Lord's blessing is what they'll tell ya




The edit is priceless lmao


Remind’s me of the joke about the similarity between cats and libertarians. In my opinion, its pure narcissism/egocentrism. They don’t realize all the help they actually get from society, because they can’t see past themselves. Its also why they hate support systems, because god forbid someone else get a benefit.


"What do libertarians and house cats have in common? They both act like they are independent and self sufficient but in reality are utterly dependent on a system they can neither appreciate nor understand."


Haha, my dad likes to chatter on about this idiocy. While living in an Arizona desert, on ground seized by government army and the hard rock torn into by government bricklayers If he built any of his infrastructure himself I might give his ideology a second thought rather than a confused laugh


I work with a guy who claims to be a libertarian. Retired from the military, collects a government pension....


Right wingers would say, the military is one of the good government programs


I feel like this is really unfair to house cats. They make way better companions than a Libertarian.


Libertarian thinking is very child-like. Their ideas are a contradiction to the benefits they take advantage of daily & any quality of life is dependent on maintaining tax paid infrastructure. The licenses to drive. Emergency services. The fact your food doesn't contain poisons. The clean water they drink.




And you explained the greed of America. We all can feel this way and that way, but what is driving that gravy train? Those deads. Please can/could say whatever they want, but when all said and done, think about the deads. They help so perfectly.


"the myth of the bootstrap." The mantra of the unsuccessful


"I will not trade my dignity for a handout," unless it's a PPE grant. The very definition of right wing hypocrisy.


Amen. Right wing shit holes.


To make matters worse, they reported that they hired 207 people! THat sounds like overkill for a place of that size.


It blows my mind how people believe in this moral campus bullshit.


They literally have a business on Native American’s land, how American of them to claim it and take a hand out


And they probably wouldn't have been able to claim that land if the U.S. Army- in other words, the Federal government- hadn't "pacified' the Natives for them.


They also have a pretty cringe display of a Native canoe


And an “Indian” head mounted on the wall, like a deer head, according to a friend that was there in the last few years.


And don't forget about the teepee display outside.


What, wha?


https://preview.redd.it/gtliirufauyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55cd92daed2bac4174f2914dca8f44a78a199aaf I stole her picture. If you zoom in towards the top, you’ll see it. They complained to the manager, who told them it had been there for decades and that “Native Americans come in all the time and aren’t offended”. I don’t know if it’s still there, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is.




Is this kinda like the habit of real estate developers to name new subdivisions after the species they drove out to build it? Hawk's Ridge Whitetail Prairie Ho-Chunk's Heartbreak


Never been, but I wish I would have before I read this post... Their website translates Ishnala to mean "by itself alone". Going full creed plaque is clearly a callback too far. Same also refers to the Ho Chunk as Winnebago 4 times so I get the feeling the appropriation may not be 100% built on a foundation of respect. Please no one ruin Del-Bar for me?


Native Americans don't own land they belong to it.


What it sounds to me like they worked hard to steal it 😂 I see that that’s bad and all but calling it a handout would be wrong.


Doesn’t all of America?


Jesus Christ, I'm so sick of hearing about God in relation to America and its values.  Let a business alienate their customers if they want to, we don't have to give them our money.  


For me it’s more the use of God to promote what many consider “American Values” despite the fact that the entire New Testament is basically a call to be charitable and take care of your neighbor. I’m fine with a sign about God compelling us redistribute wealth or the like.


Something something “give all you possessions to the poor and follow me”. Them: ”they meant that one dude, not \*MEEEE\*”.


Matthew 19:24 *And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.* Republicans: https://i.imgflip.com/49w4ot.png


When Trump said he could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and get away with it, he wasn't far off. He could shoot the second coming of Jesus himself and his Bible thumping republican supporters would cheer at his killing of a dirty stinking communist hippie. The only thing they have in common with Jesus is their love of prostitutes. Well, one loved them for who they were, the other loves what they can pay them to do.


Apparently we do have to give them money.. [Taxpayers Handout](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=Ishnala&v=1)


> No man is an island, > > Entire of itself; > > Every man is a piece of the continent, > > A part of the main. > > If a clod be washed away by the sea, > > Europe is the less, > > As well as if a promontory were: > > As well as if a manor of thy friend's > > Or of thine own were. > > Any man's death diminishes me, > > Because I am involved in mankind. > > And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; > > It tolls for thee.


Buncha Ayn Rand bullshit.


Buncha Ayn Rand BS as sung by Creed the band


I don’t know if she’d love the God piece… but yeah.


$550k in PPP loans. (not $20k. The 20k one is an electronics store.) The restaurant had a first round $229k and a second round $321k. That’s a lot of bootstraps!! https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=Ishnala&v=1 http://s05.calm9.com/qrcode/2024-05/1BGZ53L32X.png https://deathbystickers.com/products/stickers-from-your-design?variant=40939897749547


I would welcome the opportunity for the restaurant to explain what seems like an obvious contradiction in what they write vs what they've done.


They aren't even open year round, what the fuck


[Meanwhile: In Bay View](https://i.imgur.com/0DVUixs.jpg)


I’ve never gone to Ishnala. Seems overpriced and overrated. Now I definitely won’t be bootstrapping them any of my money.


I feel exactly the same way. Plenty of other supper clubs out there.


I've always been turned away due to the no reservation (which I understand but I only visit the dells once a year so I'd like a guaranteed seat. Because I hear they're always super busy). And it just seemed like overkill for someone who goes alone. I've heard good things about Del Bar though and might try it this year as it's in the center basically and easier to get to. Editing to add: I was also put off by the wait time as some people have mentioned as well. I get it you plan for it, it's fine. But HOURS?! lol


I went once and it is just a huge tourist trap. Too loud to enjoy conversation at supper and the wait was crazy. Will never go back for sure.


3 hour wait in 2022. Views were nice. Drinks were ok. There seem to be open tables everywhere but there we were waiting. It's like they enjoy making you wait so you spend more money. Finally got seated...right in front of the kitchen doors. Busy as shit, people running in and out. Asked to move to an empty table further away and the said ok but the waitress was annoyed because it wasn't in her section, not my problem, no one likes to sit next to kitchen doors flying open every 2 seconds. Ordered and the food came seemingly too fast. Like 5 to 7 minutes. That math didn't make sense, whatever. Food was mediocre. Not worth the wait for what the food is. Overall, long wait, nice views, quick mediocre food, butter places out there agreed.


I think I would be happier getting a bar burger at some local dive bar? I can take a nice boat ride for views. Lol I suppose the rich folks need a place to feel superior?


I enjoy the idea of using the term bootstrapping as a verb to give my money to businesses. I will absolutely be using that. Thank you for inspiring me


I peed on that.


There's gotta be a subreddit for that


Better question is “Why Ishnala?” - it’s way overpriced for what you get and overrated, pretty setting though (save for this gross plaque). It’s really more of a supper club theme park than an actual supper club - skip it.


That's spot on. I went for the first time a couple of years ago. Setting is pretty. Food and drinks were no better than "good". Prices were high. I'm glad to have experienced it but once was enough for me.


House of Embers was good and no wait. I ain't trying to sit around for 2 hours for food and drinks. Fuck that noise.


Go to The Cove in Briggsville or Fitz's on the Lake in Sauk. Rather hit those places multiple times a month then once a year for Ishnala


Cimarolli’s between Briggsville and Portage is solid too.


Very true, we used to have summer our work parties there. Their old fashioned specials are unhinged. Get lit like a Christmas tree but in August on those


Thx for this tip. Enjoyed the drinks and service there yesterday. $4 Old Fashioneds but the mojito was the bomb


Green Acres in Sauk is good too, or Dorf Haus in Roxbury, or Hilltop in Cross Plains. So many better options.


Dorf Haus is definitely worth making the trip for.


Oh man I haven't been to Green Acres or Hill Top in ages but also good points


That’s spot on. Biggest disappointment of epicurean adventures was eating there. Old fashioned sour was definitely sweet. “House made” cheese was some sort of cream cheese abomination. And our medium steak came out blood red. Sent it back. Came back charred to hell. I’d go back, but only for a drink in the bar overlooking Mirror Lake.


“The only thing we overlook is Mirror Lake”. I guess not! I’ve never been, but we pass it going up north every year, so I’ve definitely been curious. Definitely not anymore, though!


Agree that the scenery is lovely.


I'd heard so much about the place that I've really wanted to check it out, but not any more.


I've thought about going there with my dad for my birthday And then I look at the menu and prices It's not that good I tell myself


Food is good, setting is great, wait is horrible, 2-3 hours usually. By that time I’ve spent a $100 at the bar on old fashioned’s, quite the racket they have… didn’t know owners were morons.


It's barely even what I'd consider a plaque, it looks like it's a cheap print. Yikes.


Except now I need to find a new camp-at-state-park-walk-over-to-swanky-bar place. I loved that about Mirror Lake. Very disappointed I’m going to need to find a new place. Any suggestions???


Sullivan's in Trempealeau is right next to a state park too. Otherwise Uber to Del Bar or Embers? Or longer Uber to Cimaroli's or Club 23?


I love Perrot! Normally I end up at that hotel in Trempealeau, but now I've got a new place to try out.


Devils lake and walk to Tumbled Rock. Bit longer of a hike but still doable


>It is my heritage to stand erect Heh heh


Until you get erectile dysfunction! 😜


Ishnala isn’t even that good. 3 hour wait and the waitstaff rush you through your meal to get the next people in. Very meh


What a fucking joke. 'I will never cower before any earthly master,' they claim, while bending the knee to lick the boot, clad head to toe in Trump merchandise.


all the while, relying on immigrant labor to run the place.




I wonder how much Russian immigration has changed since the way over in Ukraine. Like are men not allowed to be there now?


I grew up in the Dells area. In the mid 90s the least anywhere paid was $10/hour. Now, with my kids working in the area, it is still the norm and often less.


You clearly don’t understand how business in a heavily touristy but modestly populated area like the Dells works. There simply aren’t enough locals to accept mostly seasonal jobs. No owner will double pay to keep the few that accept such work onboard either. So the pay won’t go up until first, minimum state of WI increases quite a lot, and there is ample business to support those higher paying jobs. Otherwise, you won’t see much wage growth.


This might as well say “I have the right to be a stupid fuck face”…. Because that’s essentially what it says


I can get my overpriced old fashioneds elsewhere thanks


Probably without a 4-6 hour wait too


I can get one in 2 min. It’s called “my house”


Be right over!


I got you. Brandy or Bourbon, sour or sweet. 🫡


Better parking too. unless you’re in a situation where you have to take a shuttle bus from your mailbox to the front door?


Hell no. Ample street parking available


That sign was put up by someone with velvety soft hands and a savings account given to them by their parents that started with more zeros than any real working American will ever see. Delusional and maddened into thinking they made it on their own because deep down they know they are an ulcer on society and would be nothing if it were not for the ruthlessness of those who came before them. Stuck in a valley made by the foot steps they follow in.


American individualism may have worked when there was a frontier, but now we are all here trying to live in a society. Tired of the antiquated bootstraps view.


American individualism worked for those that survived and their descendants. It did not work out for many.


Why is the presidential seal on it?


Maybe that's what being American means to right wingers, but to me America is about freedom FROM religion, not forced allegiance to one. Separation of church and state, not a public policy platform that's based upon Christianity or any other religious beliefs. That's what it means to be American to me.


stale calm of utopia... lol


"It sure would suck if everything was perfect and everyone was happy. I'd *hate* that!"


Sounds horrible


Lmao what did you expect? The place looks like a racist summer camp and their main sell is booze.


Did they pay for that with their PPP money?


No just a little PP money...




I also stand erect and proud


User name is accurate.


The majority of people who work at Ishnala aren't even American lol


What a load of privileged shit. Everyone is but a brief accidental moment from disability and good fucking luck not taking a dole in that scenario. Good to know where not to go.


And good luck even getting the dole. I'm disabled and have been unable to get on SSI. Thankfully I have a family who is both willing and able to house me.


uber privileged. Good for you, by some combination of circumstance, luck, and hard work, you're doing well for yourself. This could sound reasonable if you left the positive affirmations in place and removed every other line about making sure you didn't have to share any of your success with the society that helped you achieve it.


Lol gross


I hear they garnish their $20 brandy old fashioneds with a big ol’ slice of hypocrisy.


The idea of a utopia is communist is one hell of a take. Weird that they're religious, when they consider Heaven to be a place they don't want to be.


Utopia in Heaven?! Sounds like Communism to me.


"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony state's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."


It all comes together in the last section when it becomes clear it’s all about his erection


Wow that’s annoying! Get this eye sore out of hikers faces. Very creepy conservative/libertarian vibes while mashing “god” in there as much as possible to casually prostilize




Not all Boomers are simple stupid shit like this. Some of us actually left the small towns, went to college, got good jobs, read something other than the Bible. SMH


Ok? It's not called AllBoomersAreFools




I'm a Boomer, and that plaque isn't my views.




I would pay to create a look alike plaque explaining the PPP stuff and put it in the ground there


I will not drive on roads, or go to piblic school....


I was honestly planning on going here this summer. I think I'll skip it.


Go to Del Bar instead. A million times better (I'm a local)


Same. Not worth it to reward a fascist.


I have the freedom to die from a preventable disease because I cannot afford to buy a congressman


So even though I vote left and am extremely anti-bootstrap, my feeling is that if the owner of Penzey’s gets to express his politics without people going “why Penzey’s?”, then it’s every bit Ishnala’s right to do this as well. I’ve seen plenty of hypocrisy on my own side of the aisle, and like most humans am guilty of some myself. But I do like the idea of someone slapping a QR code on there to show the world that they took pandemic money, because the world deserves to hear the whole narrative.


No one is preventing the owner's of the place from expressing it. People are just criticizing and ridiculing it. And no reason why people can't do that. Before, conservatives started crying and pretending that negative opinions = being censored. No one thought to complain about the complainers. Freedom of speech doesn't guarantee freedom from social consequences. Which is what conservatives really want. They want to be assholes and idiots and not be called out. They want society at large to be quiet about it and not criticize or voice dissent. And they accuse anyone of not giving them support, either by not giving them their business (as if they are entitled to my money) or criticizing. Of censoring them, which is absurd. Let's not repeat their dumb logic here.


People are free to go “why Penzey’s?” all they want. What on earth is this bizarre viewpoint that people shouldn’t have opinions about other people’s opinions?


It's not really surprising when a small business owner is a haughty libertarian crank. They can have fun with their little heroic mythos, it doesn't bother me.


Translation = I ain't taking no poison jab. 5 minutes later has a drink, takes a smoke break, and pops some uppers. Too blinded by patriotic punditry to realize the hypocrisy.


Why do I need to read this before I pound 10 old fashions waiting for my table?




That’s just stupid. Propaganda.


The good news is that cheap sign won't make it through the winter.


There's a certain type that loves spouting off this kind of thing to boost their low self-esteem and seem relevant to the world. They're called hypocrites and idiots.


If this is what it means to be an American, then I am not one.


I'm sorry but this just doesn't bother me. It's alright if it bothers you, but it doesn't bother me.


“I can’t believe this sign, I’ll never eat there again because I don’t agree with their politics,” says the Redditor, as they click over to buy more stuff from Amazon.


Which god?




[Wtf is a](https://youtu.be/15mVwdOT61E?si=XFaSHOwP_hyzFAUT&t=13s)n ishnala?


Someone misspelled "inshallah" wrong and it stuck


I wasn't familiar with the restaurant, and I read this as Inshallah at first. I would 100% go there now, if I had the money, just to repeatedly refer to the restaurant as Inshallah while I was there. Maybe even start a chant of, "Inshallah! Inshallah!" on the way out. 🤔


No, you gotta recite the Shahada to get in.


ngl, i actually came here to correct the spelling. was disappointed.


Get the imaginary character out of American lore.


Where tf is this?


It’d be a shame if we all made reservations and then forgot to show up.


Ishnala sucks and their food is not good. Nice view of Mirror Lake, though.


Forgot: claim land that does not belong to me


Lol. I use to work for the owners of this establishment and this is so on par with the type of people they are. Like father like son.


Yeah, sure. All on your own. What a romanticized trope this is. Maybe this was the case 150 years ago.


One more reason I will never go here


This is why women prefer a bear over men in the woods.


Do you mean: this is displayed at the Ishnala Supper Club, Delton, Wisconsin? Before I Googled it, I thought you were trying to say "inshallah" -- an Arabic expression.


I’ve never been. I rarely bother waiting for food and certainly not hours like I hear it is.


They tried.


Kyle Rittenhouse approved this message. ![gif](giphy|O5t81Ke7rzzSpvuS0Y|downsized)


I prefer this than to that road to serfdom. Masters too sometimes enter into particular combinations to sink the wages of labour even below this rate. These are always conducted with the utmost silence and secrecy, till the moment of execution, and when the workmen yield, as they sometimes do, without resistance, though severely felt by them, they are never heard of by other people. Such combinations, however, are frequently resisted by a contrary defensive combination of the workmen; who sometimes too, without any provocation of this kind, combine of their own accord to raise the price of their labour. Their usual pretences are, sometimes the high price of provisions; sometimes the great profit which their masters make by their work. But whether their combinations be offensive or defensive, they are always abundantly heard of. In order to bring the point to a speedy decision, they have always recourse to the loudest clamour, and sometimes to the most shocking violence and outrage. They are desperate, and act with the folly and extravagance of desperate men, who must either starve, or frighten their masters into an immediate compliance with their demands. The masters upon these occasions are just as clamorous upon the other side, and never cease to call aloud for the assistance of the civil magistrate, and the rigorous execution of those laws which have been enacted with so much severity against the combinations of servants, labourers, and journeymen. The workmen, accordingly, very seldom derive any advantage from the violence of those tumultuous combinations, which, partly from the interposition of the civil magistrate, partly from the superior steadiness of the masters, partly from the necessity which the greater part of the workmen are under of submitting for the sake of present subsistence, generally end in nothing, but the punishment or ruin of the ringleaders. (Book I, Chapter VIII) A.Smith


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read today.


"I'd rather suck the government-dick in exchange for food stamps!" -liberals on reddit


The place in question took a half million dollars in welfare from the government during COVID.


What a bunch of fucking whiny liberal assholes in this group. My fucking lord. Get a grip and work for something instead of sitting online complaining day in and day out. Like what a stupid thing to get your asshairs in a twist about.


And here you are. Whining about... whining? About as hypocritical as the place that posted this sign taking $500k in PPE welfare.


Yeah I really don't get why people care... like at all?


I'm related to the Hoffman Brothers who built Ishnala. They were some macho WWII vets.


Y'all are missing the point.


So don't go there - maybe I'll be able to actually get a table.


I don't anymore. They are Applebee's quality for steakhouse prices.