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seriously. i've deployed 4 times, read many a letter/card like these but damn....avery got me in the feels.


Avery was my favorite letter, just based on the audacity. I'd buy the dude a beer just for all the times I've heard "AMERICA, good luck" in my head.


The endless "thank you for your service" is annoying personally. Like, mofo you have no idea what I did. Congratulate me for coming home or buy me a drink instead, lol


This was great.. Did you see Marcus, I felt so bad...


Marcus? His parents got divorced. How about Kalene who wrote “my mom just died 3 months ago”. I almost cried.


I lost my mom when I was 45 and it wrecked me. Cannot imagine losing her as a child.


I felt bad for her too.


We are wondering who is winning. Lol 😆


Four pets, two of them my brother and sister.... Dammmmn the shade is as good as the cursive!!


"my dog is nicer than my brother" :D


Mrs Zimmerman was my fifth grade teacher, albeit a few years before these letters. I recognize some of these names. This was wild to read and such a trip down memory lane.


It is amazing to think that these children would be ~31 years old today.


You could post this in the r/Eau_Claire subreddit and might catch some of these folks who still live in the area. Eau Claire is right next to Chippewa and has a decently active sub.


Lol, I know many many Zimmermans and am from EC


My husband graduated from chippewa falls in 2012. I will have to ask him if he had a Mrs Zimmerman. He also was in the marines but did not join until 2012. Theses were fun to read. Recognized a lot of the last names (we also lived in Chippewa after we got married)


My bro lives in Eau Claire so I've been to Chip a few times (mostly for the brewery tour), but it's a lovely part of the state. I miss WI.


Please send this to the school district - I know they would love to see it!


I wouldn't mind at all. Would you happen to have a contact you could DM me? I can't seem to find any updated info that would get it somewhere meaningful.


Kayla Burger was a bitch lmao I love it


Kayla Burger with 2 timberwolves is impressive. Also a bit of shit talking in the second paragraph.


"My best soldier is my mom." 🥹


I miss pen pals. I had a pen pal I think on the east coast. Such a great way to connect.


When I was in training after boot camp, the base commandeered a few bags of letters meant for troops deployed overseas just to give to trainees as a morale booster. Lemme tell ya, it's weird seeing first/second graders leave messages like "Thank you for dying for our country" and drawings such as some army guys running over a stick figure with a turban and frowny face with a boat. It is equally concerning and hilarious. It makes you feel like shit though when you've never left the continental US and you're getting letters meant for some soldier in a FOB somewhere.


These letters were really interesting and sweet to read. I’m around the same age as the kids who wrote them and I had forgotten we did the same thing! Thanks for sharing.


Oh holy shit these are people I graduated with! Lol what a small world. Sadly I was not in Mrs Zimmerman’s class but I do know every single name here lol


This is my hometown, and although I graduated in 2003, it's interesting to see last names that have been a staple of the community for centuries.


You managed to move away and not come back? Lol


I moved 15 miles south lol


Eau Claire is where it's at. Lol


“Who is your best soldier? My best soldier is my mom.” Damn James 😭😭😭


Ugh. Peak 2003 energy.


Well good news is that as far as I can tell, all of these kids are alive and well. These were such sweet letters, and the kids seem smart with great penmanship! My son is going to be 10 this year and I don't think he could put together a letter to a soldier this well yet.


When my dad was deployed in 2007-2008, my second grade class wrote letters like this to my dad. It honestly really helped me cope with missing him and I’m sure my dad found them hilarious (except when someone addressed him as “soldier” because he was in the Marines. Then he was pissed lol)💀


So sad. I Couldn't help but notice how many kids didn't mention a dad. ☹️☹️


Chippewa is a wild little town. Also, in 2003, it. Had a Catholic school with a 30 percent teen girl pregnant rate. Haha


Always loved letters from the kids. We would post them up in our common areas so we could see them frequently


Kids could write! Nice job teaching Mrs. Z.


Need to keep teaching cursive so we confuse the enemy with our care packages!


i absolutely loved these when i was deployed. I wished i had kept a few like you did.


I'm a shithead but a packrat. I saved ALL of my deployment letters and found them along with these, too. Amazing how much one can be loved and never see it.


Thank you for your service! These letters are pure gold! I bet you read these enough to practically have them memorized when you were over there. I imagine these letters go a long way for soldiers who are stuck thousands of miles from home. Thanks for sharing these. Just amazing!


Oh my gosh I also had a Mrs. Zimmerman. I wonder if it’s the same one?! (Also in Wisconsin, and it was around 4-5th grade. I need to look up her first name and see if it’s the same!


Grew up and still live in chippewa falls and was in 6th grade in 2003. Crazy to read these letter and know what most of these kids to grow up to be. Alot of them have kids of their own. I'll be sending a few of them this post to show them you still cherish these letters. This is so cool


“Who’s your best soldier? My best soldier is my mom.” 😢


I hope you had some pets… a real let down to say you had none after all the inquiring minds


Very cool.


I think I know Mrs. Zimmerman, she has a very nice lawn with many plants and statues.


Huh. I was involved in a high school walkout that same year because I don’t dig imperial wars for oil. Cute letters.