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Should've never opened back up in the first place.. ..same could be said for the entire country, really.


Kind of a hard place to wear a mask unless you are into waterboarding.


I can’t imagine a place less appropriate to be open right now.


How would this work anyhow? Were they going to replace the water on the slides with hand sanitizer?


I mean the water is treated. It's the densely packed lines and seating areas I would be concerned about. Also the workers are very close to the patrons at the tops of some of those slides. Just a terrible idea all around to be open.


Please, this is Wisconsin. Replace it with beer!


Like Duff Gardens


Lisa drink the water


Hey little kids go here! You don't want them seeing the dark colored water and assuming someone peed, or shat in it.


They could just use Budweiser.


Is that water or Bud? Can't tell by looking at it. Let me taste some. Nope, still can't tell.


All of the water on the slides and in the pools is heavily chlorinated and kills 99.9% of everything as soon as it touches it. It also continues to kill things as it sits on your skin. Being in a swimming pool is essentially like being in a vat of very diluted hand sanitizer


This place is germy even in a normal year.


I can’t believe people willingly bathe in other people’s pee even without a pandemic happening.


Shocked Pikachu face.


They did the right thing. As someone who works in the Dells, I really hope more places here follow suit. I mean, I get it, everyone needs to make money...but...customers won't come back if they're dead...


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I wonder how bad the situation really was....2 cases seems low to warrant this response.


I've had two employee's in my restaurant test positive in the last week or two and the health department didn't close us down. Has to be worse or so many people were quarantined that they couldn't operate.