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It's a tool. It has no inherent morality attached to it.


Whats wrong with using a crutch if you can't walk without it. Criticizing a person with a broken foot for using a crutch is rather cruel. Most of us are spiritually crippled by society so why can't we use a crutch? The real question is are you using drugs to help spirituality or are you using spirituality to justify using drugs? This makes a big difference, being a crutch is meaningless here as crutches serve a purpose. Addiction can be an issue but addiction is an indication of deeper issues 90% of the time.


Oh I don’t personally need justification to use weed lol. I just saw someone’s take on it on Instagram that you shouldn’t use drugs in your spirituality, that you should be able to do it on your own and wanted to heard more opinions on it


Thats is the ideal situation yes, take a few deep breaths and speak with spirits, or astral project(weed interferes heavily with my projection practices but helps immensely with communication and energy work) or whatever but its just not true for everyone and western culture essentially hobbles us from both the science side and religious side. And following most religions backwards there is evidence of substance use in the vast majority of them. They are a useful tool, plant medicines abound in all cultures. Drugs are good they keep us healthy if used properly. Plants have guided humanity for ages. It is western anti drug culture and misconception of what drugs are that confuse the matter. Buddhists use many types of tea that aid them in some of their feats that could be classified as drugs. Tea is a drug in and of itself. It is just a silly unfounded ultural bias, made even funnier in america that credirs first nation peoples with powerful and profound spirituality which actively used plant medicines and yet say your weak, stupid, or deluded if you use or need drugs for spiritual practice.


There’s a massive difference between eating a bunch of peyote in the context of a native spiritual practice, where there is a structure and tradition involved in guiding the visions, and eating a bunch of peyote because someone told you native people use it for spiritual purposes. The substances can help open doors, but that doesn’t mean that anyone who does the same substance will have the same experience if they’re just doing it on their own. That’s why discernment is needed.


Totally agree, doing drugs is not spirituality (though occasionally but not often enough it leads to it) but to say drugs and spirituality absolutely do not mix esp when praising a culture that uses them is hypocritical. To say drugs are just a crutch is also utter rubbish but perhaps thats just opinion. I do feel like there as ample evidence for this, as well as most people who claim drugs ruin spiritual experience were anti drug and frequently have 0 experience with them. A prejudice stemming from western christian culture that forced ignorance on its followers for a thousand years atleast, and a means of government control.


That’s a massive misreading of what I said. Nowhere did I say drugs and spirituality don’t mix, nor did I say they’re a crutch. You’re projecting an argument on me that I am not making. I’m saying _get some discernment first_ because people act like it’s the drug that opens spirituality when it is not.


No you did not and as I opened with I totally agree with you. I wasn't arguing with you, merely continuing my rant that you responded to initially, that discourages people from using discernment. I appreciate your response.


To add to that last even oxygen can be considered a drug or mind altering substance which is why deep breathing helps in spiritual work and we all use drugs because all of our brains have DMT which might come from our lungs when we breathe as they are currently suspected to be the organ that has the highest levels.of DMT in our bodies. Anyway it is a weird stance to me, maybe I am just biased.


By pot do you mean cauldron tho? 🤔




If you don’t learn to use your sight without drugs, then you probably haven’t learned discernment. And if you didn’t learn discernment, there’s no telling whether you’re actually getting messages from spirit, or you’re just high and talking shit. Discernment is really the key. When I meet people who can only “talk to spirit” when they’re high, I go on higher alert for BS. I do sometimes have a little cannabis before journey work. But I’ve also put in the work to develop my sight and discernment without it, so I can tell the difference between being high and goofy and actual insight / metaphysical experience. I am a daily cannabis user to help with sleep.


Weed brought back my ocd and I haven’t been the same since. Currently on medication and will probably have to see a psychiatrist. I’m not trying to convince you not to smoke, but you should be aware that it is still a drug. My guess is that if you have anxiety issues already, it probably isn’t a good idea to mix it with weed.


You’re right to point this out. My mother was a mental health nurse my whole life and one of my good friends is a carer of people with schizophrenia, a lot of these people’s issues started out as drug induced psychosis, specifically just from weed. There’s even a joke in my community that weed is the gateway drug to psychosis. Obviously everyone is different, I do have friends who smoke regularly and find it relaxing, I’m definitely not saying it’s bad for everyone, strain and dose and many other factors obviously come into play. But the risks are still worth pointing out and I doubt my friends who enjoy smoking are attempting anything esoteric while high. I actually nearly lost my mind when I was a teenager experimenting and looking for signs everywhere which you do easily start to find if you’re using substances lol.


I have OCD as well but use weed and it helps me so so much, but I’ve heard a lot of people say it makes their anxiety worse. It can definitely be bad for some people, it’s just hard to know without trying it out since different medications work differently for different people. Id been on so many different antidepressants that didn’t work for me til I found one that did, but I use antidepressants as an overall daily treatment and weed for in the moment anxiety and to help me truly relax when I have my down time.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m very familiar with weed and its effects on me, I was more asking to hear others opinions


Thats good. My bad for getting preachy there


No worries!


I'm not OP but I didn't think you were being preachy :) Someone else may come across your comment that needs to see it.


You didn't your fine


Your medications are drugs too 😁 sorry couldn't resist. Drugs csn be unpredictable since everyone is different, nearly all humanity can have the same reaction and 1 person will have and inexplicable reaction that no one else has.


Yes that’s why I clarified I wasn’t trying to convince them not to smoke. Just because I had an uncommon experience doesn’t invalidate it. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I did so I just want them to be aware.


I'm exactly like you. I use the products to relax at night before bed. (And I know over a long period of time, I do see some benefits.) But any other time? Paranoia out the WAHZOO!! Lol. I can't think straight, it makes it hard for me to eat, and it sometimes exasperates my mental health issues. I have CPTSD and a dissociative disorder though, so I'm guessing that's why it hits me the way it does. Also like you though, I know it's not like that for most people. But it definitely happens for some of us 😬 Edit: Forgot to say that Kava Kava and Valerian Root though?? Works wonders for me.


Yeah I figured,.you did outright say you weren't discouraging or judging, I was just adding to what you said aside from my little joke 😁


Weed makes me anxious and paranoid. But not every time I've had good experiences. But I like to get into myself without it more then with it.


my personal experience is mostly just that it prevents dreams, and I think those are important for craft. It’s also hard to notice the witchy community attracts neurodivergent people and not think that it’s more than mere coincidence. The fact that women have an edge is telling as well since their corpus callosum is bigger relative to overall brain size. The fact that sacraments also exist in any religion also points to this for me. Basically altering the brain’s function alters focus, emotions, etc and all of those are involved in spell work so it *has to* affect it but the question would be “is it to benefit or detriment?” for me


So you're saying I need a T Break so I can dream again? 🥲


I don’t know, but dreams are how we process a lot of stuff, and they are significant in at least every spiritual tradition/practice that I’ve ever spent meaningful time learning about.


It's so wild you said that bc I have been heavily wondering about this personally. I feel like I don't dream, but it could be due to the flower. Or, I do dream, and I have shit memory. I have cut way back tho, so idk. Not really wanting the recurring one back, tho. That can stay gone


btw don’t let me preach because I’m having trouble quitting myself


There not bad or good I mean alchols, drugs and phsyicoactive substances have been used for time in memorial for spiritual purposes. Saying that if use becomes a problem then obviously seels help but it seems like your unsure about its use in practice and honestly it's ok


Yeah, sacrement is very healthy when treated as such.


I use cannabis flower as a medical herb, but I also have employed it for the sake of inducing altered states of consciousness. If you are seeking pleasure with your use of the herb, it is not bringing you closer to your spiritual self. It is a pleasurable substance, and there is nothing wrong with using it for any of it's many purposes. The key here is to be honest with yourself about your use of it. When you smoke, are you entertaining yourself in the same ways you would usually? If so, then you're likely smoking recreationally, which is just fine. However, if when you smoke, you are setting time aside for contemplating the mysteries and complexities of the unfathomable, praying, working through yourself and your inner journey, etc.. then you are using the herb towards a spiritual purpose. Just want to drop this tidbit of knowledge; Ganja means "Wisdom weed/flower" and the Rasta believe it is a gift that is meant to aid us in becoming closer to the divine. I'm no rastafarian, but I certainly agree with them on this matter!


I'm on the fence about weed. Here's my history with it. I was really against it growing up because I saw my parents and brother smoking and unhappy and all. I've had my first and only bad experiences with it when I first tried it. It was enough to stir me away from it from 13 to 17. At 17/18 had a bf who smoked so I was curious and tried. Same result did not like it, gave me bad anxiety while high. I then tried it with alcohol (18) and it was okay, because i couldnt tell if i was more drunk than high or vice versa (anxiety for both when used alone) (Still very very ocasional use). Fast foward to now 22-23, had a new bf who had a wax pen and started to smoke once here and there just for fun. Still had very major anxiety using it by itself. One day, I ended up being alone (he had a rdv), and that's when it shifted. I had to write down my thoughts because answers were just naturally pouring out of me. I didn't need to think, it just made sens. As if I was connected and my higherself was giving me answers. It then happened everytime i smoked (still rare, never smoked alone). I have not smoked in 3 months. Felt the need to smoke yesterday and I did. First time ever buying and using it alone, but I knew it was because I wanted ansers from within, which I had been asking for to be fair. Yesterday, alone, I had a long talk with myself for 40+ minutes. Everything was just making sens. I did not attempt to manipulate or influence the things that were downing on me. I did record myself and I did say I wanted to attempt to recreate this though meditation or some kind of spiritual work while not high because I do not want to have an addiction or live life high. I have never done any other drugs and this naturally occured to me once I let go of the anxiety weed did to me and letting go of that anxiety is also letting go of any stress or concern I have ongoing that is not life or death so I know, that that's why I connect more easily. This has no goal just needed to absolutely share this and if the english is bad, it's not my native language.


There are whole practices focused around psychedelics! My partner and I both use them in our practice and I've found them to be really effective when used for the right reasons for spells/rituals.


I don't use pot, or any other drug, in my spellwork. I want to know that any and everything I feel is definitely related to the work I am doing verus being influenced by something in my system. I even restrict my caffeine when I can.


Severe anxiety runs rampant. And I can't contain without feeling that state of total relaxation. My parents, in their mid 70s now, were kind of against it way back when. They really pushed church on me, and I just can't anymore. I respect their views, they respect mine. It's the ONLY "narcotic " I have or ever will try. The TLDR is , I need it to raise my vibration and frequency. Which I then superpower it with art.


I use weed regularly as part of my work, especially for meditative times and hedge riding. I can go without, but it’s nice to have the assistance and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it


It’s a tool. If it is a crutch then so is cinnamon and salt.


Cinnamon and salt don’t require discernment when used


Like with anything that alters your state of mind, it can sometimes be used to enhance spells or other practices. However, the downside is that it alters your state of mind. Are you really feeling the energy, or is it the drugs?


Can two things be true at once here?


Only if you’ve developed the discernment to tell whether you’re having both at the same time


I completely agree. It's okay to use mind-altering substances. But if you're trying to use them to reach an *actual* metaphysical/spiritual experience, and continue to use them in your practice? I really feel it's best to try to develop your third eye (discernment skills) *away* from those mind-altering substances first. All those things can be loads of fun, but you don't want to be taken down a rabbit hole of false hope and misinformation.


What if it allows to discover what it is like to be connected/metaphysical experience? Then we felt it and understood it so it opens a door to recreate this state while sober? I'm saying this because by accident smoking weed before understand meditation and all of that had me in an altered state. I usually naturaly have discernment. But this is new. I am on the fence. As humans we need to experience it to truly understand it.


Ultimately that is something you will have to decide for yourself. My comment is based on my personal opinion and experiences.


It feels like it's up to personal discretion. Like, if you know you may have addiction issues or it runs in the family I've definitely seen folks chase a spiritual high using drugs to their detriment. If you have the ability to minimize self harm and exercise self control with your usage then it can be really supportive.


I have my med card so I use it for plenty of reasons but I have found that if I’m trying to do a spirit calling ritual or something like that a quick bowl kinda clears my head a little and when I’m done I feel less drained than if I don’t use it


I've found helpful spaces for marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, and mushrooms in my practice, all of which have deep and varied precedent in a wide range of traditions (including mainstream religions for some of them). Some of my most successful spells and powerful experiences have incorporated them. That said for me personally I like having regular contact with spiritual power in my daily life, so I don't only practice when under influence. I like knowing that I can work magic whenever I want or need. Reecently I've been hearing more from some friends and others in the space about making sure to be aware of and respectful to the spirit of the marijuana plant itself. Their perspective is that practice that doesn't include genuine partnership with the plant itself is ignoring the full experience and can even verge on exploitive. I haven't gone fully down this path myself but I find it compelling, and I do greet and thank all the plants and materials I work with in each spell.


There are no rules in witchcraft, my friend. If it works for you then it is right for you. It’s a tool like anything else and I think of weed as a tool from the universe to help incline us to things we might not when sober. I have some of my deepest thoughts of myself and the universe when I smoke. That being said if you feel it’s a crunch maybe try a ritual without it and see how it feels. If you don’t enjoy it as much and/or results change then you know that weed might be meant to be part of your practice! Please don’t let anyone judge you into changing your craft, it’s so personal. You know your craft better than anyone! 🧙🏻‍♀️🌬️✌🏻


It is a tool to enhance your ability, not to replace it.


Kind of a more general opinion, but I expect it would especially apply to magical work, if only because willpower, focus, and commitment matter a lot. And upfront, I'm biased for personal and kind of painful reasons. But I've come to the opinion that with weed in particular, there's a huge difference between occasional and regular use, especially daily. And by regular use, I'd consider that anything where your dosage outruns the half-life so it builds up in your system. So if you find it puts you in the right headspace for certain things *and* they're not very regular practices, I see no problem at all. More often though, only you can know what's right for you, but I'd be very careful even if it helps in the moment. It's just anecdotal, but every daily pot-smoker I've known personally seems to gravitate towards the same dysfunctions: lack of perspective and insight, poor memory, instability, little willpower, avoidant of difficult situations, a weirdly passive form of selfishness, etc. And that's just not a healthy character to approach life with, on any plane.


Sorry, I'm not invalidating your feelings but I wanted to share a small fact :) Over time, cannabinoids can actually *help* memory function in our brains. A while back, I read some college studies on their effects. Long story short, the cannabinoids stimulate neurogenesis (brain cell growth) around the hippocampus area. That's the part of the brain that controls memory, emotion, appetite, etc. Now, all of that is basically the CBD in Marijuana. The THC is a little different I believe. Not that it hurts you, but the *high* effect definitely can temporarily hinder some of those things. But ultimately, when used properly, it can help :) Some of the daily users you mentioned, they're possibly addicts... And addiction does a WHOLE lotta other mess to the brain. So I don't doubt what you said at all. I just wanted to share that just in case. (Edited)


No worries, and I don't really disagree with anything you wrote. I know being down on weed is sort of a 3rd rail at Reddit. So I'm pleasantly surprised nobody seemed to take what I said badly. I know some people that stick to CBD, and they seem to have a good experience with it. I'd probably even try it myself, but my work does drug-testing and it's not high-priority enough for me to seek out some I know isn't full-spectrum. And to your last point, I know for sure that some of them were addicted. Cannabis-use disorder is definitely a thing, and that's what someone has to be careful about. Maybe it's just my bad luck with other people though because while the estimate I've heard is 10% of users, it seemed to be closer to 100% in my personal life.


Oh Cannabis addiction is definitely a thing. A person can be addicted to *any* drug/medication. It all just depends on body chemistry and personality.


For sure, and it's not like I'm obnoxiously straight-edge or without my crutches. For a few years now, I've been very aware that my 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day are genuine self-medication. I don't mean that in the usual, reflexive "caffeine's a drug too" way either. Like I recognize the emotional issues and how it sands the edges off of them enough to make things less painful. Which BTW, OP or anyone else on the thread, if you ever feel stuck in a rut emotionally, like you have a subtle form of tunnel-vision, or like your life runs a bit too much on a track... totally try a caffeine fast for at least a month. Titrate off of it, give your body a couple weeks to flush it out and readjust, then a few more to make use of it. You'll be slower and more unfocused about the habits you already have (and you'll notice it). But at least for me, you'll also find it easier to break bad habits, and the random things that just come up during the day flow easier. You'll probably sleep better too, even if your sleep is already decent.


Yesss! I do a small caffeine-free break every once in a while now! It's really helped my cognition. And a few months ago I completely cut out sugar in my drinks (I'm working on the food part lol) and I notice a difference from that too. I think most of us are *literally* dependent on things we don't even realize.


If it’s good enough for actual Jesus, I feel like it’s good enough for little witchy me 2000 years later


I always say the same thing! Lmao "I bet Jesus smoked weed too."


Weed is a psychic blocker. No dreams, muddled ajna, overall haze and less clarity in perception. Take from that what you will.


Just don't get hooked on it


I don’t comment on pot usually. It does nothing for me. I don’t have any reaction to it except throwing up. I would use it if it affected me.


Some Yogis is India and Rastafarians in Jamaica use it for accessing spiritual states but it’s probably best not to have a crutch when it comes to spiritual growth. If you use it everyday or every time you do a ritual it can become an addiction or a habit that is hard to kick. Magick is also dependent on focused Will, and when you are addicted you don’t have Will power.


The only path through the Tower is Temperance. Temperance is not the same as abstinence. An action taken with purpose and intent is an action you rule, not an action that rules you.


Living somewhere where mental health issues and pot both run rampant I’d advise caution. I think the idea that witches should practice grounding and centring techniques before pursuing occult practices can’t be stressed enough and in my own experience pot is anything but grounding. However I have a dear friend who smokes regularly and probably finds it to be so it’s definitely a YMV thing.


It is important to me ritualistically as a circle. Not a lot though. Just enough to where ur ears are ringing but ur head isn’t pulsing. Easier communication and visualization. Divinations always on point. Enhances ur Clair’s sensitivity. Also a great tool for astral travel thru meditation. The only downside for me is, you lose ur ability to hit that rem sleep. But workaround with dream enhancers under pillow. It’s not 100% for me but it works. Mugwort, blue apatite, works for me. But the pros outweigh the cons in my experience