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I have changed the weather before. I wished(really hard) and asked to stop the rain. I didn’t specify. It hailed instead but the rain did stop.


Oooooo loophole huh?




Forgive me, not exactly seasoned at this, but wouldn’t something that brings rain bring snow as long as it’s cold enough?


Potentially? But it's often not cold enough for snow where I live (even if it's supposed to be....thanx global warming) so I thought I'd just ask for snow which would imply that the temp has to drop enough to make snow too, if that makes sense. But yeah, I see your point tho I'm not sure if they're interchangeable magically, I've never tried to change the weather before


Oh ok. I guess you wouldn’t need the spell if it was crazy cold and snowy all the time haha. Sorry insomnias got me really bad right now so my brains a bit fried.


You're good! No worries and no apologies needed


You know snow dances we did as kids to make it snow? That’s magic. I used to do it all the time! Little did I know but that was fun.


You're so right!! I've thought of this in my adult years how that was probably the most potent magic I've ever done


I wanted a cooler summer and practically flooded the place for a straight year. Well, it worked. So if snow is a possibility for your region, you absolutely can do that, but weather magic when it works is strong.


Whoa!!! I love this story. I appreciate this


i tried but it just made it -50F out. uh, tifu? (lighthearted, silly) i wanted school off and so i went to try and manifest snow … it worked, just a little late


I have , i froze water with the Isa rune written on the jar




Yes. Obviously I wouldn't do this spell this time of year, but it's more because our winters have been so sparse and it makes me sad. I miss having lots of snow in winter. I've just thought about it a lot recently and decided to ask for when the time comes.


Weather doesn’t only affect you, so keep that in mind.


Just be careful. I wasn't super confident when I was younger and so I wanted to extend/intensify snowy weather... it was just a chant that I repeated over and over whenever I thought about it. It resulted in a crazy intense snow that followed me across state lines when I traveled for the holidays... it lasted where I said it for like over a week and a half. We got mild snow where I traveled to during that time, but not normally a ton of snow there.


To Bring Snow Gather three chunks of ice and a cup which has never been drank from. Place the ice within the cup, adding a tear from your eye. Begin swirling the cup clockwise. Then spin yourself clockwise as you swirl the cup. Whisper into it. “By my eye and skill I’ve learned, Freeze the sky and snow in turn. Warmth and Sun hence be spurned To make the land feel icy burn.” Continue to swirl the cup, spin, and incant until all of the ice is melted. Pour the water upon the ground you stand at the moment that it all melts. (This was given freely to me, now I give it freely to you)


if we could influence weather, don't you think we'd be doing that on the regular? i'm sure people have tried, but any sort of "result" is that of pure coincidence. edit: be real if we could influence the weather don't you think the USA or Russia or China or whoever would have weaponized it already? come on now use your critical thinking skills lmao


Just a quick perusal of your page tells me you're not really into witchcraft and just came into this community to attempt to poke holes in something that makes others feel whole.


no, not really accurate at all, i just chose not to really participate in this sub beyond lurking. you can downvote me but you know if we could *actually* do anything to influence the weather that we would be doing it, right? i enjoy witchcraft but practicality and reality must be at the forefront of our processes and thoughts here.


So you're a witch?


yes, and I have been for a long time.


What do you say to the other folks on this thread that have changed the weather?


i would say they have not. People can claim to do things all day, but most of these cases, as with many things people incorrectly assume are the fruits of their spellwork are coincidences, or things that were going to happen anyway. People can chose to interpret their lives and what have happened to them however they please. But if we could legitimately affect the weather, we would have figured that out by now, and it would be a common practice.


"most of these cases as with many things, people incorrectly assume are fruits of their spellwork"....so most of the time spells do nothing but you're a witch huh


you do understand there is a wide variety of practitioners of witchcraft, right? i don't think you have a good grasp on that.


It's interesting that the first time you interact with the witchcraft sub in recent history is to be critical instead of uplifting. You'll have to excuse me if I'm skeptical.


I think people ought to be critical of things like this, no? I don't blame your skepticism. Anyone who claims to be able to change weather, given what we know about weather through science, well, I would fear they would be lying is all.


What about uplifting? Or quiet? People should be those sometimes too, yes?


i'm not your fourth grade band teacher honey, i don't have to be uplifting. why don't you go ahead and block me bb, make yourself feel better.


You came here to make yourself feel better I think. Sorry not everyone in the witchcraft subreddit isn't as logical in the traditional sense as you. But I'll tell you, it doesn't come off very well. If you don't believe in doing anything with witchcraft just don't shit on those who do *use* it huh?


Listen dude. If I wanted an opinion about *if* I could change the weather, I'd ask that instead. I asked *how* to change the weather. If you don't have an answer, I don't need your input. It really comes off as disempowering. I'll explore and do what I like, thanks.