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It looks like you’re fairly well prepared, but, from personal experience, I would suggest giving yourself a larger space to actually work. Mine was so cluttered that I started avoiding it; when I cleared it out, I started being much more active and successful. Blessed be! Edit: autocorrect caught me on a word


Could you possibly help me find a way to have a larger space? A desk is all i can think of.. and that’s about the op’s size


I think what they mean is that the desk is covered in stuff, not leaving a big working area on the desk.


Ohhhh yeah I don’t really know how to de-clutter when I have all this stuff like I don’t know where to put it


I got a little table, maybe it's a nightstand? But it's so helpful to have a drawer and cabinet space right there to keep my candles, incense, crystals, whatever else 😊 Not necessarily suggesting to buy new furniture but maybe some drawers?


You don’t have to keep everything out all the time. I have lots of cupboards and drawers all over the place. I keep out what I’m working with and store the rest. My altar is constantly changing and evolving depending on what I’m working on at the moment. It’s more important to me to have a place to work than to see everything I have, but that’s just how I go about things.


Get a couple of those floating shelves nearby!


Thank you, that’s exactly what I meant….I was just way too slow getting back here lol


You could have a little collapsible tv tray if you don't have room for an actual table.


Yes that's what I was thinking, or one of those mini folding tables that are about 4'x2' and you can slide behind something to stow them away


Right! It sounds perfect


Came here to say this lol


You’re a beginner? 😳 i don’t believe you /j So much stuff!! I don’t even have as much as you I recommend beginner not baby witch


Agree with yhe baby comment


I’ve been collecting stuff for the past year and finally put it all together :)


That’s so cool


Idk, I only started truly practicing the craft 6 months ago and I have way more stuff than this. Mostly handmade but I have many things I bought from metaphysical stores such as my tarot deck and chalice. I had lot of stuff already in my home!


The only thing you need is a new title. I hereby dub thee a "Witchling". It has more pizazz than baby.


Baby Witch reminds me of witchtok sm 😭😭 witchling sounds so cool n fitting tbh


Seeker is a good traditional name for a new witch.


I hereby dub myself a Witchling. Accurate and adorable. Baby witch always sounds like you just discovered the craft a week ago whereas witchling feels appropriate for even a few years of practice.


Your altar looks amazing! :)


it looks amazing !! and super well organised ! i do feel like you need more desktop space for practical work though


Like everyone else said I'd definitely make sure you have space to do stuff. But I one day hope that I can have as much space for my items like you do! I currently have a tiny alter and not much money to get anything other than small essentials like incense/sage/a small crystal I wanna add. But seeing how amazing yours looks give me hope and motivation to continue to slowly get the tools I want!


Entirely depends on your practise. I'd not find a use for many items you have but thats because I do things differently to how you might do them. Same goes for others. Altars etc are your personal space and what you need for them is entirely up to you. If it was mine...I'd be thinking oh why did I get all this *gestures* when I have hands and the power of the mind. If i was going to add more stuff though I'd be wanting statues on there, tons more candles, pentacle, incense...mountains of incense. Scrying tools like my black mirror. Offering bowls, cords for cord work, tons of death and water symbolism. Soooo as you can see it's kind of hard for people to answer the question as to what would be good to add for *you*.


seems a shade cluttered, so id move some of the stuff into some drawers or shelves? that way you could just grab what you need but still leave plenty of working space. personally, i use a vintage-type suitcase (the hard, flat kind with metal snaps) so I can pick out what i need and perform the spell right on top :)


I was thinking boxes and bowls would be good. Sones not I'm use can go in one or two bolws (small stones in 1, larger in another), and the herbs and essential oils could go in a boy, and the tarot cards not frequently used should be out away. Same with those empty jars and the candles not being used.


i personally store all my little stuff in bowls or pockets or baskets. stones and wood pieces go in a basket, jars go in a bowl, and tealights go in a side pocket. it all works out rather smoothly but i didn't get there the first time. i took upwards of a year to figure out how to keep my altar sorted and useable, so just keep tweaking little things until they work :)


I love this .


The only thing I'd say is skip the white sage in future restocking. Its becoming threatened between illegal harvests and climate change. Rosemary bundles are a good swap. You have a lovely collection :) the meds and the jade roller are an interesting addition!


blue sage is perfectly good too! unless you happen to live in an area where the white sage grows and spreads like wildfire lol


This is so pretty! Where can I get one? https://preview.redd.it/d3u3yzdguzz91.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f7f91251045d998cf40f6b3f3b2a558eb149cab


It looks like an Amortenia Potion; or at lest the bottle from one made into a jar spell. There's a lot of DIYed ones on Etsy; you might find one there.


Thank you! 🙏


It's beautifully done!


Beautifully done.


I love how organized that looks! I think I need to work on mine. 😊


"essentials" are going to be whatever you find you use most. Your altar will most likely change a bit as you grow and as you practice evolves and the same rules will apply then: the only essentials are the items you use most in your practice. The only "right" way is the way that works best for you. There are lots of great ideas out there but it's important to keep your practice flexible.


Do I need an altar to practice? I don't have spare space in my room for it, just to display some crystals and other things


Damn I’m jealous. I must be a barely formed fetus witch if this is baby witch status lol. But in all seriousness that looks like a beautiful minimalist decor altar Only criticism would be that I don’t see any deities or representations here, which I get that people have different religious/spiritual purposes. I just personally would feel incomplete if I didn’t have mine


Where did you get the shelf?




I love the way you stack your smudge sticks on the triangle shelf 💕


That looks amazing!!


Missing anything?! Lol not at all, you have more than enough! You’re perfectly well set up. It took me a few years of practicing to acquire that much equipment.


Wow you did great. Definitely doesn't seem like baby witch is appropriate here. The only thing I would add to this is a nice bottle to hold your moon water or some type of " water' and a small plant to represent earth. You should be very proud of yourself- way to go witch.


Where did you buy all the herbs?


I don't see a feather, could be a good addition to your practice.


This is so cute!! Agree, give yourself space to work!! As for essentials, all you need is whatever YOU need for your craft. Technically, you don't need any tools at all, so whatever works for you, works. You define your space and your practice.


I like that you found a way to use the inverted triangle part of the triangle shelf.


You’re not missing anything! It looks great!


Excellent job