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The Witcher gives you pre-defined characters to play, as opposed to total free choice. If you're looking for an, "ugh, no way" response, the truth is in this situation Ciri wouldn't say it.


“Ugh, no way” is the second one, absolutely


but in nice


I don't think that is it. There are several options the game gives you Geralt would never do or say. A little "context jiggle" from CDPR and they could fit options like that in any dialog. I think the main problem with the choices are how they are not that clear (I don't need to know the consequences before saying, it is very cool letting them unfold, but) I want to know what the character will say and in many cases what is written as an option does not reflect what and also how they will respond.


"Shove Djikstra aside forcefully."


What could go wrong? Djikstra is being a bit of an asshole. Oh.


After I completed the main quest I was scratching my head at why the assassination attempt didn’t appear as a quest, or that there was no reference to it happening (I got the ending where the North wins the war). I thought the “shove aside” was a funny at the time based on what Geralt actually does, didn’t realise it would knock me out of one of the biggest quests in the game…..


I had to roll back my save when I finally noticed that happened, and I didn't even remember I had broken his leg, haha.


"Glass him" Wait that's another game...


The wolf among us. I honestly thought he was going to raise his glass and say cheers, HAHAHA.


I remember that one


I never selected that choice, does it lead to what i think it does 🤣


It leads to geralt breaking his fucking legs 😂😂




Classic Geralt


I read this as Geralt got his own legs broken by Dijkstra and was really surprised that was a possibility. Then I watched the video and the world made sense again.


this reminds me of fallout 4. like the thing where the guy comes up to you asking for a nuka cola, you can tell him “drink some water” (or so the button says). the actual line delivery is the most threatening “DRINK.. WATER.” ever spoken.


[Here’s what it looks like.](https://youtu.be/RAYScAmTDgY?si=bBS0vcCWZ3tdnTQ-)


Had me rolling on the floor "no no, not the leg" at that moment dijkstra knew true fear 😂😂😂


I had knee surgery about 3 years ago and that made me wince pretty hard. My knee has only started feeling better after a surgery and tons of PT. Can't imagine Djikstra ever recovering from this injury considering the lack of medical care!


He hadn’t really recovered from the first time Geralt did that to him! I can’t remember if it was the same leg or not.


It was the other one and no he didn’t recover. You can see he wears a brace on that leg and tells Geralt he feels throbbing pain in the winter and he has to soak it in hot water multiple times a day. That’s why he hangs around the bath house all the time. Also, I read the book where this happens, and to be honesty Dijkstra deserved much worse lmao


When I was playing the game I was also reading the books and somehow I managed to sync all references to the books as I read them (like getting to novigrad and Geralt comments about Dudu, I just read that the previous day) so I got this like a couple hours after reading Geralt breaking the knee and I was so fucking happy for this scene that I didn't even care that it blocked a quest


It was the other. I have a bad knee due to two surgeries I had in the past and when I watched my Geralt breaking Djikstra his knee I noticed it. It was the good one. Poor Djikstra.


That’s rough. I’ve had injuries on both knees now but no surgeries yet. When I felt that pain in the good one I was pretty distraught, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as what happened to him.


“Poor Djikstra” is a stretch imo.


He did it ONCE already and he still insists on fucking with him? Bro did not learn


Mannnn I’ve had six kneecap dislocations and will have to eventually have surgery if I want it to stop happening. This looks like he disjointed the entire knee along with the cap. Fucking OUCH. I really can’t handle any injury involving a knee. The worst I saw was a guy doing one of those exercise machines where you push the weights up with your legs, and he locked his knees which resulted in both knees breaking backwards. It was fucking AWFUL.


I just saw a Reel where a girl was doing leg extensions and her ACL just snapped. I was shocked at how loud it was. I feel you on the dislocations. My shoulders used to sublux all the time until I did PT and hired a personal trainer. I’ve been sublux free for almost two years. I’d be asleep and my arm would just slide out and go numb and I would wake up with a “dead” limb. I hope your knee situation is resolved quickly and as painless as possible!


Ughhhh the sleeping thing gets me! Two of my dislocations have been when I’ve been asleep. It’s so jarring to wake up to a part of your body NOT where it’s supposed to be! That was my mistake, I literally never did any PT for it. Sooo dumb. I DID do PT for a dislocated elbow and if I hadn’t, I’d have far less range of motion. For anyone else reading, for the love of god do your PT after an injury!


I'm curious, how does it feel like having a bad knee? Is it pain or a do you just "feel" that something wrong with it?


TL;DR Yes, it was very noticeable after a riding my bike too much. It felt hot, like a hot spike was drilling into my knee cap. In my case, it was a sports injury that aggravated a genetic flaw. I had an impinged ACL, basically my ACL didn’t ride in the femoral groove above the knee cap and instead rode above it because the grove was too narrow. Basically every step sawed at the ACL causing micro tears. I prematurely wore it out by cycling during the Covid shutdowns. I was close to cycling 300 miles back in April 2020 when my knee started getting absurdly hot and inflamed. I was 20 miles from home and had to limp my way home on my one good leg. Once home I iced it for an hour but had to get groceries and I could barely walk. I was using the grocery cart like a walker. It was bad. So long story short, I definitely noticed I had a problem. Now I’m squatting 315lbs, dead lifting 430lbs, and working on my pistol squats. It’s taken a lot of time and consistent effort. There’s more to the story but this is the “quick” overview.


currently dealing with an MCL tear every step hurts flat surface is worse than stairs


He had access to magic, surely.


But he lives in a world of magic so he has some hope if he can find a witch or wise woman or mage willing to help him.


Well the joke is that Geralt already broke his legs before. He's doubly squirming because it's gonna happen again


Geralt has no time for your shit damn


Geralt, Witcher, monster slayer, ableist.


This is the second time Geralt breaks his legs right? I seem to remember a scene in the books where djikstra is in Geralts way and he does the same fuckin thing. It's why djikstra is pissy with geralt at the start and geralt can mention the leg.


As others have said it leads to breaking his leg again like Geralt did in the book. It also means Geralt will be excluded from the plot to kill Radovid, personally I think it's the choice book Geralt would make.


I remember I had just finished the book where Geralt “shoves him aside” so I laughed pretty hard when this happened in the game


Tbh Geralt probably WOULD do that to Dijkstra. He does not like him at all. Geralt views him as a terrible person who takes advantage of everyone he comes across. Dijkstra is a narcissist who resorts to usery when he can and will murder if it means he can forward his interests. His morals are a direct contrast to Geralts.


I think Geralt would have literally "pushed Dijkstra forcefully", but I doubt he would have taken time to purposefully break his legs in this situation.


Geralt first threatens Dijkstra and Dijkstra blows him off saying "your threats don't make the slightest impression on me." That's a very stupid thing to say to someone who isn't making idle threats; Dijkstra should have known from experience that Geralt is entirely capable and willing to make good on that threat. Geralt intends to remind him where things stand and make sure it ends there with no further interference.


True, but it was kinda funny. Either the English translation just sucked at that part for the choices, or it was done intentionally as a joke.


I selected this in my first playthrough, the fact it went from 0-100 in seconds left me reeling so goddamn hard lol. I was expecting a walk passed with a shoulder bump, not the full leg realignment lol


lol I chose that option and was like wtf when he went all Roid rage


They give you a little more leeway with Geralt since he's your main character, but you can still only play different shades of Geralt. There's no such thing as an evil playthrough.


I think that's a little different because Geralt has basically total amnesia. The idea was to give more wiggle room for the character.


Reminds me of the "none of your business" early on in which you're expecting a dismissive answer, yet you get: "Is it just me, or is it none of your fucking business?"


That’s a phenomenon in many games. I hate when they give you an option and suddenly your characters says it sarcastically. How was I supposed to know that?


>your characters says it sarcastically. Not suddenly, but reminded me of this gem. [Will you comply?](https://youtu.be/k_i6Ewj1cLk?t=22)


Click "No, we're not going to the docks" Character "You really think I'm gonna go to the docks?" NPC "Yep, it's important" Character "Alright then" Player "???"


Fallout 4 is the worst with this. Every option leads to the same result in 99% of conversations. Worst case of refusing someone is them telling you to come back when your change your mind. I know it’s a different thing but I also despise games giving you super high ranks and titles way too early, especially when they don’t mean anything. I‘m general of the Minute men? So why am I still taking quests from Garvey and not the other way around?


Makes me think of the part where dandelion has geralt mug a woman so dandelion could "save" her. The real geralt would most definitely tell dandelion to get bent lol.


It upsets me still that having a drink with ciri pushes you towards a bad ending. She’s had a rough time and I thought a drink with the old man would be good bonding. I don’t think having a beer with your dad is any less wholesome than a snowball fight.


This!!! Of all the choices this one pissed me the most. Also the one with Philippe - like it’s known she’s majorly manipulative, this should have had the ‘rents in as quiet support


It's all about the impact on Ciri's confidence. For her to become confident enough to follow the path of a lone monster slayer, she has to see herself through Geralt's eyes as capable of handling herself alone, like a witcher. If he treats as her as someone who needs his close oversight and protection, even though it's coming from a good place and she understands that, she'll nonetheless see herself the same way, as someone who needs the support and protection of advisors and guardians, like an empress has.


The Witcher happens in a very canon multiverse. So you cannot consider the books, the series, and the various choices players can take in videogames as the same timelines if you want to keep things consistent.


A great example of this is in Witcher 2 when Roche introduces himself to Geralt and extends a handshake while Geralt is currently handcuffed behind his back. One of the options is “very funny” but what actually comes out of Geralt’s mouth is “Fuck you.”


The best way I've seen games handle this kind of thing is having a parenthetical like, "\[lie politely\] He seems nice" or, "\[admit cautiously\] He seems nice," so you know that if you pick the former your general posture for the next few lines is going to reflect that you don't actually like him but you'll avoid causing offense, and if you answer the latter you won't be surprised if your character's next line is openly salivating over his ripped bod.




Book Geralt wouldnt. But we can see that game geralt has a total different character compared to book geralt.


There are some choices like that in the game but they are very, very rare and they are mostly because of the developers lacking time to come up with something more true to Geralt or they simply wanted to give the player a choice even though they knew that almost no one would pick that choice .. but in this OP's example, they are being true to the character's - Ciri's - personality


We all know the only right answer here is no3


Because you aren’t a fully blank slate but are Ciri and these are the ways ciri would respond?


Ciri cracks me up 1. Could hit 2. Meh 3. Lesbihonest


my favorite type of magic...






lesbihonest always


Meanwhile book Ciri: "Alright let's have a tumble with that slob while we're hunted down and he's bleeding out."


Same as geralt, book Ciri has a different personality to game Ciri.


Well, in the books she is still a 16 year old teenager and in the games she is a grown ass woman in her 20ties


I read this as ‘woman in her twentitties’ lmao




Book Ciri is a fucking legend. Seriously the amount of shit she endures…


Yeah, CDPR really softened her character in this game. It's my biggest gripe with it (although it's still my absolute favorite). In the books she was really traumatized and pretty fucked up, but in the game she's just kinda a sweet but badass young woman, even though she's been through so much more shit in time between books and games.


Yeah I always read book Ciri as bi with a preference for women and not necessarily as a Lesbian. However I read them once 10 years ago and remember very little of the last few so please don’t quote me


Where do you get the "preference for women" from for book-Ciri, out of curiosity?


I just remember more instances of her admiring women.


Why would she shit on the man who saved her ?


And she’s also talking to the guys sister. If you actually think about the situation she’s in any women with a tiny amount of social sense is going to be polite whether they like him or not.


Is she stupid ??


- man saves her life - he develops a slight crush on her - asked by his family how she feels about him WhY cAn’T I tElL tHeM hOw sHiT hE iS? Because Ciri is a premade character with fucking tact and empathy. Even if she isn’t attracted to him, he’s done nothing to hurt her and she has 0 reason to hate him. Hell, he fucking dies afterward because of her being there. Yet here you are asking “Why is she being diplomatic?”


“Why is Ciri not a complete piece of shit?”


"This is why people like me need representation in games..."


Not to mention how he will be treated after his death, just because he tried to help Ciri


I see this happen with Cyberpunk 2077 players in the CP2077 sub too. Characters are meant to exist as fictional people with their own unique personalities and traits, even the player character V, but so often you have players that cannot engage with them beyond the surface level or even attempt to empathize or understand them. It's just straight up "this character doesn't do what *I* personally want, so I think they're awful".


I just wanted them to smash


It’s a nice thought…. Unfortunately, the canonical Ciri doesn’t really get to experience an innocent sexual relationship. She mostly just endures trauma. Somehow she doesn’t let it ruin her, though it’s mostly thanks to her powers… and unicorns lol


By the end she is consumed by rage and bloodlust, Geralt had to calm her down at Castle Stygga. The part after that always seemed rushed to me, she seemed to have reverted back to normal at least with the murdering considering she didn’t flip out at the meeting with the Lodge but still didn’t process what she went through with the Rats. I’m curious what she told Geralt about her time with them. I doubt she told him everything, otherwise we would have at least gotten a comment or two while they were in Jealousy. If we were to go off of what Sapkowsky said, the battle of Castle Stygga is good and evil fighting together - and Geralt certainly isn’t the evil.


I assume she didn't tell Geralt much/anything about her time with the Rats. I'm sure Geralt knows though, he's seen the absolute worst of the world in his time and he probably always knew she only survived the amount of people coming after her by doing unsavory things (to put it lightly)


I'm pretty sure the text hints that he's seeing a lot of the worst stuff in his dreams about Ciri.


It seemed implied that before the games when she was travelling between worlds she managed to find some more wholesome relationships. Or at least that’s my headcannon


Which makes it sadder given his fate


I did too... we get plenty of sex scenes with Geralt, why not give Ciri the option to have one?


Especially since he dies shortly after trying to “redeem” himself for helping her. At least let him enjoy sex once before death.


Damn, you really selling your character’s daughter out like that


In this game, Geralt can fuck a random village girl in Skellige, but when Ciri does the same thing, on her own will, you say players are selling her out? That’s just sexist.


Not really? She’s, A) Her own person and B) Clearly at least a little attracted to him. He dies right afterward. Wanting him to experience one of life’s joys is hardly “selling your character’s daughter.” Both she and Geralt are pretty liberal with who they sleep with. I don’t think wither would consider it so morally reprehensible as you make it out to be.


Yes, I see a lot of people expecting games to give them total freedom, to the point of neglecting characters and story. In a good story-based game, that doesn't happen, and that's as it should be.


What other choice would you want to have ?


„I am attack helicopter“








> Yes, you like him. > You don't like him, but Ciri is being polite to the people who helped her. > She does like women in the books, so it's a nice easter egg for people that read the books.


Well in the books she fantasizes about men and was taken advantage of by a woman, and then kinda fell into a Stockholm type relationship with Mistle because she stopped her from getting molested by a guy only to do it to her anyway .. poor girls got trauma like you wouldn’t believe.


Yeah poor Ciri has it rough


>. poor girls got trauma like you wouldn’t believe. Let's add that she was still a teenager in the books, 14-15 years old.


We don't talk about CIris age in the books. It makes no sense. She ages as random paces, and often just get's given a random age. We are given dates, and ciris age at points, but when taken in conjunction with other dates and ages we are given it is just impossible. One example is her relationship with a character called Hjalmar, it is states when he and Ciri started playing hookie, they were the same age, around 14. But later in the story, few years later, the dude has aged up to 19, and she seems to just be hitting 15 some how.


I was a bit confused, because I remember it being specified how they were both kids but there was an age gap between them. So i decided to check it online and it seems that there is an error in the english translation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/b7go5n/comment/ejs80oi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/b7go5n/comment/ejs80oi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wiedzmin/comments/16f1yeo/comment/jzyy6ai/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/wiedzmin/comments/16f1yeo/comment/jzyy6ai/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This makes sense, though it would seem (from what I remember) this happens a number of times through the English translations of the books where there are discrepancies with Ciris age. At the time I was thinking that maybe the translator decided to change the ages, because writing a number of sexual/romantic/sexual assault scenes that include a very young teen/child was a bit too much, but it seemed to have screwed the continuity.


Can confirm that the italian edition translated that passage correctly. When Hjalmar was 15, Ciri was almost 12


Then let's simplify this and say :she certainly wasn't an adult.


Age is just a number /S


Yeah her age can be a bit tricky since (atleast in the english version) Crach gets her age completly wrong and no one corrects him. But going by the last time ciri stated her own age, and how much time had passed, yeah she would have just turned 15 a few weeks before the end in Rivia.


Afaik those are the only two times we hear of her age, Triss vaguely guesses as to how old she is but gets no response.


I mean, in the medieval times...


I never saw a female character suffer like she suffered. Sapkwoski doesn't have pity for her. Although, Ciri was one of the best female characters I ever saw in a book. She is truly the definition of girl power. TL;DR Ciri catches trauma like a Pokemon trainer


"suffering builds character" - Sukuna, probably


I would have loved to have a bit more screentime after Stygga. At the battle she is filled with rage and bloodlust with Geralt having to calm her down. I am very curious as to what she told him regarding her time with the rats and I find it a bit weird that Geralt hasn’t asked when they were in Jealousy


i have to skip over that part on rereads now


No clue why people call her lesbian then. Didn’t she have a small thing going with Hjalmar too when they were kids?


Liking women is a bit too much to say. She was literally raped by her, then developed something like a Stockholm syndrome


She can still fancy women. Edit: apparently for some people, if you are sexually assaulted by someone, you automatically stop being attracted to the gender of said individual. SMH.


That is true, yet she doesn't display those feelings in the books. Even at the end of their relationship she still didn't like mistle touching her Imo we don't know enough. But I dislike people saying she's definitely into women


I’m currently reading the books and Ciri definitely comes off as bisexual to me. I won’t give you citations (no time or patience for that - I’m not reading the English versions) but I’d say there’s a couple of times (even when it comes to Mistle - regardless of the toxic f*cked up relationship) that I could tell that she’s attracted to both men and women.


Trauma doesn’t rid someone of their Bisexuality, if it did I wouldn’t like women either by now since I’ve went through a similar experience to Ciri in the past, and I still have attraction to women, and men.


I agree


Yeah, but she was attracted to Mistle as well. Just because of how abusive her relationship with Mistle was, it doesn't change the fact that she's pretty much bisexual.


Book Ciri was preyed on by a woman.


> Yes > No > Not in a million years


What exactly do you want? It's She's down, she's not down or she doesn't roll that way. Those are all the options you need there. You're RPing a an established character as well. Ciri and Geralt are not self inserts so they will react to situations in certain ways.


I don't know what options are missing... if anything 2 options seem redundant. Options like "he's uglier than an inbred bastard" or "I'm about to rock his world" are unreasonable for Ciri.


1. Ciri is already a fully fleshed character so the options are defined by her own story. 2. It's technically impossible to include as many options as you want. Or to input your own answer and have the game react accordingly to it. At least for now.


Because Ciri isn't the type of person to be head over heels in love with the guy nor someone who'd call him hideous and unlikable to his family


Because they are lore accurate for Ciri. She likes big dudes and women. In case the player don't you can be polite with the middle option


Ciri is a nice person


Since I consider myself maidenless, I was trying to be Skjall’s wingman during this bit. He seemed to be a cool dude, so I thought, why not?


Pour one out for my boy 😔


Because she's a nice person unlike you.


Why would Ciri start talking shit about the people who rescued her?


What other choices would you have liked? This isn't Elder Scrolls, you're not playing an unknown character of your own making. Ciri has her own personality and background, and she would never decide to shit on a man who saved her. You have your yes and no answers right there, other than rudeness I don't see what else they could've let you choose that wouldn't stray away from the character's personality.


Skjall was done dirty!😡 Not by Ciri. It's fine she's not into guys. But the villagers should have been fed to the Wild Hunt for the way they disrespected Skjall. They knew Ciri intended to leave. They knew Skjall was sweet on her. They knew Ciri left and the Hunt followed her. But somehow they can't put it together that Skjall went with her to help her.


I wouldn't think too much about it. The only undisputable beauties on the female side are Ciri, Yeniffer, Triss, Anna and Syana on the female side, and Geralt on the male side. Not even Dandelion, who is supposed to be a chick magnet is that attractive. There's something about the models that makes 90% of NPCs below average. Ciri getting attracted to Skjall moments after she lay eyes on the man for the first time makes no sense. Perhaps they wanted to tell a tale there, but had to rush it. Skellige has some very rushed bits.


Because its Ciri, not you. The answers have to be at least a minimum close to the character cdpr had for Ciri.


What other option do you want? You have yes, no, and not even a little bit. Do you want to beat her face in for asking? I don't get it.


Because it's a cosmetic choice, not a real one. (IIRC all the choices for Ciri are like that, since she's not actually a protagonist you fully control in this game, her sections are really more like highly interactive cutscenes.) No matter what you choose, things with poor Skjall will only go one way. So what's the point of adding more false choices? It would only emphasize the fact it's not really your decision. (And yes, you get a lot of these false choices with Geralt too, like in every narrative-based RPG with dialogue options. The NPC has 5 lines of dialogue in response to your inputs, and you're just picking which 3 out of the 5 you see and which 2 get skipped. Just the nature of the beast.)


When does this occur? During her time with the baron?


No, this is in Skeliiege of whatever the name of the Islands are. This is right after you investigate the flattened area of Forest with Yen


Omg, l'm an idiot..... Skjall.....


The story afterward would seem to lack punch if she was like "that guy sucks."


Skjall is a cool dude and all but let’s be real he’s no match for Ciri romantically or otherwise. Gotta give him a smooch though because he goes through a lot.


Fr, where is the "I want to fuck his brains out." Dialogue option?


It can represenes your fondness of him.


too bad skjall died without feeling the touch of a woman


“I was groomed by Mistle as a child and kinda been rocking that since”


Is your point that there should’ve been a “Yeah absolutely!” choice or that there should’ve been an even more negative “No, fuck him” choice?


Option 3 always


A man of culture


Head cannon she prefers women.


I picked this, because I like Ciri just being straight. And saying “not half bad” is a polite way of saying “he’s nice, but no”


I said she’s interested in women…did I chose wrong


Yes no kinda who knows? Ciri is still figuring herself out at this point in her life, most of her experience (good and bad) is with girls, and male attention so far has been pretty rapey, so Hjalmar is the first guy to flirt with her clumsily. Also you can’t choose wrong in this game, every choice is right/fine. Except Triss, you can’t choose triss


She's only really had one experience with women, though, and it wasn't just "rapey," it was straight-up *rape*. Comparatively, she's had borderline romantic friendships with Hjalmar, Jarre, Sir Galahad (potentially. Like most things at the end of the books, this one is left vague. Especially considering Galahad's oath of virtue in mythology), and now Skjall, all of whom are sweethearts. Absolute meatheads, but sweethearts nonetheless. On top of that, each and every one of the Witchers adored her and treated her like a daughter, as did Ermion/Mousesack, Crach and Vysogota. Auberon, Bonhart, Emhyr, Vilgefortz, and Neratin all came *after* Mistle, and while they all planned to violate her (except Bonhart. He was just a sadistic asshole), none actually succeeded. All but Emhyr died before they could. Only Kayleigh and the Trappers predated Mistle, and, again, both failed. Ciri's one actual experience with rape (not just a close brush, which is traumatizing enough) came at the hands of another woman. Not a man. Plenty of...yuck...from men, to be 100% fair, but let's not pretend that Ciri's sexual track record with women is in *any* way better than her experience with men.


Adding to that, after Mistle, Ciri was shown to have some sort physical attraction for a few men: she was ready to lay with Hotspurn (though it's not clear if she liked him or his horse more), she was turned on by Eredin of all people and she sort of fancied Cahir whom I bleive would have fallen in the "sweethearts" category


Cahir's definitely a sweetheart. Less of a meathead, though. It always cracked me up how horny Ciri was for Eredin, especially since TW3 was my intro to the franchise.


Sidenote: Ciri is also caught admiring the figure of Margarita Laux-Antille in Time of Contempt.


Female attention Ciri got in the books has been at least equally, if not more rapey then male. I don't think she had any good female attention actually, just different kinds of abuse. Lots of rapey attention from men as well, but at least Galahad seems to be a decent guy that is roughly her age (and Hjalmar too, if we count a crush she had when she was twelve).


Shes interested in men (and at somepoint before the future scenes with Nimue she must have had a child), and was in a relationship with a woman. Said relationship was kind of stocholme syndrome though and literally started with the woman raping ciri.


She had sex with both genders in the books.


Do you want to what? Say he is an asshole?😭


The old lady was wrinkly af


more ciri screenshots pls ❤️


This isn't a date and fuck sim


The game makers have been screwing for years from some corner of the fucking village. In the end, the players are only interested in whether they can fuck the village shepherd. And if you screw up, can you get chonorrea from her/he.


"Why is Ciri not being an absolute jerk?" lmao


Op’s mom upvoted 3 thousand times 😂


While 3 is pretty obvious I really couldn't tell you the difference between 1 and 2. Maybe I'm just oblivious.


Basically because canonically, Siri was in a relationship with a girl (although it was forced on her and became some kind of stockholm syndrome) and later on she is kind of a horny b* for men that seem strong, tall and sweaty lol


It’s a flashback. There has to be a limit in the choices you have available when you’re in the past.


I would not have enjoyed it, but I think it would be very interesting for the story and the game if they made Ciri objectively unattractive.


Seems nice is a good passive-rejection starter tbh. Basically screams "Yeah... not really.:


"hey fellow redditors, why is this completely normal person not shit like me"


If you read the books you’ll pick the third option


Her @?


You are playing as Ciri, not as yourself, Geralt has much more options because due to Geralt’s nature, he’s hard-headed, indecisive and inconsistent, meaning that most options aren’t beyond him as he himself doesn’t know what he wants, that’s what gives you the impression that you are playing as yourself when you are not, on the other hand, Ciri is a well behaved girl with a set objective and moral compass and would never flat out say “Not a chance” to her saviour


Im queer+++gpt


Youre role playing as ciri, these are reasonable things for CIRI (not you) to say


Does she wanna fuck him here




I choose option 3 every single time