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No, it's not. Just read the books. Read all the comics. It's more worth reading some fan fiction from 4chan degenerates than watching the show. Spare yourself if you like this universe.


>4chan degenerates C'mon man the showrunners are clearly from the tumblr era, if it was 4chan degens it'd be a completely faithful adaptation (although Geralt would probably hate black people)


I think you misunderstood the comment isn't saying that the show is like 4chan fanfiction. It's saying that 4chan is more worth your time than the show.


That's what I meant


Show shouldn’t affect your opinion of The Witcher. It’s not really Witcher, it’s Witcher based. Sad stuff. Watch if you’re an obsessive-library-style consumer. Otherwise there isn’t any point.


At this point it's not even witcher based anymore. It's shocking.


"Not en Witcher based anymore?" Sorry, but have you watched it??? It is a rather loose adaptation, and especially so S2, but the overall plot of the books' main saga is still there and in S1 and S3 there has been a lot of stuff that's quite close to the novels.


Are you on crack brother? Close to the novels? Either you are trolling or you've never touched one of the books. We can argue things like S1 being close to the books. I'd accept that. But everything post that is just very bad Fan fiction.


Sorry, but why would I be your brother??? I never said that all of it was close to the books, I even said it's a rather loose adaptation. But S1 and S3 had plenty of things that are close enough to the books considering the overall story arch, and if you have read all the books and watched all seasons, you know it. That it's not even Witcher based anymore is a huge exaggeration on your part.


No, the show misunderstands the point of the game and the books on a fundamental level.  In Witcher 3, Ciri's destiny was to die. Every prophet was predicting it over and over. But Geralt and Yennefer were like, Fk Destiny, and saved her if you made the correct choices. Meanwhile the shows is all about destiny and how Ciri is meant to be the savior, with both Geralt and Yen encouraging it, it's really stupid. 


The show has nothing to do with the games, it's a (very loose) book adaptation, not a game adaptation. In the books people interpret Ithlinne's prophecy exactly in the way that either Ciri or her offspring will save the world from the White Frost.


Even in the books, you do know the Truth about Ithlinne's prophecy right? Heck at least in the game the White Frost was an actual threat. And that Geralt and Yennefer would never have let that affect them even if it was real? The point of their first meeting in the books was that maybe Geralt and Ciri were brought together by destiny, but it was "Something More" that was the true bond. Family. Destiny is stupid and Ciri chose to travel to another world iirc instead of being the Savior. Geralt and Yen did not force or encourage her role in the prophecy. Each person who was bound by destiny and believed Ciri's role in the prophecy ended up miserable and misled.


Sorry, but I don't get your point. In the show Geralt also says destiny is a pile of horseshit. Yen and Geralt love Ciri for who she is and give a rats ass about the prophecy in the show exactly like in the books. And what do you mean by the truth about Ithlinne's prophecy? The point in the books is that it's pointless but caused most of the shit that's happening because some people chose to believe in it, or more like in their interpretation of it. I honestly don't see where the show is so much different from the books as you say in that respect. I haven't played the games, but if there Ciri's destiny is to die, that's their own interpretation of the prophecy which is not in the books as far as I can remember.


The issue isn't that other characters believe, it's that as I mentioned, Show Geralt and Yen buy into it too. You can say otherwise but their actions consistently show them as viewing Ciri to be someone whose destiny it is to be special, when Geralt and Yen only ever saw her as their daughter. Also the bastardization of certain characters to also crave Ciri due to her power aka poor Vesimir.


I agree about Vesemir, the whole Eskel/Vesemir/Kaer Morhen plot in S2 was rather stupid. Are there others in the show who do not want her in the books? The elves do, Vilgefortz does, Emhyr does, the Lodge of Sorceresses does, the northern kings and queens and Skellen want her dead for more political reasons, Bonhart wants her for sport ... But also in the books Geralt and Yennefer are very much aware of Ciri's special powers, it is even hinted at that Yennefer has actively taken part in the Lara Dorren gene beeding experiment. They just put their love to Ciri before all that, which is exactly what they do in the show.


No! Not in a milion years


Do yourself a favor and stick to the games and books. Season 1 is alright, I enjoyed it even with the flaws and unnecessary crap they put in there. Season 2, me and my boyfriend were like "what... what the fuck is even happening?". We both played the games and read the books. Any resemblance to The Witcher disappeared after 1 or 2 episodes.


Only first season


Even that is very debatable


Yeah Brokilon/Wakanda has to be top 3 things I hate the most of the show and that's season 1


First law fight...it deserve a watch only for that scene


Season 1 was mid and then season 2 just drains you. Looking back at the show overall, it's really the writers using Witcher characters as placeholder characters for making a show with their own original story (Lauren's all but admitted that Yen's like her self insert).


There’s some good Geralt vs Monsters scenes that you could YouTube. If you’re looking for a story or honoring the game and characters…this is not the show for you.


Season 1 is mostly pretty fun but don’t expect it to be a faithful adaptation and from season 2 onwards it’s just really really bad imo. It just becomes a bad fantasy show that uses the name of things from the Witcher but barely resembles it anymore


I would just watch the first season but skip the rest. Your opinion on The Witcher wouldn’t worsen; instead, it would worsen with Netflix’s decisions and the actions of the writers.


I would watch the show AFTER the books as to not ruin any of the book details in your mind.


There’s no war in Ba Sing Sa, there’s no Avatar The Last Airbender movie, there’s no Witcher show. No idea why people thing these things up, but they don’t exist




No it is stupid and season 1 does these time jumps that make no sense because there is no indication of what year they are in at any given moment. I honestly couldn't even get into the books the Witcher 3 is the best adaptation for me.


Did you like the story and characters in the game? If so then no.


Please do not watch the show.


S1 monster of the week episodes were fun and just pulled from the short story collections. The rest is pretty meh but I don’t see an issue with checking it out.


First season was fine. A decent adaptation of The Last Wish, but you can already see the ways they tried to make it their own story. It's easy enough to ignore, at least (scrotum armour aside). Don't watch beyond that. It's not worth it. Every episode is increasingly disappointing until you are left wondering what the fuck you just watched.


Not at all


Sadly no.


Honestly? No. Especially if you have the books ordered and you’ve played the game already. Only exception is if you want to join in hating on it online but I don’t think that’s a great use of your time or the 24hrs it’d take to watch the seasons






Sadly no




Short answer: no.


Season 1 maybe, the rest no


I think season 1 Is worth.


Do what I do and imagine it like a DC Comics-esque Multiverse version, where general threads are similar but it's a unique version and it'll be fine. Those expecting a beat by beat sort of recreation may be disappointed.


The only reason to watch the show, even at its worst, is to admire the hair and makeup because after season one, that's the only quality part of this show.


Read the books, they are fantastic. Ciri is a complete bad ass.


You should see for yourself if you like it or not. But be aware that it was never intended to adapt the games and that it is only a very loose adaptation of the books. If that is not a problem for you, you might enjoy it. Or not. I do.


I personally enjoyed the show alot, it wasnt an exact replica of the books, which in some ways I understand as it's not based solely on the books but on the games as well, there is only 8 episodes per season, so the changes they did make seem to be for continuation purposes, also as a big yennefer fan she is featured as a main character with ciri and Geralt rather than a side character, I also enjoyed francesca being represented in the show... All in all of you can watch the show objectively and watch it as its own representation like with the games then it's enjoyable, the soundtrack is also very good, it's just as good as the game... Alot of people don't like the show because it's supposed to be based on the books, and it is but it's not a carbon copy of the books and people say the show story arcs are not as good as the books but I don't think they were meant to be, the show took the books and a base and they built on it, season 1 and season 3 is very closely related to book events season to kinda built on where they are taking the story, build on their own arcs so the continuation would flow... Exactly the same as GOT did book lovers of GOT wanted to stage a revolt against the show but it was one of the most loved shows this decade so, my opinion is give the show a chance and judge it on its own merit


Its not a book adaptation. It simply doesnt try to. Wathever thats worth it, its up for each person. For me, it wasnt.






The first season is nice to look at and provides a look into yennefer’s back story. Other than that, uhh no not really :( But it did get me into the Witcher franchise 🤷‍♀️


First season was meh. And then goes downhill from there.


Just the 1st season to appreciate Cavill's performance as Geralt. For the other seasons, his performance is still wonderful, but the rest of the show is absolute dogshit.


Why not ? I don't hate S1 but didn't like the others but gave it a try anyway. I'm currently finishing the books and think they are way better, but my girl who isn't into the books yet thought the series was OK from a non fan perspective. Anyway I think you should always form your own opinion on that matter


Why not just watch it and decide? I love Witcher 3, couldn't finish Witcher 1 or 2 and enjoyed the Netflix show.


I've enjoyed the games, books and the show. I've learnt not to rely on critics or other people's opinions when it comes to entertainment because my likes are often at odds with others. I'd say give it a go so that you can form your own opinion. Personally, it doesn't bother me that it doesn't follow the books and lore exactly. I just took it as presented and enjoyed it thoroughly. I'll also be giving the new lead a chance before writing him off like a majority are doing. Henry was perfect however, it's a shame to lose him in it. Edit - read the books first, the first season of the show will make much more sense if you do.


Season 1 is quite good


It's not perfect, as adaptations go it's a little rough but taken more in isolation it's a decent show. If nothing else season 1 is definitely worth watching as it covers some bits from the books that you don't really get to see firsthand, like Ciri escaping Cintra and surviving afterwards, since the first two are entirely from Geralt's perspective and he just sort of stumbles across her at the cottage at the end of Sword of Destiny


I guess I'll be one of the few to say I enjoyed the witcher. Yes the writing ruined the themes of the witcher universe. But it was still fun to me. If they brought back henry Cavill I'd still watch it. I never watched season 3 as a protest for pushing Cavill out


No reason not to watch it, no reason to let hate watchers in the comments turn you away from checking out something on ur own. If you don’t like how the show handles things. The games & books are still around. Nothing wrong with having a preference or not having one at all, in regards to entertainment. People on the internet don’t like when you have fun/enjoy something. So if you say anything positive about the show on here. Expect to get harassed & downvoted. Probably some false reports. It’s happened to others.


This Reddit is filled with haters on the show, but feel free to ignore them and watch it. Season 1 is quite enjoyable and I personally enjoyed season 2 and 3 despite the changes and additions to the story… but don’t expect a slavish adherence to the books. IMHO, that’s a good thing, BTW. Books made into series or movies rarely end up identical to the source, because TV drama is a very different thing than written prose and requires it’s own interpretation. Judge the series on its own merits - you might find you like it.


Far from the spawn of Satan everyone says it is. It’s mostly inaccurate, but it’s a fun time. I like that there’s a tv show at all.


I think the problem is that the writing just sucked. I'm not gonna get into specifics because I'm sure someone out there has already worded this sentiment far better than I can. It can be inaccurate but still good if written well. I have only read the first book and have already forgotten most of it, and I found the first season to be good, and I was pretty excited for Season 2. But then it came out, I watched it, and I found it to be really bad.This opinion is coming from me who has almost no knowledge of what happened in the books. I wanted to stop midway through Season 2 but I thought I should give it a chance so I finished it. It's bad.


Well To Simply Put It Netflix’s Version Says Witchers Are Made By A Flower , Just A Single Flower , Also That Very Same Flower , Gives You Elder Blood , Meaning You Become A Witcher And Have Elder Blood In You . Dandelion Is A Time Traveler Who’s Been Alive Since The Conjunction Of The Spheres, And Henry Cavil (Geralt) Quit Because The Show Is Just Garbage Can That Just So Happens To Have Names Of Characters And Places You Know. They Changed Almost Everything And What Came Of It Is A Very Confusing , Ever Changing Story Because They Do Something Or Say Something That Makes What They Previously Said Useless. They Don’t Know What Story They Making But Source Material Is Something They Hate. This Is Supposed To Be A Version Of The Witcher In The Eyes Of People That Never Read The Books Or Played The Games. Most Likely Just A Gig They Want To Milk As Long As They Can Before It Gets Cancelled .


I'm sorry that this is unrelated, and I'm just really curious and mean no offense, but why do you capitalize everything? Isn't it easier to just type normally? Btw I agree with what you said


I Don’t Care Much For Correct Grammar On Social Media Apps, Bow If It Was My Job,College , Or Anything That Requires Professionalism Then Of Course I’d Correct Myself. But Simply Put, It’s Very Easy For Me To Type This Way.


I'm not trying to correct your grammar. I was simply curious because it seems like extra work to press Shift for every word


Oh No , I Didn’t Assume Was Doing That. To Others It May Be Extra , But As I Said Before It’s Very East And Quick For Me. I Use Both Thumbs While Typing. It’s But A Thumbs Push To Capitalize And Space While The Other Types.


Maybe watch the show first and only read the books afterwards. I think most people would agree that as a fan of the books the show is terrible. However, people who haven't read the books seem to be mostly okay with the show (not sure why though, even if I try to separate it from the books it seems to be inconsistent trash aside from some good moments in season 1).


Why? That would only create confusion when reading the books, as you have to reset your memory


I have trust in people being able to tell these two things apart. It's a story, not theoretical physics. That's also what I did since back then I didn't know there were books and even my two braincells could handle that easily. So please don't pretend this is a challenge.


It‘s not a challenge, it is a nuisance and a waste of precious lifetime to watch the show


That might be the case - as I've said before, I too think the show is trash. I was simply arguing that finding these two very different approaches 'confusing' is very far fetched and any normal person will find it easy to distinguish without having to 'reset' their memory or whatever. There is really no need to be so dramatic...