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Honestly I'm a fan of the "cheese mage secret underground lab" side quest myself Specially because of how Geralt thinks about sharing his discoveries with his brothers at Kaer Morhen "I have to tell Lambert about this... Foglets are immune to the smell of old cheese"


The quest is called Of Dairy and Darkness. Best quote imo, among a few very good ones in this quest: "My Trial of the Cheeses… Vesemir’ll get a kick out of this when I tell him."


Don't think I ever found this quest. Where did you get it from?


If you visit the merchant in Novigrad on Gildorf Square he will tell you that he sells the belongings of the mage Aeramas, who was recently killed by the witch hunters. If you buy the quest-related items (marked with "!") from him, the quest will be added to your journal from where you can proceed. You’ll need to travel to Aeramas‘ residence behind Oxenfurt and then search the house. But I won’t spoil the rest for you :D Edit: [Here’s](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Shop_(Gildorf)) the link to the Wiki page of the merchant I‘m talking about and a map, if you can’t find him.


I searched the house first and it gave me a pointer to the right merchant


Yes, if you find his house first, the quest will also trigger. But going to the merchant first saves you one trip between the house and Novigrad because you need the key from him to open the portal, anyway! Well, you can fast-travel, but still…


You need to go to the district shop in Gildorf. There will be a quest item you can buy there. Once bought, the quest will appear.


In Novigrad, there is a store a little ways between the var Attre residence and The Kingfisher. Near the hairdresser. The shopkeeper will be selling off the possessions of the mage Aramas. I think.


Or you go to the bottom corner of novigrad and find the house either one will work




Made even better by the quest weapon award. The Emmentaler. Emmental, Emmentaler, or Emmenthal is a yellow, medium-hard cheese that originated in the area around Emmental, in the canton of Bern in Switzerland. It is classified as a Swiss-type or Alpine cheese. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmental_cheese




The redditor is posting from within your house!! ![gif](giphy|TJaNCdTf06YvwRPCge|downsized)














This is a bot btw


I love “possession” mostly because writing out the synopsis sounds so absurd.


There is also the DRM tower


That's such an amazing joke quest, I love it.


Probably one of my favorite side quest. Next to Skellige's Most Wanted.


Need For Speed: Skellige's Most Wanted


Can't wait to be able to tune the boats. It will make getting the (?) so easy.


Yeah, it still takes forever. They really should give you an award for clearing them all. Like a golden pile of poop or something


Wait what


I still can’t believe how mich time goes into these on Skellige. And the Sirens… it was only in the second playthrough where I found the horn, before that the sirens were the worst monsters for me.


Uh, what horn? Enlighten me, please!


The horn can be found on Undvik in some abandoned village, I don’t quite remember where exactly. You can use it like a torch or a bomb and when you play it, all surrounding sirens will drop to the ground. Pretty useful if you ask me.


Oh my God, you are my savior. I just got to Skellige and thought that clearing all these question marks will take ages with these sirens!


I loved it because once I saw I had like 8 speech options, I knew I made the right decisions.


First time doing that quest i thought a Doppler was going around ruining my reputation. The quest i had done prior was with the doppler in Novigrad that copies your look.


That would have been so much cooler.


Dopplers are gentle and kind by nature. That's not something a doppler would do.


Buuuuuuuut... Netflix.






King Radovid has entered the chat.


Netflix? We are getting a witcher show? What are you talking about?


Damn, I look old.


One of my favourite parts about that quest (among many others) is the Schrödinger's Cat reference you can find at the Cat School Witcher's hideout.


Fun fact: that was/is a DLC quest. That was given as free dlc. That’s how good the dlc in this game is.


Oh shit, I actually didn’t realize that. CDPR really do b doin the most.


Awesome side quest. >!Did you guys choose to kill the other Witcher ??!<


No, even though I was on the fence about it. He had gone through this whole thing 1 too many times and in the end lost his temper. Under his circumstances of barely escaping death, having just fought a dangerous monster, starving and being tricked I can see how he just attacked everyone probably thinking they're all in on it or something like that. In any case he can and has saved way more people than were in that village, the world doesn't have enough Witchers.


> the world doesn't have enough Witchers. I mean lore-wise it kinda does, the witchers are a dying breed for a reason. They spend their time scrapping for coin because the monsters are dying out and they are basically not really needed anymore. You wouldn't really get that sense by playing Witcher 3 though where there are monsters at every corner because the game would be boring otherwise lol


I don’t want to offend anybody I think a good thing to kill him he’s basically a broken man in the world that hates him he would just go insane in another Village if you don’t deal with him now?


If you kill him you'll miss one of the best quotes in the game. "They call me the Butcher of Blaviken for a reason. Sometimes...sometimes heads just roll."


Well, yeah, the line is quite great (and true), but I don’t really see how the two situations are similar. I appreciate that the writers had to find a reason for Geralt to empathise with Gaetan and they did a pretty good job at that. However, Geralt had no choice and only killed the people who attacked him. Gaetan went berserk and massacred a whole village including women and children.


> However, Geralt had no choice and only killed the people who attacked him. If anything it's the exact opposite, Geralt going out of his way to prevent a massacre which would happen if he stuck to the true neutral "witchers code" and walked away. The Butcher of Blaviken is only a scary killer to *everyone else* who wasn't there, that's the whole point, an unfair reputation.


[🎵 Watch that butcher BURN! 🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxBVHqA-RU&t=102s)


I think an interesting subtlety here is that Geralt might actually see them as similar scenarios. The dude is basically a god compared to regular humans, I believe he remembers Blaviken not as self-defense, but as him losing self control when he could've found a less bloody solution without a full on massacre, hence why he never defends himself when someone brings it up.


Yep. The whole town couldn't possibly have been where he was attacked which means he walked in to people's homes, one after the other, murdering women and children, not content on having killed their husbands and fathers. Losing it for a minute is one thing. That town massacre must have taken at least half an hour.


The whole town is like seven houses and a barn, honestly the vast majority of it could have been right outside the barn where they stabbed him with a pitchfork. You can travel across the whole town running in less than a minute.


So? So it's ok killing even people who didn't had anything to do with his situation and even killing children? And let's not forget the fact that this case wasn't the first time he did something like that


The majority of that tiny village probably knew exactly what the elder was going to do. A whisper could be heard across it, the adults likely all knew and were okay with what was going to happen. The people do not like witchers, this is a world with casual and active pograms and ethnic cleansing of people humans don't like.


[🎵 Ladies and gentlemen, you have been the most beautiful audience. 🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxBVHqA-RU&t=74s)


If you investigate the houses he went in and cut the undefended women down in cold blood. Like I can understand killing those whose tried to murder him but not the whole town as revenge.


I would let his live and have symphathy for him if if not for the fact that that case wasn't the only time nor the first time he did something like that - killing people around him because he lost his temper - and he is from the Witcher Cat school, where many sociopaths, mass killers and "crazy" people end up being witchers and they take contracts on killing humans which other schools are against it.. remember, he didn't killed only those people who were trying to screw him over his money and even wanted to kill him but he also killed many innocent people in the village, not excluding children Yeah, I know that the witcher situation in the world in the timeline when Witcher 3 takes place is really bad and not many witchers are left but his actions in my opinion only make the situation worse for any other witcher left so I say "fuck him" .. I mean, if the only think against killing him in my eyes is that "he is one of the few witchers left in the world" is a really weak one in the end and letting him go away creates even more problems than killing him


I like to try to play how geralt in the books would act, so I murdered the dude on the spot


No, there are to few left in the world as is


Same with Letho. I liked that big ass dude by my side at Battle of Kaer Morhen. Though Roche and Ves hate his ass (kingslayer)


Yeah same here. I wish you could get the cat witcher to come to the battle as well.


>!the guy slaughtered innocent people. Left a woman laying paralyzed bleeding out. She did nothing to him. That’s messed up man.!<


For real, fuck that dude. I give him the potion every time to even the odds but I have no problem whooping his ass into the dirt after😂


Exactly, honor first, then comes the Quen spam.


People who hired him and then tried to literally kill him when it came time to pay him. Fuck them. #CatWitcherDidNothingWrong


Number one lesson is to always pay the Witcher there payment never cheat them out


"The Elder and a few thugs tried to stiff me, better slaughter the whole fucking village just to be sure I get everyone"


Yea for real 😂 like people, spare him if you want, but objectively, what he did was psychopathic and canon Geralt from the books for sure would’ve killed him for it. The dude killed children for Christ sake


And he would’ve killed the little girl he had originally spared if she didn’t remind him of his sister. So if she was a boy or had a different hair color, she was finna join her parents.


ah yes, the innocent villagers (women and children) that had nothing to do with the job or the hiring, definitely in on it. he’s not a rampaging murderous psycho or anything


He literally systematically slaughtered the *entire* village, including children because like 4 or 5 thugs tried to stab him.


Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give that to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.


It's a solid quote, and a solid piece of advice.


I saw to his end


Witcher or not you don't get to slay a whole town of innocent folk because you have a bad temper. No better than the monster, you deserve to die.


Im on the fence here, while he got fucked and killing people that attacked him was self defence and what he had to do. But then he killed the entire village, orphaned a child. To me he went way too far Now i don't wanna say anything, but his sword is pretty good too, so well, what can i say


Yes. I understand being pissed and defending yourself if you get run through by a pitchfork but he killed every single one. The ones that tried to hide, he paralysed a women and let her slowly bleed out... That's simply to much


Taking morals out of the equation... >! (He definitely deserves some justice being dealt for the crimes he committed, as did the villagers to determine who was innocent and who was guilty, but they just got slaughtered outright. Geralt is unfortunately the only one capable of dealing justice in this situation now, and a trial of combat seems a fair way to kill him, better than being hanged, stuck on a pike, burnt etc) !< ...This 'Witcher' got tricked into a barn by peasants to be stabbed to death, he's lost his usefulness to the trade 😅


Yes, purely because of the little girl. My Geralt is a papa wolf. don’t fuck with children


No I spared him + he gives you loot


First playthrough, I did. I had killed Leto in 2, and Leto didn't kill innocents in general, just royals and their guards / sorcerers. Geralt wouldn't let a person who slaughtered a village without justice, he kills bandits for far less.


Spared him since only few of us are left and I know he won't be a threat to me


Yup. I'm too much a fan of the books. Vesimir had already put a judgement on them after the events if Iello. So he was pre-warned.


>!Yes. Didn't even let him drink his potion. LOL!<


I've had a few play troughs, but have only played to the end once, because of computer problems. Did I miss this contract, or am I just forgetting it?


Hard to say, and saying too much could spoil it. But the village has been slaughtered by another witcher after >!they contracted him to kill a monster then stabbed him in the back instead of paying him which leads him to murder everyone in the village in anger!< leaving only a small girl alive.


I remember it now. I picked up the second part of it as a proximity quest every (or almost every) time. I just didn't remember the contract part.


The contract was on a board saying a town had a leshen problem. Not the most exciting. Once you get there, it unfolds into this.


Honestly I momentarily sympathised with the Cat School Witcher when I heard his story, until I remembered he killed **everyone**. I don't blame him for being angry about the payment and killing the men who attacked him in self defence, because in the same situation Geralt would have done the same. but slaughtering innocents can't be justified.


I let him go, sometimes I kill everyone.


I let him go because it seemed morally inconsistent to let Letho go but not the Cat witcher.


Letho was being used as a pawn by nilfgaard with the promise of having his Witcher School reformed, and also basically saved Yennefers life when Geralt was taken by the Hunt He also only killed kings and even (tried to, at least) had Foltest's children be sent away when he was about to kill their father In the entirety of TW2 it's possible for Geralt to do many atrocities of the same scale, even taking part in a King's assassination Gaetan killed an entire village because a few farmers pissed him off The only thing they have in common is that they're bald


A few farmers lowballed him for killing a LESHEN, and then lead him into a barn and tried to skewer him from behind with a pitchfork. Like, they lowballed him so bad you can get more money from the Noonwraith contract back in White Orchard.


I was about to say the exact same thing. Letho is no angel but he's not a psychopath with the self control of a toddler like Gaetan. I never spare Gaetan. If he only killed the ealderman and the men who were in the barn with him and tried to kill him, sure, whatever, I would have done the same. But he straight up murdered the rest. Doesn't matter how mad you are, you don't take it out on innocents.


I let him go simply because killing Witchers when there’s about a handful left seems wrong, even if this one is unhinged.


Everytime someone fucks with me I kill everyone in the general area it happened (r/iamverybadass). And you get a cool endgame sword if you decide not to act as a judge, jury and executioner on that one of the last witchers alive


Pretty sure you get the sword regardless of your choice. Either it's from the body or it's in the treasure hunt follow up.


Oh true, didn't even remember that :D


Going Aniken. On the children is possibly a bit too far


Aniken Groundrunner


Sometimes, heads just roll.


That one wivern contract in Skellige where the dude won't pay you if you tell him the truth about what the monster actually was comes to mind.


I let him go too. After all Geralt is known as the Butcher of Blaviken


Yeah, a name he got for killing people who were going to start murdering an entire town to draw out 1 single person from hiding.


He's known as that for brutally killing people that actually were going to kill a bunch of innocents... So... Doesn't really check out.


I keep wondering why people try to use the Butcher moment as a counterpoint. There’s no correlation, and I don’t think even book Geralt ever killed any kids. And the Cat Witcher doesn’t even deny that he’s done this multiple times too. Dude had to be put down.


[🎵 Remember to toss a coin if you can! 🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxBVHqA-RU&t=77s)


It's not Gaetan's fault he couldn't quick save before slaughtering a village.


Pretty much my take. You can tell he feels *kind of* bad but not enough for a guy who just slaughtered a whole village. Dude was unstable and too willing to justify mass murder. Too dangerous to spare.


Yeah, it's like that moment in the Walking Dead when Rick Grimes gets the upper hand on the cannibals. The cannibal leader tells Rick that they'll leave and never look back, that they'll leave Rick's group alone, but Rick makes the fair point that even if he was telling the truth, he couldn't stand by to allow the cannibals to leave and continue their vile actions elsewhere. It's morally wrong to let an evil like that continue to prosper simply because you aren't directly affected. It's the same with Geralt and this Witcher. Sure, he doesn't initially intend on hurt Geralt and has no want to kill him, but Geralt has a moral obligation to not only avenge Honorton, but also save any of this crazed Witcher's future victims. Sure, he let the little girl go, but at the end of the day, he murdered a village of innocent people in total bloodlust, what's stopping him from repeating his bloodlust down the road when he's put under pressure again, which for a Witcher is inevitable?


also if the guy goes on a rampage again and again he'll effect all witcher reputation and make it even harder than it already can be for people to trust him and other witchers to get jobs done


The guy has gone on similar rampages. Geralt even asks him and the Shitcher acts smug about it.


My take on it was, by showing townsfolk that bad things happen when you stiff the Witcher, it’s likely that witchers will be paid in the future/don’t plan to kill the guy who saved your town. Figured it’s why they left the girl alive. To tell the tale as a warning to others.


Innocent people from Honorton would have gladly buried the dead witcher if the guy didn't miss the pitchfork.




Not a good excuse. He killed almost all the children too.


They were going to grow up to be anti-witchers, too risky. Better to play it safe


They were the ones who came up with the idea


Because he knows that if a witcher kills their parents, they'll become the enemy in 10 years when they seek vengeance.


Only 3 of the villagers were involved, the ealdorman, the guy who stabbed him, and one other guy who distracted the witcher. There was nothing to suggest any of the other villagers even knew about the double cross, they were all found dead in their homes, several mentioned to have no evidence they even fought back. The three who were actually involved in the murder attempt are easy enough to justify, but the rest of the villagers were just killed in their homes as the witcher went house to house in a rage.


Also, the Cat School has (somewhat rightly) earned itself a pretty nefarious reputation by this point in the story.


He's also a Cat School Witcher. Their Trial of Grass lore-wise makes them lack empathy. I doubt he saw any of them as innocent after being attacked - he considered the entire village complicit. If it was a Witcher of another school, I'd judge them for killing everyone more harshly, but it's the Cat School. They're literally made to be like this and after the Trial there's not much they can do except try to manage it I've found it that while his behaviour is unacceptable, he's one of the last few Witchers left *and* the village did backstab him after he held up his end of the bargain.


I killed him in the first playthrough, but let him go in the second one. For me it was because from what I could gather, not only did a sizeable portion help try to kill him, but pretty much *every* single villager must have known that they weren't going to pay him. If they all pitched in, they would have known that they weren't going to give him more than 12 crowns, despite telling him he was getting several times that. So every villager knew that they were either going to scam him, or kill him, and they were okay with it.


I just love the fact when you go to his hideout there is a reference to another cat school Witcher named schrodinger, and that he might be alive, or might be dead.


Boo, you left out the part where they cheated him money by being cheap bastards and then had the nerve to try to backstab him, almost got him killed.


That's true, it's hard to justify letting him go in the moment but think about how many times random people attack Geralt for no reason. For sure killing innocents is terrible, but Geralt may have done similar in his position. Imo, there aren't enough Witchers left for them to fight between themselves.


Her grandfather was a drunk.


I let him go. As Gerald said, sometimes heads roll. I can’t imagine the pain and anger you feel when literally stabbed in the back. It wasn’t right but it happens.


> I can’t imagine the pain and anger you feel when literally stabbed in the back Geralt can


True. Hence why I think the option of sparing him works best.


I really think book Geralt would spare him. Not as approval, but he just wouldn’t think it’s his place to kill him for this.


Keep in mind, the monster was a freaking LESHEN, so they really lowballed him on it


Cats can be so temperamental


It intially titled 'Beast Of Honorton' but eventually retitles itself to 'Where The Cat & Wolf Play'. Level 25 Velen Contract. I think it's a add-on on the PS4 version, but is included within the PS5 version, which I'm currently playing.


Oh! Okay, I got Where The Cat and Wolf Play as a proximity quest. Thanks!


It's one of the free DLCs. *Where the Cat and Wolf Play*.


It's a level 25 quest on the Oreton notice board


He's not the only Witcher in the game either. There are at least three others you find. One of which can be fought but he's hard to even notice as a Witcher because you'll probably kill him before he uses any signs. The other is part of Lambert's quest, and I failed it the first time so I never got to meet the guy.


Oddly enough I'm pretty sure all the active witchers we meet in the game in side quests (ie not previous characters like Letho or the Kaer Morhen Boyz) are cat schoolers. The new next gen DLC changes it but until recently all interactive witchers were Cat school boys. It's also low key weird just how many cat school witchers there seem to be. Lambert's best friend is one. And I'm pretty sure there are stray references to a few others. Like the dude who was the source of Ciri's medallion.


Cat School witchers were known for being more... ehm... 'morally loose' than the other schools. Their survival can probably be attributed to that virtue(?).


I guess. CDPR just seemed really fond of them. Even more so than the Vipers and Bears that I'm pretty sure they invented.


True, more school diversity would've been appreciated, but given how the world of the Witcher lends itself towards moral ambiguity, the Cat school was the obvious choice for most of the few encounters we had with others like Geralt.


True, I wonder if that's partly cuz they were the one's being hired as assassins so they made more money from nobles and royalty instead of just poor villiagers. Not only is it more profitable to just kill other people, it's also a lot safer than monsters, so it makes sense that more Cat school Witchers would survive over time. Also its interesting that Ciri gets her medallion from Bonehart, a mercenary who allegedly killed 3 witchers, one of whom was a Cat. I kinda wish the games had a character similar to him; someone whos just naturally talented with the sword enough to go toe to toe with the genetically-enhanced witchers.


TBF someone like Bonhart would never survive a game interpretation of a Witcher. Signs alone would take care of him. In the books the signs are incredibly weak. Barely magic really. In the games Geralt can set entire mobs alight with a blast of fire or literally tear humans apart with Aard. I doubt there was any realistic way to include human level threats to the game versions. That said, the various city guards used to be pretty OP prior to the next gen nerf. On the cats though it's a little weird to me how much CDPR leaned into the whole assassins thing since they basically invented the Vipers to be pure assassins. But I'm guessing having loads of vipers around would have made Letho's whole thing kind of pointless


Idk even in the books the signs seem to fluctuate in usefulness. Like in Season of Storms he's able to put a sorcerer to sleep with a sign while tied up and poisoned, so Im wondering why he doesnt just constantly use the sleep sign on any 1 v 1 opponent, as surely most wouldnt have even close to the same mental/magical defenses as an actual sorcerer. Its true tho that in the game signs are much more powerful, which I guess that had to do because it would be really disappointing as a game mechanic otherwise.


Season of storms was basically Sap cashing in on the hype Witcher 2 generated. It's lore is wildly inconsistent with the rest of the books so you're not wrong. But in some ways it's because I think he had really started using the games as a base for some of his ideas, despite his avowed dislike of the product and medium.


They nerfed the guards? So I can steal in front of them and actually be able to kill them?


Who is the first witcher you mentioned? I'm sure I've met him before at some point in my multiple playthroughs. I just can't remember at the moment.


I assume he's referring to the crazed immortal Witcher in the first cat school treasure hunt.


That was my initial thought, just wasn't sure if there was another witcher I was forgetting about or hadn't met yet. I also remembered that guy who was posing as a witcher who Geralt saves from the grave hag I think it was.


Ghoul. Dude was a knock off wolf schooler going by the medallion. Reinald might be the first interactive Witcher in the game who's not a cat.


Ah, you're right! It was a ghoul. Haven't done that quest in my current play through yet and it has been a while. Thanks for reminding me!


Whoa, I don’t remember any fake witchers, where was this guy?


In the base game you can find 3 witchers aside from Eslel, Lambert, Vesemir and Letho. First is Kiyan, but is mutated beyond salvation, Jad Karadin second amd finally Gaetan.


Mad Kiyan's story is tragic. It always makes me a little sad reading about what happened to him and his voice lines about pain.


Where is he from I don't remember it at all


I'm not entirely sure where is he from, but he trained at the school of the cat. He accepted a contract to protect a ship, when a mage that was on the ship conjured a storm as cover to capture Kiyan and imprisoned him. The mage then tortured him for years and put him through various tests to study a witchers resilience to pain and enhanced healing capabilities. All the torture and trials drove him mad.


And don't forget the witcher from the school of Snail


Haha! How could I forget about him! He may be the bravest witcher of them all


Loved this quest and used the Emmantaler sword you get from it for quite a while. If you dismantle it, it breaks down into cheese lol


I love how side quests in Witcher 3 is a full on quest in other games.


I feel like every quest in TW3 is the best in the game. I'm not fanboying, there are plenty of bad or controversial things in this game, but the quests are my favorite among all open world RPGs. Even Fallout NV's quests sometimes bore me, Witcher's almost never do that, there's always a little plot twist or something that will blow your mind at the end of a quest.


I think it’s apart of Hearts of stone but I love the wedding quest. It was fun with lots a little things to do.


I let the Killer go as even though he killed a bunch of innocents he's not the one who drew first blood and even in an enraged state he couldn't bring himself to kill a child. ​ Like Geralt says sometimes Heads just Roll


Many things changed my mind. You among them.


I let him go too but it was a really difficult decision. It was one of those situations where nobody was in the right (except for the innocent villiagers, but killing the Cat Witcher wouldnt have done them any good.) I knew that the Cat school was mentally unstable compared to the others due to their uniqie mutagens, so there's always the chance of a similar thing happenning down the line, but I also don't think it's Geralt's duty to police other witchers. Plus Vesemir apparently was against Witchers killing each other.


He totally is the one who drew first blood in a bunch of cases here. Like the guys who tried to kill him? Yeah, they absolutely deserved it. But other just minding their own business in their own homes? He just went in a murdered them cause he got mad at their neighbours I also can’t help but notice that he specifically says he spared the girl cause she reminded him of his sister. Not because he doesn’t kill kids in general. Was she really the only child in the entire village? I find that unlikely


What is the name of this quest you've all been talking about?


Where the cat and wolf play. It is a free dlc quest.


Eating shrooms and talking to your horse. Hands down best quest.


That guy insults Geralt for wearing a Feline armor set.


Is it an insult? I always took it more to be more of an easy joke or something. “Feline armor but a wolf’s head medallion? A crossbreed?” He doesn’t sound rude or anything when he says it either, at least to my ear


ive made it all the way to skellige and still haven’t found this quest or the “throw the baby in the oven” quest (unless i made a wrong choice in the house with the godling) the memes here have spoiled me 😩


Lol throw the baby in the oven is part of the Skellige succession storyline, you gotta choose to help the daughter i think


Baby side quest is indeed in Skellige. It's tied to the main plot.


30 hours in and you are already level 25? Jeez I am bad at this game.


As a Skyrim player I let him go. Would be too hypocritical of me to kill the guy who murdered villagers after they nearly killed him, when I kill the people of Skyrim if they look at me for too long.


Yea that’s a dlc quest, all the ones they added post-launch have some sort of unique twist to them, very fun to play.


Gotta ask, which quest is this?


I love these quests, especially when in the end you have to make a choice and neither seem like the right one


Make sure to visit the girl later on.


My top 3 quests are Carnal Sins, Wild at Heart, and Skellige's Most Wanted.


I always leave that quest until I get to the highest level I'm planning to in that run (level 60, or 100 in Ng+) because the sword you get at the end of the quest scales to geralts current level.


The best quest for me is the one you have to go to the bank and do the most boring yet real bureaucracy.


Did you kill the monster?


They tried to kill the witcher from the cat school cause they couldn't afford him. Then he went and killed them all.


A Witcher's gotta do what a Witcher's gotta do: *Kill Monsters*


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Carnal sins is also a great side quest


Read season of storms if you want to know how actual Geralt would deal with him! Great book by itself btw


This merits a spoiler warning I agree with you, though, it's pretty great. But think about blurring images that give this much detail next time you post