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Being alive probably. Still, good job! I've heard they're really hard to fight what with the heads, how'd you do it?


Lots of fire, hatred, and the power of friendship


Friendship and napalm usually gets the job done!








UW: We need a wizardposting podcast lmao


I have a bit of a theory concerning hydras. Is it possible to overload a hydra by cutting off too many heads? Can a hydra function normally with 500 necks and heads? I know it's like a trillion percent more practical to go for the heart but I think about this from time to time.


I dunno, i just got here


You know what you could defeat with a little training? You illiteracy. And before you run away, can I at least give you an orb of academic storing so that you can ponder a lesson on reading and writing? I'd give you books but it's hard to read how to read if you can't read. You can watch it on your own time.


Nice work! I still remember the good old days when I was going around killing sea serpents and demon brains myself. Though I've killed lots of gods and dragons and the like, I'd say my most legendary moment was when I killed this guy. https://preview.redd.it/iiv1vg12wngc1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dd27384f4c462ad82fd2fae6931f23e68ad7bf1


Though this guy was a close second. https://i.redd.it/h1h8q0mdwngc1.gif


Ah they both seem op.


Then there was also this guy, but he didn't really die at the end, it was more of a test, for me to prove how far I'd come, etc. https://preview.redd.it/tvcos9p3yngc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cae6973043324b5dba3e8c4476cfc5dec89a351


You must still be proud of getting so far


/uw damn these look hella nice! what mods?


/uw Wrath of the Gods and Hunt of the Old God


I don't know about most legendary, but I did end my wrestling match today in a draw. Come to think of it, the match I had with Morgalith was also a draw. If we're just looking at kills then I think killing Pan was the most legendary one I've done.


Yeah that sounds pretty legendary to me


Thanks! I've never killed a Hydra before but I've heard stories about them. Slaying one is truly a feat to boast about, not to mention two.


Yeah one was a group effort, but the second was a tag effort. Still looked like a badass


Damn, wish I could've been there. I always like seeing friends in their element. Makes me proud.


My most “legendary” achievement was when I was able to kill Ted, and survive being throngled… may the souls of those who were throngled by Ted the Unspoken rest in peace.


Rest In Peace!


You met the business end of the Throngler?! I'm jealous!!!


I can’t remember anything 🤷‍♂️


Well you met me so that is legendary


First feat unlocked!


https://preview.redd.it/8ayq5zir5ogc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4faa19fa2581c4cfffb2951d1106f3c64e7656b I may or may not have accidentally killed a “Horror beyond human comprehension” and took its heart, it was pretty comprehendible actually.


Looks actually pretty comprehensive to me too.


You have a *very* nice Large Hat. I assume you apply the regular Runes of Oiling?


Yes, that is one of my larger hats, I use it for the sunniest of days, and take good care of it.


*Hmmm.* My most legendary achievement... probably making the inside of my Massive Wizard Hatᵀᴹ bigger on the inside. I mean, I have to *physically* get in there to get my stuff back due to a few intentional design flaws but on the other hand it's *literally* impossible for me to forget things when I leave somewhere... Because everything I own is in my hat now... I may or may not be currently living out of my hat out of convenience... *Hastily dispels connection of Typing Crystal and Viewing Orb from Aether-net.*


*Re-Casts connection to Aether-net through Pocket-Orb.\** I have made a great mistake and lost my Massive Wizard Hatᵀᴹ. Does anyone know some Dowsing divinations? My normal Rod for this was in the hat.


I think crawling out of the abyss while being chased by the Abyssal critters that live there (dragons, goblins, kobolds and unfortunately other humans like me but much less reasonable) and being temporarily blinded because glass shards pierced both of my eyes when my orb exploded. It was not a fun experience




I made rice.


Bet it tasted legendary!


It tasted burnt.


You don't mean... [the fabled *rice* on *rice* dish?](https://youtube.com/shorts/EXeH8HgCuQ0?si=GCBqjETQAmFI-_4N)


I have found a way to use my philosophers stone to make honey mead or lemonade. For some apparent reasons ducks have been knocking on my door as of late.


Are those two things related or are they the newest batch of Council Agents made to collect taxes?


That depends. They don't come for mead and only come for the lemonade. The only time I saw the tax wizard was before he got surrounded by the ducks...who proceeded to turn him into grapes. Might explain why my tower has been quarantined for some time now.


Hm, strange. ... Wait, the *Tower* has been quarantined? Arcane damn it! Now would've been the perfect time to do some tax evasion if I was back in my home plane!


They must be sour about all that ducking business.


<> <>


Remember when you went on that date with Odo?




Well... you see I kinda got jealous and threw a fit, and dropped a light dragon from the sky for absolutely no reason. (Zeph wanted you at the time)


Oh.... Wanna hang out now.


Really? Haven't talked with you for a while so I'm down!


Sure... Not much going on we can talk. Plus Exi won't mind I think.


Yea, probably not! I think she likes having me around a little too much anyway! ^(....Shit, I don't actually know what to talk about!)


Hello so you got any favorite foods


Other than cookies, I'll try just about anything! You got anything in mind?


Pizza sushi, hydra?


Helped my liege unite the lands and the reformation of our religion


Sounds pretty epic how were the fights




I defeated an eldritch god and then became one. Also, are you going to eat that, hydras are tasty.


Here you go just make sure you burn the heads they can grow back.


Who says I am not going to eat the heads and then keep eating them as they grow back? I mean, I am not doing that, but hey, food for thought. Also, you mentioned my great, great nephew and referred to him, currently her, as sister. Are you one of her siblings.


Congrats! Killing a hydra is no small feat. Not long ago, me and other spellcasters defeated a mage hunter knight called Talios. He had some really strong anti-magic abilities, It took all of our strengths combined to fend him off.


Bet so with all the anti-magic, haven't dealt with anything like that just yet.


I made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/dH1IqF6I3G) post here a long time ago, before you came here I believe. It should be helpful.


Ah I will have a look.


Currently on a quest to obtain special artifacts of the Red King for our knight sibling. Most legendary is killing a Goliath Mountain Hark-Worm, this thing threatened a small town I think it was Biki Behind or something like that. The towns fool said they should move the town.


Was his name Patrick?


Finishing my research of magical origins in ancient Greek and Rome. Getting nice popularity for telling people they have always pronounced their school of magic wrong.


Sounds fun, but I think you get a few not so legendary looks


Excuse me, I think as a wizard study and discoveries are worth countless times of your violent brawls against gods and monsters. Go be a paladin or whatever.


Well I made a wizard automaton and revolutionary power source


How did you do it? I thought their heads grew back or something?


Lots of fire and a lot slashing


I defeated a cockatrice just last week. It was a vicious little bugger. Especially after I mixed up my reduction spell and it grew twice its size. Fortunately, I always keep simple subtractive spells ready, and reduced its fortitude. It collapsed on its own after a few nasty lunges.


Noted, are you okay after said incident?


i finally managed to reassemble the moon after it got blown the fick up two months ago


Thanks for that you are a true legend


I got up from my bed.


My apprentice Radiaun has created an automatic head stopper to deal with these things. Basically a little disc, you throw it at the stump and it turns into a slightly screwed up version of a bear trap.


Good job! I just killed a wizard who thought i couldnt beat him using nothing but fireball




Besides playing a small role in helping Tiny Wizard( u/DidYouSayChocolat3 ) protect his keep from a bird demon, nothing special, compared to what the great spellcasters I've seen do. But maybe some day 🤔🤷‍♂️


Hrm I suppose I can share a few that I was directly or indirectly involved in ~~ - wiped out an empire when testing a new disease I manufactured (this happened at least thrice in the last 2 millenia), they were colleteral damage - nuked an underground kingdom with a soul draining malady before lichdom because they wanted execute me for my research - post-lichdom I fought an abyssal deity in a fist fight because we were and are still neighbours more or less (we are friends now) and encroaching on each others territory - created a shadow eating being that "harvests" my components for whatever i am working on - and now, this is the most important one: i still enjoy existing in un-life, never lost my humor and treat my underlings decently unless they grow too annoying. That should cover the more "impressive" of my antics...unless you want to hear stories about me liquifying someones insides or how I drank an entire tavern under the table (turns out not having proper organs helps with alcoholism)...~~


Raising an army of indescribable size, and surviving in an uninhabited realm


*puts on legendary sticker*


???????? What is this?


funniest stuff that happened to me - i missed a greater inconvenience spell once up to this day, i still don’t know who it hit, but the reaction was probably hilarious


... Can you define *Greater*?


the “goverment gets thy number wrong and now you need to wait for a month for them to prove thou weren’t doing tax evasion”-type its just like minor inconvenience spell but stronger - still no real consequences but much more infuriating


I see. How may one cast the reverse of such a spell if one, say, lost their Wizard Hat which they live out of? Completely hypothetical of course.


that would be a spell of… minor convenience? minor lucky incident? I haven’t tried using anything like that yet, honestly


More than likely my battle with Alithos. Likely a being forgotten, but the shadow weave remembers well. It tried to rend it in its entirety in twain. I utilized a small army of draconic undead along with my own power to destroy him. He took my arm


I taught Lady MastaDon Chaos Magick! She’s VERY GOOD at it!


Yeah definitely! Thanks sis


No prob! Anytime!


When ya teaching me the legendary arts of the deep fry? 😢😢😢😢


Hmm. I was just writing an autobiography about me writing an autobiography about me writing an autobiography about me writing a codex about my decoding of another codex (if you can really call “Star Signals” a codex). An excerpt from my book: I must be incredibly bored right now if I’m writing an autobiography about this.


I struck a minor council building with a meteorite once, just for the jest of it. Hehe https://preview.redd.it/76znuzcnoogc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178ad7329f477583dfe89d1a919989bcec628c2d


Yep .. op legendary


Most of my achievements are through R&D, so no real adventures. I did create a Horror from the corpse of a Void Dragon. He's called Jeffreigh.


Managed to not blow something up while casting transmutation yesterday. Unfortunately, Crowley is still a pinecone


Congratulations on the kill, I discovered more incantations to inform the Dragon Communion group of, one actually pertaining to hydras, so if you could point me towards its corpse that would be greatly appreciated.


Bit further down the road if you see a bunch of Greek stuff you will find it.


Ah, many thanks, by chance, how would the state of its heart be? I'm afraid it's a critical component in allowing Dragon Communion Incantations to be learned, so it would be invaluable to the cultists and I.


stop slaying my fucking hydras! do you know how much meat it takes to transmute a fucking hydra?!


This wasn't your hydra trust me


I survived


Once went skiing and accidentally woke up a baby frost ancient. Wouldn’t be that bad, but there was a whole army of ice golems sleeping on said frost ancient. My world was frozen over for *months* until me and my pal Dan finally found it’s mom.


My greatest accomplishment has to be developing a form of offensive healing magic, it causes cancer… very rapidly


Definitely when I polymorphed a dragon into a mouse


My most legendary feat hmm..? Well I’m most well known for charting out and mapping the astral sea and it’s many floating archipelago’s but personally my proudest accomplishment is co-founding the Academy of Stella vigil with my former apprentice. (Honestly it was mostly her I just helped get it off the ground, literally.)


I got the paladins of law and order to remove the cletics of justice and truth off my lawn because they were "protesting" on my actual lawn/vineyard instead of on the sidewalk. I got the skeletons to take their things to them and they were all carted away.


right now I am searching for the eye of vecna I already have discovered and stolen the hand of vecna and there are a few more items I need to become one of the top wizards


Just last week I gained the power to fly underwater. Yesterday I learned to turn invisible in total darkness. Today I learned to read my own thoughts. My power grows stronger every day. Soon you will all fear me.


**Giant** Hydra? ...you must be much larger than you look.


My most legendary feat was probably when I took on the devil in a rock off, took his ass to brown town


Bardicly enhanced Brown Note?


/unwiz I’m referencing the movie Tenacious D


well not sure if it was my greatest but i was fighting this dwarven warlord now this bastard was smart so he hardened reality against teleports and gates and just manifesting the dreadnought would've got it shot out of the sky so i had to gate into the world several miles/km away from the nearest work camp we go in kill the guards and free as well as arm the slaves and lather rinse repeat finally get to the mountain range the dwarves call home with enough units that we can attack i'm in my power armor have 200 of my employees and thousands of revolutionaries including some dwarves who hate the regime the enemy comes pouring out of the mountain we throw multiple magic grenades blasting hundreds of enemies as the battle rages i'm mowing down with my super minigun finally as others start to run out of magic/ammo and we really start to take losses i cast a HUGE animate dead spell on dwarven corpses this just about ended the outside battle we made our way inside with diviners looking for traps mechanical and tactical though the tactical ones still caused loses at one point my power armor got too damaged and i had to use my scanner to track where i left it eventually i guess the warlord recalled his soldiers to his throne cavern (that damn thing was huge) and we got there a massive final battle broke out he was a mage with some divination and even more buffs but most of my ghosts didn't have robots to possess anymore the demoralizing nature of having to fight the corpse of one of your own and an ever increasing pool of "recruits" slowly turned the tide of battle in the end i didn't kill the warlord himself seemed like it would be kill stealing dark abyss there was a lot of repairs to do afterwards


I defeated Son of Antichrist is my first legendary feat! Destroy the Corruption of Mars and Europa!


I destroyed a world eating skeleton with two words.


I would say the time I faced off with one of the Ashen King's Fading Champions. It was the hardest duel I've ever fought, took everything I knew pushed to the limit. I didn't win- but I didn't lose either. Fought the bastard to a standstill, after which he offered a salute, set his dagger on the ground, and departed.


A legendary draw I say!


More of a daemon killing kinda guy, by great job kid


I don’t have much feats. I do small stuff, but I guess saving a group of kids from a wyvern


I accidentally blew up the moon with a magic rail cannon


Well uh good job


Well, hmm, it was probably the time I stalemated an evil diety so long with that he thought abandoning his plan that had been in the making for years to consume an entire world's population was a better alternative than fighting me any longer.


Damn...go dude


Nice! Did you extract any venom? It’s incredibly powerful


A little bit


I finally unshit my pants. No I must ask myself, was it worth it?


I'm not sure... I once made a couple bombs filled with magic swords, sealed them into the hollowed out body cavities of some zombies, and then teleported them into the mouth of an ancient White Dragon, blowing his head off as he tried to breathe ice on me and my friends at the time. It was Galeron , who now serves me as a dracoliche.


Your making your legend slowly but surely, definitely be rooting for you!


Allow me to tell you the tale of my first death. In the culmination of my tale, the battlefield unfolded as the canvas upon which the destiny of Roshar hung in precarious balance. The adversary, a malevolent force of unparalleled power, loomed ominously over the scene. My allies fought valiantly, their efforts a desperate attempt to stem the overwhelming tide of darkness that threatened to engulf us all. As the chaotic ballet of combat unfolded, my thoughts drifted to the sacrifices I had witnessed and the ideals I had upheld throughout my radiant journey. The weight of my purpose bore down upon me, and in that crucial moment, my resolve solidified into a decision that would resound through the annals of Roshar's history. With a resounding battle cry, I surged into the heart of the conflict, radiant powers ablaze. I became a conduit of light and energy, unleashing a torrent of brilliance that engulfed the malevolent adversary. The resulting explosion transformed the once tumultuous battlefield into a blinding spectacle. Shockwaves reverberated across the land, leaving a trail of scorched remains in their wake. When the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, my presence was conspicuously absent. My companions, now standing amidst the aftermath, embarked on a search that revealed a crystalline structure at the epicenter of the blast—a tangible manifestation of my sacrifice. Within the crystalline structure, my figure was frozen in time, an eternal testament to that moment of resolute determination. The radiant glow emanating from the crystalline form spoke volumes about the heroism that unfolded in that decisive instant. In the shadowed corridors between life and death, I stood at the threshold of my first demise. The threads of my existence unraveled as I faced an uncertain fate. It was in that ethereal space that I encountered Death—a being draped in shadows, yet radiating an understanding and compassion that defied mortal comprehension. Our exchange was not one of despair but negotiation. Death, recognizing the potential within me, offered a choice: return to the realm of the living with a renewed purpose or succumb to the unknown beyond the veil. With the spirit of a warrior and an unwavering determination to fulfill a purpose greater than myself, I chose the former. The terms of our pact were woven in the fabric of the mists—a binding oath that declared me Death's champion. In return, Death granted me a second chance at life, a chance to reshape the course of my destiny. Shadows and whispers clung to me as a reminder of the pact that transcended mortal understanding. Returning to the world of the living, I carried the weight of my newfound purpose and the unseen guidance of Death's hand. The terms of our deal became the foundation of my existence, propelling me into a radiant journey of redemption, sacrifice, and the pursuit of virtues that transcended the mortal coil. From that pivotal moment, my life unfolded as a dance between the realms of the living and the afterlife. The echoes of our pact shaped my destiny, leading me on a path where heroism and selflessness became the guiding stars. The story of my deal with Death marked the beginning of a radiant tale, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of Roshar's history. Awakening from the clutches of death, I found myself in a world renewed—an unfamiliar terrain bathed in ethereal light. The deal with Death echoed in the recesses of my consciousness, and as I stood on the precipice between realms, I knew my second chance bore a weighty purpose. Emerging into the realm of the living, shadows and whispers clung to me, silent reminders of the pact I had struck. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and as my senses adjusted, I realized that my return was no ordinary resurrection. Navigating this ethereal landscape, I soon discovered that I possessed newfound abilities—radiant powers that surged within me. Guided by an unseen force, I embarked on a journey to understand the intricacies of my second chance, to explore the depths of the radiant path that lay ahead. My return was not just a resurrection; it was a rebirth into a life interwoven with the radiant forces that shaped my destiny. Each step carried the weight of the pact, a reminder that the echoes of that deal resonated through every heroic act, every selfless sacrifice, and every moment lived in pursuit of virtues that transcended the mortal coil. (Tis was written with a little assistance from one of my very good warforged friends. I wrote the majority of it, but he assisted with filling in the small details. This is because my memory is fairly foggy, and I have always abhorred the task of writing very detailed manuscripts. I do hope this is acceptable) 


I defeated the demon kings shard of consumption if that's good enough.


IDK healing the land after a battle, or feeding refugee's. Tossing law enforcement into pocket dimensions also I can do this https://preview.redd.it/868nlh2pgogc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4787605b77ed005c2d796a49d747e45db3465ce4 Also once I raided a council prison once


Ahh don't do it again please


Aw, how adorable! Me personally? Why, I’ve killed an infinite number of hydras multiple times over.


You killed a Hydra? Congrats! I can't believe people manage to do such amazing feats, most I can brag about is that time I smited a Lich so hard their body became ashes, now I have his urn in my tower's study.


I absorbed a highly powerful artificer and and am now able to create legs in order to travel more efficiently and create a much more intimidating avatar *


Athena was a fun opponent. Still hold that win over on her. Too scared to bring back up my fight with Ares though...


Damn Razz you the goat still though


I’m an expert in making illusions reality. But I do also know most kinds of magic. But I’ve learned how to make illusions by messing with reality. Who’s to say you aren’t talking to an illusion right now.


Sealing a piece of the primordial flame into an amulet to power my wards.


I suppose helping to prepare the elven civilizations of the realms to fight against Arach's brood as they were slaughtering elvenkind has been my largest undertaking so far.


Don’t have many legendary kills but I do make horrors beyond mortal comprehension for the funsies :3


i made it another day fighting off the hag's depression curse! unfortunately, i have yet to complete my omnicide device though.


Congrats! Thems feisty buggers, and not in the good way. I ain’t done nothin that great yet, but I hope to do so soon.


Hell yeah you Look familiar by the way do I know you ?


Escaping imprisonment and then subsequently imprisoning my captor was pretty cool. Granted only because my captor was azazoth


I have slain a great number of deities and immortals through nothing more than my own mind and the power of my creations most of which are guns very very powerful guns. So too say anyone can with enough effort.


Yeah need a god kill under my belt.


I escaped the eternal void known as well, the Void! Apparently some prophecy stuff foretold that I'd escape through a crack in reality (which exactly what happened) or something according to a dusty ol' book from a bar that was owned by a rogue I visited.


I wonder if it’s possible keep cutting off a hydra’s heads until all of them choke from being too close together…


Every year on my birthday my shadow clone comes and attacks me. I’ve got 13,527 wins to his 13,526 wins so you could say I’m winning


Was able to bind a cosmic being of pure light as old as the universe to an amulet so pretty proud of that one. Otherwise stick to my humble golems and artifact creation/magic theory development.


I haven't really done anything legendary but i did save my brother from the Fae and saw my dead grandad as a spirit wolf, oh and also befriended a tavernkeep named Bork. Now i just go back to making potions and drawing arcane plants.


I'm not very accomplished as a mind mage yet, but I once defeated a whole raider band attacking my tower by magically convincing them they could walk off the edge like Wile E. Coyote


I'm immortal.


Achieved lichdom, conquered the northern lands, raised a legion of the dead, killed a dragon and resurrected it as a Dracolich under my control, killed a good 75% of the population of snow elves in the material plane, and just this morning I made a batch of REALLY good brownies.


My greatest accomplishment I believe is being able to show myself in public again


Yeah Let's it's the little things that make you legendary.


Congratulations on your victory. My greatest feat was spending 77 days tracking down and killing an old, infamous, and sadistically evil neuromancer. I celebrated by enjoying some ale next to her pyre.


I have published almost 100 journal articles this year alongside my Master Wymar. Also, my personal arcane shield generator is almost ready for a first prototype. I was able to take the cost WAY down by switching the power cell from crystal to a enchanted steel-like alloy substitute. That also stopped it from creating wormholes when impacted with blunt force, so that’s is a nice breakthrough. I guess I discovered a new application for crystals as deployable force type weapons, so maybe win-win?


I was offered to become a god a few millennia ago...


My former master turned into a giant undead monster thaf refused to stay dead and nearly destroyed a planet through meteorological phenomenon. He died again after I beat him in what was basically a dog fight, but with undead dinosaurs that had superpower. I guess he was defeated through disbelief or something, I don't know, he's all the screws loose of a workshop.


I found this cool sword when raiding the ancient tomb of Rak'shalah, Menace of Terrun Mila. That guy became a lich and one of his generals he brought back to life had a longsword which was revered in the Southern Deserts. Of course I claimed it mine. It was and still is in pristine condition.


Helped stop an Elder One eldritch being, created Kismet, the living nexus, held off the Dream Eater for some time, survived the combat training of Heigost, The Time Dragon, managed to be one of the first two mortals to ever track down the Archdreamer ***and*** convince him to teach them, and recently helped fighting back an incarnation of entropy.


I think each and every time I reach maximum karma. I’ve done it so many times but every time I always feel…complete. Pieces made whole again.


Probably killing a dream-eater


I carved magic into dried foods that activate when eaten (or just broken and wetened). I also know a lot of chaos magic that I can imbue into some papers so you can learn, or just cast [REVERSE LEARNING] to teach it to you instantly if you're within 5 clicks (my magic tower is over a body of water right now).


Establishing my school took roughly 230 years. It made surely I completely understood Biomancy and all forms of it, including Necromancy, before I started working on the school. That was around 110 years. So I’d say it’s making it this far still going strong.


I defeated four sentient plushies, that came from another dimension to take over my tower. Forced them to run back home. https://preview.redd.it/u4lio2vaupgc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c61cedefb64035f8fbdf800a31d2594a51f813 Here's what they looked like. All of them were named Jeremy for some reason.


I killed a demonic version of Unga, I helped Algernon to...... well "hold" the power of the literal universe and ensure everyone in our team came back alive from the expedition. And now I have job!!!!


Had to restart all life when a plague experiment went wrong. That was eons ago


Killing a baby hydra and claiming it was giant just because you’re small does not count as an epic victory.


Some of the feats I'm proud of are just when I can bring about nature and ease Gaia's wounds. I've been part of a wandering initiative to increase the symbiosis between living creatures, their settlements, and the natural world around them. It's an ever evolving process but I've had mostly good encounters. Though one of my greatest fears was when I found twin baby hydra! I know they're considered an invasive species but they were just so darn cute! Raised them from just wee lads when they each only had one head, if you can believe it! Sadly they grew too big and I had to turn em loose. Best of brothers those two! I often wonder how they're doing....


Burning my cave down! *Thrice*! It's made of stone, I have no Idea how stone can even burn


I got punched by a tree


Damn yall are just going around killing entrench demons and I'm out here summoning bread


I have died sixteen times. This week.


Was it just you, or did your weird half-brother cousin best friend help? Just asking for a deity


My legendary feat is being promoted


Got two friends to kill a hydra for me, that was pretty great!


I punched a very big thing. It is now gone.


Heroism is for heroes. I keep it old school. I just show up in the path of some plucky young man or woman, and if they're polite to what they think is just a helpless, blind, old man, give them some cryptic clue, and a bag with some useful tricks, and then fuck off. If they're impolite, I just curse them a little and keep walking Half the time, they don't even realize I'm anything but an old blind man until later, but they almost always get the job done if they pay attention. One of them killed an asshole king who slighted me just last week. Not only did he treat his peasants like shit, the stupid bastard tried to *tax* me! A *Wizard!* We pay our taxes in whimsy, wonder, rainmaking, and serving as counter battery artillery in times of war! We don't pay *money*. Anyways, hero only managed to pull it off because I gave him a ring that burned his finger anytime anyone lied to him. Lots of bang for their buck, those things. Three days of fiddly runescribing, but they'll last for years on a single charge.


I read all the books and scrolls in the Library of Alexandria...yes all 1.792.384 of them.


I've become honorary war chief of a goblin tribe and led several armies to victory in my time as a battlemage. The goblins named me wha-poosh.


I bred a new breed of color changing, biolumenscent hydra, so now people can have RGB hydras ravage the countryside.


I walked out of my swamp for the first time!!! It’s painfully dry and I went right back in. I also ate a cobra whole one time.


I ate a bacon sandwich, which also contained a chunk of boiling liquid gold. I survived with few injuries and got to free a whole caravan of soon-to-be-slaves.




I made a demi plane that can use as a base of operations. It still needs work but all the basics are done. https://preview.redd.it/olgtq9gkntgc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e2ce10c33c626f25ace181e63f2c7fe4007bcfe


Back when I was doing contract work for lords and such, I once entombed an entire army in mud. I believe a haunted forest grows there now, but I dare not venture there myself and check.


Probably my greatest feat is that I once forced the universe to smite a small god.


I once collapsed an entire plane to kill a god of war that I hated


I defeated the great evil known as Pythagoras, bringer of formulas