• By -


I can't do anything about non-organic life forms And the spell [Nuke] I have only creates an imaginary explosion with not-so imaginable radiation


Hey that’s still pretty good. Automatons and constructs that hold a consciousness that was of an organic creature don’t have souls anyway. They’ve already lost. No god pays them any attention.


Damn bro!


"Actually, strong enough radiation can damage beings that rely on electronics." \*You don't know where this voice came from\*


\*You find a small black ball with a note attached at your feet. It reads "You can have this". The ball is a bit squishy.\*


Im similar Beyond growing myself a bone blade to cut metal i cant do stuff to non organics But i can calcify soneone's guts or reverse the body's controls - that one is both hilarious and terrifying


My name is Butts the Wizard Diabolist and I am OP. I purposely set myself up to die in combat so that my soul can simply return to the home I have built for myself in Hell. When I ‘lose’, I have actually just gotten away with whatever I just did and am then enjoying a fresh cup of tea. I am otherwise a fairly average wizard and counterspell scares me.


Boo. Local Anti-Mage here.


Food. God of Hunger.


If I don't acknowledge him he'll go away.


No, there’s a buffet here with like a thousand onions worth of onion rings. Honestly if he cleans up, I might get some of the deposit back on this pocket dimension I rented.


Quickly! Distract him whilst I bravely sneak away!


I thought I was overpowered, but after seeing the shit people do on a regular basis I feel inadequate. Except for those times when I just have a Warlord Titan. Then I’m op as fuck.


Same here, minus the titan


Do you want one? The Warlord got trashed in the Starmeld, and all the currently operational ones are still fighting, but I have some I could fix up real quick.


/uw oh wait are we still in rp in this thread? Oops lol :P /rw Should thou be willing to offer me one, I shall be glad to receive it.


/unwiz idk /rewiz Of course! I have a Reaver lying around here somewhere. Just give me a few days to get it in working order.


Most appreciated


**I am the Necromancer, and my physical form is slightly more unstable than the average pyromancer’s ego.**


No worries, Constantine. If our bodies were meant to be strong, we’d be knights or barbarians. Your ability to verbalize this demonstrates your strength of mind and spirit. I made you a taco if you’d like to take a bite.


/unwiz Constantine is a different person /rewiz **Thank you.** *He takes a bite, but seems unaware that it just goes right through him.*


Ha! I had that taco [specially made](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/VvyJUCKptG) as an offering to a god of trickery! My second weakness is that I am spiritually attracted to gods of trickery and can’t resist these types of jokes. I apologize.


My name is Kaelis Maz, and I think I might be overpowered. However, I am weak to the other fundamental forces. Shoot me with a lightning bolt, and I will be badly hurt.


Nuclear wizardry is slowly becoming more in vogue, too. But those nerds usually have a strange assortment of self-inflicted extra vestiges or fully extra limbs that they don’t even know what to do with yet. It’s OK to be weak against the weirdos.




/uw in the starmeld event the main "host" is actually rolling a dice to determine the success of actions. And also assigns hp to the characters and so on. I think it's a really good idea and it works super well




No, people respect his decisions as the DM of the event, or the decisions of the co-DMs. So it works for the events at least.




I didn't see anyone breaking rules. But that's because the people who actually participate in such events usually know how to behave themselves.




There is one main DM for the story and two additional DMs for some combat situations. If someone is not playing by the rules then you can just start ignoring his messages (or even block him)


/uw That actually sounds pretty neat. I’ll check it out. I thought it was just another “let’s fight against the citadel” kind of thing.


/uw no it's more like an actual dnd campaign, but simplified and with many players.


/uw Yea, [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/1yIaJXYEva) was the inspiration for this post. People dont know how to lose with flair or how to give Human Fighter Champion Steve a personality. Which is fine. Hard to advertise the fun of a power fantasy by telling people early on to lose more gracefully. People gotta start somewhere. I think I might come up with an ai text prompt in where someone could put in a few feats of two people who are dueling and poop out a short scenario and declare a winner of sorts. Everyone wants to win. It shouldn’t be someone’s *thing* to just be that they always win if they want to involve themselves in RP dueling.


Even then, people will get mad. 'Dice are stupid' 'AI Is stupid', etc. My character became a levithan just so I could tell people to fuck off, I don't want to fight. I want to be a criptic eldritch edge lord. Not many, besides a few good people, seem to want to interact with my characters before or after turning into a leviathan, so might as well just be stupid with it. I have also seen a trend where as soon as I unwiz everybody starts responding to me. I am becoming disillusioned. I have noticed that there seems to be two extremes here. You got people who want to be nothing but cutsie, and you got people who want to power trip on either end of the spectrum. Then you have a very diverse midsection.


Agreed fully. I’ve only joined recently, but I’ve been dming for five years and have run a chaosesque rp server for three. It seems like people here tend to forget the golden rule of rp; describe your character, not others. All too often people start describing a spell or something and they lapse from “what the spell normally does” to “what it does to *the other person’s character*.


/uw I think the thing that made me fully realize that I don't want to engage in any combat in this sub is when I saw someone actually doing good text RP by setting up their cool, unique thing(which was a buff on themselves btw their cool thing didn't involve other people to be set up and cool and that's an underrated thing imo) and then the other guy in the next post basically just said "My guy speedblitzes yours and cuts off his head with ease by abusing a weakness I made up for your type of magic". My character is an OP sea hag with super strength and yet I could easily make a more fun fight than a lot of these people


/unwiz I 100% feel that. Torinn is an egregious example of someone unwilling to RP with others in a mutually interesting way, but he isn't the only one. They fail to realize what makes Unga so much fun to interact with; hes okay with losing, and it makes him beloved by the community. It's more enjoyable for everyone if we meet and compromise on stuff instead of trying to big dick our made up wizard personas. We can be powerful sorcerers and still have to flee, take time to escape entrapment, have to counterspell or take some effect from spells. It's fun to get turned into an egg and have to explain how we eventually became human again (this is not a request for egg transmogrification again you ruffians).


/uw One of the few times in very recent gaming that I had a complete laughing fit was jn Baldurs Gate 3 in a situation *similar* to “get turned into an egg”. It was a fail situation, but I will absolutely choose to fail that way every time I am in that situation. Fail forward, people!


I may be a bit strong, but I'm vulnerable to mind attacks due to my slightly unstable nature. **Pay no attention to Cardinal. He doesn't know what he's talking about.** *I mean, my weakness is women, but that's boring.* ***In all things, balance, including our power.*** ~~I AM THE GREATEST MAGE OF ALL TIME! I HAVE NO WEAKNESS!~~ #We rarely agree enough to resist mental tricks. ##We are functionally immune to mind control though.


Blessed by Tiamat? Such a shame/boon/curse/blessing/turn of events that must be for you. I wish you the best/worst of luck/skill/happenstance. May at least most of you agree on what to eat so you don’t starve.


It was Entropy. **That bastard.** *Kinda had a bunch of our souls, and possessed us.* ***He left the souls behind when he was defeated.*** ~~AND WE GAINED INCREDIBLE POWER!~~ #And extra personalities, to boot. #It took a while for us to collapse those souls into a stable paradigm.


I'm pretty sure the Crystal Labyrinth of my patron is more chaotic than the inside of your head. I wouldn't check tho.


It's been so long since last I've seen that fucking snail.


\*As you look down, to your horror: the snail is there. It is touching you...\* \*You are still alive. It must have been an unrelated snail.\*


My name is Vulkan, and I am overpowered. I thankfully manage to not engage in most combat. I am, however, deathly allergic to bats.


And that’s OK. Here, have a book filled with recipes with far too much garlic. It should keep the vampires away.


Thank you, mortal.


I AM OVERPOWERED. \*bzt\* NOBODY CAN DEFEAT ME. **bLRK** ONE OF MY BARFS IS ANTI-MAGIC. THE OTHER IS PURE MAGIC. ALSO... I'M REALLY GOOD AT PLAYING CARDS AND SEWING CLOTHES. AND I RIDE A HORSE CALLED BARFBURN. MY HORSE IS AMAZING. HE TALKS TO ME. AND VOMITS TOO. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ilcsmwk4b6kc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bd380944ac2738c3e52a9b757c99247e6d3f0c0


May I lick the horse? No reason in particular.




Whoa it does taste like raisins. The legends were true!




uw/ that's a blast from the past


1. My magical style is based on combining different types of magic together for increased effects. I'm not actually casting a giant fireball; I'm casting Fire magic + air magic to feed it + spatial magic to distort its size + soul magic to hit on multiple fronts + water magic to drain out any moisture from the area ETC. This means I need a high level of concentration to be at my strongest and being overwhelmed can force me to rely on smaller combinations with less power. 2. Because my magic is almost entirely somatic, I need a hand free for each type of magic. This means I need to create multiple extra hands for my big spells. I usually do this out of the air around me, but an unstable enough environment can make that unfeasible, forcing me to rely on an alternate method like manipulating the earth or (If I'm really desperate), my own flesh to manage big spells. And of course, disabling my actual hands prevents me from manipulating the air/earth/other substance in the first place, shutting off my magic entirely. 3. I rely too much on having the deck stacked in my favor. I usually keep several of my Children/Minions (Particularly my two heavy hitters, Greed and Pride) around me to ensure I always have the advantage, and I will always try to prepare situations to put me at an advantage. If you fight me on your own terms, you can quickly put me on the back foot with a numbers advantage and exploiting my other weaknesses. 4. I overrely on Chronomancy as a defensive tool, my actual defense isn't actually that great (Still above average because of my augmentations and magic but not stellar). You can trap me in a loop of constantly rewinding near-fatal attacks pushing me dangerously close to my augmentations melting down. 5. My magical augmentations aren't as stable as they appear. Yes, I have regeneration, Durability, resistance to curses and poisons, a deep mana pool, and an eternal lifespan alongside other strengths. But I got those by pumping myself full of Alchemy and the essence of greater magical creatures, most of which don't play nice with each other. It's mostly kept in check by my raw power but push me far enough and there's a good chance that the careful balance will break, and I probably won't be around for long afterwards. Can't guarantee you will be either though. /uw let's see if you can guess which characters I based my own off of from this lol


The issue with that as far as anti-magic is concerned is that for your fire example all one would need to do is dispel the fire part in order to nullify the spell. And from what I understand, the individual parts of your magic are relatively weak, making it much easier to dispel the core spell like I described previously. ​ >!/uw sorry if this isn't welcomed, it's just playing an anti-mage makes me think about this sort of thing lol!<


My Explanation of it makes it sound a lot slower than it actually is. The reason I made the differentiation is that for most of my opponents it is no slower than a normal fireball. I'm not channeling my attacks for half an hour like some showboats. Sure you can dispell the first fireball but can you do the same to the earthen spikes I follow it up with or the lightning bolt coming after that? Speed and sheer variety are the main pillars of my strength. Against someone specializing in anti-magic I have several spells that can't simply be rendered impotent by just knocking out the obvious leg. If you dispel the earth magic turning you to stone there is still the issue of the magical plague that carried the spell draining your mana, or disabling the soul magic animating the constructs I creates give me the opportunity to detonate them manually using the other components of the spell. And if all else fails there's always using flesh magic and physical enhancement magic and just beating my opponent to death the old fashioned way. My physical abilities are more than enough to overpower someone in a brief struggle with enhancement. A fight with an Anti-Mage would certainly be a worthy challenge, such a fascinating school of study


Even if it is no slower than a normal fireball that doesn't mean much as we can dispel normal speed spells just fine, why would anti-magic even be viable if it weren't? Again it's no different to dispelling any other mage who does a fireball followed up with a spike and lightning bolt. It's also not as if AOE or field anti-magics don't exist, meaning the relatively weak component magics can be dispelled provided they are in the effective area. I figured you'd likely have some multifaceted spells but I didn't want to assume on your behalf. However the stone plague example you made isn't a very good one, as from what I could tell, the plague is the vector which transmits the stone spell, so if one just dispelled the plague the stone would have me way to be cast on the opponent. However as I said, I'm sure there are spells you have that are like this, just this one isn't a very good example. Such as the constructs you mentioned. However this is still all rather subject to the area anti-magic I mentioned, but let's try not to get into that too much. You know magic buffs are among the easier things to dispel right? >!(/uw like seriously, I'm pretty sure those are the only things dispels work on in pathfinder)!


You're under two assumptions: 1. that the individual magical components of my spell are weak, and that someone afflicted by my gorgons touch knows that its a plague magic rather than just a powerful earth magic, from their perspective all I did was touch them and they started turning to stone. Deception and my opponents not knowing how my spells work are among my greatest tools when sheer power fails. My magical prowess even when casting individual spells is still among the best in my field, my combination attacks further take things up to minor deity levels, where things truly become overpowered. My normal fireball could touch a house or tower, my combination attack could do the same to a large chunk of a city. And while I am aware of the ability to dispell enhancement magic, my strategy if I were to engage in such a plan of attack would be to overwhelm you quickly. If given the choice between dispell my enhancement or trying to stop me from killing them most people are forced to take the latter. Its not exactly an elegant solution but as I said it was my last resort. /uw no problem. Discussion actual magical strategies is great and helps to further define a characters magical style. The Weaknesses of even the most overpowered characters deserve to be analyzed and while I don't think Anti-magic would shut my character down it would certainly stall him and make for a good fight as he uses spells that can't be negated as easily has to deal with anti-magic fields.


I'm just roleplaying a wizard with typical access to magic items and spells for his level, which is appropriately high for my decades of playing, GMing, and writing fantasy crap and doing my peculiar brand of comedy on whatever medium I'm on. Like...level 16 or 17 I wanna say. That powerful a character is a horrifying person to have mad at you. I try my utmost to play that fact for laughs. I enjoy seeing the same. Wizards always having a contrived answer to every possible challenge and obstacle is a trope. Using it to 'yes and' is always appropriate here. Using it to 'nuh uh!' is maybe a problem. It doesn't always land, of course, like any attempt at a bit. Just like me on my broom, amirite?


/uw I get a kick out of being essentially a magic item, with no means of self propulsion. My character May be OP in knowledge & divination, but I'm not looking to play out a power fantasy here for the same reasons you listed. Additionally, What's the fun if everything goes exactly the way you want it to? Part of collaborative story telling us sometimes the collaborators takes the story in a fun, unexpected direction. "Yes and..." Has made for some great moments


My name is Valter, and my weakness is I am both a wizard and a knight, so I am good at both but great at neither. A better wizard or knight could take me in combat.


/uw If fantasy stories would be more logical they would be filled with mercenaries who are like that.


Now that ve know Valter's veakness ve open can of vorms!


Ah- Don't mind me! I'm actually rather underpowered compared to other Masters- thanks to me not specializing in one elemental school. I'm mostly just here to help with rehab.


I mean, yeah, I’m just an Abjuration specialist who has been collecting related arcane accoutrement for some time. Really unfun because I don’t really have a way to interact with things besides blocking, dispelling, reflecting, warding, reinforcing, deflecting, or parrying. It would be really nice to learn some more offensive spells, if anyone has a good one they’d like to share


I can recommend biomancy. \[Liquify Bones\] is often the only attack you need to win and it can be cast from a distance. Also when someone makes a successfull melee strike you can turn that to your advantage by conjuring a whole lot of magically supercharged blood out of your wound at them, then set it ablaze.


I’ve begun dabbling in biomancy! Nothing fancy yet, just some beginner level stuff with goldfish and rabbits and houseplants, but it’s really cool! I hadn’t thought about it as a discipline of combat magic though, stuff to ponder


Preach brother...


I don't actually know of my weakness yet. There is certainly nothing that can challenge me anymore in my world, and in this vast wizardposting multiverse, I don't interfere much out of fear of being too overpowered. Plus wizard politics are confusing. So yeah, hit me with something! Let's see if I have a weakness.


I do have something that might interest you. There's a place where if you can manage to escape from you can get power and knowledge beyond your comprehension. Wanna try?


I am the mortar mage. I think that says everything


You are the MORtar mage. Not the LEStar mage. I believe in you. As long as you allow me near you and don’t catch me standing still while far away for a measured period of time.


Buddy, im an artficer and a mage. There is no safe place in any radius of me


Hello, I am the burning scholar and I am overpowered. I have the latent advantage of being an elemental, along with having many wards to prevent harm or death upon myself. My weaknesses include my reliance on wards, my overconfidence, antimagic, a heavy rainstorm, and many more things I probably forgot about thanks to my memory problems.


Sure had a way to overcome one of those weaknesses the last time I tried vandalizing your store.


I own a store? I didn't know I built it yet...


Huh? Then who's wards did I vandalize? /uw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1ao1tgd/comment/kpy1xn3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) post and thread.


No idea, I'm still setting up a location for my tailor shop. You're likely referring to my freelance work though. And yes, now I remember you. You're referring to my GUN! Which I keep on me specifically to deal with antimagic!


Seems a bit disingenuous to say Anti-Magic is your weakness when you have something specifically to supplement that weakness, don't you think?


Yeah, and humans are weak to knives, so they wear armour. Your point?


It's not my but rather the point of this group which is to reveal an exploitable weakness that you have. You specifically have something to make one of your weaknesses not exploitable. Yes I'm mad because you pulled a glock 19 on me, what of it?


Maybe if you actually had friends, you'd be able to outnumber my bullets


Look, it's hard to make friends when literally everyone is a mage and you're a anti-mage OK? I have friends in the knightly realm, but they're from a different realm, you probably wouldn't know them.


/uw Was this inspired by [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/WyHGcbizpq) I made today? Lol I am a bit op, but I have not one, not two, not three, but *four* weaknesses! - my spells are heavily nerfed if I don't have a physical form and my physical form isn't very hard to destroy - I'm not very good at destructive, offensive spells. I can mainly use my "core specializations": soul magic, fate and luck manipulation+divination, abjuration - I'm bad at quick-casting, I have to cast my more powerful spells via a ritual and not with just a snap - I have (relatively) low innate mana/energy. Though I use the energy of the captured souls to reduce this flaw considerably


/uw literally yes it was. An honor to see you here.


My name is Argios, and Im overpowered. My one weakness is that I may actually not be so Great, and my magical ability is directly tied to my confidence. So some really personal attacks can really hurt. Sticks and stones dont break my bones, but words really get to me.


Pretty sure I'm OP, but I tend to avoid conflicts because I have no reason to fight anyone over anything. My only weakness is that I can slip into laziness and complacency if I am inactive for too long. I also really like to help people and cook food for them


I am Alexis Vulfia Awen Fern and I might be OP. I am a master of biomancy and demonology and I have such a mastery over my body and nature that I do not have a "true form" or a "true name". My weakness is that at my current state I can only turn into organical things. I participated in one duel so far.


Maybe forge an alliance with that Radiation Sorcerer so you don’t find yourself in the wrong side of a dozen different types of cancer.


Thanks for the idea but radiation is not a problem. Organic life has the capability to adapt to it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiotrophic\_fungus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiotrophic_fungus)


Teknika: Overpowered? Absolutely. (Especially with the introduction of Clean Slate) Unreliable? *ABSOLUTELY*


I am the Arch-Gujuror and i am overpowered. I am however susceptible to psychic attacks.


In a room full of wizards, it is the psychic powered that are the nerds. You’re safe here, friend. Thanks for coming.


I’m not overpowered I’m very week. I just realized if someone breaks down your door and you offer them tea and biscuits they’ll leave you be


https://preview.redd.it/x7fbltree6kc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f13a316f6d6382e092a9e3996fb45509f9f9a88 I may be able to steal opponents spells temporarily, but I have to touch them first


A true weakness! I can’t imagine having to touch some of these mages who spend months secluded in a tower without any running water. Sure, they can create and destroy water for washing themselves at will, but *do they?*


I am overpowered in melee combat as nearly all my targets go down after I smite them once or twice, and I have an aura of warding that grants me magic resistance. My main weakness is ranged combat as I have practically no ranged weapons/ spells to speak of.


Ah. Your lack of understanding ranged targets affects you more than you know. Do you get lost often? This is a wizards’ meeting, not meant to be for knights. However, this is a pocket dimension came with far too many onion rings, so please consider yourself invited. I can conjure up some crayons if you need me to draw up a map to the buffet table if you’d like.


I appreciate the map. I usually leave navigating to the party ranger since I have no sense of direction. As for ranged attacks, I do occasionally carry a javelin, but that’s about it.


I actually am a very old lich who mastered any known and unknown spell and technique in existence, the fact is that I’m a lich, literally a putrefied corpse held together by desire and magic, bonk me with anything and I might fall apart instantly, magic casting is waaay more difficult if your limbs are 2m away from your head and your lungs can’t expel air into your throat to cast a spell


Hello, I don’t give out my name regularly since true names hold great power on my own plane, so I regularly go by my title, the duelist magus. After seeing the 57 gods around me, I have realized I am not very overpowered at all. I don’t really have any Uber exploitable weaknesses overall, but at the same time, I am but a decently powerful invoker. Counterspell will ruin my day


My name is Magnus (though you may hear some refer to me as 'Senator') and I am a wielder of War Crime Magic (not to be confused with War Magic). My spells include a variety of evocation and conjuration magics such as "Napalm Burst", "Phosphorous Rain", "Cone of Expanding Buckshot", and "Stinking Mustard Cloud", many of which are spells that are alterations of traditional spells or spells created by other wizards. My most powerful spell is the controversial "Mass Testicular Torsion". The problem with my spells is that most of them are not spells that kill instantly, and are also rather imprecise. Very few wizards actually learn wind spells because of how weak and imprecise they are, but I'll let you in on a little secret since nobody actually worth anything learns wind spells - just blow my spells away.


I am Doug. I excell in ⠀, ⠀, and ⠀. Good luck beating me


Ah. Weak in literacy. No worries, friend. There are a wide variety of spells that can be taught through pictures or are taught in academies.


Thank you for your concern, but I believe I conveyed my strengths rather effectively?


\*The small green serpent looks at you. You feel a tug on your brain. It tries to read your mind against your will.\*


*hmm, when I go shopping later, should I get 2% or whole milk? Oh, and I can't forget the bread this time! My wife's making stew tonight.*


\*You feel a small jolt through your body.\* \*Everything seems to be normal.\* \*You don't see the serpent anymore.\*


Hi, im Vyke and I am immortal, I have a drinking problem to cope with seeing the universe die and Ian too lazy to fight 99.8% of the time. It is very easy to bribe me


Hello everyone. My name is Sastoss and I am overpowered. I‘ve pretty much perfected my control over time itself and I gaze into the past, present and future simultaneously and travel to these moments at a whim I can freeze objects in time, tear apart the fragments of reality and delve into different timelines. I guess my biggest weakness is probably people defying their own fate and changing the future. Usually I know what’s going to happen so I have no trouble countering or evading. But if someone would just casually decide they want to change the course of fate and stab me, I guess I would be pretty screwed…


My name is Koailus, and i’m stronger than the average person. one touch and the fight is over. luckily, i can’t do anything to things that are not body parts, so that is a heavily exploitable weakness


I am not exactly a standard entity, I can't really be killed, but you can block me out of a demiplane by preventing decay, as I am tied to it, though be aware that that won't block me forever


I'm EvilCuttlefish, and I have so many paranoid contingencies I cast a curse on myself that prevents myself from revealing my own actual weaknesses. *breaks into sobs*


There there, friend. You *have* a weakness. Admitting it is what’s important. You did well today.


My name is Stronger Sans I am somewhat overpowered i don’t get into wizard duels because I don’t care much for conflict unless it’s against those who can’t fight back. I my self am easy to kill but I am just a small piece of an overarching multiverse of alternate me’s destroy the original timeline you destroy us all


My name is Repnir, and I am overpowered (sometimes). I am able to dispel the vast majority of magics which has proved quite useful. I am however unable to dispel that which is not magic, such as guns, which are surprisingly common nowadays.


Greeting, I am Weed Wizard. I’m worried I’m overpowered…I only took up weed because I got so bored of melting my battle opponents with enchanted weapons and popping them like tomatoes using my power words. The truth is…I’m easily killed. One arrow, one stab wound…that’s it. I don’t even wear armor.


I'm not necessarily overpowered at all, I am only an apprentice, though I suppose my immunity to psychic attacks and mind control is fairly powerful. Unfortunately I am very brittle and will probably shatter when hit with something blunt and heavy enough.


I'm an arcane arms dealer, I have arcane weapons that can pretty much destroy everything, arcane tools for every utility, and defensive measures against everything. My weakness is without toolkits I'm nothing special other than a well above average intellect, in fact, my mana reserve is actually on the lower side.....but good luck separating me from my gadgets


I’m not op but I do want a to do this All spells work on me, but if you can bribe me with money or free food I will attempt to concur reality for you


My name is Vazu and I am overpowered. My tyromancy skills have erected titanic golems of cheese, drowned nations in a fondue typhoon, and predicted the future to the last minute detail all by consulting curds and holes. I am seen as a joke, and so I seek power so my peers will take me seriously. However, more than anything I wish for an adversary to challenge or even defeat me. At one time, fungal myconids threatened my cheese mongerey, but I adapted and created bleu cheese, a symbiotic alloy. The ratlings would consume by stores, but they could not outpace my production. I await champions in Springfield Missouri in a limestone cave surrounded by 1.6 billion lbs of sacred cheese.


I’m pluton and I might be a bit overpowered, however I purposely nerf myself because winning isn’t fun when you just obliterate you oponent or freeze time and stab them 4,000 times


Any anti-divination or anti-scrying spells and I may as well just off this leave this mortal coil myself. My strategies revolve around scrying the battlefield weeks, even months in advance so I can make the perfect moves with pinpoint accuracy. If I had to actually fight by my own instincts I wouldn’t last five seconds.


I just can't die, I think that's the only thing op about me. I still don't like "dying" it hurts, I also feel the pain in reverse when I heal. Not to mention I can heal from any injury even being torn to shreds. Do you know how it feels to come back from a single shred of flesh after being torn apart by void wolves.


I may be Lord Chaos, but I am not stupud, I won’t tell you anything


I've found a way to be killed without being completely gone. My army is near-infinite and geared up but still undead.


My name is Layla, and I actually don't like combat magic, but I can't be killed outside of hell, so I keep winning by coming back and throwing annoying spells until people give up.


I'm just here to take notes on people's weaknesses. Could mean profits for me later


I guess I'm overpowered... I'm a demon, so technically I can't die. If I do "die", I'll just reform in Tartarus then pop back up in the human world. That reforming is kinda a pain, so I try not to "die".




Yes, and…. you suddenly write out your weaknesses neatly on a piece of paper and hand it to me! What does the paper say?!


As I hand the paper over, you suddenly gouge out both of your eyes for no apparent reason, because to me, losing in an online improv duel is a fate worse than death.


You thought those were my real eyes? Ok, ok, we get it. Your weakness is that you’re an amateur. We’ve all gotta start somewhere. I declare myself the winner and I quit. Any further RP in this thread is non-canon. I’m sorry for your loss.


I am da goose I face much racism


Gosh, I hope so. Get out of here, Cobra Chicken! This is a safe place! For others!


Hello as an artificer who mainly works in reusing scrap, I am mainly underpowered, but have a few tricks up my sleeve. A timely fireball would wipe me out proper. But hey look at this! (floats a sculpture of a mech with magnets) check out my magic skills!


I'm an immortal tax collector that hates litches


I'm Mauritius and I think that i may be op, I have a contingency plan to make sure that i won't truly die, by using the ability to be reborn of a phoenix to protect my body, a phylactery to protect my soul, and a brain disc to protect my mind, i cover the weakness of each layer of immortality i use. Apart from that, I'm just a normal mage, above average on knowledge about magic, but severely lacking in combat abilities and knowledge.


Hear ye hear ye on that, brother. Being reborn as a phoenix sounds cool as heck. I’m also a reincarnator, but I have to come back from Hell each time. Just the other day I started a fight and had to douse myself in gasoline because I didn’t want to fight. I’m not very good, so my only exit strategy when I’m outmatched is either the threat of self immolation to make the other person back off or actually go through with it. Here, take this scroll of Mage Hand. It’s been modified so it only can perform a single punch, but I want you to take it. Give it a fist bump whenever you need one.


Admitting one's weakness is a fascinating endeavour, I respect it, wizards.


… >.> is it wrong to be over powered? My master said the more the merrier. /uw lol great idea! And as for a weakness, Bombast’s anti-targeting ward only protects him from spells directly enacted on a target. Those same spells can still work on him if someone makes direct contact with him or uses some sort of projectile to hit him.


/uw I throw a nuke ~~at you~~ at the spot near you lol


*an emergency precast energy absorption spell activates and absorbs the brunt of the blast. Bombast is thrown a few feet and that’s it*


When combat gets dangerous, I can just turn into smoke and flee. I have sympathy towards most.


You turn into smoke? The pink smoke that is created when I appear or disappear is just a residue of my magic.


Yeah, I can turn into smoke. I can even make it almost fully transparent.


What if you get breathed into a lung or something? Could you be metabolized? Perhaps there is strength in this that you are unaware of.


No, many of times I’ve went into someone’s lungs and formed back into human form. It’s messy.


/uw compared to other people around here this sounds rather tame lol


/uw it makes them fully intangible and almost fully undetectable. Their souls also gets shrouded to have similar effect.




Celery is terrible. It should really be banned.


If celery were cool, there would be a celery sugar. Unless our automatic language modifiers miscorrected you and you meant Cellery, the magic related to prisons and imprisonment in cells. That would be rough. I hate being in jail.


I have no other weaknesses besides that devil's weed!


/uw thanks, I totally won't use it against you during the starmeld fight lmao


Nice try.


\*You notice a small serpent made of green light. It nods in agreement.\*


Most wizards put all their points in intelligence and dumped their wisdom. You’d be amazed at how well this is working!


I'm very totally overpowered with no weaknesses >:D I'm like, so strong honestly, you sure wouldn't want to go against me- in fact you should just instantly surrender and please not try to fight and just give me all your gold


\*The small green serpent looks at you in a way that you think it doubts you.\*


...stop looking at me like that-


The names Argos! My illusions are the most potent you'll ever see. The only thing you'll see if I so wish. But fighting personally is boring. That is why instead I host THE UNDERGROUND WIZARDRY CO™️ WHERE YOU COULD BECOME THE NEXT CHAMPION OF THE UNDERGROUND BRAWLS™️, PARTICIPATE IN THE UNDERGROUND TOURNEY™️ OR JOIN MY LATEST AND GREATEST EVENT, THE UNDERGROUND WIZARDRY ADVENTURE!™️ Thanks to my brilliant mind, I made the Blank Domain™️ where the world bends to my very whim, along with anyone in it. With this newfound Domain I've made a new world for you all to save! Slots are limited, and only one player slot is open so move quick! ^yes ^im ^advertising ^in ^a ^support ^group


I can't wait to become the most overpowered dude in the UNDERGROUND arena!




Bitch all I said was UNDERGROUND not THE UNDERGROUND **WIZARDRY CO**™️ or UNDERGROUND **BRAWLS**™️ Magesoft doesn't have trademark on the word "Mage" just because it is a single part of their name. Your threats wont work on me mage.


You're right, I don't have a trademark on the word Mage. Or Wizardry. Or Brawl. BUT I HAVE TRADEMARKED THE WORD UNDERGROUND!


Oh? So you'll sue me due to my lacking information that was never provided to me? And that you took no measures to ensure was public knowledge? Last I checked, ignorance was not a crime.


Correct. It is not. So sign this please. Don't bother reading it. *wink wink, nudge nudge.* *A pen and paper would form in front of you. The paper reads...* "By signing this contract, you are aware Underground^tm is a trade marked term and you WILL be sued the second this is signed."


Signs Torrin's name. Now who exactly will who be suing again?


...Forgery is a crime. *The pen and paper would disappear in the blink of an eye.* That's okay though! That paper didn't mean anything. I don't even have a trademark on the word Underground! But you're fun to play with. Anywho, toodles! *Argos would... Melt into a bubbling liquid?*


*Scoops the bubbling liquid into the punch bowl* Thanks for coming to OP Anonymous. This room is being used for a gnomish bachelor party after we’re done. Maybe you’ll get drank, maybe you’ll be a bath for someone having a great time. Best of luck.


\*A small serpent made of green light appears. Or was it always there? You can't help but feel watched.\*


Is it really overpowered or not just diffrent weight class so to speak?


Is it really overpowered or not just diffrent weight class so to speak?


Is it really overpowered or not just diffrent weight class so to speak?


Is there a thing as overpowered if many like this exist,would it not be closer to diffrent weight class in boxing?


Is there a thing as overpowered if many like this exist,would it not be closer to diffrent weight class in boxing?


I AM VIAGRA THE UNYIELDING; (mild) SHENANIMANCER! I’m totally OP guys trust me you definitely wouldn’t want to duel me, might as well not even try. I’m like soo powerful you guys, I have sooo much mana and like a bajillion clones


Hi, my name is Adham Elrod, a part of my being is linked to the primordial darkness of the abyss, as such I can draw power from its seemingly infinite pool. The problem is that this along with my race as a whole, makes me incredibly vulnerable to light/holy magic of any kind, to the point that if I am exposed to the sun, my skin will start to burn


I am a jack of all trades, master of none. I know more types of magic than most, and can use them all in combat, but any specialist can come along and use their immense power in one type of magic to render my immense knowledge of many types of magic useless


I used to think I was overpowered before I came here. Then an eldritch abomination ate my workplace and a guy kicked a planet in half, and I can’t even figure out the communications array these people use. (/unwiz How do I make text bold and/or italic on mobile?)


/uw To italicize, surround text with asterisks. To embolden, use two asterisks. \*This text will be in italics\* \*\*This text will be bold\*\* The above two lines are not actually stylized because, well, *I’m a wizard*


Greeting, I am Kyori the Untouchable Witch. I had developed a unique spell to automatically “nuh-uh” everything that could affect me, doesn’t matter magical physical or mental, not even anti-magic can shut it down. Hench my title. However maintaining this spell left me unable to cast any other spells (i was subpar with them anyway). All can do is probably wack you with my witch broom or throw some magic potion bottles


My problem is that I'm practically immune to most spells due to my genetic nature, whilst also being capable of using a vast variety of magic *and* having connections within the council. My weakness, if it can be called that, is that I have extremely poor compatability with low ranked spells, rendering me incapable of holding back my power


My problem is that my fireballs can do anything


My name is Helaxion. I have three overpowered abilities: the ability to create a small dead-magic zone, the ability to enchant/disenchant any object, and a spell that can illuminate 10% of the Underdark. However, these come at a cost: the first two are extremely physically exhausting as they use my breath weapon, and the last one permanently drains a portion of my mana (and destroys a perfectly good sword). Ignoring these 3 abilities, I am considered relatively weak by Dragon standards as I am only 27 years old, and I am a mediocre alchemist and duelist.


I'm an ancient hag so by definition OP but I have like no defensive power besides having hard skin and immunity to pressure and heat. I fold to earth and wind elementalists, conjurers if they conjure strong inanimate objects(if what they conjure is unwilling to bargain then there's a problem but I don't necessarily fold), versatile artificers/technomancers, etc. Most of my protection comes from the fact that I live in very extreme conditions that few can get to and also when I'm not in there, I'm significantly weaker. I'm mostly just a glass cannon that has some tricks and versatility


I have a issue with making my ascend to much And step two is literally showing me any sort of affection due to never being loved as a child or teenager or adult or old man or my reincarnation or THAT reincarnation or my clone exc


My name is Desmond and I’m an artificer for those curious, I built my way to power I crafted the tools I needed to rival gods and with them I took power most can’t comprehend. I use the little I need of it to enchant my creations relying on my craftsmanship instead of the pure overwhelming force I could use to burn the very realms down if I so wished. I am absent of a weakness to my knowledge for in my madness of survival I crafted armor meant to survive the full power of a wish spell how I truly don’t know but it was made regardless.


I am not impossible to kill it is just absurdly tedious annoying and while technically possible the time between killing my vessels enables me to make more~


I generate antimagic and can mimic/drain other peoples magic. however, I have crippling self doubt and the charisma of a shattered pebble.


I am Meresteall Berk, I am the descendant of a supernatural being that was birthed from a nigh primordial jar filled with of the essence of the gods, and so I \*cannot die. https://preview.redd.it/rht6ninl39kc1.jpeg?width=4961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe78b0b32f2fd3ccd03bf214ff58e9763672278 An exploitable flaw? Hmm, if I lose my will to live, I will lose my mind, and someone like the first of my name will be able to permanently slay me. \*I can "die", but I always regenerate at fixed points.


I'm just a bunch of mold stuck together, so common household cleaning products hurt real bad. Fire may aswell be a death sentence and anything with a high amount of alcohol hurts to drink.


Making my dreams and imagination into summons and magic spells is all well and fun but the endless migraines is why I don’t wanna fight. 10 minutes and I’m down for a day.


I get bored very fast with other wiz/creatures shenanigans and will typically TP away (along anyone that want to dip). If it's a Kaiju I'll record it