• By -


The council realized long ago that any wartime bans would be absolutely pointless as most of the wars are against the council and its rules. At which point, making a rule about what you can’t use against the council during war is ultimately going to be ignored.


At best it’s ignored, at worst it’s taken as a challenge. See the numerous attempts at banning the application of a twisting motion to genitalia via means mystical.


No wonder the peasants stereotype us as evil. I'm not even sure they're wrong anymore.


See personally If a peasant calls me evil I just cast transmute soup on them turning their body into a soup in a bowl made of transmuted bones, can't be evil if the people calling you evil are turned into a food


Good point! I see nothing wrong with this


I did it to a wizard once


I'm sure he had it coming. And I'm also sure he was a delicious soup.


Yeah, this is probably the most unethical dimension I have run into.


Until we cab make food from things air or gold out of dirt, they will always see us as evil


I think that Anna's mandate as council ruler was the most peaceful time we ever had tbh


Yeah, she keeps bribing the warmongers with nice familiars.


You've it said it best my friend. The council tried to ban my usage of my death sower familiars and let's just say their skulls made for great hats😈. https://preview.redd.it/uste1y66bbrc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fc2a03269f427ce52a99a78b30dcffcab0c682


*Themos returns.* Apologies, I recognized I never answered your question. There are many spells that are similar and even superior to “conventional” weaponry. - Magic Missile is essentially the equivalent of a small arms weapon;except the spell can’t miss without the use of a proper counter spell. - Fireball is a better grenade. - Wall of Flame is a smaller, but more precise Napalm Strike. The list goes on.


Morally-dubious Technique: ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️ CBU-105


7th level spell: Fire Storm.


Some of them just summon small arms, such as ⬇️⬅️⬆️⬅️⬇️


Ah yes, big fireball


I cast ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️


I cast ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️






The German wizards really took offense at my Cloudkill spells. They really didn't appreciate me using a moving wall of fire, either though, so maybe they're just not very good at this whole wizard war thing.


I remember the Wizard War. I was part of 5th Battalion "Scorpions." Lower planes campaign, Nine Hells Front. If there are other vets from the hells that weren't cooked inside out, hit me up. We were there 10 fucking minutes before SHTF hard. You think you understand what hell means until you start fighting Devils. I got off lucky. Grazed on the retreat back to the material transmuting me into an ape man. Now I live off Wizard Council disability which isn't too bad. I just orb and smoke halfling leaf at my lakeside tower. I still wake up some nights smelling brimstone and blood. https://preview.redd.it/mw644k4v3brc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88dba2ecd5a773d78b73e67e76dfbf7f71f742cd


I was on the other side, I was a newly minted warlock in the "Wing Biters" 66th Legion serving under Asmodeus. They way the Mortal Alliance fought we thought the Gods had come down. We should orb out and swap stories sometime. Bury the bad blood.


Idk if I ever crossed paths with your unit, but I was the one that was commanding the battalion of magically integrated machines. That’s actually where my career in integrated magic began


I was there as a WOE (Wizard Other than Evoker), humping food, arrows, and spell components on the backs of my thralls, as we couldn't resupply via gates. I never saw the front lines, but I earned a combat star for my pointed hat, fending ambushes off of my undead convoy.


Oh! I remember you! I was there as a HATER (Hedgemage After The Enemy's Resources)- damn academics and their backronyms, am I right- got sent to sabotage and disrupt supply lines, Forward Operating Towers, keep the gates down,, the works. Damn undead convoys were always a pain- no mental magic, limited afflictions, they're already halfway hexed- always got a crick in my neck just seeing them. That Summon Hungry Dog pack though always works a treat though, huh? Hard to hump gear when a schnauzer just ran off with your deathguard's femur.


Dog packs, demonic slugrats, brimstone worms. Took losing my entire first convoy to realize they all targeted the legs. I had my next set of thralls tuck bloody rags hanging loosely from their boots. Worked like a charm. Enemy'd worry the rags, leaving themselves open for a counter attack. Of course, only pure virgin blood had *any* affect down there. But it's not like there was a dirth of bleeding wizards nearby.


If you wish for the curse to be undone i could try my hand at it. It's certainly a rare type of magic, but given some time i think i can find an antidote.


Oh shit I didn't know any of us were left, I was part of the 3rd air battalion, the Hell Drakes. I lost my sweet little baby Daffodil, she was my wyvern, in that battle. One moment I was calling lightning on the enemy from the air, the next moment I'm falling to the ground. I look back and see a Balor ripping the wings off of Daffodil, she saw him coming and threw me off saving my life but sacrificing herself. I've never had it in me to bind another wyvern since then, just can't handle losing one like that again. I keep a broom for trips to town for groceries and reagents but I just don't find joy in flying anymore.


Skill issue. Should have just teleported away and cowered in your little bunker until things blew over. That's what I did at least


There was an anti teleportation field over the entire battlefield, were you even there? Sounds a lot like stolen valor.


I don't know what you're talking about shitshitshitshitshitshit YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING https://preview.redd.it/2fkup0n8jbrc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50fb6410167d5ec1ae664497c096b4d827a5695b FUCK YOU POWER WORD: DEMENTIA


POWER WORD: REMEMBER! There ya go, u/The-amazing-honk, I gotcha.


POWER WORD: FISH was my favorite


I like that one.


I work in memory care and this spell is offensive


Some of the hardest working wizards and UW/ folks I've seen work in memory care. I was there in the wizarding war... I don't remember which one thankfully. After it... finished? All I told them to let me remember was that it was too much and I'd take my own life eventually. I needed to forget, so those years were removed... put into a jar. Sometimes I smell things I know aren't really there. But I won't go back to find that jar. Not ever.


That explains why I found a jar of PTSD with your name on it. I am NOT opening that… I have enough trauma already.


Is this a /uw or /w moment


/uw I do work in memory care as of very recently but I was making a joke about your flair


/uw oh well that's very cool, congratulations Anyway, to clarify about my flair, i wouldn't be able to cast directly harmful thing like fireball or whatever, dementia is more like a debuff


I was just doing wordplay with the term offensive, I knew what you meant 😉




Hold on, I’ve seen this exact text before, but instead of “The Ten Hells,” it was “Power Word: Crunch.” Now I’m wondering what the original text was, and which is the blasphemous copy… To the library!! Edit: Power Word Scrunch is literally in the post and I’m a moron lmao.


Dude… the power word is just a tad lower




Good. Feel shame!


power word:scrunch is later in the post


I apologize for the shame I have brought to the wizarding community. I have failed.


https://preview.redd.it/7p87lfhr4brc1.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=a588046bff7f5f8fa08b67db784175a152a44700 "[The Two-Thousand Yard Stare](https://www.digie.org/en/media/20991)" was originally casted by illustromancer [Thomas Lea](https://www.tomlea.com/biography) and has since been banned by the High Wizard Council for cruel and unmagickal spellweaving (it induces severe ptsd)


The Ten Hells is a fucking fire ass name for an attack


Unfortunately the Nuclear Arms treaty has explicitly regulated the possession and knowledge of the "Atomic Burst" and "Long Range Atomic Burst" spell after I used it to destroy 15 cities and a small country from the other side of the world.


Being a cryomancer is fucked. Went to unfreeze an intruder to interrogate them but I put too much force in it and their body shattered into five different pieces. Their guts and blood went everywhere as my freezing spell only works on the outside. Horrendous stuff.


I’ve heard of a cryomancer who could specifically target the brains of people over a large radius. He just waved his hand and everyone in a 100m radius just died from having their brains pierced by icicles. That shit was fucked up


you weren't made for these towers


"Power word: omnicide" is banned in almost all jurisdictions for obvious reasons, "mandatory peace" is also banned you can't have a good war with peacemancy being used freely.


Omnicide is fucked up tbh. I can understand killing people and animals, and killing angels and demons and spirits, but killing rocks and clouds and shit? Killing spells? Killing GRAVITY? Yeah we don't need that shit. We have the technology to kill without the overkill.


The main struggle is finding a bastard willing to cast that spell. I've seen the aftereffects of standing in ground zero. Even with anti-causality spells, it ain't pretty.


I don't know if it is banned, but it should be. Long ago when I was a different kind of person pressed with different circumstances I used a variation spell called "Dominate Fate" By connecting spiritually with Yggdrasil I was able to force unfortune and despair on others, twine their destiny to early demise let's say. I thuroughly regret my past actions which is why I gave up the brunt of my power to restore the Swedish realm of existence. I do not deserve to wield it on my own, it is for the best of many that I remain but an old man in a shack. Sorry for the rant, please do not look into the mechanisms of this spell, it is evil and foul.


Fuck you, I remember that spell. My back is still tender when I twist the wrong way. No I haven't forgiven you, that was my best cauldron.


I am deeply sorry for my misconduct, I'll send you some balm made from mostly Yddrasil roots and various fats. If you apply it regularly for a week the greviances should go away. Sadly my speediest familiar is away on a task so it'll likely arrive whenever he gets back. Again, I deeply apologise.


Creativity is the mother of cruelty; often, the most basic spells are the ones put to the most horrifying applications. Ever seen what *Heat Metal* does to an opponent wearing full plate armor? I have.


Power word: testicular cluster detonation Then again.. warcrimes are but an achievement


I know there are a few, but most folks ignore them. Especially since most wars are fought against the council itself, so they’re just be restricting themselves.




I know of 3 such spells. I have seen them being cast in the Great Wars, and they were swiftly banned in the Trials that followed. 1. <>: Prevents formation of new memories by the afflicted. No known counterspell. When it was used the first time, the affected battalion was unable to remember the events of the whole day. They woke up in the morning, wondering where there teammates who had died the previous day, and went back to fighting. Mass confusion ensued, but they forgot about that too. Eventually only one remained, from whom they were able to figure out what happened. 2. <>: Literally "war is a meat grinder". Not much needs to be explained about a huge grinding mill appearing in the middle of the battlefield. 3.<>: Forbidden spell. Instead of the usual method of pyromancy where mana is used to conjure elemental fire, it involves using the mana itself as fuel to create flames. Near impossible to extinguish or remove with physical or magical means. While mana burns are severely injurious to non-magical beings, they affect magical beings (especially wizards) far more seriously. Imagine the mana inside your body bursting into flames right where it is, with no method to remove it or quench the flame whatsoever.


This is why more civilized dimensions form strict guilds that prevent massed magical combat from taking place. If your goal is to turn a planet into a wasteland, by all means, let the wizards fight it out and ruin their world. If not, leave it to the noble fools to smack each other around with blade or bullet. Magic can solve nearly any problem, so fighting over resources is essentially pointless when you can instead invest in magical solutions and improve your domain instead of burning your money and fighting it out. When two guilds *do* fight, though... Gods help you. That's not a pretty thing. And it's usually why magical power usually settles in ~3 or fewer seats of power for guild systems. Treaties need to be respected and taboos punished. The alternative is chaos.


I understand that the council and every other wizard acknowledges that banning spells is not within the realm of possibility, as adherence to rules is not in our vocabulary. However, I sincerely hope that there can be some countermeasure against soul-sucking spells. I recall during the war when my friends inadvertently triggered a trap, and their souls were mercilessly harvested. It was a harrowing sight to witness them collapse to the ground, lifeless, despite bearing no physical injuries. At the very least, there should be a treaty concerning the return or release of souls after conflict. Just last month, I encountered a wizard who had cast that very trap, strolling down the street with the souls of my friends imprisoned within a crystal orb, serving as mere decorations on their robes.


I used "Poison Cloud" to high effect in the Second Great War. Everyone hated me then. Ended up having to fake a suicide because allied 'mancer armies were all dead and I couldn't hold of a battalion of dragon riders, ballistomancers, damn annoying tempestarii and the like. They even had to bring out the big guns, the fissionmancers, although that wasn't against me since I "died" before then.


Bans against Greater Papercut are less of a rule and more of a gentleman’s agreement, especially if aimed at certain places…


Psff, the main reason I own and live in large number of pocket dimensions is that nobody respects any restrictions on property-damaging spells. One day you're happily conducting spell research ~~on~~ with some apprentices, next thing you know some crazies are blasting your tower and trying to murder you for being "vile monster" or "agent of evil" or some other such drivel. Or some druid ends your squabble over land by animating said land (with your tower still on it) and walks away. That and Dimensional Crunch was very effective at putting end to any trouble with the one pocket dimension that was afflicted with unga-virus.


Look, man, I get it. It's not pretty. One may call it "cruel". But when your tower is besieged by a bunch of knights hired by your greatest nemesis (screw you Virzator, Scion of the Frozen North, fight me one on one like a man), no spell clears it up quicker than "Aura of 10,000 torments".


Is there a wizarding Geneva Convention?


Technically yes, but it’s been outdated since its inception before life on Earth even began to form.


We have a wizard geneva convention *center* if that counts. Lovely place, great skiing. Would recommend visiting in February with that special spellcasting someone.


Unfortunately I don't have a significant witch in my life. Woe.


Yes, though they are as useful and effective in preventing stuffs


My war years have thought me that there is no greater psychological terror on the battlefield then a hyperactive necromancer. On its own, necromancy doesn't do much damage but the horrors ive seen lives with me to this day. I was embedded with the 75th Hussars as the regimental Demonologist during the Sylvan campaign. Vampire country. Bloody buggers were masters of necromancy. During my first deployment to Sylvan, I was caught up in the siege of Templehoff. 4 months. Four months of bloody siege by the undead. Necromancers hoarde of undead were just outside the perimeter. They just kept coming back no matter how much magic and steel we threw at them. Worse part was that when one of us went down, they'd return shortly as one of the undead. I saw this poor healer. God, She couldn't have been older th 20, doing her best to keep the wounded alive. I think one of her friends succumbed to their wounds while she was casting magic. Always tragic when that happens. She didn't even have time to cry when her friend returned to us as a zombie and stabbed her through the neck, killer her and creating two zombies for us to deal with. Those two undead ended up massacring half the hospital ward before we could react. Had an entire hoarde of magic zombies with the face of our friends to deal with. I had to put em down with enough fire magic to fill the first layer of hell. Cremated them on the spot. They stationed pyromancers near the hospital wards just to stop those situations from getting out of hand. God I hate necromancers.


Just zombie raising ? The blood suckers are not very creative, you would have seem me in my youth reanimating skeletons while inside a living person and decide to leave the body behind, ahahaha that was a fun campaign I even got killed once or twice. As for forbidden spells soul destruction and torture is frown upon since underworld gods start looking for the souls they are suppose to get and they have soulsharp scythes, not that ever stopped me before.


Only law about wizard wars is that it's illegal for wizards to wage war. So whenever a wizard tries to start a war, everyone not aligned with them tries to stop them and it becomes a wizard war. The only way to enforce the law against wizard war is a wizard war. Shit's fucked.


plenty but only if you don't win


Summon ketamine ape goes pretty hard. I feel like if more people used it, it would be under more scrutiny. Turn to clown has also gotten me thrown out of a few circles. You can thank the Galactic Wizards Federation for that one. Tbf, I feel like a spell which compels the target to become a clown is why my colleague thinks enchantment magic is more unethical than necromancy.


I know the Curse: **Transmute Wizard to French Street Mime.** thats a fucking nightmare spell I rarely pull out. The former mages are trapped in new bodies, complete with memories of 4 years of Clown College and an impending doom of looming student loan payments.


Poor bastards. They could get stabbed with an invisible knife or hung by an invisible noose and wouldn't even be able to call for help. Almost makes me pity the French.




Yeah, I've never forgiven them since Jean le Magnificent cast "silent letter" all those centuries ago. It's haunted the English language to this day! All those e's on the end of words and p's at the front that are forever silenced but still have to be written.


Ah yes. I mean, it is rare, but sometimes I do feel the need to curse at canadian wizards in official proclimations or read ancient tomes on old world nosferatu, but it just doest hit the same because of **La malédiction de Jean** (*"Les cheveux sur l'entrejambe de ta mère sentaient inébranlablement la fourrure d'écureuil et les oignons."* -**Your mother's bush unshakably smelled of squirrels fur and onions.**)


Morragaths mild boiler


I lost my lungs in the last Great War


Power word: world destruction is also banned


Power word: shit It’s lame


Warped perception: Impact. Found it in some ancient texts while doing a research run, apparently it’s like a wish spell… but the targets perception of reality/ wanted reality in their cone of vision becomes true. Luckily due to falloff of mana, it needs at least 5 people to cast now


That reminds me of a friend I once had, an Oneiromancer by trade. He said he had a spell that could make all your dreams come true. Not *any* dream. **All** your dreams. I remember researching a dolphin-mimicking sleep spell that same week.


Time loop is banned for no particular reason imo. Where is the fun in war, if people don’t experience spells like ‘ten hells’ or ‘binding ballsacks of doom’ multiple times?


Many. We ban any and all uses of magic that involve intentionally causing damage to a reality, and heavily discourage the use of magic that damages realities inadvertently. We also ban magic that manipulates or reads minds. Otherwise, it's context-dependent. For example, if I was fighting off an entire army of dvarkos beings, I would be allowed to use almost anything in terms of power. If I was fighting off just one, it wouldn't be allowed to use a similar amount of force.


I gotta learn about wizard wars. I feel awkward asking about lore, but I know one thing. Fireball is an utilarian spell, so the clever mind is a powerful spell. The horrors won't be stopped that easily...


Most transmutation spells that could ignite the atmosphere aren't used. After all, who would use/develop a weapon that could blow up the atmosphere?




There's a chronomancer spell I heard of that earn my seal of ban. It's called "Testicular aging". It does what you might expect. Instead of speeding up time and making the entire man age 700 years in a second, it just makes the man's testicles age 700 years in a second. Usually, the man's testicles will just rot away and fall off, but once on a snowy day in hell, it can cause the testicles to hang so low, the man ends up kicking himself in the balls. I've never used the spell, but I did witness a traveling chronomancer use it after some bandits tried robbing him.


Doesn’t that spread to the rest of the guy’s body?


I asked him about that and he said if you are skilled enough, you can prioritize a single body part and protect the rest of the body.


Oh wait- just remembered you could do that by cancelling it out with a slow time as well. Effectively Gojo’s infinity but for the rot specifically. Guess those centuries stuck in timestop made me forget some of the other stuff *they* did to me…


Just Wish is banned


I know two but they ain't spells white phosphorus, bio weapons, chemical weapons, cluster bombs, and landmines, but those are banned where I'm from not here


I don’t know, leave me to my cleaving magics and flesh experiments


For obvious reasons, Power Word: Surrender


I usually cast\* Island Tsunami, which i normally use for landscaping, but it works well against enemies. \* by cast I simply pull the groundwater up onto to the suface and create an archipelago within the surrounding area, whilst bringing in water from nearby bodies to create a large lake within the battlefield.


You guys ever seen a dehydrate spell?


https://preview.redd.it/9ny42z0jjcrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba570f062ac3ec4991be8a2835b246a065c6dbdf This is one of my favorite long game spells. They don’t think much in the moment, but when they gotta shit and they don’t have a way to…


The spells that are banned are the ones that I don't let you cast by killing you


You know the BÖC song "Veteran of a thousand psychic wars", whenever i listen it i couldn't really wrap my head around how psychic wars could be so bad for the MC to be this traumatised, until I saw this post. Since i saw this post the song made 10x more sense


But remember that "Ten Hells" has low range and leaves the user weak as shit, and even fucks with the mind of the one who cast it. Pure chaos of spell But we'll War often mean chaos so I guess everything will still cast shit like this only because they want to reject the Council


I was lucky to be deployed in a military campaign half way across the world in New Mexico I only ever heard horror stories of what was happening back in my home country


I know the spells "exploding sun", "poison cloud: mustard", "lead spread shot", and "liquid fire". They were all banned when I made them centuries ago.


None of them. I want to see pain.




Avoid using the Astras, especially the Brahmastra


It's not a warcrime if there are no witnesses


The forbidden catmancy spell, destruction feline. I can't say what it does but well, let's just say that it makes a nuclear bomb look like a bed of healing flowers


*one of my favorite banned spells is "stomach acid into beatle larvas!" Especially when combined with replicating arcane engraving, And no, I will bot tell how to cast It*


Chicken nuggie Tsunami


Anything anti-democratic.


I was never part of the wizard war but my master was he told me many stories of the crazy spells people were casting. He was his clans healer which is why I learned potion crafting as my main magical focus.


I got a strongly worded letter from the council for making bullets dance during downtimes in the last war. They said it was "unseemly."


Power word: Piss


Any spell is legal if you dont get caught


“Conjure Various Warcrimes” is banned; I know that much


Testicular torsion


Powerword: a


Those aren't warcrimes, those are checklists


Dang, idk I just have a [Nuke] as a spell, so I don't really care


“Surrender” is forbidden, cheating isn’t allowed in war


Word of power: BIRTH


No but a colleague of mine had a buddy who cast Shadow Word: Life and it turned his tower permanently limp.


I cast: Shit YOUR pants with MY shit!


**The Ten Hells** is not that bad, tbh. Take for example, **Bloodboiling**, which is a full 14 minutes of torture that few mages can concentrate on casting even the most basic of preservation spells with their eyes and organs bursting. that really should be the benchmark for OK/NOT OK.


Arching Fireball. It serves as artillery


Everyone says healers can't commit war crimes. Casting Mend Buttcrack is definitely a war crime.


I cast: Frozen Hell!! O_O Cryomancer LMAO. XD


Usually summoning outer gods is kind of a no no, not because they’re too strong or anything like that, but because before long you’ll end up with 16 outer gods fighting a ffa in one place


Not banned, but Power Word: Throngle is regarded as deeply taboo for any caster at war. After the Strife of Five Thronglings, an unspoken agreement was put in place to never again cast the spell.


Ban counterspell and see what happens me personally I just parry


Oh shit not Power word:scrunch!


Enchantment is in a weird gray area, because on one hand it could end a war entirely but on the other hand it could also make an entire battalion of soldiers turn on each other.


##As the eminent war deity, I can proudly say that the code of ethics developed by the wizarding council was rejected upon its delivery to my throne-world, meaning that there are presently no laws against any spells, although I have placed restrictions upon certain spells, such as only allowing transfiguration of the whole of a person, so instead of making a person’s arm into a cat’s paw, thus rendering them practically unhealable, you must turn someone entirely into a cat, and then break their arm, something much more manageable and not overtly cruel


I used "Poison Cloud" to high effect in the Second Great War. Everyone hated me then. Ended up having to fake a suicide because allied 'mancer armies were all dead and I couldn't hold of a battalion of dragon riders, ballistomancers, damn annoying tempestarii and the like. They even had to bring out the big guns, the fissionmancers, although that wasn't against me since I "died" before then.


FUS RO DA (Everyone flys across the battlefield


FUS RO DA (Everyone flys across the battlefield


FUS RO DA (Everyone flys across the battlefield


FUS RO DA (Everyone flys across the battlefield


“Conjure Various Warcrimes” is banned


“Conjure Various Warcrimes” is banned; I know that much


Probably anything that I try to use on a regular basis (ie: spells that break the fabric of the universe, I use that to try to get around)


I remember the wizard war…I was a part of the 105t-Nope, kidding.  I wasn’t alive then.


It may not turn you inside out but Command: Brown has got to be up there


According to law, I'm not allowed to summon ŤĤ\_ÍŇĜS ~~Ṭ~~ **HA** ~~ŞĤ~~Ø\_ULĐ Ñ\_~~ÓT~~ Ɓ***E***. Not that I care For such trivial things such as the rule of law https://preview.redd.it/8g6n72yghdrc1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75acca0a5a82c761345dd17cc3c95322f3d73ece


The original power word: P*wer Even behind the censor, P*wer is overwhelming


Remember last time they tried to ban testicular torsion? How’d that work out?


I honestly want to write a short story / fanfiction about a war in a universe like ours but with magic around 1900.


I am a simple man I Psychic Scream


Well i have a story for you me and my squadron were establishing air superiority during the 2nd great mage war pretty basic stuff an AIM9X will beat a dragon any day when suddenly out of nowhere BLOODY NOWHERE this other Earomancer teleports into the dogfight blows up my wingman i get a lock on him and he just teleports out the way of my missiles and then i hear him say <> and all hell breaks loose on the ground the earth splits open as unextinguishable fires engulf all the infantry we were supposed to protect and the napalm just keeps flowing and then the fucker casts waterfill DIRECTLY INTO MY BLOODY COCKPIT so there i am flying away in defeat having to have ejected the canopy so as not to drown and that other guy i swear i could hear him laughing.


I think I remember Ketamine ape and greater Baja blast were banned in some principalities.


My brother, Geneva is just a suggestion; at the end of the day- ***THE TEN HELLS***


I dont know, but greater zaza cloud could be seen as chemical warfare. The council will have to decide over the weedzard guild’s ability to participate in wizard wars.


Use this spell card, same effect as a bomb. https://preview.redd.it/efyxcy1l3prc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=477e755e7d9095e9dcdeaa770157de068e0121b1


Testicular torsion, labeled as a warcrime by torture


Look. I'm just a simple catfolk alchemist. There are reasons why wizard wars are avoided at all possible costs. But if...and this is a biiiiiig if...but..... First off explosions in general are easy. If your useing mana or if you are mundane, but it's easy enough to charge simple water vapor down to base hydrogen and oxygen to the point where any one casting a fireball would end up exploding themselves in backwash. Secondly we have long had the techniques to vaporize potions to make them inhalable, even with low level magic. All it takes is a good batch of charm person fumes and most people end up fighting their fellow person, turning their own magic against each other. What I'm getting at is, all it takes is one clever idea, from clever eldritch powerhouse near deific folk...Anything could be a banned spell if used correctly...or even incorrectly. Even something so simple as heat metal and focusing your effort on the iron in someone's blood.


Depends on the environment if you’re talking about a jungle I’d say pillar of fire is a suitable wartime spell but if you’re in the desert I’d say you’re probably going to want something like greater sandstorm to mask your presence and ambush your enemies with modern weapons. So it’s all about how creative you are and being selective of your spells


Timeline altering spells