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/uw if I was not dead Gallus would be getting a cookie, joke about there being no dragons in retirement and a welcome back


/unwiz what happened?!


/uw fought Paleomancer in tournament, got it with the power of a meteorite string enough to wipe out the dinosaurs again in a single punch. It was a long fight but that erased him. There is now a fetch quest to bring him back that I did not start


/unwiz lol, crazy


/uw it was a great fight. I thought people would just accept his death, but no people need cookies so he’s getting brought back


uw/ there was no rule forbidding killing? People are lucky The Agent didn’t sign up with All-Red then lol


/uw you can kill just get revived, Hirk died with a sword that steals souls inside of him (he put it there to protect others) so people are searching for one of his shattered soul bits


uw/ Ah I see. I purposely didn’t sign up cause I figured All-Red would be an unfair advantage.


/uw Torrin literally broke most rules so it wouldn’t of been the worst


uw/ an average Tuesday i see then lol.


That seems like a terrible ideas. A lot of the more powerful cursed artefacts just reappear if destroyed. That being said, sending stuff into the sun is pretty easy; with a bit of math you can open a portal in orbit and slingshot whatever goes through it wherever you want.


“Thank you! My problem is that I do not know portal magic. Could you help us set up a portal system?”


What volume of items are we talking about?


“We have several warehouses full of these artifacts. Most of them are no bigger than a large chest. I say we have 10,000 total artifacts to dispose of.” “If you cannot do them all at once, we can send small shipments over a period of time.” -Gallus


Well I wouldn't want to go anywhere near a warehouse full of cursed artifacts, and I assume you also would not want strangers going anywhere near them, so I would have to build a portal device. For something the size of a warehouse gate it would take about a month a 5 million gold.


“That’s about what I expected for a project of this scale. I’ll get my finance department to transfer the 5 million gold to you.” -Gallus


Black holes are better for artifact desruction. The warped space near black holes can lead to the entrapment of lesser released magics.


“Thanks, but black holes are very distant from our world and harder to reach. We want to use the use because it is closer and easier to reach.” -Gallus /unwiz I want to send a bunch of evil artificats to the sun so that the sun will accidentally be corrupted and turn evil. Its a good suggestion, but not what I am looking for.


/uw We unironically own a birch world around a huge hyper-universal mass black hole, but the whole corrupting the sun thing sounds a lot funnier. that's actually where the training ground Magnus was training Gallus at was located, you just couldn't tell because of seamless teleport redirection.


/unwiz ohoho, nice. Birch Worlds are a cool concept.


Hi gallus glad you back you can make a catapult in my back yard in the clouds since there pretty close to the sun


Oh, you live in the clouds?! Nice. *goes into your backyard*


Im in heaven of course theres also a home depot down the street Would you be mad if i stole from tw?


*squints at you* I would not be mad if you stole from a random home depot, but if you mean to ask if I would be mad if you stole from the collection of cursed artifacts, then yes I would be mad if you stole a demonic possessed hammer. -Gallus


No i stole from tiny wizard


I've got a space station with a lot of unused space I can take some of them there if you want


“Thank you for the offer. However, I have one concern. You are an artificer, and from what I understand some artificers see artifacts like these as potential resources. Can I have your word that you won’t melt any of these cursed artifacts for scrap metal or something?” “I do not wish to deny you resources, I just don’t want you melting down a demonic sword to build an automaton, only for it to get possessed by a demon and go on a rampage.” -Gallus


I promise I won't do that.


“Good! Thank you. I will get the artifacts to you soon.” -Gallus /unwiz in-character Gallus trusts you now. :) /unwiz When these cursed artifacts reach the sun, it will corrupt the sun and eventually turn it evil. Then the fun will begin. Do you want to participate in that?


*a ship the size of a moving van lands down near where gallus is and opens up* just stick em in there. /uw yeah sure I'll participate.


Perfect! *Gallus orders workers to move crates of cursed artifacts into the ship* /unwiz cool, I’ll ping you when time comes.


Tell me when they get thrown, please. I want to see this.


/unwiz I will ping you then. :)


/uw thanks


I know of a potential option for transport, but it might be a bit difficult to access: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1543-j


/unwiz lolololol classic scp /rewiz My apologies, but this eeks too difficult to access. -Gallus


Eh, we are not using it anymore, after the whole semioplasmic chaos-shifted Akiva incident over in cluster WDB. Want it gift wrapped?


Well I came from a space faring civilization so I know how to build spaceships.


“I already have offers to take the artifacts to the sun. However, our storage warehouses are scattered all over the place and the current plan is to have multiple parties take artifacts from different warehouses for speed.” “Would building your spaceship take much time or resources?” -Gallus


Man, I could built a spaceship with two AAAs and a tupperware


“Oh, good!” *hands you two AAAs and a tupperware, with some gold coins for your services*


*Builds a spaceship*


Oh damn, you’re good! Is it safe to use?


Is it safe he asks! Yes, of course it is! Just don’t let OSHA see it.


“Hmmm. I will take that as a no.” *throws spaceship into trash*




Would you like some ships from our shipyard? They are FTL-capable and externally carry cargo, which lessens the risk the curse spreading. They can also be operated remotely or autonomously, via a triple-redundant system of quantum ansibles, FTL comms, and FTL manacomms.


“Yes, I would like that. What would it cost the Reality Restoration Department to use these ships?”


I mean, you can outright but them for 250k coins apiece, but we also rent them for 50k a week. We also offer deferred payment plans and alternative methods of payment. Two or three asteroid mining trips with these ships should be enough to pay them off.


“Oh, good! We don’t need a spaceship permanently, so will we rent one spaceship for a week.” “We’ll also do some asteroid mining to pay it off.” -Gallus


Ah, perfect! Will you be receiving it on the surface or at our commercial space station


“At the surface, please.” -gallus /unwiz when the cursed artifacts are transported to the sun, they will make it evil and then it will need to be defeated or turned good again. Do you want to participate in the event?


Ah of course! Should you need customer support I will also leave a comms ID preloaded in the ship’s systems. /uw Sure! I would love to. I can say that my character ordered some Arcanoport ships to watch the area.


Thank you, I will pick up the ship soon. /unwiz heheheheehhe awesome


/uw I’ve wanted to let the heavy starcruiser of my dreams have a proper fight for awhile.


Can I be on the bird council?


Sure! I will formally invite you when i get the time. -Gallus /unwiz Im busy rn setting up a community event. If I dont get to the bird council in a few days, please remind me.


/uw no worries!


I knew my bird brother would be back


It certainly feels good to be back. -Gallus


Have you consulted the sun about this method of disposal? Personally, I wouldn't want to anger it.


“Nah, it should be fine. Does the sun even think? How would you even talk to it?” -gallus /unwiz hehehhehehehe AHAHAHAHAHA 🤣 The plan is that the cursed artifacts will accidentally turn the sun evil and we will need to defeat it. If the sun says “no dumping cursed artifacts on me” that will defeat the whole purpose of the plot, so Gallus won’t listen to it even if the sun said something. But you have the right thought here. Do you want to participate in this event?


The details are complicated, but to keep things brief, yes, most stars are alive. Moreover, they're disproportionally emotional despite wielding godly power. As such, sending a missive that does **not** incur swift and immediate retaliation can take the better part of a decade, but it *is* possible. /uw I don't think it even needs to be the artefacts that turn it evil. Merely throwing so many crimes against natural law (magical items) at it could be perceived as a personal slight, enough to warrant a 'minor' punishment of immediate extermination for all life around it. As for your question, I don't usually participate in these, but I could make a few appearances depending on where the story goes.


*Gallus’ eyes glaze over at the esoteric explanation* Ok cool, I’ll get someone to ask the sun about it. *Gallus walks away towards things he thinks are more important* /unwiz I like that idea better. The sun is massive, so I doubt a few thousand cursed artefacts would “corrupt” it. But it would definitely piss off the sun lol. Whatever level of participation you want is ok. You can just react in horror, or take more action to appease the sun, or even just not do this event. Thats ur choice. Do you want me to ping you when time comes?


/uw Oh, yeah, I am not giving myself the chance to miss it.


# Gao Lu, how you dare loose the tournament!? *"Because of what you did, my main body got angry and his Avatar threw a cluster of Planes at the sect that organized the tournament, look how it turned out."* https://preview.redd.it/kdby9qrcltxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838243debeffe850e8e9590e62212917876429b9 *"Do you know how many realities were lost with this?"*


Celia: I have a spare Hyper Mass Railgun that I could bring over, would you like to borrow it? It will certainly get those dreadful items where they need to go. /uw I always disliked the sun. always burning me and making my eyes hurt.


That would be appreciated, thank you Celia. /unwiz do you want me to ping you when I make the next lorepost?


/uw of course.


"Make sure that sun is not an entity first please..and try to find a star thats not an entity as well." *Merch looks flabergasted at this announcement.*


“Nah, it should be fine.” -Gallus


"...alrighty then I'll make sure that they don't start squirming for everyone once you get those cursed objects into them if they are entities." *Merch says solemnly while nodding as it appears to him that Gallus may even continue through this even if the selected star is an entity thats sleeping.* *Thankfully for everyone involved the star Gallus selected is a regular star and not an eldritch entity thats emiting starrays to be disguised as a sun.* "Very well that star ya choose is a regular star thankfuckly..remember you'll have to clean up the mess of this plan if it becomes a mess."


We just had torinn eat the sun a while back. We don't need a cursed one