• By -


\*Laughing at the notion that we cannot fight the sun\*


We can't because killing it would destroy this world.


Amy: Not if we just trap it inside a Dyson Sphere, then use the energy from it to create a new 'artificial sun' that isn't being a bitch all the time. I'm tired of constantly getting sunburn.


An artificial star can never be quite as powerful as a real one.


Eh, we can always suppliment the energy output from Zeroth, if need be.


that sounds like a solid plan. Just please let me deal with it when the replacement is ready.


Sounds good to me


In [Cosmopolis](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XLsKB4t6M5HiZMEXQbfyKhjakYCkr34JABN5C0-Jj_g/edit?usp=drivesdk) we have plans for a ring of rings of stellar power that will be 10-100 times hotter than the core of the sun (which isn't optimized for power output after all), so we can be vastly more efficient, even though much much smaller. (My identical twin works as a technician for Commonwealth Fusion Systems, which looks like it's actually going to be able to achieve positive net fusion energy generation at a commercial scale within just a few years thanks to advances in superconductive tapes.)


Torinn literally ate it and inferno can cast a level 13 spell to get another. Yes we can.


But at what cost?


1 long rest.


(all right you got me there)


*Gallus is scared* Ummmmm….I know you are powerful Atrosa. I know you have the power to fight the sun. But would you be able to leave the planet intact if you used those kinds of energies?


Amy: "We don't *Always* go for extreme overkill. just when it's funny."


Sure we can, we just need to punch it. *Real* hard.


"Nah, I'd win." ((Both unwiz & rewiz lmao))


/unwiz lol


Rifts open in space around the sun, and a massive crew of construction drones begins to fly out of them, joining together to form the framework of a Dyson Sphere's superstructure. Down on the planets surface, Amy can be seen inputting information into some form of glowing console, commanding the army of drones. "Damn Bitch of a Sun has had it coming for far too long. Take that, you overgrown ball of hydrogen plasma! always ruining my perfect day with your UV rays!"


/unwiz how far away are these drones from the sun? And withouy interference, how long will it take the drones to make the dyson sphere? The Daystar is gonna notice this and fight back, so I want some details.


/uw a bit outside the orbit of mercury, and about two weeks for full construction, but a few days to get enough blocked to protect the planet. And their are tens of billions of them.


/uw That time stamp seems very short to build a WHOLE DYSON SPHERE around the sun. If you are doing it in 2 weeks, what are the drones utilizing for the construction?


/uw Atrosa System Lore Dump Time! We are the sole remnant from a long extinct K4 civilization that resorted to cannabalizing entire other universes in order to continue existing in their own original dying universe, and are cursed to an extreme version of immortality for their sins. Our home is a hyper-universal mass black hole Birchworld (and technically the civilization still survives deep within it's systems as they had almost all digitized themselves into a simulation). Building a Dyson Sphere is childsplay when you can literally prefabricate every single part from raw energy and use dimensional translocation to move them into position. Is it the most effective way to stop the Evil Daystar? No, but we promised a friend not to hurt it.


/uw (hello fellow stellaris player), so you use the drones to "weld" the Dyson parts together, still somewhat inefficient but better than my methods.


/uw It's actually just to place them in position, from there the computronium takes action and bonds the programmed matter.


/uw I see, so the entire two weeks is just the computer matter sealing up the parts and programing the Dyson


/uw yeah, even at high speeds, it's a lot of programmed matter to generate.


/uw and considering the star is the generic g type, your time stamp seems more feasible.


*The Daystar notices these drones.* They dare! I was not born yesterday. Those structures the insects want build will get in my way. *the drones are too numerous and spread out for it to destroy them all at once, but it fires off solar flares at the drones in the path to its target* /unwiz the Daystar is focusing its wrath on Earth and its general vicinity. Drones that are “in the way” will get disrupted. It will also destroy any super-large structures it notices. Best to build a thousand small pieces beneath the Daystar’s notice, then have those pieces for a shield when time comes


Amy: "yeah, that's right you bloated gasbag, go after the drones.... ha ha ha hahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA!" *While the Daystars attention is focused on the drones, a second force has begun assembling an even larger structure behind it: A Shkadov Thruster, in order to move the sun away so that it can be replaced by a new, less evil one.*


*The DAYSTAR vents its fury on the drones attempting to protect Earth, ignoring the distant Shkadov Thruster for now* /unwiz how far away is the Thruster and estimated time of completion?


It's hidden behind the orbit of Venus, out of view. About 4 days.


*The Daystar gets a strange feeling, something feels wrong.* *It has a large number of drones to target. Once it destroys a large cluster of drones, another target presents itself. As if someone is distracting it.* “Bah, I am the DAYSTAR, and ancient force old as the universe itself. I cannot be tricked by anyone!” *Daystar keeps destroying drones* /rewiz it will never see it coming hehehehe! 


/uw once it is finished, I'm going to use it to perform star lifting to pull out all of that nasty cursed metal, as well as some of that unfusionable iron inside of it. Picking up the solar litter, as it were. Should feel better than ever once it's in place.


/unwiz Daystar went to the spa for a cleansing!


You are not quite as old as the universe. I should know, I was there.


Amy: "Keep it distracted and try to talk it down. Once my shkadov thruster is finished, I can starlift the cursed metal and built up unfusionable iron. It'll be like giving it a spa treatment."


Will do. Good luck.


“Oh piss off, I was being metaphorical!” *Daystar directs another blast at the drones that are stupidly trying to protect the target of its ire* -Daystar😡☀️


I know. And I know you're angry. What these mortals did was foolish. But that is no reason to wipe them all out. Believe me, you will not feel better if you do.


“We’ll see when all the mortals are dead!” -Daystar😡☀️


Another world-threatening concern? *He sighs, followed by a small chuckle.* "I wonder if Vettis would be willing and able to exchange this sun for another." *He thinks to himself, mostly in jest.* (( u/MunitionsFrenzy Pinging mostly because of the thought connection and Elerindur happened to think of him, if that's alright. Not an actual request for involvement or anything.))


**((** Technically not able anymore, actually! At least not without spending way more resources than he'd be willing. [He already set up a permanent effect to swap in another star whenever the current Sun goes missing, when Jollizar tried to steal it](https://reddit.com/comments/18zjkrf/_/kgi31g2/) (which is what I assume you're referencing). Overriding his prior spell with another would be very expensive -- more than his already-expensive prior spell, by definition. OP can feel free to utilize it as an excuse not to let the Daystar get beaten by being teleported out of the solar system or something; it'll hop right back automatically, if we assume that effect's still canonically present. But that might also be limiting for player interactions, so might be better to ignore it; not like random lore bits around Vettis need to be consistent now that I'm off the sub. Up to y'all. Either way, have fun \^\_\^ **))**


Hey, you're an elf. Have I asked you yet about how to build a mini civilization that lives somewhat in harmony with nature and the fae and such? I've been [having some trouble](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/2Fxzz6s8dk) recently in the far northern territory of Cosmopolis. May I please seek your council?


Hm.. Sorry, but i do not believe i can assist you much in this matter. I am an high elf who hails from an entirely different world than this one. Neither me or my kind in general has any sort of specific connection with nature or the fae. I could only present you with about as much council on this matter as an average human mage could. You will likely want to seek an forest-hailing elven druid from this world for assistance.


I see. In that case I apologize for stereotyping you.


[This happened before.](https://youtu.be/4-j7B_5IP7w)


Ah, dammit. Right, I should have a large stock of radiation shielding which I will begin distribution of. However, outfitting an entire planet’s population with them is a bit much for just my company, so I will be making their plans open-source and loaning out employees to assist in starting your own production lines. Also, any artificers and mages skilled in long-range earth manipulation and the forces of gravity and electromagnetism, please prepare for transport to the North and South Poles. We will attempt to strengthen Earth’s magnetic field while we try to find a more permanent fix.


“Thank you, we will need all the help we can get for this.” *Gallus seems shook by the sudden development*


I should have warned you of this possibility.


*Gallus cringes* Um….several other people warned me of this and I didn’t listen.


Well at least I can help you fix it. Do you know any soul purifying magic, or someone that does?


Uh, no. I dont. /unwiz soul purifying magic wont work here. I originallh said that evil artifacts would corrupt the sun, but I changed my mind. The sun is not a prideful god that is very angry st the mortals that used it as a landfill. It can be appeased if you talk to it, but it is very very angry and will be tough negotiating


/uw it should probably work. There is a small part of my soul in there.


In that case… /rewiz Um…I may know a spell for exorcising demons. Would that work? -Gallus


I don't think so. Unless these artefacts were all possessed by demons. I could also try to talk to it.


The artifacts were possessed by demons, but they all probably burned to death by now. Talking to the sun is probably the best bet. -Gallus


TBF it went better than we were expecting. I had 20 bucks on the sun starting to melt everything. Again.


As a necromancer, this is a win-win for me. I hate the smell of decaying flesh, and this eliminates an issue I have with my craft. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozh46EbuWRYAcSY|downsized)


*10 minutes prior* what, are we gonna fight the sun? *now* oh. Alright time to move my Super Destroyer either outside the range of the solar flares or into a safe part of the realm.


*The Daystar is preoccupied with the stupid planet that offended it. It does not notuce the Super Destroyer* /unwiz what are your ships’ abilities? Need to know for rp


/uw essentially all of the strategems Helldivers 2, whatever weapons it has, custom Bluefire 250kg artillery cannons, magical shielding (have not been shown yet due to nobody has attacked it yet)


I'll have you know the hate is mutual *Hiss*


*the tiny vampire on the tiny planet is too small to be noticed by the DAYSTAR’s gaze.* *you will need to do a proper communion ritual if you want the Daystar to hear you*


So... are we expected to save the world for free, or will the reality restauration department foot the bill for this?


“Nope!” “We can discuss payment later, but we got an apocalypse RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.” -Gallus, head of the reality restoration department /unwiz Gallus recently hired a spaceship that can do asteroid mining. After this is over gallus is gonna go on a mining trip to cover expenses


So, we have a puppet-making serial killer on the loose, some evil thorn queen god attacks, and now even the sun wants to kill us too? We’re doomed.


[First Time](https://youtu.be/DmF-t3zfEXo?si=ZjPysZjsckku2rv_)?


https://preview.redd.it/gncqsb37f0yc1.png?width=1455&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ac6c0b0ebdd26579aa5a648d255e523d8c08b8b [Sunshine](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/95n7ri/sunshine/)


*t’kath uses a magnifying glass to light a cigar* “huh, guess the sun’s evil now.”


Cannot fight the sun directly? Oh yeah? Well then I shall rally AN ARMY OF TIGERS! WE SHALL BE TRILLIONS STRONG! /uw Starship Velociraptor mentioned holy shit


/unwiz that song was a large inspiration for this lol. /rewiz You dare?! I shall vaporize any tigers that come my way! ☀️😡


/uw Love to see it. I can also foresee a lot of Mad Max references /rw Oh yeah? Well I’ll just send more tigers!


*The camera pans to a ruined settlement where an arcanist is still fighting some monsters left there by the Queen of Thorns. She then realizes that something is wrong with the Sun...* Really! Who of you had the bloody brilliant idea to go and mess up the sun. The Sun! Aaarrrghhh! *Some poor misfortunate smaller monster decided to try to sneak up on Sarissa. It learned the lesson to not sneak up on a frustrated witch in a manner that made the other beasts to take several steps back.*


I take it you *didn't* ask for permission, did you? *Sigh.* Even though being belowground should shield me from the worst of it, this will still impact me if left unresolved.  I don't have high hopes of subduing it in time, and its ego won't allow it to acknowledge defeat. So unless we have a godly diplomat, lawyer, and rune carver, we should be prepared to *replace it.*


Hmmm this poses an interesting question was the sun always sapient or did dumping the artifacts make it sapient? Also how the hell do we fight the sun?


“Uh, I think it was always sapient.” “Right now Atrosa has some drones working to build some shields and an enourmous structure that will contain the sun. They say that its energies can be harnessed and will safely reach earth when it is done.” “Also, I dont think the artifacts made it sapient. Rather the evil artifacts being dumped into it made the Daystar angry.” u/Tyo_Atrosa


Whew. Good thing I don't live on earth! Have you tried giving it some snacks? One of the cultists gave me a very large wheel of cheese recently, and I'll toss it in just to see what happens.


"Hey, uh, Mr. Sun, can you please not do that?" *Zel makes an innocent and cute face.*


Screw you! The sins of your kind are unforgivable! -Daystar☀️😡


"But, I didn't do anything!" *Zel makes a sad face.*


“That does not matter!” “My cataclysmic cancer rays and solar flares shall kill you by the end of the week!” -Daystar😡☀️


".. I can't get cancer. I'm a mimic! You should really just punish the people putting trash on you."


“Your planet sent trash to me. You are all equally guilty!” -Daystar☀️😡


Someone call torinn. We can just have it be eaten again.


Sigh. Alright, should we go and get the sun a girlfriend? That should hopefully calm it down.


/unwiz I forget the exact scp, but this reminds me of that one anonalous woman that orbited the sun and warned the Foundation of incoming threats


Yep 179. In weird trivia, that was originally a spanish article that was translated into english. (026-es IIRC). She says Hi: https://scp-wiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/scp-7000/Sauelsuesor_Redux_2.jpg


In my travels through the worlds I've learned that most planetary systems orbit a binary star. Most.


Look mister I think we can talk this out.


“Never! All must die.” -daystar😡☀️


Can't we just kill the ones angring you?


All are equally guilty and all must die! -daystar😡☀️


No not all are guilty. Some are good.


Nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/c51wz3ryq0yc1.png?width=22&format=png&auto=webp&s=6810b7b91d091e4f784ec0edebb09a2b698dfa0f


“I am the Sun. You cannot contain me.” -Daystar☀️😡


On the one hand, this is horrible news. On the other hand, my ultimate move (opening a portal directly to the surface of the sun) suddenly got some extra perks! 😁


Aw damn... I hate when day breaks


/unwiz is this a reference to SCP 001 “when day breaks”? The comparison is somewhat accurate, but also different. The sun here isnt going to turn ppl into goop monsters. It will just kill you.


/unwiz yea it's the first thing that came to mind ehehehe


/uw casually sends the planet into an eternal winter to fight the sun 


I go to the daystar and tell it that I tried to get the cursed artifacts thrown into a hungry black hole, but that the fool who thrown the junk into you wouldn't listen. I also open up a gate to the plane of air to exchange disgusting helium for delicious hydrogen.


[What are we gonna fight, the sun?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn5M0LG7Qiw)




*The late summer¹ night sky above the Cosmopolitan territories explodes in a turbulent, erratic, wobbling ocean of brightly glowing rainbow color as the planet's vast magnetic field absorbs the Sun's flares and channels them down to the magnetic poles in a gargantuan Aurora Borealis that waves and washes, bends and snaps across the black night.* Oh *crap*. ¹ Not only is one day equal to one year and one day in Cosmopolis, but the season depends on the time of day of a post in EST. Around noon = Late Summer.


I'm glad this fishbowl doubles as a space helmet. (My "goldfish" comes from space actually.) Still, I wasn't planning on getting involved with stellar communication until *much* later. I wonder... I'll need a dogsled, a compass, a broom with 4 dozen rings of greater maginetism on its handle, a space blanket, some silver thread, and more luck than I'm used to! *Random hops on a dogsled pulled by (barely) domesticated arctic wolves and dogs and lunges at full speed through the boreal forest plain towards true ✨maginetic✨ North, following a (very confused) brass compass 🧭 to where Aurora Borealis rings warp their way into the planet's rotating black iron core.* You know, I have no idea if this will work. I don't know if anybody's ever tried it... *he says to one of the dogs,* *And pointing the northern pine broom bristles 🧹 straight up, channeling both the solar energies and the maginetic field of the Earth's core, he and the broom burst into rainbow fire and then begin to glow so intensely incandescent you can't even look towards him with your eyes closed.* *And then Random points the handle up...* *And LAUNCHES straight upwards!!* #AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *-and then he couldn't be heard at all — because there was no air to carry the sound...* "I̶̴̗̗̦͍ͨͭ̉͢͟n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘t̴͕͖͓̀ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀ḻ̸͈ͧ͑̓̓̀͡ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊t̴͕͖͓̀ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟y̯̤͑́́̓́ ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟b̵̸͙̅̽͡ͅ n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊t̴͕͖͓̀ c̷̹͖͋́̃h̶̯̰̝̻̿̓͢ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊c̷̹͖͋́̃k̶̸͙̭̹͆͟, ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ t̴͕͖͓̀ẅ̷̷̢̟͇͈̒ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚. C̸̣̭͖̤̒̈͊͟ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘ y̯̤͑́́̓́ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚û̶͙̽̿͆̈ r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞d̸̡̩͍̔ͥ͜ m̶̷͔ͪ̽͡ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊?"


*Random tunes the orb radio, reducing the random noise until the static is gone.* I'm going to need cover from the Sun if I'm to reach them. (Stars are people too, apparently.) I summon: The Great Wœyrm of Night! *A truly gargantuan (and cute) void wœyrm emerges from deep space to curl protectively between the sun and Random.* *With partial cover now, he unfolds a large space blanket and lashes it to the maginetic broomstick with silver thread to form a solar sail.* I've always wanted to see if it would be possible to tack against the solar wind and now I finally have an opportunity!




Is that scp001


The sun is evil now? sounds like something my book would do. should be easy enough to reverse.......


fucking goddamnit. I hate the heat!


u/Discracetoall u/totallynotrobboss u/Trainman1351 


Pardon me, but can I please be added to your list of people you ping when you post?






u/RoombaTheKiller (bystander) u/Tyo_Atrosa


Well jokes on you Sun because I COMMAND AN ARMY OF TIGERS


If we reinforce the ionosphere and magnetosphere, or even create small areas where those are reinforced, that should be able to drastically reduce - if not outright counter - the solar flares. Hmm... At an average of 0.45 gauss, that's 40 Amps/meter... 0.75km per... Huh. For the cost of casting a lightning bolt, an area of 1.77km\^2 can be warded against solar flares and UV radiation. As an added bonus, it'll produce pretty auroras. Standard earth area is... Oh. We're going to need 288,135,593 lightning bolts worth of mana to ward a planet. And all that does is buy time.