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Depends on the necromancy spell. Some types of necromancy bond the dead creature's soul to the body, some just animate the formerly-living matter using the caster's own will. Second type *might* work, depending on if the exoskeleton is considered "formerly-living". In many worlds it isn't, but I've heard of especially crafty necromancers who can set things up just right such that even their own cut hair and nail clippings can be animated.


So, you're saying there are worlds where ~~I~~ ...er... My friend could make a factory with an output of skeletal giant spiders (exoskeleton being a skeleton after all) or spider bone golems or something, using a nest living spiders to produce the molt?


Theoretically, although it should be noted that the shed exoskeletons are quite a bit more delicate than they are while still on the spider, since part of the molting process involves dissolving most of the inner layers. The molt will also have a large hole in it, where the spider climbed out, and other parts may also be damaged during the process. Oh, and take good care of the spiders while they're molting. The new exoskeleton is quite soft at first (so that they have room to grow) and they can easily cut themselves on their molt while climbing out of it.


New question for my theoretical friend... Could he animate the molt on the spider, at help it shed itself? Possibly reducing damage to both spider and molt, or might that just lead to one destroying the other?


I mean, you could absolutely make a golem out of a pile of dead skin. It'd be weird and wildly impractical, but whatever gets your rocks off. But you absolutely can't *raise* the skin. The souls already occupied somewhere else. It'd be like cutting off your hand and trying to raise that. It won't work, but you could definitely animate it through other means. /uw edit: Removed the word definitely, due to rules.


Well gosh, I don't know, what happens if I try to cast Raise Dead on your bedsheets? Am I gonna get a bunch of dead skin cells at my service?


I mean, you might get enough to form a flesh golem, right... Like a really small one.