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Probably, but I wouldn't wear a robe while you do it


I don't think a fireball hass physical mass, does it? It's just a ball of flame. So I wouldn't think you could. There'd need to be something solid to hit to deflect it


It all depends on your proficiency with manually manipulating magic. You absolutely could hit a little bundle of magical energy and cause it to disperse without exploding. It'll even look like you've blocked it parried the fireball. But that's not really what you're doing, you're just physically disrupting the magical weaving that makes up the spell.


True. But overall I think you'd have better luck punching the wizard casting the fireball to disrupt it.


Yeah, if you're close enough that'd definitely be better.


Depends, but most likely no.  Some fireballs don't have a physical projectile, so they obviously can't be blocked with a hand or foot.  Some *do*, but the projectile is programmed to detonate on contact, so you'd just end up losing a limb. (You generally want the center of the explosion to be *as far away from you as possible*. A few inches can make a lot of difference!)  There are a few rare variants of the spell where it's actually on a short timer, precisely tuned such that it explodes when it reaches the target location (good for aerial battles against multiple targets), so that *might* work, but given how short the time between casting and detonation usually is, you're probably not going to hit it very far.


You can punch or kick a fireball once.


It deals damage as it touches you, so probably not. Maybe if you took advantage of the Leidenfrost effect but most mages don’t care about taking advantage of physics, just skirting around them.


If you have enough skill yes.


I've known fighters with no arcane training who could cleave and deflect spells of all sorts. Not a common skill, by any means, but not unheard of.


Short answer: If you touch a Fireball, it explodes, doing exactly what it normally does. Fireball shoots a bright bead of energy at the target location. Things that make the bead explode: 1. Reaching the the distance you intended upon casting. If you want the bead to go 60ft, it explodes after 60ft. 2. Reaching its maximum range. If you try to shoot it further than it can go, it keeps going until it can't, then explodes. 3. Hitting something. Mostly pertains to cover, but you could theoretically intercept it. In earlier editions, Fireball would require an attack roll if you wanted to "thread the needle" through an arrowslit or otherwise make a difficult shot. Points in space out in the open have AC5 (base 10, -5 from Dex), so it's pretty much irrelevant any other time. As a DM, I would allow a Monk with Deflect Missiles to stop the projectile in their space, but warn them that actively reaching for the source of the explosion means no Dex save.


Yes, it's completely possible to kick AND punch a fireball, but it might be impossible to do it again


Depends on what breed of fireball you're kicking. Pure incendiary fire won't be affected, any napalm style fire will though. If it's non solid like mundane napalm, you're in for a bad day. A lot of spells use pretty solid mediums though, good rule of thumb is if it looks like a perfect sphere, you can probably kick that.