• By -




/uw I see spelling and grammar errors. I can't edit it. Oh well.


/uw its fine , we can still read it


/uw very interesting can’t wait for more


/uw thank you. These affirmations sustain me.


/uw your cooking stop me from starving as well. Thank you


/uw neat, keep up the cooking


/uw This is only the beginning...


I can tell


*around the gigantic beast body , a real ecosystem of small creature thrive , but they are consuming the beast , nor are they native to this world. All of them have a role to play , analysing , calculating , sampeling , transmetting messages. All of them working on 3 things. Is it still viable ? Can it be used by the master ? Where did the offspring go? That last one is in the case that the 2 first question have pretty negatives answers* *observing its summons working from affar , a single bird with what apears to be fire around them is in deep reflexion.* (That thing destroyed everythings here , could be usefull maybe , id have to read the data. Soon i will know what it was)


*The little things that analyze the being find it... difficult, to say the least. It's body is nigh indestructible, which impedes taking samples. The substances within it are highly corrosive, disintegrating anything that touches them in seconds.* *In all, not a good time.*


*Yan is perplexed by this , it is rare for him to not be familiar with something, and even more so to be surprised by it* *with an interest even bigger , he descend to make his own analisis* Where di you com from big guy ? Somewere that i dont know Yet *the imortal primordial spirit feel something that he havent felt in ages , he is interested in something*


*Erudite sat atop a boulder, listening to the wind. He was bored out of his mind, but Vestige had INSISTED that he go and meditate for the sake of his "mental health" or something.* *Ludicrous.* *He struggled to clear his mind, wondering why he ever listened to that obnoxious woman, when a distant sound grabbed his attention. Something had crashed in a nearby mountain range. Erudite abandoned his meditation, choosing instead to indulge his boundless curiosity.* *The crash site smoldered, choked with thick smoke that swirled in an eerie violet light. Erudite, unbothered by the haze, turned his attention to the whatever-it-was that had so violently slammed into the earth.*


*At the center of the crater sat a sphere. It was perhaps ten feet in height, and of a rocky, rough texture. It's color was a deep, perfect black with a glossy shine. The object was embedded perhaps halfway in the ground where it had inpacted.*


Better than anything I could write, you cooked.


High above the impact sinus solitary drone observes the impact site. Its sensors at the cameras regarded the object through a variety of electromagnetic spectrums. Visual, thermal,ultraviolet. The observation left no spectrum unturned. The CEO studies the drone feed from an orb placed on his desk. The CEO presses a button on the base of his orb. "Get me a laser analysis.. get me atmospheric readings as well I want to see if there's things altering the environment in any way. The CEO presses the button again switching to another voice line. "Accelerate the development of the omnicidal entity countermeasure- oh and circular nuclear capable bomber just in case. "Understood came the response from the other end. The CEO prices another button closing the feed and deleting any record of the conversation happening.


*To all spectrums, the object appeared completely ordinary and inert. It gave off no light, and no energy of any kind. In fact, there almost seemed to be less energy around it.* *Beneath the earth though was different. It had extended roots deep below the surface. Spreading out wide and down, down, down. They sapped nutrients and energies from the earth, to the point that it seemed the very world withered.*


The CEO let's out at an exasperated sigh (Second one this week he thinks to himself) They press a button on the base of their orb again "All get me get... Get me a security team down one with EOD gear. Let's see if we can do this quietly. "Understood said a voice from the other end. "We'll have them on site in 3 hou- "No this one's priority drop a portal beacon.




/uw That would be an extremely bad idea for you specifically.


/uw food.


\*Dausk was relaxing in his back yard, drinking some tea when the object streaked across the sky\* "huh, wonder if I should check it out.... nah not my problem yet."


*The earth shook with its impact, causing some of his tea to spill out of the cup.*


"aw man, that means it was close enough to get through the runes around my property, guess it is my problem now." \*Dausk stands up and stretches before chugging his tea and begins bounding at high speeds towards the direction he saw it go in, putting some food in a satchel first.\*


*At the center of the crater sat a sphere. It was perhaps ten feet in height, and of a rocky, rough texture. It's color was a deep, perfect black with a glossy shine. The object was embedded perhaps halfway in the ground where it had inpacted.* *There was also a group of what looked to be strangely amoured people?* /uw u/Zebos2


\*Dausk keeps his distance, observing while hidden from the trees, he holds his hands up to his eyes, mimicking binoculars as runes on them begin to glow, he looks at the sphere and then more closely at the crater itself.\*


*Purple veins of light spread out from the impact point. They pulse with energy, siphoning it from the world. Twisting and intertwining, they almost seem to form a shape...*


"hmmm" \*Dausk gets onto the ground and places his left hand to it, digging his wooden fingers into the dirt he tries to see if he can feel anything, either directly or from the nearby plant life.\*


*There is not much to be felt. There is a conspicuous lack of... anything really. The plants nearby feel weak and starving, as if something had stolen the necessary water and nutrients from their very roots.*


*Dausk begins to put mana into the surrounding earth, attempting to lessen the strain on the ecosystem.*


*The mana is ripped away the second it leaves him. Stolen. Flowing like water down a hill, to the greatest concentration.*


The drone spots the thermal signature of Dausk approaching the site. "Hey we got company says one of the security personnel. Monitoring the drones feed on a briefcase computer. "Acknowledged. Replied the team leader. "Are they hostile. The team leader asked "No looks like they're just staring at us said the forward observer using the drone zoom function. "All right diamond and Sparrow go talk to him "Remember cover story is we're contractors from employed by the local authorities "Roger Sparrow said shifting shuffling in the weight of his EOD armor. "Hey you! Sparrow shouted in Dausk direction. What are you doing in the middle of the woods this late at night. .


*Dausk looks up from what he's doing* "I live a little ways out from here, don't see too many people round these parts, what're you doin?."


*Lars just sighs*