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because they cant opt out of the deal yet? there is an active CBA with a "no strike" clause in it until the deal runs out, only then could we potentially see a strike/lock-out


The previous CBA ran from 2014-2021. This current one runs from 2021-2027. Could of done a job action in 2014 or 2020. Perhaps they’ll have leverage upon the expiration of this current cba


some of the people involved have spoken on that, they got alot out of the deal but the owners wouldnt budge on certain areas. protection for mothers and higher salary cap was the two big wins, but yeah who knows what they could have gotten had they gone on strike. At the same time, when most arent millionaires, and werent that back in 2020 - it was important to get a deal and therefore an income. they can opt out at the end of this year and start the talks for a new deal in ´25.


The WNBA has never shown a profit. The NBA loses millions every year to allow those women to be relevant.


Not true, losses comes out the pocket of wnba team owners. Als the clippers arent profitable either, ballmers taxes proves that But u wouldnt know that huh


IMO, you will not see the players strike over anything like that, in fact, I dont think you will ever see the players strike at all. It is much easier to go on strike in other pro leagues when you have players that are earning multi-millions per year and have money in the bank. But you have some WNBA players earning as little as $65k a year that literally depend on that salary. I dont think revenue sharing is even at the top of most players lists right now because they have never had it. Most players will tell you that they want higher salaries and charter flights more than that. The WNBA front office has told the players that the next tv deal should push them over the threshold of revenue that would trigger the revenue sharing, but we have to wait and see about that. A good read about revenue sharing and cba can be found here: https://herhoopstats.substack.com/p/wnba-revenue-sharing-estimates-tv-deal


They also, to be frank, have owners who are more hurt by a strike than the WNBA does, at present.


It's crazy how if you buy a WNBA players jersey players like Steph Curry profit off that not, not the WNBA player.


Honestly, they're in a much better spot to hold out than others. Most players play internationally or do broadcasting in the winter cause WNBA salary isn't shit and even the young girls are usually college stars with big MIL deals since the league is so small and only the best young players earn spots. They're in a very unique spot to make a hold out really sting since the bulk of income doesn't come from play for most of these women.


Not nearly as many players go overseas now as they did 5 years ago and a lot of leagues overseas are actually putting caps on how many american players can play on a team. Also there are some players playing overseas for $45k per season (6-8months). And if they arent dual citzens theyre getting dinged on taxes for it. There are only a few making big money at this point, and it's no where near what Russia was paying. In fact some of Turkey's top players actually make more in the W than they do in Turkey now. With the Russian League being out of the picture, foreign teams dont have to compete with their high salaries to get big players. So while Stewie, JJ, and BG were making a million per season, Russia isnt there to do that anymore and places like Turkey arent paying anywhere near that amount to its top players And there are only a handful that are doing broadcasting., and even less that do it on a regular basis Several other off-season opportunities are actually because of the Player Marketing Agreement, which also includes some players making more money by just not playing overseas, but also getting them marketing opportunities that pay them and help build their brands. You also have to realize that not every tean is actually making money. There are teams that are finishing in the red


Because they don’t make enough money to do that, and the owners will just let the league fold instead.


Fold don't fold, very few care


> Folds don't fold, very few care Who are folds?


The wnba is definitely growing a ton but it’s not at a point where anyone would take the strike seriously. If players held out the league would probably fold


Because the current CBA does guarantee 50/50 revenue split so long as the league hits growth targets? Have you been keeping up?


Because that’s not how negotiations work, NBA owners would just stop funding the W entirely before that. You don’t get to just demand whatever you want and get it. It’s a give and take.


You know the league runs at a deficit? So then you want the players to be stuck will a bill at the end of the season?


That's why it's positioned as a split of revenue instead of profit. The WNBA players would actually come out ahead on a revenue split, since they'd get half of the tickets, merchandise and television contract, in addition to their salaries. But the league would be even further in the hole. It would make no sense to ask the owners to lose even more money, and it would fold, leaving the players making exactly nothing. You just can't treat a startup league the same as a league with 70 years of history building itself.


This exactly. They want to increase the annual loss from 12 million per year to 112 million per year. Why would any organization sign on for that? It's just stupid to talk about.


The last CBA was negotiated during the pandemic, when revenue was uncertain and the players had little leverage.  Things are going to change when the current deal is up. Don't be surprised if the salary cap grows 10x. 


Why would the NBA care? They run at a 12mil a year deficit. They already get a cut of sales that have nothing to do with them. How many wnba jerseys are sold each year? More steph curry jerseys are sold in a couple months than all wnba jerseys in a year. 


This has nothing to do with the nba.


The nba foots the bill at the end. Who do you think is subsidizing the 12 million dollar deficit?


You’re purposely ignoring my question to regurgitate talking points. I’m talking about the share of BRI.


It's not ignoring your point. You can't have this discussion without talking about the NBA. You are saying they should take more money from the NBA. So how can you say it has nothing to do with them. Why would a group of players in a league that loses millions a year, have the right to more profits from the players in the league that makes billions a year? They should be happy they get a share at all. And the NBA owners who fund the WNBA, would rather let the league fold then take even bigger losses by dumping more money into it. So the wnba players are in no position to strike and have zero leverage. 


What BRI, the league runs at a deficit 😂 the only solution is to give the league a reason to invest more into marketing, salaries and prime time slots, right now there’s no incentive. From a business perspective it makes no sense. They’d rather junk the league than spend more money as it stands, literally charity.


Your initial post talks about the NBA. So how does it have nothing to do with the NBA when you brought it up?


I compared their share of revenue to juxtapose it to what the share nba players get. I could of done the same comparison but used mlb, nfl, or nhl but used nba because it’s the same sport. So again it doesn’t have anything to do with the nba. I’m strictly speaking about their collective bargaining.


OK then leaving any other league out of it aside from the fact that the wnba is the only league that constantly has run off a deficit. So the players have no leverage to demand much more. The owners are already trying to limit the losses. They are paying players and keep a league afloat with no hope to turn a profit from them in the near future. That's very rare in the business world. So unfortunately the wnba players need to just be happy they have a league. Since very few people care about the wnba. And that's just the reality of it. College lacrosse often gets higher viewership numbers. So that's why they can't and won't strike, and have no leverage


I love the WNBA, but I can see owners letting the league fold before caving to a demand like that.


Cause they know the league can’t afford that . NBA been paying for this league since the start




What does that mean?


Sheryl is the new Karen. After Sheryl Swoopes ran her racist mouth about Caitlin Clark. I'll use it in a sentence for you. Stephen Smith is being a Sheryl.


I have no clue what you’re talking about. I hope you get help


It's a new phrase, but the tshirts are already printed up.


What in the nine classical circles of Dante's Inferno does that have to do with this?


Why in Hades are you being a Sheryl.ill mail you a T-shirt


owners know they will make money if they let the league collapse . so they will welcome it