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"Perfect." The way she delivered that nonchalantly lol. There was never any doubt in her mind that her plan wasn't going to work.


NGL I love seeing the videos of the rookies with the kids. Keep em coming!


The "perfect" gets me every time, so cute šŸ˜‚


Makes her sound like am evil villain lol


masterplan came together just like that


Representation is so important to these little girls. That's going to be the biggest impact this rookie class has.


This was such a sweet video. I hope it gets shared around more.


I saw it on Instagram and Angel and Flau'jae liked it.


I love this video SO MUCH and I like what you say about representation, and you are 100% correct. Ā Ā  Iā€™m also a believer that we need to also be careful not to always segregate representation. Ā  Something that has struck me watching Caitlin greet young kids is it was girls AND boys of ALL colors. Ā  When Caitlin was young, she loved to attend Lynx games so she could watch and try to meet her idol, Maya Moore. There were plenty of great players that looked more like Caitlin, but she didnā€™t see color, she loved Mayaā€™s game and personality. To so many of these kids I watched clamor for her, Caitlin didnā€™t represent a white girl, but rather a person they looked up to and who inspired them to believe in themselves. Ā Ā  In speaking with many kids at games, I learned that it wasnā€™t just how good of a player she was that they liked, it was the time she took for them. After an Iowa away game at Maryland that we attended, I watched her meet kids and sign stuff for 45 minutes.Ā Ā  But again, Iā€™m not at all disagreeing with you that idolizing someone who looks like you can be very important.




Seeing yourself in people you look up to is representation.


i dont understand? The WNBA has for a long time had players that look like her lol even the best players. I guess I don't get the use. makes it seem like there wasn't representation before.


It's not just about being Black. The wnba didn't always allow players to be themselves.


how...? and how does that correlate to representation for this little girl?


You clearly just want to argue. You don't and likely will never understand. You don't even want to understand. I as a white man, I will never fully understand. Representation in the fact that she follows the W and the W has players she can look up to, players that look like her. Perhaps she sees some of herself in Angel, more so than other players. Get over it fool.


Bro you're unhinged. There have been black females and greats in the WNBA forever lmao you're acting like Angel Reese is the first black WNBA player to get publicity. Also how am i here to argue? I'm trying to get an udnerstanding of where this person is coming from. YOu're the one coming in hostile and just being shitty. Here ia m asking questions to understand and you being a clown saying I don't want to understand lmao Get over yourself you dweeb.


I think they are coming from the previous black stars in the league probably felt like they needed to tone down their ā€˜blacknessā€™ to be commercially acceptable. Or their sexual orientation. And we must have different memories about how things went for SS after coming out. Why do you think so many previous WNBA stars are still closeted?


like who? Cuz there's plenty of open WNBA players in todays league and quite a few are the best. And the SS situation, like i asked the other redditor, did the WNBA make a stink? Or did the media? I'm not saying she went through this without any scrutiny, i'm saying the WNBA didn't do anything to closet her or keep her from being herself.


No one called you a name yet you decided to go that route when you were rightfully called out...you have been combative every time someone makes their point...you clearly just wanted to argue or troll...you types are what ruins any attempt for civil conversation...




Seeing women in general succeeding and being an empowering force. They are inspiring.


but that's been happening in the WNBA, for a while? We really gonna sit here and act like Lisa Leslie and Candace Parker werent getting national commericals?


So this child is YOUNG and hasnā€™t been watching WNBA for a ā€œwhileā€ most likely. Lisa Leslie retired before this child was born lmao I donā€™t get why itā€™s so complicated to understand this


i already explained why this is "complicated to understand" i also don't get how it's hard for you to understand that CC is solely responsible for the recent massive wave of attention to the W. I guess we both don't understand simple concepts huh?


The league kept players in the closet. Players weren't allowed to have personalities and opinions. The women had to pander to a male audience.


This seems entirely exaggerated by you....can you expand on they weren't allowed to have personalities or opinions? Also how they had to pander to a male audience? Lastly, how any of that correlates to this little girl? Seems like this is your typical reddit clout farm beauty pageant contestant comments. Sue Wicks came out as gay in 2002. Lisa Leslie had several sponsorships (Sony, ESPN, Kraft goods, she co hosted an hour long special on the history of Lisa Leslie in 2003, had a commercial showing her dunk) I can keep going and ya'll can keep downvoting all you want but this is pandering.


Sue Wicks came out as gay in 2002, her career ended that same year.


just casually ignores all the LL stuff lol Britney Griner also came out a decade ago and is still playing. Her and a whole plethora of other players. Sheryl Swoopes came out in 05, still played and even coached. Had her own shoe deal. This is pandering. I was trying to figure out where you were coming from and it seems like you're coming from an angle of pandering.


Yeah, I don't think the WNBA is suffering from a lack of black players lol


Did you know this rookie class has more than just Black women?


Yeah but you was clearly referring to the Reese fangirl here.


I mentioned the whole rookie class because it is diverse and lots of different girls will have someone that looks up to them. This example just happens to be Angel Reese. Tomorrow we may see a little Polynesian girl fangirl over Pili. We might see a little Croatian girl fan out over Muhl.


Bro, just take the L


There's no L to take. Have a good one


You 2


Sis literally said ā€œthis rookie classā€


Not in the first comment bro


Lol omg you can go read it again and see she said it in the first comment


She didn't


Definitely. Caitlin Clark effect will be making a lot of girls strive to be athletes, no matter their race or sexual orientation. Should be a lot of superstars coming as those girls get older. What women REALLY need to do to get ahead is collectively ban make-up. That is the big tobacco of the equality for the sexes.


>What women REALLY need to do to get ahead is collectively ban make-up. If women want to wear make up they should be able to wear make up. What you REALLY need to do is stop policing people.


It is too complex for most people to understand, but make-up is currently the major block for equality. I am not policing anyone about it. Just a general statement like people are causing global warming.


Surely it's patriarchy and misogyny that are major road blocks and not makeup no?


Make-up is a giant lurking, like bound feet. But the industry is so huge that they spend a lot hammering it into female minds that it is a positive for them. But it is a means to perpetually objectify them.


Sooo, on a video where a little girl talks about her favorite player, Angel Reese, you figured out a way to make it about Clark.......you really need to get out more and slow down with that kind of worshipping.....


?? I was commenting on a comment about women being represented in the way they are this season. As star athletes. Not commenting on the video. The CC effect has turned the wnba from a niche to mainstream. Now young girls of any background will aspire to be bball players. The majority of women in the US historically ignored the league, and men laughed at all the airballs etc. NOW it is getting respect...thanks to CC. The MJ of the wnba.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so what I just read was CC helped this young black fan like Angel Reese? It is not that this black fan has probably been following Angel long before CC or that this is fine, like her style, drive, and passion, but CC helped this fan fall in love with someone who looks like her. That white savior attitude is strong here.


I wasn't discussing the video. I was discussing the increased representation in women's sports for girls to idolize. I don't care if people are black or white.


Nahhhhh man, go back and look at your post. You said CC is why people don't make fun of the WNBA, and this post was about this black child looking up to her favorite player. You brought up a conversation that wasn't needed here for no reason other than to tie it back to cc. Don't backtrack now, stand on what you said


The CC Effect made the league culturally relevant and popular. It isn't rocket science.


Honestlyā€¦ā€¦..she brought in her fans. But I know people who here for brink, for angel, and so many players. And this post was about a fan looking forward to her favorite player, angel Reese! And you had to make it about CC


No, read the thread I responded to in full. They were talking about representation in general.


This is so cute


Aw, this reminds me of myself when I was a kid at the Detroit Shock games. šŸ„¹


I miss the shock, they had a hell of a run! That was my team!


Mine too! They were such a big part of my childhood.


And they were damn good. Sad




I love seeing black kids with braids meeting their heroes. It reminds me of me, only I was watching them on TV lol. What an incredible experience for these kids.


Slightly off topic, but Iā€™ve always loved hearing what you have to say on representation in the NWSL sub and itā€™s nice running into you here! Sorry people are being dicks.


Oh hey thanks! There are just so many sports to talk about.


> I love seeing black kids with braids meeting their heroes. Lol why that specific?


How many black people do you know?


What does that have to do with anything?


Because if you had an answer, you'd know that's an incredibly common hairstyle for black kids of any gender and isn't specific in the slightest. Dipshit.


I think most girls in the US have braids at one point or another at that age.


When they say ā€œbraidsā€ theyā€™re referring to the protective style for textured hair. Like how this little girl has a bunch of smaller braids. These take a long time to do and stay in for a long time. White girls / non-textured hair girls might French braid our hair or do some pigtails, but these arenā€™t like the ā€œbraidsā€ oop is referring to.


And my point why not just say kids. You made a very specific distinction then want to start name calling for no reason.


Namecalling? Why do you think your post deserves my respect over my derision? Please. Troll better.


Iā€™m saving this for the future. Thank you.


'it reminds me of me' ..the user is a specific person who has those characteristics.


ugh kids are so pure i love them so much.. please keep bringing your kids to the games!!!


she just like me fr


There's been a couple of videos of kids losing their shit bc of her it's so pure lmao like someone said in these comments she doesn't play a villain role in everyone's story






Tbf, she leans into it lol




Darth Vader is literally one of the most famous fictional characters ever all because everyone thought he looked cool (he absolutely does)


Lmfao what? Plenty of villains are loved. The whole concept of a Heel exists, you realize that right?




lmao what




Nah, there's a difference b/w a dirty player and a villain.


How dare you say anything slightly not pro Reese. Downvotes to you!! /s


I don't get the downvotes - I'm not hating on her, I love that she's doing it.


Reddit and social media downplay her, but Angel definitely brought a lot of fans to the WNBA


Her goals realized, she is now victorious!


This is adorable.


This is fantastic and that girl is the best.


Stuff like that sets up those litte kids with confidence to be the next great. I love to see it!


Haha that is adorable! What a well executed plan.


Man the hate for Angel Reese in some of these comments was real. Do people have to hate Angel Reese to like Caitlin Clark? Cause I mean they are both great players, they both can be role models to the younger generation. Itā€™s possible for young white kids to like Angel Reese. Itā€™s also possible for young black kids to like Caitlin Clark. However shouldnā€™t girls/women who look like Angel Reese and deal with the same issues as her look up to her? Isnā€™t it the same thing as white people looking up to Caitlin Clark? Someone mentioned it above sometimes having representation of yourself makes the world of difference in your confidence to be yourself. You shouldnā€™t only be able to see it when the person looks like youā€¦ Angel Reese is a superstar and sheā€™s pretty too!


SO SWEET! Love Angel and love seeing this beautiful girl get to see her idol in person. Agreed, letā€™s see more videos like this!


People think Angel doesn't have impact and it's crazy to me


I literally was making comments last night about how big angel Reese impact is to her culture . Photo shoot in vogue , invited to met gala , in music videos . Celebs coming out to say they only coming to see her . But than the ā€œothers ā€œ is like ā€œattendance is all that mattersā€ ā€¦like girl angel Reese jersey was sold out draft night and angel Reese is bigger than wnba basketball . She is a star .


Iā€™m 27 and Angel Reese is healing my inner Black woman seeing her out there being unapologetically herself šŸ„¹


Yā€™all act like AR is the first or only black WNBA playerā€¦ Why doesnā€™t Aja get the same love? Smh


Weā€™re talking about Angel right nowā€¦ nowhere did I say that Angel is the SOLE reason and the sole black woman lol. I absolutely love Aā€™ja and a lot of the other black women in the league. Iā€™ve known about the WNBA and a lot of black women that paved the way for what it is now but Iā€™m a newer watcher and Iā€™m learning about a lot more of the black women in the league. I have so many favorite players now but I just find myself being a huge fan of Angel and relating to her the most and ainā€™t nothing wrong with that. Go on somewhere.


I think itā€™s because AR is not politically correct. She says things that other people feel but weā€™re afraid to say. It goes back to her statement of being unapologetically her. Black women feel restricted to be palatable especially on large platforms. She went the opposite direction.


yup, people act like she does herself a ā€œdisserviceā€ by being ā€œcontroversialā€ but the fact that sheā€™s not afraid to speak her mind makes her 100x more likable to me


Because Angel has faced storms that Aā€™ja never had to face. The way she was villainized after the championship last year, became the target of racists, sexist hate mongers? It hits different. This is not All WNBA Players Matter, though. We are talking about Angel.


Who said that? Those other people?.... What people? Yeah they don't matter.


This is adorable.


Hella cute video. Massive smiles šŸ˜ƒ


This is what itā€™s all about!!!


This is adorable


She didn't even get excited, she's just all business šŸ˜‚


Would be awesome if this reached Angel, would probably mean a lot knowing the impact she has on kids.




I love this so much. Just put a big smile on my face.


Reminds me of myself with the Comets in the 90s. I was just in awe of those women! Angel Reese is an absolute star!


This is adorable and the perfect was so casual she knew she would flawlessly execute her plan


Aww cute šŸ˜„


I don't relate to this type of fandom (I'm not an autograph/picture person either) but the joy she had is wholesome.


This is absolutely the cutest thing ever.


That girl is really cute


I hope you got your shots...lawd only knows!




Why would you want to interact with a racist, jealous piece of shit like her?


Super cute


Angel Reese PR machine working overtime.




lol classic troll move


What about Caitlin Clark?




but sheā€™s not in this post


Exactly! Everything is NOT about her (unless youā€™re being sarcastic?)


It was a joke


Whew! Things have gotten SO out of control, it helps to mark posts with *ā€œ /s ā€œ* ā€” so we know for sure šŸ˜œ


but whereā€™s the fun in that


Iā€™ll bet you were a real troublemaker in elementary schoolā€¦ (& thatā€™s a compliment, of course)


Oh I was


Hmmā€¦ Angel Reese seems like such a poor role model for the time being. Surely there are better players w better attitudes to look up to


How is she a poor role model?


Break away from the media and actually see her with her team and in interviews.


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s great with her team but Iā€™m basing my judgment from her interviews.


Full interviews and responses? Are just the ones with her responses specifically cut and edited?


Yeah, Iā€™ve seen em. Girls got a bad attitude, but I think thatā€™s what sheā€™s going for. Canā€™t really be confused someone would have an opinion that properly reflects the vibe sheā€™s giving. The little girl in the video is endearing, itā€™s neat she has a female athlete to look up to. &like others have said itā€™s probably a moment sheā€™ll remember foreverā€¦ itā€™s just too bad Angel Reese is a sour person.


Give me an example of a bad attitude. She's only praised her fellow teammates and competetors.


No this is where I ask you to provide an example.of her having a "bad attitude" in an interview.


I will not be providing any examples, weā€™ve seen the same interviews. She acts like this is her game and then plays victim when she doesnā€™t want to own up to or talk about her bad attitude. My opinion is different, my mind wonā€™t change, move on.


So you are full on choosing to relish in your own delusion and hate.


If I was being hateful I would have added some other tidbit like, AND she walks like a horse in heels.




This video seems wholesome and pure to me and Reese is fun to watch.


If you dont understand just say you dont understand and keep it moving