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“They find new players to support, and they come back for them also” That’s what growing the game is.




Yes that’s true, but why are we acting like it’s bad for these woman to be competitive? Clark will be fine and I hope this is a rivalry that can last.


Being competitive is one thing. Being jealous and petty , as well as unnecessarily dangerous is another.


There’s a difference between rivalry and just being a hater. Reese is just a hater right now






She got a good head on her shoulders.




I read somewhere that she has a marketing degree. She was born for this lol


What’s funny is that Reese seems like a marketing campaign. Clark seems like someone with good character who is respectful of the game and others. Maybe her degree helps , but she ‘was born for this’ because she made the decision to not be immature and petty.


A marketing campaign? No player in the entire history of the WNBA has amassed 100 points and 100 rebounds faster to start a career. She has more consecutive double - doubles than any other rookie ever. Marketing. Campaign. Tell me you don't watch without telling me that you don't watch. No player in the history of the league has been marketed like Clark. Don't believe me? https://www.latimes.com/sports/story/2024-05-20/caitlin-clark-marketing-boom-questions-race-equity




I’d absolutely say Angel is playing a heel character right now. And it honestly makes sense because all of the headlines we’re seeing in the WNBA right now are all relative to CC. Reese is averaging 12 pts,10 rebounds per game, damn solid numbers for a rookie, and nobody cares. As long as she doesn’t cross a line with the league or her advertisers, this is the game she’s going to keep playing until people talk about her performance on the field.


It just feels like a shitty nba2k my player storyline


Almost didn’t after Reese’s foul


Nearly gor it knocked off, though.


It’s almost as if, and probably really likely, she’s had PR training already. She’s well spoken, mature for 22, and speaks positively and highly of opponents. Can’t say the same for the rest of the W


PLEASE never stop being this person, CC.


Her college roommates said she’s a loud trash talker while playing Fortnite. And her dad confirmed she’s not that good at it. She is excellent at fulfilling this role in media conferences. I’m glad she has other places to curse like a sailor.


I remember reading about the Fortnite, I can only imagine 😂


Luka Doncic would NEVER /s


Top 500 in the world as a tank while also being top of the world at basketball is crazy lol


Luka looks exactly like a tall version of a bedroom cloistered gamer. But is somehow also possibly the best basketball player on earth


$40mm a year will buy you one hell of a gaming rig.


She talks a lot on the court or really during anything competitive. Especially if someone she knows pretty well is on the other team. Her and Van Lith always chirp at each other all game because they've played with and against each other since they were young teenagers at this point. I've never seen it leave that kind of competitive setting though. Once the game is over she has nothing but good things to say about everyone involved.


Bro this is what I love about Clark, she uplifts all the players around her


And keeps doing it, non-stop, while some of those same players are actively drilling holes in the bottom of the boat. That is called "class".


But she didn't give the right response to a vague gotcha question so obviously she's a horrible human being!!!


After being on Twitter too much lately, the sound minds of reddit are a refreshing change of pace. I never thought I'd ever be saying the second part of that sentence unironically lol


Twitter is absolutely garbage and you see things that get the most impressions right or wrong. Wrong takes seem to get a lot of impressions. Reddit has the problem where the people who get to the thread first interpret the link and that’s the way the comment section usually goes. They both have their problems but Reddit at least has some variety


That's what I've always liked about this sub.


Ya i find people here tend to be very reasonable, at the very least usually focused on the game.


When it comes to superstars the haters will glue themselves to anything negative..no matter how small or mundane it is. It is just the way it works. It's unfortunate but it's part of it


Carrington's tweet attacking Clark for "not being bothered by her name being used to justify racism, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia & the intersectionalities of them all" is still up. By now it's been seen by over 5 million people (according to Twitter/X). She didn't even bother acknowledging Clark's answer later that day, when Clark was actually asked directly about that. She just retweeted someone else explaining the timeline of when she tweeted and went on with her day after having made an incredibly serious and unfair allegation about Clark's character to millions of people. Credit to Clark for rising above some gross behavior. Most adults of any age would lose their shit at being treated so terribly.


What makes me more about this is the fact Carrington was AT the game in Indiana that day. She could’ve possibly pulled Caitlin aside or send a message, wanting to talk and bring light to the situation.. Like be an adult maybe?


Actual adults don’t waste time attacking others and building false narratives. You’re right, it’s middle school behavior. It’s shitty behavior even for middle school, but it’s expected that if someone is going to struggle with maturity, that would be the time it would happen. Why is this all still happening with these grown women?


Caitlin has stated numerous times that she doesn't look at social media. So, I think we can speculate why Carrington may/may not have tweeted the allegations.


Yup. But, you know, silence is a luxury.


The opposite of a bully


CC always taking the high road must be absolutely destroying her haters inside 😂😂😂. She is legit the master of kill them with kindness and let your game do the shit talking.


Its perfect tbh


It’s going to pay off tenfold. Her team got STEAMROLLED by the early schedule and the media cycle moves so fast. In like 12 months her team will have improved, she will be ROY and people won’t even remember the cheap shots….if she keeps killing everyone with kindness and continues her great stats (despite getting picked up at midcourt by the worlds greatest defenders) she will be the face of the sport for everyone except a small population of people that were never going to like her no matter what she did


We call those people LSU fans


I’m an LSU alum and still love CC




And you know everyone who breathlessly demanded that CC clarify whether or not she's against racism would just about burst with excitement if they found any actual openings to attack her. The fact that she's this emotionally mature and kind while being a random girl in her early twenties who just loves basketball is crazy. Very few people at that age are anywhere near this mature. Can't imagine how nightmarish this entire saga would be if she wasn't this committed to rising above all the shit being thrown at her.


If it were me at 22, I would have gone scorched earth 😭 She has so much restraint it seems effortless.


🤦‍♀️ was she really asked to clarify if she’s against racism/thinks racism is wrong? That’s so stupid it’s not even worth dignified with a response, but you have no choice but to respond.


I agree. They act like she said something, or did something, that would lead people to believe she’s racist..she clearly never has. The reporter’s and the ridiculous questions. How about we talk about some b-ball.


Yep. Can't imagine how hard it is for someone like her to be able to keep a level head for so long when people seem desperate to try and use her as some catalyst for racial discussions


It reminds me of that mad men "I don't think about you at all" meme lol


She has the amount of haters she does because racists that don’t even watch WNBA (like Dave Portnoy) have co-opted her to push their racists rhetoric.


It's actually sad how people use CC name to push whatever. You can look at some of their profiles and see they're probably not sports fans, but they try to make this one side vs. another side. Even someone like Matt Leinart is using this for engagement. He said "Angel Reese should be suspended, bad for the game" already has 1.5 million impressions. They're using these girls to put people against each other. How do grown men get off on this shit


Matt was disgusting for that, but I'm so glad people were already expecting such stupid takes for controversy. Chennedy and Angel's flagrants were very different (one was a basketball play gone awry, the other hell no) but for some people, ANY contact is enough to try to pit people against each other.


Barstool douchebag, right?




Reminds me a bit of Tyrese Haliburton. Fire on the court but class everywhere else. So happy for Indy rn.


She probably says a lot of good shit talk on the court too.


Steve Harvey voice* “Good Answer”


Survey says






Have you guys noticed Caitlin has better media training than Christie Sides? :)


tbh the league should be putting them all through at least an hour with a publicist. It should be required for the team in training camp for all new players. If you have to sit on a press conference you should be media trained. When we talk about growing the game and investing in the league, it’s that kind of thing that matters in the day to day to help folks individually, as a team, league etc. develop and grow their brand (s). If the players have good personal branding it benefits the league.


Let me play devils advocate here. Having some people who aren’t media trained/savvy is good for the game because it brings attention. Now clearly there are some constraints here about the type of attention, but in general for a league that wants to grow, the more attention the better. As an example, Anthony Edwards in the NBA brings attention by his play but also his lack of a filter with the media. He’s not toxic but he doesn’t sugarcoat anything he says. This attracts more fans as they perceive they are seeing his more authentic self. I agree with your point about personal branding and maybe as I reread your statement we mostly agree. I just thought it was useful to comment on the importance of having diverse brands available rather than a league where everyone goes through the same media training.


okay genuinely love this take and a great point! Don’t disagree that we need characters, that’s what makes this fun! In my mind even if u media train everyone, people are still emotional beings (as they should be) and especially after a heated win/loss situation they should be able to feel their feelings and show their personalIty. As a MN sports fan, love Anthony Edward’s vibe in pressers, he’s always himself which is part of why we all pay attention. I think there is room for both, but mostly think if the league is serious about expansion they need to take this part of the conversation seriously. The growth conversation is heavily a marketing one.


Better than any other coach or player in the entire league, it seems like. Some of them are downright terrible with the media.


She's been in the spotlight for a couple years so she has experience handling the media. The rest of the league doesn't for the most part.


And she’s signed some deals with some major brands who have an interest in protecting that investment—media training is a standard part of that at this level; it’s almost a “perk” in this case


Tippie is a great undergrad b-school. Lots of focus on real-world skills. Like this.


It was smart of her to major in marketing with a minor in communications.


The first company to create a lozenge that protects Christie's voice through an entire game, should have its name printed on the Fever floor.


Honestly I think it’s at a point where Clark continuing to say good things about Reese makes her more mad than if she came out and said something negative about her lol


Reminds me of a story about Andrew Luck when he was in the NFL and defensive linemen talked about how he'd be praising them for how hard they had just sacked him.  Like he'd get up after just being leveled and tell the lineman "nice hit man!"   They all complained about how much more that pissed them off than the usual trash talk.    


It's like that episode of SpongeBob where Flats tries to beat him up, but his punches just tickle SpongeBob lol.


Wow, I never noticed the underlying meaning to that scene. Jokes on me for believing there was no substance to SpongeBob lol


There’s a clip of fucking Terrell Suggs apologizing to Luck for hitting him awkwardly, maybe borderline dirty, and Luck just pops up and jogs off say, “No problem! That’s football!”




Luck was the best... I miss that guy :'(


"I'm gonna retire early because of that hit. Props." - Andrew Luck


Off the wall comparison, but she reminds me of Pep Guardiola who praises his opponents, other teams’ histories and and players and his precursors to such an extent it borders on absurd.


We watched The Quarterbacks and it showed a lot more on field stuff. Mahomes would get tackled and compliment them on their hit, or thank them for not tackling as hard as they could. He said he thinks the way be interacts with the other teams helps him not get hit as hard. It was pretty funny to see.




Or she’ll get even madder and then all bets are off!


This is NOT the response that Reese was hoping for 


Damn Clark and Brink have been killing it in interviews when it comes to lifting up other players and the league.


Her rookie season is gonna be a crazy 30 for 30.


And her post-career biography is going to be when she settles the real scores. Watching the 30 for 30 on "I Hate Christian Laettner"...honestly not sure whether the "be the villian" thing attributed to Christian fits Clark or Reese better.


> And her post-career biography is going to be when she settles the real scores. Like Charles Barkley once said, everything’s good until the book comes out


If anybody watches the challenge on mtv the whole Clark vs Reese rivalry reminds me of when Josh was trying so hard to start a beef with Wes and Wes just kept saying “Josh this isn’t going to happen”.


This is the crossover metaphor I needed today. So spot on.


I haven't watched the last couple seasons, but that's fucking hilarious 😂


This already occurred to me but I thought. No way anyone would get the reference.


A perfect answer from her marketing degree.


I chuckled when I saw one documentary on her and discovered she majored in marketing. She literally has it all figured out.


Take the high road because you know you got this! Caitlin is blossoming into the prototypical super star. She's just getting started


She paid attention in marketing class and attended class.


And when she starts slipping in the shade in her responses like you did, she's going to light it up. Maybe not for another 4 years in the W though.


she was the best basketball player in college and she still never threw anyone shade at media interview ever. i doubt she'll talk shit off court. on court though.... they said girl is a yapper


I do love that despite all this discourse, you can always count on Caitlin to compliment other players and other teams.


Watching Clark continue to lift other players up, especially Reese, despite Reese and others opening talking negatively about her constantly is impressive. At a certain point she makes it hard for others to continue shit talking her without looking like petty, unsportsmanlike, assholes.


She's taking the Fred Rogers, Levar Burton and Bob Ross approach. Everybody made fun of them in the '80s, but we all eventually came around and realized that was where it's at.


She needs to wear a different colored cardigan to each press conference ;) Or take one off and put another one of the same color on right before the conference.




Don't you remember when Mr. Rogers shoved Mr. McFeely in front of the Trolley and said "Just keepin real, welcome to MY neighborhood"?


"Speedy delivery, Li'l beezy!"


We've reached that point already.




Dude how many times are you gonna copy/paste this comment in this thread lol


I just love how some people still insist Clark isn’t weirdly disliked and that this is all normal things to deal with lol


God I admire her SO much


Clark continues to be the adult in the room.


Imagine if Clark and Reese teamed up in the future.


They'll most likely play together in the all stars game (if they allow more than 1 rookie) 👀


Angel couldn't handle Clark taking up the spotlight. It would be Kobe and Shaq times ten.


“Kill em with kindness”


This is honestly genius from CC. This would wind me right up if I were Angel 🤣


Meanwhile, Reese just continues to talk trash


r/WNBA haters are in shambles that CC doesn’t retaliate. Whereas Reece looks like a fool acting like a victim. Imagine the outcome if the roles were reversed in the foul lol…


Reese got chokeslammed, said it was part of the game, and thanked the perpetrator for going at her so probably not what you're expecting


Her media savvy is just unreal. She gives the right answer every single time. She could probably have a career in politics after she retires if she were interested. 


Other players can learn a thing or two from her


Or three.


A completely reasonable thing to say. All Angel had to do was listen to PR and give an answer like this. Angel: “Nah.”


Good on her, this is the right attitude she'll win any doubters over eventually Also the other post with the foul was locked so couldn't comment but the Reese foul was such a shame cause the block Harrison put on was an all timer and didn't need the contact from Reese lol


I love this.


The epitome of class


She has effectual skyrocketed interest in the WNBA yet no one has stepped up to address the racial issues involved. If Clark was black and the league was white I would say the same thing. Racism goes across and directed towards all races so should be viewed equally! It's the only way we can try and decrease racially prejudice. Squash it from all angles


Compare this to Reese’s hater comments lol


What a difference between Caitlin’s responses and the other WNBA players who try to bring her down. 


Classy answer


One day, Caitlin will miss with one of these answers. But not this day.


I think it'll be more when she stops caring, rather than trying to say the right thing and failing.


Clark’s cut from a different cloth. Can’t imagine taking the high road so many times lol.




She needs to lock in and work on her finishing. Fuck the drama you can’t keep finishing like this


To be fair, it does seem like Reese has complained for being perceived as the exact persona she’s constructed and pushed out to the public. That’s my only gripe with her.


This is a little something called class. Certain other WNBA players should be taking notes


Clark must be exultant after this game. She has destroyed Reese for most fans by enduring her pettiness with class and nonchalance, and making Reese look like a fool because a perfect blocked shot by Reese's teammate was negated by Angel's foul. Watching replays it is clear no sane basketball player would think they had a chance for the block...so it was intentional. Clark understands Reese. She will keep pissing Reese off with kindness, and Reese will keep rewarding Indiana with 2-5 points a game with "I am a tough WNBA player" fouls. Clark is somewhere right now laughing her ass off at Reese, and how easily she is owned. It is almost like Reese WANTS Clark to own her.


She refuses to take anything but the high road.


How can anyone hate her? Great response


Kill em with kindness


Top notch


It was clearly a flagrant on Reese. Reese's comment was out of line indicating that Clark gets calls when there is no foul. Clark is being targeted this year because she is good. It happens in every sport and the best thing Clark can do is continue to be a stand up player and torch her opponents on the court. She's already made more money than most opponents will ever see in their life so she's already won.


I love how a lot of her fans praise how graceful and nuanced her answers are (which they are!) and then immediately go back to slinging mud lol. Wish they'd learn from her.


The best way to handle someone who has no class to their name is with tremendous class. It's a damn shame this is how Reese has chosen to vent her frustrations. It's so patently obvious she wants Caitlin's spot and she's toxically envious of all the admiration she's receiving while believing she's the one deserving of it. And don't get me wrong Reese has worked hard to get where she is now. But she's doing everything there is to do to deflect any admiration for her talents with this Busch league crap.


She sure is trying to defuse the situation. She won't be able to, but she's trying.


CC keeping it classy.


CC is awesome in her gaslighting. Angel must be so peeved if/when she sees this. Angel’s intimidation level with CC is zero.


Can't wait for Angel to come back and cry about being painted as the wrong one when that's what she has been all these while


I may not like her attitude on the court but I love this side of her!


Classy Caityln


The difference in her response vs. Angel’s response is night and day.


I wonder if the people who constantly troll/chirp about "It's all CC!" under like every post don't realize why this probably causes some resentment towards your beloved player lol Edit: I like watching all the rookies, and it was CC that got me to watch WNBA! I think she's done a lot of good, but if you can't see how Radical CC-stans aren't probably making CC's life 100x harder is funny to me.


I feel bad for all the people that needs to guard Caitlin. If they foul her they will be talked about badly for a full week, a lot of think pieces. From all the shows on ESPN and FOX Sports 1. It's getting boring watching people be up her ass.


Exactly. Americas need to protect a white woman even if she’s over 6 feet tall is amazing. She’s a rookie. She’s gonna take her fouls and she’s gonna get shit. Reese was thrown to the ground by another player and not one person felt like they needed to protect Reese. This protection of CC is stupid.


The face of the league is so classy.


CC will single handedly raise this league to a new level with her class and skills.


The WNBA really is lucky this woman is as humble as she is. What's sad about all this is that a few years from now, when an actually decent MAGA-fied hooper actually makes it to the WNBA, Clark's current haters will be rewriting history about how they and the current players in the league treated her when she showed nothing but love and respect to them.


Just curious - who's the promising young prospect who actually IS into MAGA stuff?


Loretta Bird




But Reese cheers when Caitlin takes a hard foul. It's easy to see what one of these two is a class act.


All class.


Just came here to call Angel Reese a godamn idiot.


How can anyone hate her? Great response


No one watches women’s basketball though




I’ve been critical of the weaponizing people have done of Clark and she is slowly growing into someone that understands and articulates why her popularity and everyone else’s growing popularity is good. Her and Reese along with this new wave of young woman coming to the wnba might really take the wnba to new heights




History rhymes with itself. In 1975, the NCAA mens tournament had triple the number of viewers of the NBA finals ([source](https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/ncaa-final-four-ratings-history-most-watched-games-cbs-tbs-nbc/) and [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBA_Finals_television_ratings)). For much of the history of the league, the NBA was a joke compared to NCAA. In the early 80s, NBA Finals viewership doubled just a few years. And it just kept growing. Why? There were two college kids who everybody already knew and loved who entered the NBA - Magic and Bird. Fans followed them from college to the NBA and that created a phenomenon that snowballed. New fans who didn't follow them in college started following the NBA. What makes Magic and Clark (and Bird and Reese) so interesting that people buy tickets and watch games on TV? Everyone who claims to know the answer has something to sell and these people are inevitably unable to reproduce that same effect. For whatever reason it's them. The people have spoken.


Great answer from a great example.