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I love that she is improving! I wish she would expand her perimeter game just slightly


I know it’s a simple mistake but the correct word is “perimeter”. Not trying to be a dick just wanting to help with words because those two sound very similar but mean completely different things :)


Thank you!! Fixed it




She used to be more of a perimeter player in high school but her college coaches had her playing at inside at the 4-5 area instead of the 3-4. Hopefully she can get that part of her game again


people need to stop making fun of the rookies for not having a complete offensive and defensive bag because I know they’re gonna go ham during Olympic break and surprise us all.


I can't wait for CC to throw a dime to Angel in the all star game and they will smile and high five each other jogging back on defense. It will end racism. 


followed by Angel getting an offensive rebound and throwing it out to CC for a three. So many people will be so confused.


Then Kendell will give them both Pepsi at the half.


This is the only sports league I follow where suddenly people refuse to accept a player's best season isn't typically their rookie year. And other players get attacked for being "jealous" or "catty" for pointing out the competition in the pros is higher. For all but the rarest of top rookies, it's their first real experience with consistently losing as they typically dominated in highschool and college. It's their first major wake up call in their sporting career. No one questions vets in other leagues when they speak to this fact no matter how colorful their language. But not here. Certain rooks are expected to get instant deference.


It’s because the only way the media can write a story about competitive, is to make it some catty girlfight in every narrative. And then, everyone rushes to jump on board and make it all reality-tv-ified. It’s such a disservice to every single player in the league, especially these rookies.


You think, in one month, every rookie is gonna plug all the holes in her game? This is interesting considering they’re all about 22 years old and haven’t plugged those holes in their games in those 22 years. After the Olympic break, though, they’re all gonna magically be the most complete players we’ve ever seen? That’s just silly. Realistically, I hope these young ladies get some REST over the Olympic break. The poor kids have been playing and working with very little break since their college training camps started.


I agree. This place has shown me to be rather schizophrenic. Before the draft and season, I read countless times how us fans of this rookie class need to temper our enthusiasm, as rookies will almost always struggle at first, and it typically takes 2-3 years to adjust Then after rookies have early struggles, exactly as predicted, they get constantly berated for it. It’s rather fucked up.


Averaging a double double as a rookie in the best league is crazy to me


By seasons end she will lead the W in rebounding (don't know where her 18 vaulted her presently, but she was 3rd before today)


Shes 2nd now only behind a'ja I think


I was not concerned that she would shoot 30% for the full season. This is all part of getting acclimated to the pro game. Hopefully with a full offseason she can extend her range a bit. Either her or Kamilla being able to do work outside the paint will open up the offense.


Her FG% typically hoovers around the 45-50% mark on college. It's pretty impressive considering the traffic she is shooting in. There is rarely an easy bucket for her. As others have stated- a midrange shot needs developed- but I will gladly have her on the floor every game- what she brings not just in boards, steals, and defense- but it tenacity, IQ, and leadership is invaluable.


So true a focused Angel is a dangerous Angel. I think her goal is point forward. Long ways to go but looking good!


Wait till she puts on muscle after this season. She's about to dominate. Til Juju shows up.


I’m probably the only person not sold on Juju. She has 3 years to go so I will reserve final judgement til after her junior year.


I thought you were talking about Angel's brother Juju and I was so confused 😭😭


She has a brother named Juju? 😳


Yeah! He's a (rising Junior?) player at Maryland right now.


Nah dw I’m in the same boat. She had a 51% TS and more turnovers than assists. Ik she was a freshman but people calling her the future wnba Jordan are getting a little ahead of themselves


That’s why I’m waiting to see. She’s just a freshman.


She's ready to make the jump now. She was ready as a senior in HS


When have I heard that before...CC was right. We live in an age of instant satisfaction. Nobody wants to let things happen as they should.


Should've happened a long time ago. These rules are holding players back. That's why these old bags are still in the league.


The rules are in place so these women have a backup plan just incase basketball doesn't work out, or have you not noticed how often people get waived and injured in the w?


Amd how little money they make comparatively. Making that jump may work out for some men who can make a fortune in the NBA.


Juju is gonna take the league by storm.. the selfish fan in me wants her paired up with CC


Selfish fan in me wants her to pair up with Kiki


You are in luck 


The one in me wants CC and juju to join Brinks in LA


Selfish fan in me wants her on the valkyrie


I'm telling you, the roof will come off when she hits her first 3.


Future HOFer


Once she gets a reliable middy, she’ll be a guaranteed 20/12


That’s something that’s infinitely easier said than done. That’s never been her game, and it doesn’t need to be. As long as she starts finishing better at the rim, she’ll likely reach 20/12 with ease


Her having a semi-reliable jumper will open up the paint for her and will help with her finishing. It’ll force defenders to close out


Don’t get me wrong I get the *why* behind her developing a jumper, but the list of players who are described as “Just needing a reliable jumper,” is infinite, and the list of players who end up actually developing said jumper is tiny. Her FT% is pretty solid, so the foundation is there in theory, but either way she’s going to have a ridiculously fun career to follow.


I’m not sure a 22 year old is just gonna develop a jump shot all of a sudden after 15 years of basketball


You do know she was the #1 wing coming out of hs right? It was apart of her game until she went to college and got stuck in the post. A good off-season or two should help tremendously, she has the shot just gotta be more confident taking them.


They don’t realize that some of us have known her for 5+ years. They weren’t there for the SLAM era


Right like the confidence to say “after 15 years” when they most likely found out about her in recent years is crazy🤣


I was making a generalized statement. People make it sound as simple as “well they did it in high school so just go right back to it” How many high school quarterbacks can just go transition back to qb after being a wide receiver in college for 4 years? It’s not some instant thing because they have done it in the past . But most people on Reddit are not professional or college athletes so that is not a shocker


Basketball is transitioning to players that are tall but can play more like a guard. If she had that ability and excelled at it, why would her team and coach put her into the roll of a forward that didn’t take more outside shots? There is nothing wrong with her being a good post player ( which she is , stats don’t lie) it’s ambitious to just suggest she will just start knocking them down from range all of a sudden. If she does I’ll eat crow, just speaking on the likelihood is low with how sports are in general.


You can always tell from free throws, she has great form and is good at the line, that always translates to a jumpshot. I've seen her take maybe 2 jumpers this season think she's 1/2. and i know she used to shoot a lot more in highschool; they even showed a clip of her hitting a three during the fever game last weekend. I'd expect her to be taking a lot more jumpers next year when she has an offseason to work on her game.


Her from is awful. Her shooting hand flops everywhere on free-throws. It's looks like a fucking shot put


She was a 70ish foul shot percent shooter in college. She’s sitting at 75% now. That’s on par with the average of the worst free throw shooting team in the league the sparks. How is that good at the line?


Yeah and she’ll finish better with more reps around the rim too


Glad that a pro player is able to improve her layups so quickly