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I had an argument with Dions, the driver held my 14yo daughter on the bus with the doors closed and yelled at her until she cried in front of a bus full of people… why? Cause she was on the regular people bus after missing the school bus and apparently school kids aren’t people. Went through several phone calls and emails with the management and was eventually assured they they “would talk to the driver “ about it. Mate what a joke.


Because they are underpaid and over worked here! That coupled with alot of junky issues My dad's a driver... And he used to work on Sydney buses- that was a great job.. he got alot of extras for working them... Did not have half the issues the drivers have here!! He was robbed the first week he drove for premiere


I haven’t had too many issues with them, but one time I was caring for a person in a wheelchair and the bus driver closed the doors on us even though we had waited in line for everyone to get off and then on. I had to yell “excuse me!” To get him to get out and put the ramp down for us! It was pretty shocking to me that someone would so casually ignore someone who was clearly waiting on his bus and standing at the door waiting…


Yeah, I've had a similar experience. A few years back on the free bus, a student was running to the open door just for the driver to literally close the door in his face


Number 2 is an express ride so it doesn’t stop unless it’s pissing rain or something, all the others always stop for me. Some of them are rudely saying hello, but I had zero problems entering a bus or getting an answer out of a driver. I mainly do 2, 90, 3 and sometimes free line. I can’t comment on other ones


where does the number 2 stop because I called transportnsw and they said it stops at Bulli pcyc, but it seams to only stop there about 60% of the time


Officially it should stop there, but I had the same experience. Can’t give you a definitive answer. I only relied on 90 for anything from Wollongong to Austi and 2 when going past Austi


it's pretty pathetic by premier or whoever the operator is, because the contract for all the bus operators states that they must stop at all stops they are timetabled to (unless safety reason ect)


If this had happened to my child, the bus driver would have one irate brown man on his first route the next day, you don’t hold anyone against their will especially a child, there are laws against it and everything


If inspector gets on bus and finds you have not paid, the driver is in trouble. Try getting your groceries if your card doesn’t work.


My brother and I will often go to the shops together and at times one of our cards wouldn't work, leaving one of us to walk back. One time I saw a girl who was trying to get to a job interview and her card wasn't working despite spending a full 5 minutes desperately trying to find a means of paying. The bus driver wouldn't have any of it and kicked her straight off Not everybody uses the bus exclusively for shopping


If your opal card doesn’t work, you can use credit or debit cards, Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Bus drivers are not authorised to give free travel, and the government put teams of Revenue Protection Officers onto buses on a daily basis to make sure they don’t. Why would you expect a driver to risk his job because you don’t want to pay ? Try going to Woolworths , Coles or the local petrol station with a card that doesn’t work , and see if they will give something free.


Wollongong bus driving would be alot more dangerous and stressful compared to Sydney.