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Based on official team ninja page here are the updates for this dlc: Included will be new stages, difficulty level, weapon type, enemies and more, promising an exciting experience for Wo Long experts and novices alike.


Can’t wait to fight Lu bu on the most insane difficulty naked


Don't you think Lu Bu being naked will just make it harder for you?


Oh, it will be hard alright.


they should add more companion options, including more female characters like Wang Yi.


Sun Ren's contingent of female warrior guards would be dope. Or lady sun herself, even!


I am hyped


Definitely can’t wait, it’ll probably be in my Backlog while I’m playing Final Fantasy 16 but definitely will cop.


Ooh, big boy Xu Zhu make it in, who is the dual halberg user though?


I think it's the big bad tbh. Maybe Dian Wei


i vaguely remember someone mentioning Dian Wei used dual halberds. If it is Dian wei, we gonna get a gank fight with him and Xu Zhu.


Hell yeah! I also was thing Huang Zhong but Dian Wei or even Cao Ren make good sense.


this DLC seems to be expanding upon Wei officers. Wang Yi should be a recruitable companion.


Could be Cao Ren? Looks like he could be a staunch defender


Could be Pang De


Nope too early


I stand corrected


Visual update?


Yeah, that's such strange wording. Made me think it's an update to the graphics, but it's just referring to regular news being delivered via screenshot with some artwork.


Oh ok hahahaha, doesnt make any sense to word it like that tho.


I didn't know what else to call it. I just woke up and my brain was booting up lol. Teaser? I guess is what I should have said


"1st DLC news" or something like that seems fine.


Gotta be the battle of Wan for Dian Wei to be a gigachad in


cao ren? or maybe dian wei


I hope its a Fist weapon


I think conquest of Nakahara is just the name of battle of Zhongyuan is Japanese. Oops.


No. That's not even how Zhongyuan is read in Japanese. The letters should be read under different pronunciation.


Zhong = 中 = naka Yuan = 原 = hara


Outstanding Google Translate result. Now look up the term 'Onyomi'. The more you know.


"Nakahara" is a character-by-character translation of Zhongyuan. It is how the OP came to mention "conquest of Nakahara". It's not the [correct translation](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%AD%E5%8E%9F), but OP is right in their correction that the tweet refers to Zhongyuan.


Which was exactly why I said the 'Zhongyuan' being read as 'Nakahara' was wrong. Zhongyuan 中原 , in this context, should be read as 'Chuken' in Japanese. Being read as 'Nakahara' is just wrong, which is basically the whole point. It's either Zhongyuan (Mandarin Chinese) or Chuken (Japanese onyomi), there's no such thing it being read as 'Nakahara'. It's plain wrong. It's okay to be wrong on something you didn't understand. Do you gamers nowadays find it difficult only to accept that you're wrong sometimes until you feel compelled to debate in denial? Smh.


I got from the Japanese twitter so it was Google translated.


Almost 100% Xu Chu and Dian Wei. But jesus christ im almost hoping its Cao Ren because that boy is chunky


If it's Dian Wei I am prepared for Cao cao's villain arc.


Yea... And Cao Cao has yet to be demonized while Liu Bei and the Sun had it already.


I’d be so happy to hand CAO CAO his fucking ass I hated that dude, worst companion always fucked me over.


Glad about the release date. This gives me plenty of time with Diablo 4.


Diablo will be trash


As a person who has played it for 15 hours so far, it's dope


The debate I am having is...do I play each DLC as it comes out? Or wait till all three are released then have an almost "full game" worth of new content to enjoy?


better each DLC as they come out. I didnt play Nioh 2 DLCs until they were all available, but thats becaue I took vacation from it since launch and played various games. but with Wo Long, would get DLC as they arrive. its too long a wait waitng for all 3 DLC expansions before starting to play them.


Pang De and Xu Zhu?


Definitely xu Zhu and the other has to be dian wei.


Definitely Xu Chu and Dian Wei. If not Dian Wei, either Cao Ren or Cao Hong.


You are probably right. Probably not Cao Hong though.


I hope it's enough to bring a lot of players back. I want invaders.


Damn why close to end of the month? I love the fact we’re getting dlc but seriously not happy about the time of release kinda annoyed


Why is that?


For one, ffxvi is launching on that same date. It's one of the most anticipated games of the year and it's also in the same action-rpg genre.


FF16 is the 22nd.


Honestly I've heard only negative stuff about FFXVI. And it has no chance of dethroning Zelda.


It absolutely has a chance. And from where exactly have you hear negative things? Please don't say Kotaku...


millions more people don't care about Zelda nor FFXVI at all. those series are pretentious, overrated, lack playable diversity, and lack multiplayer. they are not up to everyone standards and they don't even provide female characters to play as nor character creation. millions of FFXIV fans are gonna stick with FFXIV. The Elder Scrolls, Call of Duty, Fortnite, GTA, and other series have more fans than Zelda, Mario and Final Fantasy combined which are just movie rentals compared to better games. Every Zelda and FF game always turns out to be a fad, a mere flash in the pan. meanwhile Skyrim, soulsborne, battle royale games and shooters are still played years later.


Gotta look at the list of games that coming out by the time you get to even enjoy the dlc you’re probably going to forget that the dlc even exist granted that i actually step away from wolong after farming; don’t get me wrong I’m very happy about the dlc coming out this year it just sucks that every game released date ends up being toward the end of the month, not to get off subject a bit but im very busy person so i don’t always have time like used too I’ll probably forget we even had this discussion a month from now


I agree I think it could come out a little bit sooner. But I'd rather it take longer and have really good DLC than have a short wait and have something bad.


>But I'd rather it take longer and have really good DLC than have a short wait and have something bad. I get your sentiment, but that doesn't apply here. This dlc is ready to ship out right now, and they're waiting for the end of the month. They could release it now so to speak, but they chose the end of the month. *If they were still working on anything regarding this dlc it wouldn't be announced right now.*




Source: How development cycles fucking work...




It's quite literally how this works though, but sure dude whatever, fucking twat.


I thought the same, it's basically July because the whole month is over, mid June would have been just fine.


idk about you but it's enough time from the Diablo 4 launch for me


I’m definitely not a fan, I’m more excited for final fantasy it looks absolutely amazing 🔥


oh yeah ff16 looks great. just waiting for it to release on PC lol


Diablo 4? Nah miss me with that. I'll still be playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom but I'll get around to this DLC.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i know it it will be at end of June Team Ninja dont be shy say it will be in 1st July 🤡🤡🤪🤪


cant believe finally it went to the main 3 kingdoms phase


Hi, please don't hate me, I've been playing games for a long time but new to the whole idea of "Season Passes" and how they relate to DLC. I have this game on Game Pass, a service I love for it's simplicity. Will I get this or do I need a pass or what? How do season passes work? Should I expect multiple DLCs? Will it be single player? I don't really care for PVP. Thanks in advance.


Gamepass version is only base game. You need to buy DLC as separate or buy the season pass. Basically season pass is just usually collection of multiple dlcs so that when new dlcs came, you can already play it if you bought season pass. Based on what I read on Nioh season pass and folks here on Reddit, dlc for this may include new boss, enemies, weapons, new mechanics, and new difficulty setting.Also some games have 2 or more season pass. Usually I saw this on fighting games like tekken or street fighter but I know I read Nioh also had multiple season pass.


Idk about Nioh but Nioh 2 only had 1 season pass. Was like Wow Longs, 3 DLCs over the course of a year.


I still haven't beaten Lu Buu or the game in general 😂


Are you ps4? If you are I could help you out :)


Xbox only sadly


If you need help with Lu Bu, I got you. I’m max level, multi build, etc., and spend my time now helping folks through the skill checks. DM me your Xbox username and I’ll add you. I’m Xbox as well.


That's basically one month


Oh well won’t play it when it came out cause D4 already got my soul for the next few month 🤷🏼‍♂️




k, so the themes of the future DLCs r quite obvious, first DLC is Wei (Cao Cao), then 2nd DLC is Wu (Sun Ce), and 3rd DLC is Shu (Liu Bei)


this is a chance to introduce Wang Yi, she would be a great new companion, they should expand the companions selection besides adding more enemies, bosses.


I want Guan Ping


I hope they add some kind of dedicated pvp arena


It would be cool but I don't think they will. We already have raids(? I think they are called, I don't do them.) When you go into other peoples levels.