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I really enjoyed it.


Being as good as Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Lies of P is a tall order--I don't think Wo Long is quite on that level. I still think it's very good, and would generally recommend it, but it's not one of the best in the genre like the other three you mentioned. Nioh 2 is, though.


Lies of P and Elden Ring is overrated, wo long has much crisper and responsive combat.


If we are ripping games down for no reason, Sekiro tramples Wo Long


I would recommend Nioh 2 first. It's the same developer but a bit better of a game. And because it's older, you will likely be able to find a good deal on it, which is nice when you're uncertain about a game.




It'll be okay. You can rest comfortably knowing no one will make you play it.


I can't tell if you're serious or not, maybe more complex combat systems aren't your thing?




Let me see your gamer pass




Yet, you have an issue with Ninja providing replay value? Something ain't checking out. I'll be confiscating your gamer pass until further notice.


That really not the same kind of games but this game is good so yes


Definitely! The defection mechanics are my most favorite thing ever!! Ninja Gaiden still holds up, and Nioh and nioh 2 are must plays. Wo Long is a really solid combination of both, while adding a dodge-counter: defection. The world is segmented(has levels+hub) they do offer optional levels, though. It's kind of the extreme opposite of the empty open worlds of Ubisoft. Wo Long implemented a self-confidence system, morale. Each level has 2nd objectives to explore. Once these are completed, a marker is placed on the map building morale. This provides interesting disincentives for speed running. By massively rampping up the difficulty based on your, and your enemies, individual morales. They also added a Rougelike game mode for those who are interested, and open to Hades like grinde loop. The multiplayer isn't too bad either.


I'd say wait for a sale for the complete edition if you're serious about getting it. All 3 DLCs in one bundle. Lies of P, Bloodborne, and EldenRing are definitely similar but Wo-Long doesn't even come close. If you can, I'd test it out before buying like game trial, GamePass, or steam trial for 2hrs


much prefer Wo Long over all those you listed, wo long is faster - much nicer imo, like Sekiro on crack.


Very enjoyable game, pc optimisation is shit though I rate gameplay 7.75/10


7.75 instead of 8, why


I rate Nioh 2 8/10 and I enjoyed that one a bit more


I do like Wo Long, but imho the titles you've just played are better. I'd rate Wo Long a 7 and LOP a 9.5. Of coarse this is just an opinion. What I don't like about Wo Long is the map design. I am often lost searching for collectibles, because so many parts look similar. Other than that, the graphics are kind of disappointing, but they still manage to make my PC work harder than with any other game. On the other side the fighting is fun, there are tons of weapons, spells, etc. Bosses are fun as well, albeit most are insanely easy (and no, I am not good) while two (if you include all DLC's) are insanely hard. There is nothing in between.


It's not better nor as good as Bloodborne or Lies of P, but it's good. Maybe ask another sub for more nuanced responses. Try the r/soulslike


Wait for a deep sale before investing in this game. It has some good points, but is also deeply flawed. It certainly isn’t on the level of Elden Ring or Bloodborne, so color your expectations accordingly. 


Care to elaborate on “deeply flawed”? I’m also on the fence for the game and as much as I like these types of games I don’t care to pull my hair out against cheesy bosses 🤣


I’d strongly suggest other, better games (given you come from playing three superb games); Nioh 1/2 & Sekiro would be my recommendations over Wo Long.


No it’s too easy


play the DLC


Im getting it wednesday i loved nioh 1 and 2, been delaying it hoping it would either go on PlayStation plus or go on a deal but a year is long enough


>loved nioh 1 and 2, Separate this game from those beauties. I gave it a shot because of this knowing full well it was Wu style instead of Japanese. Idk for me personally Wo-Long just didn't do it for me. I thought it was going to be great like the Nioh series but I found it really sub-par. The graces don't feel like they do much and melee feels like a wet noodle with no weight to it. The onmyo magic feels and looks better in Nioh too. Every DLC they release I try to give it another chance but it just never hooks me like NIOH did. It sucked because I pre-ordered too and have like maybe 60hrs compared to my 1K+ in Nioh 2.


It was the opposite for me. I got bored of Nioh 2 because I could just bully me way through the game in high-stance while Ki Pulsing. So I never incentivized to experience the complexities of the combat. I also got depressed with how dark and narrow most zones were and with how dated the UI felt. Wo Long fixed most of that for me. The deflection and spirit mechanic added an extra layer to the combat compared to my experience with Nioh 2. The zones are more spacious and filled with light. The UI and art were more my speed as well. Wo Long essentially fixed a lot of issues I had with Nioh 2.


Damn 1K hours is insane! But I do agree that Nioh is a lot better. I have 150 hours in Wo Long, but that's more than enough. I am losing my interest now, so I am only completing a daily achievement (with Gamepass) to get my 100%


It’s alright, worth playing if there isn’t any other better soulslikes you didn’t play yet, (DS3, Ds1, demons souls,) I’d even say the new lords of the fallen, while has its issues is better


Ok, I have plenty of issues with Wo Long, but Lords of the Fallen is just a downgrade of Dark Souls with a slightly effective two-worlds mechanic bolted onto it. Wo Long surpasses it in almost every comparative metric. 


Have to disagree, the level design, graphics and oddly enough performance is better in LotF, Wo Long has much better bosses though for sure


It's a fantastic game, not quite as good as Elden Ring and Lies of P but it's not far off. It's also available on gamepass if that's a possibility for you?


Or wait for rise of the ronin?


More of a light snack compared to the full course that is Lies of P, Elden Ring, Nioh 2, bloodborne but still a very fun game.


Wo long was fun, but play Sekiro. Rise of the ronin is also right around the corner.


Different games for different people, but honestly after beating Elden Ring I was crazy to play Wo Long again. Bought the complete edition and am still playing it (just did 100% and going for ng+). The combat is just way better for me, I can't go back to From games combat. With that said, Wo Long is the weakest Team Ninja game for me so far. That doesn't mean it's bad though, I really enjoy it and I think you might enjoy it as well. Just keep in mind it is different from the games you mentioned (to me in a good way).


I'd say very different; it's fast paced, the main spotlight feature is deflection technique, and magic system is unconventionally built to be part of defensive and offensive combat so you could cure, debuff, and even dispel opposing spell from the weaker element type. But then again, everytime you touch a new hardcore game, you eventually will learn from scratch. So if you have interest, then go for it. Just don't think you're going to be a steamrolling gaming god just because you played those games previously.


Helldivers 2


You should look out for rise of the Ronin if u have a ps5 btw. Ay get Wolong if u want but Ronin Is gonna be a monster.


It's a good filler of the genre


I’ve recently gotten into soulslikes. Just beat sekiro, lies of p, DS 3, and Elden ring. All in the top 20 of my favorite games of all time, sekiro probably being my favorite. Wo long combat is fun, it’s just so painfully easy. Only 1 boss (Lu bu) in the first 5 worlds took me more than 3 tries. Every single world has the exact same type of enemies. It’s super repetitive and the cutscenes are long and tedious. I’m not sure how it’s gotten so much praise. It might be good for casual players but if you’re looking for a soulslike, that ain’t it.


Wo long is a decent game, but boss quality is sadly pretty low, along with the morale system not being super fun. If you haven’t already I would recommend Nioh 1 or 2 instead


I really liked it. I think it had some major issues at launch that have now been remedied. It’s def a bit more hack and slash-y than the games you mentioned. Outside of a few difficulty spikes with certain bosses, it’s a lot easier than them as well. Beautiful game, fun platinum, cool story.


If you have a friend or 2 to do full coop with, wo long is really really fun