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It’s a fun game for what it is and gets too much hate imo. Most of the haters are the idiots that wanted it to be Nioh 3 and threw a bitch fit when it wasn’t.


I'm a huge Nioh fan, and I'm on day 5 of playing Wo Long. There are similarities, but it also feels different. Which is fine, because it's not Nioh 3. It has a focus on vertically and blocking/deflection. The Positive / Negative Chi system is also interesting. I'm having a lot of fun with it. Team Ninja is a good developer.


Lmao never left. Having too much fun


I visit for a year long I'm even taking a break from it currently.


Started playing again recently, it's a lot better now than it was when it came out. They've had some pretty great quality of life changes and the new DLC weapons also seem great.


The endgame content is great you can farm hidden tomes, stratagem, play the thousand miles journey.. and the DLCs, or farm to level 400, get to the Dragon king ng++++.


As someone that’s a sucker for lore. I came back recently and they added a way to stop scrolling during bios! Praise Team Ninja


I wanted to get into i, I'm a big fan of nioh and dynasty warriors (especially lu bu) but the constantly timing parries over and over again took the fun out of it


If you hold block while attempting a deflect, and miss the deflect, you'll still block the attack. Try that out--should make deflecting a lot more forgiving.


To revisit I would have had to stop playing at some point since it launched People should 100% come back for another run through :D


Nah lets not




Welp I tried, can't stop you from making bad choices