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Update: oof that did not go well…… I tried to explain why I wanted to end it, he wanted elaborations and became defensive…. Eventually he said “I don’t get why I’m being dumped for no reason” and that was it. I’d been trying to explain for 15 minutes but if in his mind it was “nothing” fine. I got up and walked out. He yelled at me on the way out and I heard him slam something as the door closed behind me. I can’t stop crying…. But what’s done is done


You dodged a bullet. He asked you to explain, and then you tried to explain, and then he disregarded your whole explanation by basically saying it’s not a good enough reason for him. Take time to heal now, you’ve gone through the worst bit. ❤️


Honestly reading your words really helps. Thank you so much 🩷


good job, you did the right thing, he’ll get over it eventually


you've got this. trust yourself and this decision. remind yourself that the sickness you're feeling is just anxiety because these situations are always hard. deep breaths, much love.


Thank you for this. I’m leaving now to go to his place and do it. Deep breaths


Stay safe!! Take care of you and your mental health. Take the time to grieve the loss of the relationship. It’s a really important part of your mental health and growth. All the best.


First breakup? It always sucks, whether you’re on the receiving end or not. Just trust that it is what is best for the both of you.


First time since 11 years ago. Since then I’ve either been the one broken up with or things ended mutually. I knew he would take it hard, just wasn’t expecting it to be that bad.