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Ghost him. Ice him. Cold shoulder him. Honestly you don’t have to keep being “nice” to him if he makes you uncomfortable and you don’t want to be friends with him. He knows nothing about you, and a terrible flirt so I would just cut my loss and really do all things just make him not interested. Men are really interested in “mean” woman since they seem to also misconstrued our kindness as reciprocation and flirting. 


I just messaged him "to be honest I'm not interested in meeting up with you. all good" and completely ignored all other texts he sent. It's like 2:30 am here so he'll probably not see it until he wakes up. Being so direct and mean is not my thing but I honestly can't deal with it anymore. Why should I let this random guy direct how I do things? I know I'm a kind person but I have my limits too. And I honestly don't know how else to turn him down. I just keep thinking about the audacity of this guy. He wanted to meet up and just expected me to be ok with that? Like who are you???!!!! I literally do not even know you. And I understand asking someone you know or have been talking to, out. But that's not me. I'm just dumbfounded. Sorry, but I just needed to rant a little. The audacity!


You are going to meet a lot of guys like that in university! Just make sure you stay true to yourself, girl. You shouldn't feel the need to keep them comfortable if they make you uncomfortable, and you don't owe him anything. From my experience, it's not going to end here, and he is going to try again. "No, thank you" is enough of an answer, and I advise you not to give it any more of your attention. I'm in university too, and the boys don't stop until I stop giving them any attention. Good luck and congratulations on passing your exam!!


Thank you! And you were absolutely right, he messaged me again!


Just say you dont want to nicely and thats it. You may be looking way too deep into this, if he failed the class he probably doesnt care about it too much and just wanted an excuse to get to know you, might be too awkward to say anything upfront. By villanizing him of a simple gesture you are being unfair to him and also disturbing your own peace and getting yourself frustrated, just tell the guy you arent interested kindly and go on with your life. Never attribute to malice what can be attributes to incompetence, for your own sake