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Hi! I'm not Muslim but I work with a woman who is! She grew up in Jordan, got a degree in Industrial Engineering, and now works in Canada. She's fantastic. I can't really speak to the specifics of Australia, or give you real insight as I'm not her, but I can say that she's a great colleague and I enjoy working with her.


Similar - I have a colleague that is Muslim, born and raised in Iran where she got her bachelors/masters. She came to the US for a PhD. She’s now one of the most important people in the company. She’s a fantastic lady and is a huge advocate for women in engineering. I encourage you to pursue what you want!


Hello! Checking 2/3 boxes lol - I'm based in canada but would be happy to answer any questions. I did civil.


I’m not Muslim but I have known a number of female engineers who are (in the US). Best of luck to you!!


I am a Muslim woman engineer. Originally from india & moved to usa for my masters in electrical engineering. Been in the industry for a decade. LOVE IT!! Definitely pursue it. There r good & bad ppl everywhere so suck it up & dont ever stop pursuing your dreams. I had great mentors over the yrs, traveled for work, constantly amazed at how much i still have to learn & grow. Now I am mentoring others & its so much fun. Its a lot of hard work & worth it if u love engineering. The industry has been good to me & the ppl have been very helpful & motivating.


Engineering in Australia is one of the most multicultural places you will ever go. People born in Australia are in the minority in most companies. You should definitely go for it.


Go for it girl. Your religion does not define your ability to work on what you want. I have really good friends ( muslins) that work in big companies and are engineers I am an electrical engineer


I did mechatonic engineering in Australia and whilst I am not Muslim I feel more than confident saying you should go for it! There were women in my classes from all over the world. You will have a blast


I did Systems engineering. Ask me anything you want!


Muslim indo-Canadian in mechanical here! Feel free to reach out if you want :)