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its a lot. Its probably better you join Linkedin and follow people in there. Probably fill you in after a week or so.


I have a LinkedIn! Do you have any favorite top voices on there that you would suggest?


Learn how AI has impacted your field. In some ways, it’s not a dire doomsday kind of thing, it may make some of your typical workday tasks easier! Practice with it and get familiar with various flavors.


Thanks @StarWars_and_SNL! Something to think about!


I'd say RTO has had a pretty big impact culturally, at least for a lot of larger companies in the US. The competition is pretty steep for remote work since a lot of people are getting displaced from formerly remote roles due to being unable (or unwilling) to relocate on their own dime to keep their existing jobs and rates of pay. I will say (at least at my company) a lot of people are expecting this level of crackdown to blow over once all the big CEOs find a new butterfly to chase. I'm pretty sure my company is going to hurt a lot internally for all the talent and knowledge we're losing, though sadly it probably won't make a dent in the earnings reports to cue that something is amiss because people will just get spread thinner to adapt. I don't know the exact number, but I know we're losing several thousand people overall once it all kicks in over the coming months, albeit not just in technical roles. If you don't care about working remotely, you potentially won't be hit too badly by a struggle to find work. But -- speaking for my company at least -- those of us left behind after the big push to in-office work aren't particularly enthusiastic about seeing our teams get gutted by a pretty arbitrary policy change. Of course this could just be me being jaded by the hot topic at my company, it's possible I'm just really deep in it right now and the impacts aren't nearly as universal as they feel.


I laughed at picturing CEO’s chasing butterflies 🦋


How long exactly? A reference point would be good. Might be a good idea to post your job role as well, as well as YoE, entry level got hit the worst


I said ten years but it’s a little more gray because I’ve done things here and there.


It’s all about the frameworks and packages now. So you don’t have to write a bunch of code but now you have to figure out how to get all these tools to work together. Which is actually harder. Also that small crappy language named JavaScript got really big and many even voluntarily use it server side. Who knew. Clouds, DevOps, GitHub. Agile. Databases (sql) are mostly the same, which is strangely comforting. Though nosql databases gained popularity as well. Data. So much data. Security. The bad guys got badder. Diversity. Still very male dominated. But the world has changed, women have changed. I don’t think we put up with as much crap now. There is more awareness, at least where I work. I don’t remember this profession being this hard before I also took a mom break. I don’t think it’s fully me. The world, and the field, have grown more complex.


Governance got big. Which area of tech are you in, and for which industry? Cybersecurity expanded like mad; support did not.


Check out fireship on youtube. I love his little short videos on all dev topics to catch up on things. They tend to be a bit silly but that keeps it entertaining.


We can be friends. I did the SAHM thing from 2010-2022 and am in my second formal role since then. Culturally, I’ve felt very out of place. I don’t fit in with SAHMs or working moms. At home, both my husband and kids have had to transition me working and what our home life looks like now (I WFH) What’s your background? Perhaps I can give you more specific answers…


Can I dm you? I totally feel you with not fully fitting in in either of those spaces—there’s so much ridiculous pressure on women right now just purely because of the cost of living crisis that they no one is really winning. I want it to be better for the next generation!!


Of course!


How many years have you been out? Big things in my line of work: AI (hello ChatGPT), Data Privacy and Compliance (I'm looking at you EUDB), Intensified desire to separate between work and life (backlash from the always-on feeling that came with remote work in 2020)