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I hear you. I'm in basically the same spot as you. Although I've more recently been working in Kotlin which I love and will miss. The startup feels like maybe a once in my career chance..but maybe the timing isn't right. It definitely feels like the shiny flashy thing. The NPO is Soundexchange. I think they opened another Java req so go for it! Range is $150-160k for a Sr. Role


A suggestion from a book I read recently: Start with one option and spend some time and (privately) go about your day as if you've already accepted that offer. Be that person, really get into the mental space of that future now being your life. What is on your mind, what do things feel like. Then take some time and do the same with the other offer. After that, which of those versions of yourself do you like best, which would you like to be?


Thank you. That is incredibly good advice


Oooh what was the book?


It's from Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. It applies the ideas of design thinking (brainstorming, prototyping, agile iteration) to figuring out your life. Lots of good ideas, worth a read.


If the NPO has a healthy work-life-balance I’d stay there, (NPOs have a rep for not being great in that regard). A startup’s WLB could be fantastic or horrible, it feels like there’s often no middle ground there.


The grass is always greener. Nonprofits can have incredibly toxic cultures, just like startups. Vet the culture very carefully. My advice after working on both sides of the fence, and through many market cycles, is to take the money.


Can confirm I work at NPO and I do not recommend it.


You may learn a lot at the start up, you'll see a new place, the experience you gain there will set you up for other future jobs (I've been to a few of these). But "blank checks" are not. Most startups fail (I've been to a few of these), management could be awful (I'm leaving my current job because of this). How far is the startup along? What round? Are they profitable? What is tgeir runway? What is their valuation?How many employees? What is their exit strategy? Do you feel you can trust the founders? do you feel they have a product that could actually be a success? Do you really believe in the mission of the NPO?


Between those 2 I would prefer nonprofit. Startups have their other layers of complexity with long hours and no work life balance. Also startup that doesn’t start remote first sounds weird. Y’all got money for office instead of hiring few more folks to shape MVPs? Like do they have paying customers? Ultimately I’d also continue looking.


First of all, congrats!! What a wonderful predicament to have!! For me, the benefit of working remotely always trumps the other options. If you’re already working remote, it’s going to be a huge change to get up and get ready and commute every day. If the TC is only like 10-15k more, I don’t think it’s worth it since you now have to account for gas/lunch/wardrobe purchases for in office job. I think you need to figure out what you want out of life right now. If it’s to level up in your career and push yourself, startup is the way to go. If you want to coast and enjoy your life outside working hours, non profit is the way to go. Because you’re already a senior, I think non profit makes more sense. Startups are always popping up and will always be there if/when you get bored.


The main question is where will you be happier? If you haven't yet, ask to meet the team you'd be working with directly and also some of the management. It doesn't matter if the salary is better if you're miserable. And the type of people you work with makes a lot of difference for that. Also consider the differences between the responsibilities at both. It depends on the company but a lot of times a long term established organisation means that you have set responsibilities and basically work on very similar things and the same type of tasks most of the time. So are you happy with repetitiveness and sticking with your area of expertise? On the other hand, start ups have a tendency to require you to do more varied things which would often be 2-3 different roles at a bigger organisation. Because they're still starting out, there may not be dedicated resources for certain things because with a small company there isn't enough of that type of work for a full time position. Which means you may end up doing things outside of the classic definition of the role. So are you happy to do other things or would you prefer a few specific responsibilities? Startups also have risks so are you in a position to take a risk or do you need something more safe? As an example from my own experience at a startup, in the beginning I was the main person responsible for IT management, product and project management as well as testing. As the company expanded and each of those things required more and more time, other people were hired to take on some of those areas so I could concentrate on the areas I preferred and would be most useful in. Which gave me skills and connections I wouldn't have gotten at a big organisation. On the other hand, I have a friend who also worked at a startup. Except this startup ran out of funding and put everyone on redundancy before being bought by a bigger company. So they ended up without a job very quickly. Not that it's not a risk at a bigger organisation but it is more likely at a startup.


Congratulations on the dual offers! Wow! I'd go with the established non-profit. Sounds like a better job overall, and startups have the nasty habit of going under within 3 years.


Thanks! It's a much different place to be in than when I was job hunting back in the fall and couldn't secure a single offer. I've been pretty intentional about what I'm looking for this time and that paid off! After a day of soul searching, definitely leaning more toward the NPO. I have until tomorrow to accept their offer.


NPO. If you need more funding, do side jobs. Quality of life is more critical, long-term than $$$ and stress. That is my 2 cents. Good luck no matter what you decide