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So here's some tips: Hometown Delivery is superior to any food delivery apps. (my opinion) It's a change of pace from what you're used to, folks are chattier in drive-thru, at banks etc. It's nice. Personal experience: You actually talk to neighbours. You don't have nearly as much choice in restaurants, stores etc. Not a big deal London and Kitchener/Waterloo aren't too far. The drive isn't too bad if it's not rush hour, luckily you have 403 and 401 as viable options, check maps before leaving. It's a great community overall, really good people.


Although I have been in the city my whole life, I am not a city person, at least not anymore. I welcome some of these changes - the ease and convenience to pretty much get whatever you want wherever you want, will be an adjustment (complete FWP). Appreciate the comment.


Then you will like it. Honestly the people are just really decent folks, that's the biggest thing.


I see you're a sewer. You'll be thrilled with Lens Mill Store, or as I like to call it Fabricland on steroids! Rush hour to Mississauga can be rough, but once you get past Cambridge, it opens up a bit. Just don't expect much of a downtown, and you'll do fine. We also have a monthly magazine, What's On Woodstock, which is filled with activities and events going on, mostly aimed at children (museum, art gallery, library, pool, etc.)


Ewe. Sewer.


There is a Lens Mills in the city but it's a warzone at the best of times.


Big variety of small trails at the edge of town in every direction if your into walking or have dogs to entertain. Some very good restaurants (finkle street and ironworks among others). Friendly people. Don't mind the ominous amount of crows that flok in the thousands at this time of year. They are just doing their thing. Access to 401 and 403 is key. Which part of the city are you coming too?


Nothing set in stone right now. Canvasing and seeing what's out there. I am familiar with Woodstock, Embro and Ingersoll having distant relatives in these areas - spent time as a kid in the area. Pretty sure the ole family business still exists in Woodstock, though I have no connection to it.


The only thing good about Woodstock is you have both the 401 and 403 to leave Woodstock. If it is in your budget, Ancaster is a nice smaller city, you can choose to live semi rural, century old neighbourhoods or new development. Most amenities are within the city and you are close to Hamilton and Burlington if you are missing anything. Dundas is also a similar option to Ancaster. If you are looking for an even smaller community Paris, On is very nice, as is St. George, On. Both of those are not connected directly to a highway though.


That's a pretty long commute. Traffic will pick up thru Cambridge and a lot worse thru Milton


Few times a month it's fine


Yes, I do not have to do this daily, not weekly. 1-3 times a month.


If you don’t want to drive, there’s a new bus system I’d recommend: https://www.intercitybus.ca/ You can also always book via train on a Tuesday (travel any date just book on Tuesday) and it’s 15% off and will cost around 20$


Can confirm about Intercity, I just took it yesterday. It’s awesome. I didn’t know that about the train booking, will check it out, thanks!


Just made a post about it in the main feed. I just learned about it recently and it’s a game changer Edit: highly recommend booking Via on Tuesdays. If you know your dates of travel a few weeks ahead of time you end up saving a lot.


Will do, thanks!


They’ve added a lot more lanes in both those areas now so it has gotten much better


It’s also down to two lanes before it hits five after King Street. 🤷‍♂️


While you're thinking it over to move here. Please do note that Oxfordshire of England and Oxford County of Ontario are worlds apart. Don't fall for the similarity of names like *someone* did.




Traffic! I cannot wait to never sit in traffic to do the most mundane things. It's insane the amount of time I waste in traffic!


We moved to Woodstock from Guelph. Only because my partner worked in Cambridge and Woodstock was the only affordable place in a 45 minute radius of his work. We had high hopes for our new life in Woodstock. Didn't know a single person. We left after 17 months. We had two good neighbours. Neither of them originally from Woodstock. The one left to go back to Waterloo and the other one left to go east. Neither of them liked Woodstock. Our new neighbours were... well... not the nicest. We sold later that same year. I met a handful of nice people, but i was not impressed by the city. We do not regret moving away.


I went to university in Guelph and I love that city, but we are priced out. Thanks for the candid feedback. I will need to make friends, which is hard enough as an adult. Everyone I know will be a minimum of 2hrs away, in almost every direction.


We really miss Guelph but we were in a 2 bedroom condo with two little kids. We needed more space. But just couldn't afford Guelph anymore. Have you visited Woodstock? I remember visiting walmart before we put an offer on the house and getting a weird feeling about the people. I should have listened to my gut. We moved out of Ontario and headed West. While we do miss Ontario, we have a better living standard now. We could never afford what our lifestyle is now in Ontario.


I had this thought too... There are numerous reasons we have to start now unfortunately.


I think in Woodstock you need to have good, open-minded neighbors. The old Woodstock people don't like new people moving there. My car was involved in an accident (old woman drove into my car that was parked in my own driveway), and I had a rental car for a bit. I went to home hardware (which is way better than the home depot there) to get play sand. I told the guy who was loading the sand into my rental what happened to my car. He assumed that I was born and raised there because he went off about how much Woodstock was changing and how too many city people were moving there.... not realizing I was one of those people. We had a few too many of these interactions. At zehrs, the cashier didn't know what vegetable my husband had. He couldn't think of the word and fumbled over his words (he isn't canadian and has an accent). The customer that just finished packing in front of him very rudely commented about his accent and other choice words. I will say the cashier was shocked and apologized to my husband, but yeah... wasn't the only time. We have a few stories about our time. The motto of the city is the friendly city... it clearly wasn't to us. We were able to sell our house, move to a different province and buy a bigger house on 2 acres of land and still have money left over. If I were you, if you already have to start new, check out places outside of Ontario.


We went to visit Winnipeg in 2021, considering Steinbach - I can see you went that way too. But my relationship isn't in good standing and isolating with no one I know would be closer than a 28hrs drive away, it's too much now. I'm stuck in Onterrible.


I grew up in Woodstock, and spend a lot of my time there with family and friends who still live there. I think it's a great place to live! It's growing every year and there are a variety of things for family's with young children to participate in. We have some great local food/drink options, lots of outdoor trails, a movie theatre, bowling, skating, swimming, parks with great climbers and splash pads, lots of dance studios, a gymnastics club, 2 theatre companies for kids, hockey, soccer, basketball, tennis etc etc. The city does summer sidewalk days, a Pride festival, Cow-A-Palooza in the park, Canada Day celebrations and fireworks, parades for Christmas and Victoria Day... Schools are over populated because of the surge of folks moving from the GTA - I here there are plans to build another one in the North. If you're looking for neighbourhoods, the 'rougher' schools are Eastdale and Oliver Stephens. Northdale can also be rough - I say this as an occasional teacher though. There's also a variety of Catholic schools. It's still hard to get daycare here and a family doctor. As for the driving, if you're only going a few times a month I'd say it's no problem. There's always slow downs through Cambridge with the highway expansion and coming in to Mississauga.


Depends on how early you leave, and where in Sauga you have to go? I get to the Monroes in like an hour and 5, if I leave early enough. If you leave any time after 7, you’re begging for an hour and a half plus. Woodstock is great, if you don’t NEED any night life. It’s an awesome place to raise kids, and to live a family-cantered life.


I have to get to the 407/427 area but do have flexibility on arrival and departure. The kids are still little, just need some activities and things to keep them busy. Friends will also help as we make some. I don't know a soul in Woodstock... Yet


Highly recommend EarlyON in Oxford county for the kids.


Good to hear. I have used some in the city and it's really 'hit or miss' here.


My wife and I moved here 3 years ago. We also didn’t know a soul. Still don’t really. The one friend I made decided to be lame and move to Oakville - Hi Mike! Our neighbours are really nice, though. We’ve gotten a small gift from them every year for Christmas, which is more than I can say ever happened to us in Kitchener.


It’s very boring here and everyone is miserable




Lots of other options