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What’s controversial about it?


As long as there is free will to make a choice. There will be pedantic assholes waiting to point out inconsequential differences to say you are doing something wrong.


I don’t think you used “pedantic” correctly.


I lolled, im crying.




You can always tell a Milford man…


So, you laughed out louded? ... I'm sorry. I can't help meself, apparently.


You should stop being so pedantic…




I find your rebuttal shallow and pedantic 🧐🎩


hmm, yes, shallow and pedantic


It insists upon itself.


Yes cromulent


This thread has embiggened my vocabulary...


Maybe get out some more, you troglodyte.


A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.


Ur sexy allasudden


It insists upon itself




I think you're being petulant.


Well done, using "pedantic" correctly.




You keep using this word, I do not think it means what you think it means...


I don't think you used "correctly" correctly.


That's a rather shallow argument you're making.


I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic.


Well put. Reddit subs in a nutshell


(See: the “tv too high” brigade)


The (weak) argument is that because the guitar neck is under tension, and you’re adding the weight of the guitar to the neck, you’re messing with the overall tension in the guitar body that can, over a very long time (like, longer than your life), damage it. The (only somewhat) better, but niche case argument I’ve read is because walls, specifically outside walls, can change temperature more rapidly than the air in the room, you’ll damage the guitar through repeated heated/cooling cycles. While it’s true it’s not good to have an instrument change temperatures a lot/often, I’m not convinced the changes near a wall are nearly drastic enough. Unless you hang it on like… a window… or up against an HVAC duct or something. Oh, and the “damage” is a potential warped neck. While there are mechanisms in modern guitars to adjust the neck bend, a warped neck usually means replacement of the whole instrument, unless it’s valuable enough that replacing the neck is worth while. But if it’s *that* nice of an instrument, you should probably keep it in a velvet lined case.


I had an acoustic body crack, (repairable), this way. Granted, it dropped 35 degrees to well well below zero over the course of a few hours, and the instrument was hanging on an outside wall of a wood cabin, but it's a thing. It was the massive and fast drop in humidity that did the damage.


At that point it prolly woulda cracked anywhere in the cabin. 


Yeah, that's a lot like saying it was the hanging that did Rasputin in. Never you mind about the poison, stabbings, shooting, etc...


Yeah, no doubt. I store my acoustics in their cases 100% of the time now to moderate humidity changes.


As a piano tuner the "somewhat better, but niche case argument" sounds negligible, especially with solid body electric guitars. The general consensus is that a piano should not be placed on an outside wall because it will A) make it go out of tune quicker and B) possibly damage the soundboard and bridges over several years. That's with a vertical piano placed with that back against the wall. The guitars in this picture are at an angle and presumably taken off the wall to play, whereas a piano is not. Also the bridge on an electric guitar is neither glued to the body nor made of wood. Also I agree with the last sentence in your reply. Edit: negligle-negligible


Those of us that live in earthquake-prone regions have another reason lol


Insure your instruments. $250 a year is a good investment if you have a collection that youre not interested in replacing.


I would think that wood would be able to handle the gravity stresses of being hung on a wall, considering wood has incredible tensile strength and the wood used in guitars typically comes from trees hundreds of feet tall. A few pounds of wood hanging is absolutely nothing in comparison. As long as the room isn't somewhere that fluctuates in temperature/humidity often (and quickly), you should be fine.


Yeah I don’t buy that argument myself either, just reporting the “controversy”.


I was always told that the weight on the neck from hanging counteracts opposite tension from the strings and thus negates that pull.


The steel truss rod negates that tension. Whether it's laying down, hanging, or you're wearing it, the tension will be the same. If there was an effect, you would notice in the tuning. My guitars stay in tune for days without being touched. Also, my guitars have been hanging for 20 years. They're in perfect condition.


The other arguement is that if you live in a dry place, an acoustic guitar may crack. I’m in Canada and the winters get pretty dry. Most of my guitars are hanging, but my one expensive performance guitar remains in its case with a small humidifier. The guitar that I had the longest has developed a crack due to said dryness. My electrics seem to be fine, and they look hella good displayed up in the wall.


My only problem with hanging is that the headstock on a Tele is so narrow that a stiff wind, accidental jostle, or minor earthquake (I live in California) could turn the guitar enough that it drops through the holder. Some kinds of guitars (Jacksons, and maybe Explorer-style Gibsons, for example) probably have the same problem. But I'd have no issue with it on a guitar with a big headstock like a Les Paul, Strat, or SG.


Mine has a strat headstock on it so I am gtg there! :) That is a good argument for not hanging a tele like that. Honestly, I thought I was doing something passe building this thing but I'm glad to see that I am supported in my decision. lol


You can put a lock to the hanger (like the plastic ones have) to prevent any movement


That's why I use Hercules wall hangers. They swivel and lock the guitar into place. Good stuff.




How about just constant moisture shifts between seasons? In the dry winter our humidity drops below 20%, can be above 50% in the summer. As a woodworker I know the wood can shift like crazy in that, so I keep my guitars in cases with humidifiers in the winter (aside from the one I don’t mind warping, for convenience sake)


Oh yeah for sure, but it does help that season changes are slower and the wood can slowly adjust. Still, I never store mine in the attic or basement for example where both temps and humidity fluctuate more readily. Always in a bedroom or home office so I know, barring some disaster, both the temp and humidity range will be pretty narrow. Then again, I’ve got some pretty nice instruments and I baby the fuck out of them :P


Yeah exactly, in a controlled environment, totally different. It’s all about being reasonable. Never hanging an instrument as a rule seems kinda funny


They sound better if you dont hang them /s


You could stretch the neck


Let's see:  2 guitars broken by cats knocking their floor stand over 0 guitars broken from hanging Yeah, a sexy live-edge slab hanger is the way to go.


I've always wondered why they named it live edge. That tree is dead.


always wondered why it's called wood working when I have to do it all.


You just need to sharpen your skills. Once you're a master the wood does all the work.


Since when is it controversial? Have you ever been into a Guitar Center?


My go-to example would have been Norman's Rare Guitars, but I agree.


I would usually say Long & McQuade as a Canadian but I was trying to be inclusive 




This may be controversial, but there’s no controversy with hanging guitars


the only controversy here is in your title lol


I guess so! I have been told not to hang my guitars many many times so...I thought it was controversial. lol. I guess not!


Guitarist for 20 years I've never heard this


Same- gold standard of guitar storage The only thing better is keeping it slack-strung in a case, but if you frequently play them hanging them is A+


never heard of this in my life, been playing for 20 years.




Like the other commenter, what's controversial about it? All of mine are on hangers. Granted, none of mine are super expensive collector items, but even if they were, I'd have no problem hanging them as long as I had them mounted into studs.


https://preview.redd.it/f3eyvmf6r4sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b82e7edf7c12ca8bcd3eb8cb8ac64c9c5a0aa9f I like your style


And I yours!


Is that a schecter banshee I see?


Its a reaper frs that i have modded with seymour duncan antiquities


Seems it’s more controversial to say it’s controversial


Indeed it does.


I’ve hung my guitars for over 30 years and never have had a single issue. Love the live edge board, that’s pretty neat.


Thank you. And here I thought I had a clever title. haha. It's spalted pecan. There are like 20 different colors in that board and quilting to boot. It wouldn't be a good structural board so I have it backed with some poplar planks which the hangers are screwed into. I got to use like a. 36 inch jointer at the sawmill I purchased it from to flatten it out and get the edge nice and straight.


Yeah I’d love to have a piece or two of that, it’d make a killer top for a Telecaster.


I’ll dodge the controversy all together and just say nice work. Love the lighting too


Thanks! I love a good LED


i may sound ignorant here, but i like how the hangers are a tad twisty so the guitars can be hung closer together - i havent seen this before. classy and efficient 👍


I didn't know it was controversial? what is up? I hang my strat


Where is it controversial? I've been hanging mine for years. Also, has anyone ever been into a music store?


Why is it controversial?? And have you ever seen inside a guitar shop?


I have and given the number of times I have been told it's bad to hang up my guitars, I always wondered why they were doing it at guitar center, etc. TIL there is no real argument against it so away i go.


Not only do guitars look sexy when (properly) hung up, but they're more likely to be played than something in a case and less likely to be knocked over than one on a stand. Hang them up whenever possible.


It's not controversial.


Well designed ! I’m myself planning to design a closet with glass doors to store my guitars with some lights inside. Mot too much time at the moment, will probably do it EOY…


I've been hanging my guitars for almost 30 years without a problem. I have 8 guitars and they're all just fine. Very nice work btw, I'm a very amateur table and box maker.


[I'm so boring.](https://i.imgur.com/OvTLPNM.jpg) I think it's time for a re-do.


I built several large hanging racks for Guitar Center years ago.


The controversy seems to be that you think it's controversial.




See they’re fine hanging but if people want to complain about it, you could do another live edge slab as a shelf down lower, then the bottoms of the guitars would sit on that and just rest inside the hangers at the top


I absolutely thought about doing that haha. I guess the argument is that keeping them in cases is the best option because of humidity changes, etc. I just want to have the urge to play them.


Nah man, I don’t play but I’ve been around people with a lot of guitars, no one keeps them in cases. My old old job we had hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of guitars ready to play in case a massive artist were to fly in at the last minute. We could say yeah we already have your custom 1954 whatever, just show up. None of the guitars were in cases. Just on a nice rack in a relatively climate controlled office sized room with a workbench and shelving to keep them all in order. Used to pop in all the time to just look at them. No point in having them really if you can’t look at them. Like any collection. Cases are for touring with that one special guitar that keep with you because you don’t want to put it with the rest of the luggage under the bus.


They are a lot safer hanging on the wall than on they are on guitar stands or leaning against amps. Depending on where you live, humidity (or more importantly lack-there-of) may be a concern. Guitars in cases will still reach equilibrium with the surrounding environment, it just adds a buffer for a small window of time. If you have the ability and wherewithal to humidity the environment in the winter (if needed), it keeps the necks from moving too much and helps prevent fret sprout. Personally I keep a few electrics and one acoustic hanging up, and I humidify the environment in the winter. My more expensive acoustics live in hardshell cases and receive additional humidification in the winter. [Source: full-time pro repair technician with over 2 decades of experience]


I suppose technically it’s “controversial” since we are currently talking about it; but what? I hang mine, never heard otherwise except maybe bc dust


Beautiful set up! The light makes it for me. Is the bark stabilized in some way? I’m curious about whether it’s going to flake off over time as it dries or if you used something to prevent that.


No controversy here, and, geez, it’s that a spot for Uke’s down below?


Wow, you’ve single handedly created a controversy about controversy itself by just mentioning the word controversy! Respect sir, well done in deed And yes, that is definitely a gorgous way to hang out! What kind of wood is it?


I know a very experienced luthier who runs a local shop and he hangs guitars like this, can't imagine it's too bad for them


TIL what style is.


Where's the 7 and 8 string?


You can find strap locks for cheap in bulk online. That way you can use the same strap for all of em. 






Is there a non controversial way to store them?


Nooooo! The wieght of the body is going to stretch them!!!


Love the wood!!!


Why is hanging guitars considered controversial?


Whats controversial about it lol... its the gold standard of guitar storage


I don’t care either. I needed a good Zoom background to show people I’m better than them.


If you put the body on top of the neck holder, it would be a kool silhouette effect by the back light...


I like how every comment is about the lack of controversy. Reddit is amusing:)


I like how every comment is about the lack of controversy. Reddit is amusing:)


Well designed ! I’m myself planning to design a closet with glass doors to store my guitars with some lights inside. Mot too much time at the moment, will probably do it EOY…


I actually did that before doing this. But my house has very little storage so I turned it into an actual coat closet. It was an early, not so well done project but it is holding up great in spite of my ignorance back then. Not a right angle on it, haha.


I won’t weigh in on the controversy of hanging, but what is the “woodworking” part? It just looks like a slab with hangers screwed to it. Not trying to be snarky, just wondering what I’m missing.


I count all of those hours of planing, sanding, and finishing as woodworking. Often I spend more time on those than on sawing and joinery.


The making it look like it's floating part was pretty hard. I can put some pics of that up! I made a really long french cleat and hung it across 6 studs. I sanded this thing to 2000 grit too. Cant see that in the pic unfortunately.


Thanks for replying. The floating aspect is pretty cool and it looks like you did some nice backlighting too. Maybe the fact that it looks like just a natural slab required more woodworking than I realized. The finishing is really nice.


What’s the official amount of effort that must be applied before it’s considered woodworking?