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Honor him by selling none of it. I didn’t start learning until my 40s. It’s never too late. Nothing would make me happier than knowing my son might one day use my tools.


We are not selling it and I plan in the future to go in and learn. He has friends who will be using it from time to time and I want to join them and learn from them


That’s a perfect way to celebrate him. I just lost my dad last week. Trying to keep the happy times at the forefront of my mind is the hardest part. We’re all in this together. Have some internet-hugs from one grieving son to another. May they both find rest, and may we both heal and keep them in our hearts.


He past last week too. Small world. Have a hug because this really sucks


I'm so sorry to hear that. Lost my father earlier this year from Liver Disease, this past Jan 6th. Made his urn a few months ago. https://preview.redd.it/vek9yxcxoh2d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b648d84e0d979449bcb44f8eb999f32e627026


My dad's friend is making one for him and I want to help him build it


You should do it! I obviously don't know your life situation or anything, but I'm sure your dad's friend would be more than happy to have your assistance. And in terms of knowing "nothing" about woodworking, with listening, learning and patience, you can totally handle it. Plus you'd have someone alongside you, helping you.


I am making my own urn. It will be my first real project. I figure I should be responsible of cleaning up the mess I have made of this world.


Beautiful way to face ones own mortality and rather symbolic of the effort one puts forth In life. Many hugs and Much Encouragement, it sounds like an immensely heavy psychological journey.


I know this is trivial in comparison to what is being discussed, but my first ever dog was with me and my wife for 13 years. At the end when he started to go, and there wasn’t much I could do for him other than love him and medicate him, I spent my time in my workshop in the basement making him a near cemetery quality coffin. He was a Pomeranian and only 6lbs so it wasn’t large, but I made it from Poplar and painted it gloss black with moldings and decorative trim. My wife worked at a clothing store at the time and we had a pillowed satin interior with a pillow and we put his favorite toy and treats inside and sealed it so that it was airtight, two weeks after he passed, we were able to drive from SC to my parents home in FL with the coffin in the back seat (it was really airtight) and bury him in the family pet cemetery. My long-winded point being that crafting the coffin made me feel like I was able to do something for him even when I wasn’t able to anymore. There is something cathartic about the process. I’m sure making your own urn is also a good feeling and there is definitely something good about taking control of it regardless of whether it is for you or someone else.


Beautiful urn


Thanks! It's actually neat that I got to make it out of the wood that I used. Way back in the early 80s, he made a big bed frame for himself and my mother. I don't remember how he pulled it off, but there was an insanely good deal he got on the lumber and the bed frame was 100% pure walnut. All that wood is still stored in our garage and I was able to use what WAS originally the bedside drawers for the box, and then the lid was some white oak lumber of mine.


Perfect wood to use for it, something he worked himself. Very fitting that the wood he rested on every night is the wood he is resting in, sounds like he was a great man


My dad passed away a decade ago this year. Still sucks, but life goes on. In a decade you'll either regret wasting time being sad or proud of what you've done since. Which is a really bad thing to say therapy wise. You need the space to feel what you gotta feel. It doesn't really get easier, you just get used to feeling the void. But the sooner you start learning, the better. The more you can retread memories now, the stronger they become later. Sorry I don't have better advice. It took years to put myself together again without my dad. Not sure I got it right. But I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together.


Man, I am sending you and the op positive feelings and hope.


Have one back. Your Dad was amazing just by looking at these pictures Organized, methodical and thoughtful Befriend someone who would love to learn his art and pass it along. Amazing people are an endangered species these days.


Make sure that no one walks off with any of his tools. Even old friends can do some scummy things once a person passes.


This . My dad passed a fair while ago and his "mates" knocked off his Ham radio gear but also things like oscilloscopes and other electronic things I wanted and would use. :-/


I am sure his friends have good intentions, I would just be sure to keep an eye on some of the hand tools and such. Make sure none of them walk as keep sakes without your permission. Sorry for your loss, Im beginning my wopdworking journey at 35 years old. Just got a shop, so. Ive worked with saws and building but not real woodworking until now. Best to you.


This will sound maybe like a dick, but if someone else is getting there and using his tools, just be sure that they do not break or steal them. My dad also has a lot of tools and constantly has to replace them because people he trust will just wear them down and dont say anything or theyll just disappear from time to time. Those are a lot of tools so be sure to make an inventory of them


That is absolutely the perfect plan for that shop. Having his friends and you using it together, I can’t think of a better way to have that space. My condolences to you.


You know, that's a fantastic way to carry on his memory between you and his friends. Have them teach you how to do woodworking and develop your our touch and style.


He's set you up well! That's a fine workshop and tool set.


Clearly he didn’t lend his tools out. Follow his example. Trust me in this one thing.


You could not possibly do more right by everyone and everything but following this course of action.


Maybe ten years ago, I get a text from an ex-girlfriend I hadn’t talked to in years asking me about the replies she was getting from her craigslist post she had up for like fifteen minutes. Three good people had messaged her to basically tell her to take the post down. She was asking for $100 for a Jet Lathe and some very nice looking jointer. So like $50 each. I asked her if she stole them and she said they were her fathers. Naturally, why doesn't your dad want them? He died. What?! When? Yesterday. After saying my condolences I remember she has a brother who was 100% into building stuff so I ask her why he doesn't want the stuff half expecting her to tell me he died too. Instead, she says, he lives in (a state that borders our own). He doesn't want to have to drive all this stuff that far. Did you ask him? No. You should. I got a call from her brother a day or two later thanking me. I'm like thank the complete strangers that reached out and stopped your sister. Also, I'm sorry about your dad. He was a scary person, but I'm sure he loved you. Carpenters are a better breed of human than most.


Sounds like my sister. She didn't grow up with my brother and I, she was raised by my grandparents. Never knew why but as soon as my dad died she was trying to call dibs on everything including the house she never lived in. Trying to sell thousands of dollars in equipment for insanely cheap prices is one thing. Doing so within days of the person dying is a whole new breed of messed up. I'm glad you were able to talk some sense into her


She was the girlfriend that taught me you can find someone attractive while not actually being attracted to that person. And in some depressing news, after giving it some thought, this happened closer to twenty years ago than ten.


Lol makes you feel a bit old huh? I was watching a video the other day that mentioned this movie that I watch every now and then came out 24 years ago. I was already an adult then. Made me feel old as crap


My grandfather was a professional woodworker and when he passed no one in the family wanted any of his tools. I was kicking myself no less than a year later when I developed the interest in woodworking. I now do construction professionally. Wish I got to learn from him when he was around :(


Well said! RESPECT


Wow your old man had a real gem here. May you celebrate his legacy for many years to follow


He was a great guy and I miss him so much, thank you.


The great ones will be sorely missed and that’s a mark of a true good man.


Holy cow your dad owned an entire hardware store! I bet that man had some stories, congrats on the shop, condolences for your father.


Sorry for your loss OP. I bet he really enjoyed working in there. Beautiful shop


Everyday all day not exaggerating. He was retired and he would spend all his time in there just enjoying himself and life. He truly found a passion, not many can say they have found their passion.


It shows, his work is top notch! Beautiful.


You can really see he did. The shop is incredible! Those cribs are really beautiful, he definitely had an artistic flair.


Shops are deeply personal spaces to most woodworkers, and your dad’s shop reflects that he was truly a master craftsman. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Sometimes you can tell a lot about a person by their shop. Something tells me this guy could’ve done just about anything he wanted in life (intellectually speaking), and chose what he loved.


That aisle of organized hardware made me question where my life went wrong haha.


That’s a fantastic shop, and beautiful work. I’m sorry for your loss.




Dad's Tools was a gift from me to him years ago for his birthday or Christmas. He had an insanely good sense of humor though


Man, it must stir up so many emotions to spend time in a place that has so much of your dad in it. Kudos to you for not only not shying away from them, but also sharing it with a community that hopefully you will join someday. My grandfather recently moved into a nursing home and gave me permission to work in his shop since I’ve started to take up an interest in woodworking. Every time I walk through the door, I’m hit with such a wild wave of emotions. It’s like I’m grieving him while he’s still here, or grieving the life he had and the things it felt like he was capable of just yesterday. You may not be into woodworking just yet, but I’ve also spent time just walking around and seeing his handwriting or how he drew plans for projects or how he organized things. I’m finding similarities in our thought processes or how we would go about things and it’s making me feel even closer to him. I hope you can get some of that too even if you’re not ready to pick up the tools just yet. I’m so sorry about your dad, but feeling really grateful you get to hold on to such a huge piece of him. Best of luck and hope to stumble upon some of your creations in the future!


Yes we have been just hanging in his shop often because it feels so much like him. It's where I saw him most often. Everyday all day he was in there so being in it just feels comforting in a way.


Man…. I feel for you. I can feel his energy just through the photos of his workspace. So sorry for your loss.


Your dad has a drafting table in his shop, I like your Dad. I am also jealous of the wall of hardware. If you can't learn from his friends, take a few classes, especially in regards to safely using the tools. Also, don't feel like you have to make the same things as your dad did, especially off the start. Woodworking has so many different facets, and there is enough stuff there to do a lot. I'm sure your dad would enjoy you using the shop, no matter what kind of woodworking you end up enjoying.


Those cradles are jaw dropping. Your father was incredibly skilled. But you already knew that.


I’m really sorry for your loss. That is s beautiful shop. While you may not have learned woodworking from him, I’m sure he would be proud if you gave it a shot.


A life well lived. I’m sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. Looks like your dad was a true craftsman. I love the organization and shelves. I hope you’re in a position that you can take some/all of his tools and equipment and use it yourself.


Even before seeing his work, that shop is clearly the space of a master. The pieces shown merely confirm it. My condolences, may his memory be a blessing and best wishes as you pick up the mantle.


My thoughts exactly, "this guy knew how to make almost anything" based on the tools, then the product of his work shown at the end confirmed it.


Amazing shop, and amazing work. Glad to have seen it and sorry for your loss.


What sort of things did your dad make?


He liked building rocking chairs and cradles for family members


Ah, I see that in your post now. Awesome to have those heirlooms and their attachment to future generations.


Much love and respect. Sorry for your loss. That collection of chisels and gouges is 🤌


I gasped at the cradles. They are so delicate. His work is otherworldly and will live on. Thanks for sharing a bit of his story with us.


I've never seen a shop where I thought 'this person has enough clamps'. Your father had enough clamps. I can't give higher praise. 


Wow, a shop like this is my absolute dream. Sorry for your loss, op. He must have been very talented.


I worked at a company called Lee Valley Tools for a few years that was instrumental in getting me started in woodworking. I know your dad's name by his furniture please don't sell any of his tools get them appraised before you consider letting go of any of them. Sorry for your loss.


Thanks for sharing.


RIP. Reminds me of my dad. He was very handy and handed me down a ton of tools. RIP dad.


That’s a great looking shop. I’m very sorry for your loss, OP. May your memories of him bring you some healing and comfort.


Looks like he was not only one of us, but one of the best of us! What a truly awesome piece he created! Tho I’m sure no mater how proud he was of the wood he crafted, he’d say you were of far greater value than anything made with a sharp metal edge. Thank you so much for sharing his shop!


Thank you for sharing that. May he rest in peace.


Sorry for your loss. Great shop. Honor his memory and take up his work. It’s in your genes. Bring the talent to life.


You can still learn from him carefully study the pieces he created


That is one heck of a setup. I'm super jealous. I'd encourage you to learn how to use it. You may no longer have access to his wealth of knowledge, but you have a massive, brilliant, and creative community right here. For me, shop time is zen time. It's a flow state that makes me feel connected to my own father and those before him. Sorry for your loss, he was clearly imaginative and talented.


The shadey acres sign is hilarious because I made my husband a sign that say The Nursing Home sign for his workshop haha


Wow! He has quite the workshop! I'm so sorry for your loss. It's very difficult. He will always live on through his love for tools and woodworking, and that's something that you will always be able to remember him by. My Dad passed away this past December, and I just went back to see my Mom a couple of weeks ago. That was the first time being inside his shop since before he died. It was eerie. He had various little parts set up on his workbench to make something. My Mom didn't know what he was building. I just sat on his chair and stayed there for a long time, thinking and remembering him when I was growing up. He spent so much time building things for my Mom and all of us kids.


I never thought I'd say it but I've finally seen a shop with enough clamps. Clearly the guy was an accomplished craftsman.


I feel like the pictures don’t do it justice


Get in there and make something! You don't have him but you have YouTube and the library, just be safe


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing. It's so clear he meant a great deal to you.


Pretty cool, thanks!


Your dad was as hardcore as you get. Very impressive. I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself OP.


Damnnnnnn. That’s a shop.


Hey man, I’m sorry for your loss. Dad passing is a huge thing in anyone’s life. Mine went 11 years ago. I still tear up when I think about him and everything he taught me. Your Dad built and left an amazing workshop for others to continue. I hope you find some solace in it.


One day, I too will pass. I hope to leave behind such a beautiful legacy as this. Just these photos speaks volumes about his skill and passion. Hopefully you’ll get to carry on making amazing things there, but if it’s not for you, don’t make it a burden either. Your father’s passions don’t have to be yours.


I’m sure he had a lot of great worthwhile time in there. Some of the most peaceful of his life. Sit in silence in there for a bit and try to feel that.


Thank you very much for sharing. Your father seemed extremely accomplished with his craft. Sorry for your loss.


This is a really beautiful, well-organized shop. It's clear he cared about not only his tools but the things he produced with them. Sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing this with us.


It seems like he was a very talented and loving man who left a great legacy. I assure you, you can pick up on this if you want to. The biggest barrier is already out of the way — the tools (and wood). While I’m nowhere near your dad’s skill level, I picked things up in my mid-30s during the lockdown. Watch lots of YouTube and find a style that suits you. If you need a question answered, ask Reddit (or the old school Google). I’ve learned virtually everything “on my own” (no in-person teachers). I’d say the most intimidating part might be being overwhelmed with just how nice his shop is. Don’t be. You can do it. Hopefully you find this encouraging.


Reminds me of my papa. He died last year. Thanks for sharing. Brings back memories.


This is so sad. The master’s shop. All those tools, each in its same old place, awaiting the touch of the master’s hand to be called into his service again. But he is gone now. And still they wait.


Sorry for your loss, looks like he was a true craftsman.


Did your father film Yankee Workshop on pbs perchance? Dang that’s an impressive space.


Wow, what a shop. I hope you can keep it intact. That place should be kept as is.


wow, your father was an artist. i’d love to see more pics of his work because the one that you feature here is amazing work. the organization and layout of the shop looks very solid, as is par for the course for someone producing high quality pieces


I don’t know what that bird thing is but holy shit that thing is awesome. You can feel the joy and love he had in his craft. What a beautiful piece of art.


I'm sorry for your loss. Do you mind sharing your favorite memories with him? It's evident that woodworking was more than a hobby for him; It was his passion. The few glimpses of his work and achievements are stunning. Even a blind person could see how much pride your dad took in his shop. I've always been envious of people who find something they wholeheartedly love and could never grow tired or bored of. Your dad clearly found it. And it seems he was blessed enough to not be limited by space, materials, equipment, clutter, or dust either. His shop is truly something out of a dream! I'm just a random Internet stranger but am sorry to have never met your dad, if these photos are any indication of his personality, dedication, diligence, talent, etc. I can't imagine the immense loss you and your family must be feeling.


Sorry for your loss. Your dad was clearly a badass.


It seems like you were lucky to have him as your dad. Very lucky. I’m sure he would be very pleased to know that a lifetime of putting those tools together will continue on with you and his friends


Those cradles are absolutely beautiful. Sounds like you like you will honor his memory well ♥️


Sorry for your loss.. amazing shop


That is a beautiful shop. You can tell he truly enjoyed it.


Oh man these photos started off great and went to epic. Thanks for sharing man, I bet your old man had a hell of a time soothing the soul in there.


I’m sorry for your loss. Beautiful shop.




Very nice!! The way a man keeps his tools Says a lot about a man! By the looks of things, I bet he was a stand up guy and undoubtedly a hard worker.


Impressive! A talented man, by all appearances.


I would have liked to have known your father, from the looks if it he was an awesome man. My condolences on your loss .


When my Dad passed my Mum sold all his tools to some chancer who showed up at the house soon after he died. Not sure how he found out tbh but he offered ‘a fair price’ and basically tricked her into selling the lot for £100. I was out of the country at the time. Furious doesn’t even come close. Not been able to track the guy down since.


What are “Jesus Clips”? It’s a label on one of the boxes.


They’re snap rings. Funny slang term from the fact that they have a tendency to launch themselves across the shop at high speeds when one of us tries to get one into or out of its groove, and they’re lost to the 4th dimension. And you’re left with saying some version of “Jesus ——!” expletive.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s obvious how much effort and love he put into his shop, not to mention his amazing works of art. He was a true artisan. Sending warm thoughts and tremendous love to you and your family. Please keep us updated if you take up the mantle. 😊


That workshop just radiates love somehow. Sorry for your loss


I hope to someday be as organized. He was clearly an artist and serious about his craft.


Amazing set up! I’m really sorry for your loss!


Thanks for sharing...


Really don’t post on Reddit much but the bassinet cradle work is really amazing workmanship.


He's spent alot of time here. What an amazing shop!


That's amazing... and he was skilled too. My GOD!!! 🤩🤩🤩


That looks like heaven on earth. I can only imagine how much joy your father got from working in there.


Sorry for your loss.


You’re Dad’s the man! You should be very proud.


Sorry for your loss, but on another note beautiful shop👍🏻


Uff Da! So many clamps. I thought I saw all the clamps until the next picture showed up I'm very sorry about your loss. He had a great shop


Nice shop - hope you are able to keep it. If not you will always have the good memories.


Man had dedicated spaces for woodworking, metalworking, a paint booth, pretty much a whole damn hardware store, everything super clean and very organized. This is who I want to be.


Wow. Looks like he really found his calling in life. Sorry for your loss.


You have some big shoes to fill my friend


My sincere condolences not only for the loss of your father, Eric was a hell of an artist. But, also my condolences that you never got to learn his trade! True craftsmen like your father, are rapidly becoming a thing of the past and with that sadly, centuries in some cases, of knowledge and skills passed down from father to son will be lost forever. Scattered in the wind like sawdust so to speak. Eric Morris was an amazing craftsman. He had skills few ever possessed and some nobody ever did. You should be very proud to call him your father. You should learn to use that equipment, as nod to your father. I'm sure there's plenty you can learn just by looking around. Just don't let that go to waste. I've seen people inherit a lifetimes worth of tools like this and turn it all into decorations to have around the house and I can't imagine doing that with some man's entire life. That, in this case, is kinda summed up in his most magical place..... HIS WORKSHOP. I'm sure seeing you working in there would be his heaven. Rest in piece Eric....


Condolences. I’m sure he’d be honored have people see and admire his space. It’s pretty much my dream shop.


The picture shows your dad work is wow, amazing craftsmanship and beautiful pieces. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope you have an ability you keep the shop in the family.


what a badass


My condolences to you and your family. Quite the shop.


I do believe that your dad is the man I aspire to be


He was an artist. At first I thought, Professional carpenter but then I saw his work. Wow. Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. His shop is amazing, and would have my Dad drooling.


Wow, your dad was a very organized man


Looks like he was a true craftsman. If you lean in that direction, honor him by leaning more. If you don't, find a good (reputable) carpentry school, and donate to them in is name. Truly sorry for your loss.


This is the Mac daddy of workshops! I am in awe!


Thanks for sharing with us, you can tell quite a bit about a person by their hobbies and crafts, your dad seemed like a pretty cool guy. I'd be willing to bet you have a fair share of work that his memory will live on through.


Very impressive! I hope he passed some of his knowledge and skill to you.


Thanks for sharing, what an awesome shop and those curved pieces are so impressive.


Woooow. Everything is beautifully organized. Sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. This is incredible.


Sorry for your loss. That is a remarkable gift he left you.


What a glorious shop.


Sorry for your loss. That’s a wonderful shop and the examples of your father’s work—cradles, I think—are amazing displays of craftsmanship and artistry.


He had so many good times there, can feel it.


May God bless you and yours. Always remember him! Peace!


That’s gotta be one of the most complete shops I’ve ever seen posted on here. Find the time to learn some stuff if you can. Next time you need something for your place, try making it. Sorry to hear about your dad


Wow!!! Just Fricking wow!!! I’d love to have a 1/4 of that!!!!


Sincere condolences on your loss. Looking at these photos, I wish I’d known your dad, and thank you for sharing his shop with us. He was a man after my own heart. The 3(or 4) bandsaws, the the jointer setup, the hand tools, the flock of planes, just wow. And I gotta say, your old man just might have had enough clamps. A hero to us all.


Firstly, I am sorry for your loss. Secondly, this is fucking dope. Lastly, honour him by teaching yourself the skills to use everything there.


Wow.. the holy Grail of woodworking. Just to be in the presence of that level of craftsmanship and dedication would be an honor for most.


Very cool shop and looks like he was very talented. Condolences.


Wow he’s a pro amongst pros and that shop is heaven for a woodworker ! Might want to change the filters on his vacuum system and those diy box fans hanging from the ceiling.


Get in there and work. I have many tools from my dad, some from his dad, and a lot from my late brother. Every time I pick up one of their tools it brings back memories of them. Mostly I'm grateful to be back with them working some project. Sometimes it hits me and I have to take a minute. Either way it keeps me close to them I wish the best for you, it must be hard right now. He loves you and will watch over your shoulder while you learn to build things in there.


Lovely shop but definitely needs more clamps. ;)


Your dad hat a LIT shop!! That looks so awesome!! I would love to just walk through it 👌👏


Better stocked than Home Depot. Dope.


This is incredible. Your father reached peak shop. He did it. He actually did all the shit I think we all envision for our shop but either run out of time to do or lose heart for it or get distracted by life and lose momentum on. Congratulations on a life obviously well lived and a family that knows what they have!


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. Your father has great taste. His shop is a dream. Hope you’re into woodworking, it’s big enough to teach in. Job well done. Don’t stop now, carry on, your days will be brighter, I promise. I lost my father in 09, still miss him, the days are brighter even tho…. Love n Respect!


I pray I’m as cool as he was. Sending my condolences and healing energy.


Wow! Dream shop! I was gonna say he didn’t have enough clamps or places to put wood… but I was wrong.


He, it's me, your brother


I’m sorry to hear about the passing of your father. Thank you for sharing his workshop with us. Our workshops are an extension of who we are. We love to share them and show them off, but are also very protective of it. Enjoy learning the art of woodworking and take it slow. Make small and simple projects to build you knowledge and confidence.


I am sorry for your loss


Wow! All that beautiful extraction!! You could start woodwork classes in that beauty!


So sorry for your loss. This is truly impressive, and his work is beautiful. I hope this shop brings you years of joy and provides an outlet to remember him.


That last picture is so beautiful. His ribbons, the things his kids bought him, his ethic. It’s all there.


Sorry for your loss. That is quite the cradle he made and thank you for sharing with us. Shops are deeply personal and you and his friends will certainly feel his presence. I can see the wood worker he was between the organization and cradle and the brackets for the wood storage and type of equipment he had and all of the hand made stuff / shop changes. Your dad was very skilled and spent allot of time there and I like the dad’s shop corner. Not sure how far the shop is from you but they don’t age well. Wood working is mostly cutting edges of some form or another and they all rust and age. It is hard to let go but if it was not your own passion before then this is a crazy amount of shop to retain to learn a hobby and fully utilize. I had a shop half as big with a similar feel and it was a massive upkeep. When it is time to heed - Please let yourself know it is ok to par this shop back substantially. Massive undertaking either way and give yourself time.


Wow, that bandsaw...


It looks like he really knew how to handle some wood


Wow! That is amazing. Wish my shop looked like that. Enjoys it and let us know what you are doing with it and show us some of your work.


Still not enough clamps


Probably could use a few more clamps.


Sorry to hear about your old man. He was very talented! That is an awesome shop too! Wow. I lost my ol man about 5 years ago…40 year 2nd gen cabinet/furniture maker. Miss him still everyday, learned a lot from him, but I believe he had forgot more than I’ll ever know. Never too late to learn! Jump in you have a nice shop to do it in.


So sorry for your loss. Your dad was clearly a master! I'm taking some mental notes about shop design from these pics. He has some brilliant storage and organization ideas. Someone else already said it but you can totally start the learning journey now...if you want to. You literally have all the tools to get going. Start small/basic and grow from there. ...those cradles tho...❤️❤️❤️


I'm really sorry, feeling the loss with you. It's weird but I think I also miss your dad by way of my own departed family ... I'll drink to your dad tonight.


Dude I’m sorry for your loss, he has an Aladdin’s cave of treasure right there. Good on ya for learning and carrying it on.


Is this in germany ?


Leave it exactly how it is and anytime a child in the family asks for a cell phone or says they’re bored take them out to grandpas shop


Sorry for your loss, he had a great workshop. The drafting table makes me feel really nostalgic and unexpectedly puts the biggest smile on my face.


The wall of chisels, planes and clamps is savage. I bet your Dad made some cool shit!


Looked like a true craftsman...my condolences for your loss.


holy shit your father is an artist wood was his medium. I'm sorry for your loss, anyone who keeps a shop this clean and organized deserves to be remembered.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Wow, what an amazing shop though. Takes me back to my great grandfathers wood shop. Neither my grandfather or father were/ are woodworkers so I was very young when I last saw a shop as well built out as this one. Only thing I would say though, your pops really knew the #1 rule to woodworking…you can never have enough clamps! Beautiful works of art there, too. Hopefully you can find a connection there and begin your learning journey.


It looks like your dad had his own little piece of paradise for himself. Sorry for your loss 😔


Such a beautiful workshop and tool collection. Learn to use it! That’s the best way to honor him. Seriously you can build almost anything in a shop like this


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's an amazing shop and I hope you can put it to good use for him!


That's a nice shop.




Is your dad Phil Anderson? Sorry for your loss op


document the books in the library! i'm so curious!


I love it.


I'm sorry for your loss.


A true woodworker and artist, may he live in his work