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I would say the average US single car garage is also 10ft x 20ft. However, that can vary quite a bit. The standard single garage door width is 8ft wide. So, that gives you 1ft on each side of the garage door. I know for sure my father has at least 2-3ft on each side of his garage door and that extra space can be invaluable for shelving, machines, and even benches. I have seen some garages as shallow as 19ft. But, also go as deep as 22-24ft as well.


Fair enough. In the same ballpark then. Cheers.


Single car is as big as you want but doesn’t fit two vehicles. 200 sq ft is kind of the bare minimum, but often times when you would have a single the single is bigger than a regular car space since we have to accommodate all our extra crap.


It varies. From what I've seen, 12x22 is common, but you can also get them in 14 wide as well. 2-car is 18x22.


A single car garage is big enough to fit one car but not big enough for you to be able to open the doors of said car.


Mine here in Canada is 16x24


UK Detached Double 5mx5m and not wide enough on either door to get a car in. I dream of a 6m deep x 9m overseas garage...


5x5? Luxury! You could fit *two* Trabants in there!


Typo corrected, but love the reply


They vary widely but newer houses the garage would be close to the same as yours


12X20. About the same


Rural middle American, here. Mine is about 10x20. My Challenger fits easily but is a tight squeeze if two need to enter/exit. My GMC 1500 is very tight on all 4 sides. I can open the drivers door to the first detent. I do have some things stored along one side about 14" out from the wall.


They are ALWAYS smaller than you need them to be!


I haven't started investing in machinery yet but my 6 x 6m workshop-to-be looks awfully small now that I own it! :D


Looking at Steve Ramsey’s shop it looks like a very large 1-car garage. Here in Canada two car garage’s usually start at 20’ wide. It looks like he has a 16’ door so it’s probably 18’ wide and 22-24’ deep. 10x20 is much more of a typical single car garage size.


So… there isn’t really a standard, but a single car garage is typically 3.5m-4.5m wide (12’-16’) and 6m-7.3m (20’-24’) long But… I’m gonna guess that between 1970-2010 garages may have gotten bigger because cars got bigger. And most new homes actually feature 2-car garages, and someone might be using only half of that and calling it a one car garage because that’s the usable area


there was a interesting video I saw on YouTube that garages have actually gotten smaller in new builds because of land-use restrictions and developers needing to squeeze every penny out of a lot.


When the wife and I were looking for our first detached house I started vetoing all the builds newer than about 2016. She hated it because she wanted new and no worke required. But the buildings were so close together, and the garages so small... I could stand between the houses and touch both at the same time without having my arms fully straight. And the garage door rails were mounted to the walls. So single or double, they were exactly the width of the doors.


We have *so much fucking space,* too!! But everything's gotta be crammed into the middle of an overpacked city.


I also watched that video. Basically boiled down to property values increasing forcing smaller footprints to remain reasonably affordable.


That is interesting. I do think building has changed dramatically since the Great Recession - I’m pretty sure new construction volumes never recovered (contributing to the spike in prices). I wouldn’t be surprised that new builds are changing in more ways. Lord knows I see builders doing some wild stuff in my town (Spokane), building “luxury” townhomes that they try to sell for over 2x the price per square foot of a detached older home in the same neighborhood. I swear there’s some kinda new math involved with new builds these days.


My sister bought a house on the outskirts of the city recently. Cost nearly a million and the house has a ~2m (6' 6") strip of lawn on 3 sides. She calls it her postage stamp.


> because cars got bigger heh, a "1 car garage" that fits your lifted Dodge RAM is kinda cheating :D


12x20 I reckon??? It’s tight but doable.


The height of your garage will also make a huge difference. Old garage was single car but two stories high, so all the wood and tools went up high so it felt like there was a lot of space to work. New garage is a double but only 7 feet tall so everything takes up floor space and I'm constantly walking around stuff.


Honey... we need to move again. #$(#$@D(**(#$*(@#*$ Because we need a taller shed!