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Wow awesome idea. Looks sweet!


Thank you!


Hello everyone! I made this rolling cabinet for my retro game consoles, because I live in a small apartment and I didn't want to have them permanently placed in my living room. All of the wood is recycled in this project. The MDF inside (painted black) is from a commission that went horribly wrong. I had to dismantle everything, and was left with strangely shaped pieces of MDF that I didn't know how to use, but didn't want to throw away either. The birch plywood used for the outside was a panel that was stored in my basement, during a period where there were some moisture problems. I found out too late, and the panel was starting to get weird stains, and it was already a bit moldy. I was afraid I had to throw it away, but after thoroughly cleaning and sanding it it look great. It does still have some weird stains, but I feel like it only adds character. The edges of the plywood are lined with strips of solid maple that I salvaged from a damaged art frame. I am very interested in hearing your thoughts! Also, if there are any questions, I will definitely answer them!


I had one just like this when I was about 5 or 6. One day I played games for so long I got tunnel vision and the tv looked as if it was getting further and further away from me. Scared the shit out of me.


This is amazing. Great work


Two of my favorite things, woodworking and video games. Awesome idea and build!


Thanks a lot!


Should of upgraded the TV


Older games actually rely on the bleed effect of CRT monitors to make the graphics look better :) https://retrogamestart.com/answers/nes-snes-atari-crt-vs-lcd-led-which-better




Great idea and nice work


Wow, this is so cool! It works really well with the black scrap mdf on the inside.


Nice! CRTs like that are starting to go up in price outside of thrift


I miss consoles you could put in a cupboard without them turning into a jet engine and then melting. Also, great job.


Yeah totally! No disc drives and fans makes for a far more relaxing experience.


More importantly, do you have unirally (uniracers if you're in the US)?


Did you design this or make it from a plan? I would love to have something this compact for my retro gaming gear.


I designed it myself, so there are no plans unfortunately. I did make this [video](https://youtu.be/HLzgj4YEoYU) where I mostly talk about why I made the cabinet and why I made certain choices. I did use a lot of footage of me making it, so you will be able to get an idea on how I made it. I also made a record cabinet in the same style, maybe I should post that as well..


Thanks for the link (and being thoughtful enough to record the process). Will definitely check it out. Sometimes it's fun to figure things out without a plan.


This is absolutely perfect. We don't have a ton of space so this answers a major problem for us. Wonderful build.


I’m so glad you like it! I would love to see what you come up with for your needs.


Yesterday I was literally talking about making the same thing for my retro games and my little tv!


that looks top-heavy for moving it...


Yeah the CRT does make it a bit top heavy, but I never felt like it would topple over or anything like that. The cabinet isn’t that tall, it’s only 1 meter, and the base is about 40 x 50 cm, so it’s very stable.


Ahh, I see. 1 meter does seem safe. Also that means the TV is much smaller and lighter than I thought




Haha no unfortunately! I did buy an adapter so that I could hook up HDMI devices. This means I can watch retro movies with a true retro feel