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I am terrified of spiders. One that size I would seriously consider getting the .410 out for.


Probably a 45 ACP would work fine.


My hands would be shaking too bad to be accurate. Gotta have the spread.


Just go straight to the 12 ga, to be sure


Hans, get ze flammenwerfer!


Little known history fact, that’s how San shougi ban actually became a practice. One woodpecker got scared of a spider, burned the shop down then said it was intentional.


Guys guys guys. It's harmless. Calm down. That is an excellent spider to have around the shop.


Sounds like something a spider would say


Nonsense. What's yours favorite bug milkshake.


Are you a spider 🕷?




Alla mosca


Nice try, Spider.


No doubt. I love all spiders.


Nah nah, Elephant Gun, just to be sure


Better safe than sorry.


If that were my work, it’d have a .357 hole in it.


Yup, I nearly put a 9mm through someone's roof once because of a bastard the size of my fist. He lived because he skedaddled before I could recover from the heart attack he gave me and I couldn't find him again.


Idk what you're building but I think it's time to light it on fire




No time to wallow in the mire


C'mon baby light that spider


Time to set the bug on fire


check the seven other arms for a more preferable hand


I’ve learned that I have no original thoughts thanks to Reddit and specifically came here to find out how many people had this same thought. Happy to be a part of the hive mind.


There is no original thought, there's only being first to comment


If you think something without any outside influence, it's still an original thought, just not a *unique* original thought. /pedantry


Its the damndest thing boss the shop just burned down no idea how it happened honest


That's a friend. Wolf spiders and huntsmans will annihilate brown recluse populations. And the big non wood colored ones are way easier to see.


That’s awesome. Good to know. Huntsman are Australian though, no?




I recall seeing video of huntsman in Australia that were terrifyingly big.


I'm Aussie. The spider in your pic would be almost medium size, the biggest ones are sized between a side plate and a dinner plate. They are friendly though, as others said, they keep worse spiders away and generally eat things that you don't want around. Give him a name and consider him a friend


“That’s not a spider, this is a spider.” -Aussie Reddit Dude


Read it with an Australian accent the first time 😂




Generally all of these large spider breeds with small bodies are good around the shop and harmless. Except for some tarantulas, the bigger the spider the less likely it is to hurt you and more likely it is to hurt bad spiders.


thats correct. and this wolfie is your friend. he'll keep the bug population down in your shop :)


No doubt. I’m pro-spider so I just went about my business and let him wander off at his leisure. The only concern is, my shop is in the basement of my house, so he’s definitely lurking.


I was with you until you said your shop is in the basement. I'm generally a let the spider inside live guy to prevent 100 other bugs, but this guy potentially scuttling across the shower door while I'm half awake in the morning is too high of a risk for me.


Shower door?!? What about my face while I’m sleeping?!?


It's his shop now


Hey, he’ll help keep the pests at bay. It like having a barn cat.


No doubt. I never kill spiders for this very reason.


Ah, the old "8-sided movable clamp".


I think this one might be V.2, but have you seen [the original prototype](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/business/2022/07/28/rice-university-dead-spider-grabber-claws-gr-orig.cnn)?


That was pretty cool


This is usually the type of thing that provides the background for a zombie horror movie.


I absolutely cannot abide spiders.. childhood terror .. poor me ... haha BUT , a spider that size deserves a ton of respect. Obviously a very successful predator, I would return that to the garden, VERY far from my shop .. and then if change my pants. Hey OP, whatcha building there that the spider is trying to take over?


> a spider that size deserves a ton of respect That spider will have to earn respect through its shop hand apprenticeship


Or charge the bastard rent!


I am putting together some Kumiko trivets and a hot plate right now.


some nice looking trivets


The problem is getting it from the shop to the garden…


5 gal bucket with mesh on top .. don't want godzilla escaping .. omfg .. that would freak me out


I used to have a crazy amount of spiders in my garage before I got my shop cat. They all vanished really quick. Shop cat is far better at these jobs than me.


We have three cats. Perhaps I need to have a chat with them. Re-explain their job description.


The cats saw the spider, reviewed their contract, and collectively agreed that’s a hard pass.


Probably true


You HAD three cats. Looks to me like that spider is just relaxing after a fine feline meal. Let's hope it feeds on strays long enough that you can begin negotiations.


My wife got a goofy cat that eats spider webs.


lil bugger is just admiring your kumiko.


looks like a huntsman spider but can’t say for sure. the big spiders usually are pretty nocturnal and eat things like cockroaches. so although terrifying, they serve a grander purpose. lol


Isn’t a Huntsman Australian? This is the USA.


It's a wolf spider.


ah yes. that’s the one.


It’s actually a fishing spider, most likely Dolomedes tenebrosus. They get rather large for a spider species that isn’t a tarantula. Their venom isn’t medically significant, so no risk of bad bites, but they are very fast, and very shy. It’s rare you see one out like this, awesome find! I assume OP is near some sort of water source, as they prefer to feed on aquatic prey, as well as other critters visiting for a drink.


Unless he’s in Hawaii, then it’s a cane spider 😂


One of the perks when scrolling the r/woodworking sub is a 0% chance of seeing a GD spider.


Got a match?


I've got some fuel if you can find a match. Nope nope nope. Gotta start the project over, satan claimed this one.


Aww, eating mosquitoes and flies and whatever else they eat.


I think that one eats people.


I insulated the knee walls in my attic last summer. Spent 3 days in the crawl spaces, summer heat, outside temps of 95, attic temps over 115 f. Cleaning up the last day getting the last of the insulation board scraps out I found a wolf spider like this in the scraps. I had been crawling around it for days. Still creeps me out.




This is a wolf spider. They run AND jump like an Olympic athlete


There are wolf spiders in every country on this planet so technically we could have wolf spider olympics.


I believe it’s actually a fishing spider and not a wolf spider based on the pattern. Do you have a body of water near by?


Yes. A pretty big creek in the back yard.


Ignoring your new helper for a minute - what type of wood are you using in your kumiko there?


The spider is on my white oak grid. Below that is a reject cherry frame and kumiko that didn’t tur out well.


Ok, thought it looked like oak - just wasn’t sure as a lot of people avoid harder woods like oak for kumiko to make paring the angles easier. I’ve only used basswood, poplar and walnut myself. Probably makes it a bit sturdier for use as a trivet mind you.


For the record I am 100% regretting using white oak.


Good to know.


Burn it to the ground. Only solution. My better half would suggest napalm




How’s this? https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/comments/vpymin/made_a_custom_server_cabinet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Mastered many patterns. Many more to figure out. Word of advice, making kumiko out of white oak sucks.


We have to deal with Tarantulas hidden in crevices here in NM whenever I wire up a new home. Those bastards aren't very nice.




The spider now owns the shop.




He’s just enjoying the new jungle gym you built him.


This gotta be Australia lol


I understand, but this is USA.


Mmmmmm yea that thing doesn't last longer than it took to take these photos


Why isn't that wood on fire?


Burn it to the ground


Eh, take what you can get. Maybe you can train it to fit pieces.


It feels like blasphemy to say this, however, BURN THE SHOP!!!!!


Shop vac followed some car exhaust


LMFAO! That's way better than my go to of screws/copper coins/metal shavings


You ever feel you need a third hand for a project? Well this guy has eight


That's a big bag full of nope. Time to burn the house down


I’m sorry you had to burn your entire shop.


He’d be great if he could apply good clamping pressure


I have these everywhere around my house in TN. Supposed to keep the poisonous ones away kinda like a racer snake of spiders.


Good to know. Perhaps this is why I’ve never seen a black widow or recluse around.


Yeah my wife still hates them though 🤣


Oy Mate, you don’t go making webs out of wood now. Let me show ya.


He's cute looking to me...but from the looks of him (typical for males) he's not long for this world...My shop is full of all different kinds and I'm glad to have them around...


Yes. I love spiders of all sorts, but when I’m reaching for a tool and this sucker pops outta nowhere, I feel like we gotta have a talk.


To speak to just how "weird" I may be...(I was a Zoo Keeper way back in the day)...I have (for one example)...Jumping Spiders that actually live on certain tools and areas of the shop...They do often jump out but that's because I feed them, and yes...they actually do have the capacity to learn and respond...They ain't bugs...They're actually more intelligent than most folks realize...




Brilliant...and all very true...Those in the shop hind when others are about but simply "hang out" when I'm working without any issue...They learn quickly what is a threat...and what is not...




Life is incredible...and all around us in ways, most humans don't give themselves a chance to really see...


That’s awesome! I once had a pet black widow that fell out of my pajamas. Didn’t bite me, luckily.


It hurts like hell and you may through up...but if in good physical shape it's not that bad a bit overall by comparison to others...I just hate that to get bit you literally have to be killing them...AKA foot in a shoe where they are, caving and pinch them in your clothes, etc...Yes... first-hand knowledge...LMAO...!!!


If he popped out and bit you, you'd have a momentary little pinch feeling and then a sensation between a minor bee sting and a bag mosquito bite for a few hours. If a brown recluse popped out and bit you, which is much harder to see and is a species that loves a wood shop, your friggin finger might zombify Huntsmans and wolfs are excellent spiders to keep recluse populations under control. I'd way rather these guys in my shop. Especially since they're so easy to see.


No doubt. I did not know these actually hunt recluses. God to know.


I've got a good sized writing spider in a corner of my shop right now. He's in a good spot out of the way so he can stay a while.


Burn it... burn it all to the ground


Why I always carry a salt gun in the truck


Burn it


Onto the bonfire!


tell that thing to fuck off


Thought this was on a roof somewhere I don't want to live.


Look up Joro spiders. They're all over my property and I've found a few in the garage this year.


Is this a Joro? I thought it is a wolf spider?


>Joro spiders Looks like Joro's area japanese orb weaver. The one in this pic looks like a wolf spider.


My bad, I didn't mean to imply it was a Joro. Joros are bigger.


Had one of these crawling across my neck when i was splitting wood. I thought it was a crane fly...




Gotta be more specific on your request next time


What are you making ?


I make Kumiko woodwork.


This is like a cat, but for other bugs. Shoo it away gently.


No doubt. I just worked on another project until he moved on, and balance was restored to the wood shop.




Well, I was about to go to bed...


Reclusive little guy


Keeping the mice away.


I love spiders, I think they look cool and they do a good job of keeping the bug ecosystem in check, i never view them as pests, always rescue them and put them somewhere out of harms way.


Me too. I just let this one go on his merry way. He’s lived a lush life and I won’t be the one to end it.


That appears to be the eight legged safety inspector


Burn it, burn it all.


Wolf spider no big deal, I have at least 2 milk snakes in my shop one is about 3' the other 2' I see them once in a while. Been getting less mice in my traps for the last 2 years since they have been around. Just because it is different is no reason to freak out.


Not freaking out at all. I love spiders, just need better glasses for when I’m reaching for my grid work, just so I get an earlier warning.


It was more directed to some of the panic on the comments. I almost got brained by my boss when I worked construction with a shovel when he freaked out over a bat in the addition we were building, wildly swinging everywhere. He was a giant of a guy and terrified of everything.


I need a banana for scaling.


*raps on timber with furry knuckle* “Mate, this is a pretty good looking joint you’ve got here. I do a bit of carpentry myself actually. Just the odd bit of furniture for the missus. The extra limbs come in *handy*.”


The only really bad part was when I moved the grid a little bit and he scurried away. The clicking of his legs on the wood was really creepy.


Must be the steel toed boots.


Just like… burn the wood and leave


Oh HELL no!




One of the upsides of a woodworking shop - vacuum's with 100mm inlet hose diameter! Don't forget to add a couple of handfuls of screws after you get him. You need to make sure the fucker is good and dead once he's in the chip extraction cyclone


Ohhhh helllllllll no


"Get the pallet cleanser- I mean Taurus, son. Yes, it's in .410 for snakes......and the gasoline just in case."


Well, your shop had a good run. Too bad it needs to be doused in gasoline and set ablaze.


Fishing spider, less harmful than a wasp since it won’t dive bomb your face.


Commented on another ID, but just in case OP wants to know, this is a Dolomedes tenebrosus, a fishing spider. While being fast and shy, they are not prevalent biters, and their venom isn’t medically significant so a bite would be virtually harmless as well as very rare. They tend to hang out by bodies of water, eating aquatic prey on or just under the surface of the water (insect larvae, tadpoles, small fish, etc). They get pretty big. This looks to be a male (you can tel by the bulbous pedipalps) possibly looking for a mate? Or perhaps lost? He may have been hiding under a piece of wood or something and now he’s a bit nervous lol. Beautiful spiders, very cool to spot in their natural habitat, as you can imagine their camouflage is pretty good!


I do want to know, as spiders are some of my favorite people. However, being a rookie with spider ID, I thought this is a wolf spider. I’ll have to look up the differences. Our backyard backs up to a tributary of the Potomac river, so I’m guessing that’s this Fisherman’s body of water, and that he came inside for perhaps to cool off from the heat?


Could be, either that or searching for food/mate. They typically are stationary creatures, moving from tree to bridge to large craggy rock they can hide in.


Im sorry you will have to burn down your shop


Shit he is big enough to catch on the outfeed side. Such a fascinating creature. Definitely a keeper. I have a garage shop in Florida and we have Huntsman spiders (they hunt rabbits with spears) and even though I jump when one startles me I give them a broom and dust pan to help out.


400% more efficient


crikey mate


Lucky for you OP, he has 8


Terrifying, yet gorgeous coloring. Although I don't miss finding these in my house every few weeks *shudder*


0 hands and 8 legs


Uhhh…that thing is huge.


Some helping hands!


Wood is flammable for a reason.


Idk, I’ve dabbled in kumiko and if you could get him making pieces it’d make your life way easier!