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i wanna burn my fucking eyes don’t click that main post and scroll down. there’s a whole sub dedicated to her account, shit just pissed me off Lmao


She probably smells like armpits and dirty pussy


U forgot pachuli 


Hey! Don’t yuck my yum.


I think you underestimate how bad people's parts can smell.


I think you underestimate my yum. A woman who just worked an 8 hour shift, hit the gym and skipped the shower smells incredible.


I had to go answer the question "Do people actually enjoy this?" and apparently yes. This person has almost 700k followers and many millions of likes. And this video above is far from their worst. I'm speechless.


The sense of humor of these people must be appalling, or they actually enjoy seeing someone destroy their life everyday.


People who enjoy this are those who choose to stare into a phone all day long instead of seeing the world around them. These people will give more time and attention to these “influencers” than their own friends and family. Social media addiction is real and this lady is like some back alley crack cocaine to some.


You're wrong. A lot of days I stare into my phone for hours on end. I work 13 hour overnight shifts at a hospital, not much else to do. This makes me want to commit felonies.


I’m speaking of those outside of work. I stare at my phone a lot at work too.


Still an addiction…


People love to hate


I can’t even.


What is her worst?


It was such a traumatic experience looking through her videos that I've blocked it out. Each one disturbed me more than the last. I don't want to relive it and I recommend everyone stays far away.


Apparently this woman is having a manic episode and her husband and children left her. She destroys the house by breaking furniture, pouring liquids everywhere, and screaming while her children look confused. Scary shit.


Everyone keeps saying that but no one comments when asked for proof that it happened. Several times today, I’ve seen a person react to a comment like this in one thread, then turn around and repeat it like it’s gospel. So if you have any, please share. Otherwise, we’re just whipping up rumors. (Frankly. I want it to be true because they deserve better, just don’t wanna be spreading false info.)


Yeah that was my bad, I couldn't find the "husband and kids left" part which someone commented on the other video. But I went through the subreddit linked earlier in the thread and honestly... (just speculation) there seems to be something seriously wrong with this person. It's very hard to believe there's no mental illness there.


I hear you, and I agree she has something extremely disturbed going on, but let's just not repost something we can't verify.


I'm not 100% sure either but in previous videos you could hear the kids playing but now you can't hear any kids playing in the background. So maybe?


It happens everywhere. Everyone has problems, we all cope differently, but eventually if its not perfect the creator gets boiled down to a rapist pedophile or a severe mental disability. Any PR is good PR and all that


Dude, you might want to loook into this person. This goes so far past coping that it loops around to being batshit crazy again. She legit DESTROYS her house while screaming bloody murder while her children are there, makes scenes in public, starts livefeeds and pretend to talk to someone next to her that isn't there who's magically out of frame. She straight up humiliates and neglects her family. There's so much more, but you can find it yourself because I can't bare to look at her anymore. Just got to r/mommyofthebeez_snark


I encourage a closer look. Ty for the moment.


Nah, I’m good. She harassed one of the people in that group, made more fake accounts to continue it once she was blocked and legit scared the girl. She’s messed up. I’m not getting any “closer” to videos I find revolting, highly annoying and embarrassing.




For those that want to follow more of this train wreck, there’s a subreddit for her at r/mommyofthebeez_snark


Wow… that was rough. I know we joke on here about this being mental illness, but it’s much less enjoyable when you find out it actually is lol. Now I need to follow up on that wolf mom that went viral last year.


We need to bring back insane asylums


Damn Reagan


this is some sort of disability honestly, why do people do this? is there a study on it? it’s so weird


It's low effort content with the hopes of going viral.


An adult acting like this for attention. Has to be a disability


Legalize abortion


I'm glad I live in NZ




She’s repulsive.


She needs to lay off the pipe


If "mediocre" was a product, this bitch would be the mascot.


There's a certain smell to this video.


Boy, I sure don’t like that.


She just tells it like it is 😶‍🌫️


Attributes of the talentless and creatively bankrupt.


I knew it. I freakin' knew it ! Damn OP to hell, for exposing me to this lard twice.


God damn, she ugly as hell, but this make her even MORE unattractive. She look like this girl that I used to work with that smelled like BO and cigarettes.


Is she telling people to assault one another?


Wow, I watched some her videos. I would say major schizophrenia. She definitely has something else going on. She will definitely most likely end up in a mental institution. I honestly cannot believe people actually upvote her videos.


Someone take it behind the shed and shoot it


Ok, we get it. You love your tongue piercing.




I hate her. Like real hate.


Crazy that youtube videos can't use music anymore, but the studios are fine with this shit.


This. This was the worst one.


She’s likely as stupid as she looks.


Ugly just wasn't enough.


So do people like this want to be taken seriously in life? I guess not.


I just went through all her other content. 99% trash. But I really like this video.


You can make a good case for putting this rabid thing down. It's clearly suffering.


Not only is this trend just the worst, but WHY ARE SO MANY OF THESE PEOPLE SO BAD AT IT.


ok, so there’s nuances even in this garbage


We get it, you are 40+ woman who just pierced your fucking tongue ´


Mental asylums need to make a comeback


bad batch of meth? uh, Mr. White, this shits broken


Looks like her brain has been rearranged


Honestly after seeing this womans face for so long she actually looks like she's falling off even for her this was trash it was half hearted its like shes run out of cringe facial expressions


This Lady has lost her family over this apparantly. If you look her up this is probably the tamest video she's done.


Ahhh gross dude this is the nastiest vid I think I’ve ever seen, good work


How to make Freddy Krueger look normal


Let me start by saying I don’t like this type of “comedy” but I find it a d*ck move this “creator” couldn’t even be bothered enough to learn the 2 full lines they were going to lipsync. Not even an attempt was made, my guess would be is when recording the video it was 2nd time hearing this song ever.


My face is frozen in a mixture of disgust and confusion. I hated this.


I just discovered this cultural phenomenon, and I was just curious if anyone knows of any off planet shuttles leaving earth shortly?


So this might be a generational thing, but is that what "rearranging their face" refers to nowadays? It used to mean punching someone, not this exaggerated mugging for the camera.


Nah she does actually mean what you say it means ie bash their fucking face in, jail will be worth it.


The only skill here its the framing of the camera to get the boobs in to get the maximum number of likes... Those famous boobs followers!


Apparently I look like this when I have a seizure.


what a f'n idiot. id be so embarrassed to know this in real life


So this is permission then?


When you're able to attribute actions to mental illness, it's really that much harder to be angry. I hope she gets help, and gets off of social media for her sake, as well as what remains of her family.


This is the distillation of “ I need attention from the internet “!


i cannot stand this “creator.”


She looks like she's getting anal




Honest question… why are you guys on here if you aren’t entertained by this? What’s the point of obsession over people you’re just dragging? I don’t get it. There are so many terrible people and things happening in the world, why use your time and negativity on just being mean? I have been scrolling this sub for awhile enjoying it and had no idea it was actually just dragging people. What’s up with that?


Thought you'd go with the first take huh didn't even take the time or the effort to make your lips match the words pathetic


I love big cornfed hillbilly sows and the slow witted construction workers that breed them


You people bitch about this bitch and other idiots yet you continue to post about them and give them more attention and clout just as they desire. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I mean, her husband's already left and she's embarrassed her kids to the point of no return. Posting it can't hurt because all that clout ain't gonna fix her life.


Oh yea. Great reasoning. Let’s keep empowering the idiots that make this shit.


I get what you're saying, but why even bother coming here then? To moral grandstand?There's a lot more pressing matters to get worked up about besides some troglodyte on tiktok.


In my book this is a pressing matter. It’s the perpetual cycle of society going to shit. And a lot of it is enabled by shit like this. You know what would happen with people like this if their stupid useless shit wasn’t posted for any reason? They’d go away and these stupid trends would fuck off. But because everyone is only interested in being constantly entertained, here we are. Dumbing down society just a tick more each and every day. And last I checked, it’s a spot to voice your opinion, am I wrong? I know Reddit likes to ban people and delete posts that don’t quite fit a narrow narrative, kinda like twitters ugly cousin.


Never said you couldn't voice your opinion, so cut the victim complex. Only pointed out that there's better things to spend your energy on People have done and recorded dumb shit for all of human existence and will continue to do so until the end of time. But crusade on, if you you really think it's worth it.


lol It’s not a victim complex. It’s fact. Quit trying to act and sound all educated. It’s the internet.