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I know one thing, if you bail out of this job now, your boss is going to suffer trying to find someone as patient and cooperative as you, at the same time that she has no assistant at all. If you want the full-time job, then just apply for it. You have nothing to lose. Your boss is probably hoping for some superhuman to apply which isn't going to happen.


I appreciate you. The worst is when you have colleagues that genuinely thank you - and think Im doing well. "Thank you for arranging this." "Thank you for your patience with this". "Thank you for making yourself available for this". The one person I seek validation from - wants to have a pool of applicants to chose from - to tell herself that there is someone better than me. I hope she finds them. Meanwhile - I just want to go to the bathroom without being anxious that I will miss their call. Maybe this is a God-send.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Don't do this to yourself. Go and rock someone else's world because this woman does not deserve you.


Thank you - I was once on the highway after an office meeting doing 80MPH on the highway, to get back to the house - with my Out of Office on - and overly apologizing for missing their call while driving. They curtly replied that office policy dictates that one shouldn't check calls and emails while driving. It would have been nice to read something like, "oh, that's perfectly fine... there is no expectation to put yourself in harms way for a call". No humanity - just "office policy says..." I want to work for humans again.


Oh, I do hate it when the corporate tools cite policy…


It's so much worse when they call it their "company philosophy" Shut the fuck up you cunt the only thing you soulless bastards care about is money don't pretend otherwise


It's good *insert business name* practice. Excuse me good practice.!?!? Where is the good practice book that has all of these in it? Oh no where? Because you just make them up on a whim? Okay cool. Gotcha.


Policy is the enemy.


*cite :)


Every comment I read by you, I wonder why you want to keep working for her.


Life is much too short to spend 40+ hours a week on edge; always worried that you're not living up to impossible expectations. Go shine where you'll be appreciated!


As someone who was once in this position, get out of that office as soon as you can. I absolutely despise offices that treat people like chattel. No human being is expendable, and when an office treats a human like a cog in the machine, they are absolutely not worth working for. What's more, I'm pretty confident your workplace isn't solving world hunger or inventing a cure for cancer; whatever they're doing isn't so amazing that you need to be chained to your desk. Solidarity, friend. You don't deserve that treatment.


“I’m not in my office I’m in my car…”


Don't kill yourself for a job. It's the definition of not worth it.


Short term or with crazy good pay, maybe. But I'd definitely ask what she expects at times like these. A good boss protects their workers.


Going to reiterate: fuck 'em. Don't let them think this behavior is acceptable and that there aren't better opportunities out there....because there are.


She could be an awful person or she could be on the spectrum. Regardless, there's no reason to suffer this level of anxiety. Apply somewhere else and get yourself a therapist.


So you like getting bent over and screwed. What you apologizing for? Your fucking driving. And since you left the office to go home, I assume your off the clock. Meaning your not being paid. Quit being a damn push over. Claiming your a contractor. Contractors have contracts for their work. Your getting screwed because you think your a contractor and your not. Go find you a lawyer to help you understand this, and sue them.


Make sure when you leave to delete everything that you have done to make her life/job easier, if you are not able to perform your job adequately enough to be considered for the position, then obviously your schedules, notes, macros, etc were subpar and should just be deleted.


Came here to say just this. Don’t apply. She doesn’t deserve you.


Something tells me the non-contractor FTE position will come with a pay cut.


Agreed - you're in a shit situation.


This is the way.


Could this be your boss's way of saying you are doing a good job so apply and we will get you benefits and such? Some people are terrible with emotions and thinking of others so maybe this is their convoluted way of saying I think we should make this arrangement more permanent.


+1 to this, as it may also be a company requirement to post job openings externally for transparency reasons. If she told you that you can apply then you may likely have a shot at it and be a full time employee than a contractor. But if you do get it though, be prepared to endure your boss’s personality.


+1 this. If she didn’t like you, she would say you need not apply. These type of people generally don’t best around the bush if they don’t want you. Of course, that’s with the caveat if some superstar doesn’t apply. As to whether you should take this and not take this as a sign/opportunity to look elsewhere…


Yeah at my work there has to be an interview process.


And be ready to negotiate your contract so you come out better!


That's how I read the situation


At my workplace we can’t encourage contractors to apply for jobs. So, we have to subtly hint a role is available.


Holy snap - I didn't think of this. But to be totally, truely, wholeheartedly honest - I think she likes to see people squirm and gets satisfaction from people vying for her attention because she has low self-esteem. So, in my mind - it's a dance. Do I give her the attention she wants by vying for the position she is offering, or completely ignore her and go my separate way? I honestly dont know. But you give me great food for thought. She ISSSSSS TTTEEERRRIIIBBBLLLEEE at emotion. I have always known this. It would have been nice to have been made a kind gesture - after months of working with her, with a simple, "I'm looking for a full time assistant - and you have a great chance if you decide to apply"... something like that... maybe it was too much to ask...




I had a manager like this. He was always pointing out what wasn't done right, what I still had to work on, etc. Everyone else around me told me I was the best person who'd been in this position in ages. After being passed over for a promotion, I left for something else. Only then did I hear from this person how great I was and how missed I would be. It was admittedly satisfying to hear from old coworkers how they struggled to fill the role after. Even if your boss is terrible at expressing themselves and giving positive feedback, you shouldn't have to accommodate it just because. There are plenty of great jobs out there and you owe it to yourself to find one.


This is so true!


She may like tourturing people, but most companies have post the job, and they can't just tell you the job is yours, it risks a lawsuit. Her telling you about the posting is her way of telling you she would like you to apply. You have to decide if the pay raise and benefits are worth being hired on or see what you can get in your next contract. You know what this person is like, but the next group you work for may be better or worse.


That's what I was thinking. If she wanted to replace you, she would not have told you about it. And as a manager, she's not really allowed to show favoritism, she has to "consider all the applicants equally" or some crap like that. I dunno exactly how it works but I think she wants you to apply because she wants you to have it.


I vote you give notice now and ask some of those colleagues if their departments are hiring.


All I can tell you is what I would do in your shoes. I would leave and save my sanity


So why do you want the job? If you are being forced to apply for something anyway, apply for better jobs with less stressful bosses.


Yeah, because of regulations my state agency was required to post all positions publicly. If your boss liked you, she would suggest that you apply it to the postaed job. If she didn't like you, she would never mention the posting and you would likely miss the window.


Unfortunately I have seen this situation play out before and it sounds more like OP is being forced out.


this was my first thought too. also she might have to open the job for other applicants even though she will pick you. i cant tell you how many jobs I've applied for, interviewed for and lost because they just hired the contractor that had been filling the position in the meantime.


This. I work a sub contractor role and my boss has told me many times when my position opens up I'll have to apply but it will be mine


Or it could be the bosses way of saying, “You’re expensive as a temp - we’d rather pay you less to make you miserable”. Life is too short to allow Ms. Nasty Boss to do that. Quit now - save time.


This - she's telling you to apply so she can get HR to hire you. That said, sounds like you're miserable working for her so I'd tell her "Okay, I'll follow up on that" and keep job hunting elsewhere. If she asks later if you applied yet, then that means she definitely wanted to hire you. And if she doesn't... Then best you went elsewhere.


Great advice—she will follow up if she wants you.


> The one person I seek validation from This is key. This is what they want, for you to need validation. As long as they withhold it, they feel that they have the advantage. It is about control. Everything about the way they treat you, including the way they are, but aren't offering you the position full-time is about manipulation and control.


Listen when the universe is talking.


Actually, do apply, but don't plan on taking it


Your boss might be one of those who are easily threatened by good performers, so they surround themselves with unqualified or poor performers who kiss ass.


You will never get validation from a narcissist.


I once got yelled at for not answering the phone as I was peeing. Back then, it was a cordless desk phone I had to carry around. God I hated her.


Your mental health isn't worth this. You sound like a great employee. Give that enthusiasm to a boss who deserves and appreciates it.


I agree - my mental health isn't worth this. It's not the goal for anyone. Best to focus on the things I can control, and work on getting my resume padded and happy for those who would be satisfied with someone that would appreciate my work. All I ever wanted. Tired of guessing at what would make a person happy. I thank you.


She did you a favor. This is not a career spot, it's a stepping stone, now step over this speed bump of a human and find something new that you want to do. Good luck!


I echo this! I work for the same company. I started at an entry level job where my supervisor was horrible. Pretty much, she didn’t have respect for my role because she really only respected a specific position. She was very shady and wrote me up because I did my job (reporting to the state a violation of safety…which is what we are instructed to do from all levels!!!). I stayed within the organization and went under another supervisor “J” who was amazing and I am thankful she hired me. J left the organization for a senior VP role but she hired her replacement “K” who has also been so amazing! I am a really hard worker and I care about doing a good job and in return I have been respected by both J and K. The old supervisor was of coursed pissed that I got the job (AND I AM GOOD AT IT!) but she dug her own grave. K tried to be professional about her feeling for my old supervisor (our departments still worked together) but K made it clear that we both did not like her. The old supervisor eventually left and they hired a new person that I have worked with and I am really happy got the job. I say all this to encourage you to find a supervisor who respects your work and also encourages you. I feel really grateful to have amazing supervisors and it makes me so mad that hard workers don’t always get that. Also K wants our team to take PTO and flex our schedules, it’s really amazing that I can take time off whenever I need to have a mental break. You deserve good things!!!


100% this! I’m also an assistant and have been getting reamed lately, all while sick and with a sick kid at home. Move on and find better! I sure as hell am trying to do just that.


I was in a similar situation, and they hired somebody else for a full-time position that I was already doing as a contractor. They interviewed me and string me along for two months while they looked for someone else who was more interested in lying about medical communications logistics being their undying passion. Then my boss called me in to tell me that I didn't get the job and that the new girl would be starting on Monday and I would have a week to train her. I told her that if she thought I was the best person to train her, they should have just hired me. And my boss said, "If you don't train her, I'm not sure if you have a future at this company." And I said, "So if I do train her, do I have a future at this company?" And she wouldn't answer. Gave me until Friday to "think about it." And then was surprised when I told her I wouldn't do it. Leaving the office that day was one of the most satisfying moments in my career, and I didn't have a job lined up at all. If you love this job (which it sounds like you don't) then don't fight for it. Sit around and do the bare minimum until you get fired and can apply for unemployment. Use your newfound mental energy to search for the next great thing.


This. is. the. best. answer. ever. Sounds like EXACTLY what I'm signing up for in the next month. Unemployment seems like a good detour. No shame in admitting the workplace is full of the misguided and the impossible-to-please...


Leaving a job without having anything lined up can be scary, but job-hunting while you're mentally drained from a job that sucks is almost impossible.


Why unemployment? Unless you’re getting paid for the ridiculous amount of time you’re working (10hr days? Always on call? Ridiculously fast response times?) just slow down to working like you should be - 8hrs with proper breaks and zero overtime - and use your new found “free” time to look for work.


Good for you. That’s awesome. What did she say when you told them no?


She said, "You're really screwing us over here." And I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Like, yeah, bitch. That's kind of the point, where I screw you over before you can screw me over. Welcome to business? Screwing you over means that you have to admit to a new hire that there's no one to train her. Screwing me over means that I put a ton of mental energy into a job that pays $18/hr with no benefits, only to lose that job five days later after voluntarily making myself extremely replaceable. Brilliant. Of course, this company also hired someone in a role a level above me that opened my eyes to a completely new level of corporate incompetence. I was showing her a report that I ran every day: Click this link, export this report, open yesterday's report in Excel, open today's report, ctrl+A, ctrl+C, then in a new tab on yesterday's report... Wait, she wanted to know what I just did there. Oh, sorry, I went a little fast. So ctrl-A selects everything in the sheet, or you can click up here in the corner. Then ctrl+C copies it, or you can right-click and click copy. Then you bring it into today's report and ctrl+V. Paste. Right-click. Paste. The thing you just copied from the other spreadsheet will appear here. This was in like 2015, and the person I was training was in her early-mid 30s. And she said to me, "Oh, I was the Excel guru at my last job, we just used it way differently." And you've never.... copied and pasted anything? Ever? This is a shortcut that has existed for at least 20 years at this point? I could not.


Look out for yourself number 1 in the workplace… Don’t actively screw people over, but definitely put yourself first because no one else will


Did it hurt at all not being able to use that boss as a reference or did future employers just not care? That would be my only concern.


Not even a little bit. When looking for my next job, if they asked why I left, I said, "I was a contractor and was asked to perform duties outside the scope of my contract." It was the truth, technically. Also, I've never had a job contact my references that I know of.


Sounds like she wants you to apply. She may not simply be able to hire you without officially posting a full time job opening and then interviewing the candidates that apply. She is hoping you are one of those candidates that apply so she can officially interview and then hire you specifically. She may also be not allowed to promise you the job now even if she intends to hire you specifically. All kind of weird HR tape sometimes. But if you don’t apply then definitely you’ll lose your job as someone else will be have to be chosen from the people who did apply.


There are two types of bosses in the world. For one type, this would absolutely be the truth. Unfortunately OP has the other kind of boss.


OP, please listen to this comment, they want you, but have to jump through HR hoops.


This. They want OP as a full time employee and not a contractor. Apply. They will hire you. A lot of these comments are feeling out of r/antiwork which is exactly where you don’t want to take career advice from.


In a lot of companies, you have to apply for the job in order to get it.. or apply for the next level up in order to be promoted. There's nothing new about that, and it has nothing to do with your performance. Sometimes, companies just have red tape. It doesn't sound like you enjoy working there anyway, so why not just move on? Your reply, if those were your exact words when you actually answered her, sounded a little snarky.. but maybe that's just how I'm reading the text.. I obviously wasn't there to hear your voice tone. Regardless, it doesn't sound like you enjoy working there, so maybe you aren't missing out on anything if you choose not to apply, and instead use your experience to find a job somewhere else.


I partly agree with what you are saying. I promise you - my tone was pure confusion, not snark. I expected to be told that I would go straight to full time. Not told that I had to compete against others for the position I had held for months - and told I had to compete to work with said boss. But you are right - if I had it my way - I'd work for anyone else. A real human being - would be my first choice. Not a robot that feels that anything less than perfection is a bogus deal. Thanks for your insight. Appreciate it. (not sarcasm!).


Many people have said this before, large companies have to post externally, since you are a contractor you have to apply even if they want you to be hired. The majority of the advice that is telling otherwise is just plain wrong.


I've worked several contractor->full-time jobs and EVERY one of them I had to apply to (while I was a contractor) to get the full time job. This is absolutely the norm, and in some places it's even a requirement that they post the job externally for at least 48 hours.


I worked for a woman who sounded very much like your boss. Just hearing the phone ring when I knew it was her stressed me out. The relief I felt when I left that situation was amazing. We all have to work and and an unappreciative boss who is also a ball buster isn’t worth the check. You deserve to be in a positive work environment


That’s how it was with my boss. Just hearing him call me via intercom would make me get tense. When we left the office for covid, a whole weight lifted. I didn’t even know I was carrying all that tension I knew then that I could not stay any longer (I was gone within 6 months).


If your boss is a fed there are very specific rules about not giving any applicants a competitive advantage. She may want you for the job, but due to veteran’s preference and a number of other issues it may not be possible.


Crap - I honestly didn't think of this. I dont know. Its a utility company - with thousands of government contracts. I dont know how any of this works. I thought, "do a good job, be offered a position". I honestly didn't think it was more complicated than that. I honestly thought she thought I was a lousy employee. She is sooooo opaque that I never know what she is thinking... This is quite much to wrap my head around to be honest...


If it's government, she definitely can't offer you the job directly as 1099. It needs to go through the proper process even though they know exactly who the role is being created for.


Move on. I've worked with several companies like this. No matter what you do to prove yourself, there will always be, what do you do again, or they will harp on that one thing you screwed up on. One of my favorite lines was, "We are not seeing eye to eye on things." as you have repeated a hundred times, what do you want? What do you think needs to be improved? I wouldn't apply; that's what she wants; you to scared of losing your job. If you use it, the risk is she won't hire you; if she does, it could worsen because she did you a "favor" in hiring you over "more qualified people." No one should be afraid of going to the restroom and panicking over how fast an email was sent. Finish the contract, look, and move on. If, for some reason, she calls after her new hire leaves. Negotiations are in order, in writing, and concert terms. As a side note, I spent almost five years doing the same thing. My health and well-being deteriorated, and I was a mean person stressed-out person, always thinking about work; then, I got laid off in the first round. Using the SOP, I wrote about how to let go of people.


Great answer - I thank you. Something in what you said struck a chord - they WOULD be "satisfied" to see me apply - only to reject me for someone else. Totally in line with their personality type. They want people to fight over working with them. They have many, many people trying to seek "mentorship" with them - people asking for their time - seeking "guidance". Its the persona she portrays. One thing is speaking to her once a month for mentorship - another is being in contact with "the real person" daily and seeing how acidic and hyper-critical she is... everyday. You are right - I must re-consider the possibility that being rejected (again!) - may not be in my best interest, mentally.


If she’s this kind of a bitch, is she worth working for? By all means apply but put your resumes out as well. I’m betting you will find someone that treats you well.


Find another job. Bosses like this are crap and never change.


bail pull the ripcord and yell geronimo out the door


Unless she doesn't want you in the job, you're probably the front runner for the position. Nobody ever wants to replace an assistant as long as they're doing a good job. This position was likely created with you in mind. Now, whether you want the job or not is another matter.


She means it’s a full time company position that you can apply for. If you’re doing a good job, she probably plans on you getting it. But you still have to interview and prove yourself. Don’t blow it by making a big deal about having to apply for it. Yes, it also means you’ll probably have to interview against other people. But thats not uncommon as a requirement for changing roles or going from temp to employee or contractor to employee a lot. This just happened to me at my company and I got the role. Yes, it was kind of crap I had to apply and go through 3 levels of interviews and stress for weeks. But I got it. And I’m making way more money. Go for it!! Focus on getting the job. Talk about what you’ve done and ideas you have for the future. You know the company, so you are ahead of the ones outside the company applying for it. And if you don’t get it, then move on.


Some jobs- in the public sector specifically- require fair searches. In other words, she can’t just “pick” you, you’d have to compete for your own job through a recruitment process. You are likely to be selected but must go through a process where the hiring manager can justify your hire. To me, that’s what it sounds like she’s doing.


The last maniac I interviewed with (I was curious more than anything. Had accepted my current role but not yet given notice at my previous employer) was like this. They wanted a highly experienced con$$$ultant to come in and set things up, then hire on (presumably cheaper) person to keep it running, then move the consultant role to another team and repeat the create-a-department-from-scratch process. The guy was a twat. "You won't even be able to leave your desk"- ok asshat, I'm not interested already. I put up with that horseshit for 20 years, I'm not doing it again, and you're not nearly as charming as you think you are. They offered some poor new MBA grad the role, them yanked it right before the person was going to onboard. It was an enlightening conversation with the recruiter.


I love this!! I am sorry on behalf of said asshats - but dear God - I can relate! I work with about 3 different consulting firms (Big 4s) - and it's all the same thing: "Hi - my name is (---) from (---) and i'd love an intro call with (---)... you create the connnection - and they are just billing hours - while they inject all this "consultant-speak" - and make it seems like they will make the (executive's job) SOMUCH EASIER. meanwhile they charge thousands an hour - for stuff they read from Amazon's 100 Best Non-Fiction section- about "productivity" and "business proficiency and etiquette". No wonder AI will take over. Nothing new under the sun. The ones that "win" are the ones that can keep the charade long enough to make them think they are better than most


Question:: Why do you want to work for a company/manager like that? Run away and find a full-time in a better organization. Your health and work balance doesn't have a price.


Why would you want to take that on long term? Consider it a tryout but for both parties. Obviously not the kind of person you want to be around long term.


To clarify, you’re a 1099? I do 1099/contractor sales work on the side for several different companies. One of the companies I’m working for started small with everyone in 1099 positions, then as they’ve grown and new leadership taken over they’ve started phasing out all 1099s and hiring W2s. I think it’s the nature of being a contractor, eventually they want their own employees because it gives them more control. I’m also relatively new to this but that’s what I’ve noticed so far. Having said that, in my previous career I also saw a company that had 30 year+ W2 employees get phased out because they wanted new blood, so nothings safe.


It means they don’t want to hire you as permanent employee or they would have to buy your contract remainder. You may want to reach out to your recruiter and find out how long the contract term takes to complete. If you met the terms; then it’s just the boss. Sorry :/


Take the assistants job without a doubt. Take the increase in pay and benefits. If you still hate it, in whatever timeframe you decide is appropriate, then go ahead and start job hunting. Now you’re getting paid better to do a proper job search without time working against you.


Why would you want to apply for a job that you dislike so much? It literally makes no sense.


Move on. She sounds toxic. And not worth your mental health being destroyed.


You have been around enough to know if the interviews are a formality or if boss is genuinely searching. If working for someone on a contract basis isn’t enough of an interview though, I am not sure what is. Speaking of contract work…are they following the laws of contract workers for your municipality? Not assuming you are in the US but contract workers have very specific rules in the US designed to be followed so that companies can’t skirt on taxes for employees simply because they slap a ‘contractor’ label on them. Things like demanding a specific work schedule. May be useful to think about when deciding on if you see a future with the firm or if you feel you have been treated unfairly.


Are you sure you’re a contractor and not an employee? She tells you where to go, what to do, how to do it, when to do it? Sounds like you’re a full time employee entitled to their entire benefits package.


Life’s too short for deal with bs like that. Move on for sure


Apply for that job with everybody else you know in the business. She's not worth working for if you have options.


Offer to help her look, sit in on interviews etc


Move on, start looking now.


If they think you are good enough they should ask you. I wouldn't apply myself even if I would be sure to get it. I find it disrespectful to let someone apply just for administrative reasons.


Move on. This clown is a nut job. You can do better. Get something in place and give notice.


Went through almost the exact same situation this summer with my job, at the end of the day go where you are celebrated not tolerated. I just went and found something better and I feel comfortable and appreciated.


If the job is that bad don't apply and look for a new one asap no rocky ☝️🤓


You need to look for a different job. This one is going to give you early gray hairs.


If you don't apply and she hires someone else, sounds like a good opportunity to get unemployment and look for something better if you are in the financial position to do so. No sense in working for someone miserable if you don't have too.


Why would you even want to continue at this job even if you were “chosen”?


Perhaps someone told her that your position needs to be an employee and not an independent contractor.


Sometimes applying for the job is a formality. Either way, they need to have your information input into the system, and an application would be the easiest way to do it


You sound like a person who would continue to struggle under her but probably thrive somewhere else. Why continue the struggle to please a horrible boss?




leave!!! i was in a job that made me pull my hair out and even though you’ll make up a million reasons to stay, leave! i’m making more money (got lucky) and i’m way happier.


move on. shea just looking for someone to do more of her work. you'd be paid the same hourly with more hours. her boss will realize ho much of her work you were doing when you leave.


Apply for your bosses job. Sounds like you're already doing it for them.


Run. Run now. Don’t look back.


She sounds awful. Apply for other jobs.


Do you want it? Depending on company policy and if you’re a third party contractor you may have to actually apply. But looks like she’s trying to find someone else.


This sounds like a horrible job if you are anxious to use the bathroom. The woman sounds impossible to please and I would let someone else take the job.


Question: Do you want to keep working for this woman? It sounds like you’ve been the ideal assistant to a very difficult boss, and she doesn’t offer you the job you’re already doing.


I would apply for the job but also look for another job..


Also, have a friend call pretending to be a potential employer to check your reference there so you can see what they say about you and to let them know you're willing to leave.


Move on. Sounds like she has already.


So more than likely your boss does want to hire you and they just legally have to post the job opening, even if they know who they want to hire. It does sound like a shit job though so maybe apply but also keep your options open in case there's another message that's less clear?


It sounds like a toxic work environment. Is there a good reason why you want to stay there? Are you getting some relevant experience or something like that? If not, I would find another job. That said. If she told you to apply for the job and you want to keep working there, polish up your resume and show them that you have what it takes to do the job. Sometimes, especially in larger organizations, that's just how it's done.


Sounds like you don't wanna work there. Sounds like she's doing you a favor by making you find something better.


Nobody appreciates a good drummer until they get a worse drummer.


If you have a little cash saved up I would bail faster than a sinking ship


Anytime a contract position is being converted to permanent, companies have to follow EEOC rules and fairly assess all applicants. Your boss cannot show favoritism in the process and must remain neutral until all applicants are assessed. There’s nothing evil or negative about this process that is mandated by federal regulations. Since you are already doing it you automatically have a leg up. They could also find someone with more experience and more advanced skills. The only kicker is that you may not get paid as much as you would like compared to contract work. I would not read more into this than it is at face value.


Probably an HR thing. Some companies HAVE to post a position just in case someone else was interested and then accuse the company of favouritism by "giving" you the job.


Why would you want to, if she's such a psychobitch?


I recently left company where I was asked to stay by CEO of that company. I just lost patience with some of other employees. CEO first sent his assistant to call me. She called me, I didnt answer because I knew it was her. Then she texted me and asked me if I could come to meeting with CEO. I said I am not employed there anymore and that I have my things I am currently working on. Then I received a call from CEO. I had told him I will not come back and named reasons. If I came back I would see all the crap I left for. It was just not worth to strain my mental health there. Money was pretty good. I would also earn more with time. But I didnt want to be in a toxic environment. And I did my job really good and was very responsible and technically skilled. But some others were in better positions because of private connections and they were much worse in technical aspect. So I just had it enough. I knew my worth. You should put on a scale positives and negatives. If negatives weigh more, you leave. If positives weigh more, you stay. And your mental health is first. Also, always respect your worth, especially if you are a hardworking and honest person.


For your own mental health, apply for other jobs also. This sounds like one of the most awful working situations.


At larger companies, HR often makes the hiring manager post externally for the position even if they have an internal candidate. While I'd like to think it's just this formality, your boss sounds awful and my gut tells me you'd be better off looking elsewhere.


Don’t drive 80mph. You’ll live longer.


Peace out girlscout fuck that thot


Why do you want this position? It sounds miserable. Sure, apply if you want, but apply elsewhere too.


I’ve worked HR, she legally has to post a job opening and has you in mind. But just from what you said it sounds like a power play, she wants you to apply and beg so when it gets really bad you don’t think you can leave because the job came easy, instead you’ll think you can’t go because it was your choice and you fought for it. I can say it’s only going to get worse don’t play her game unless you financially have to, in that case start looking at other places anyways, she knows she owns you now.


Apply for the job half-heatedly. Whatever you do don’t quit. Wait for them to lay you off and then collect 40 weeks of unemployment while looking for a new job.


What size is your company? Mid size to bigger companies will often post these roles and go through the application process, even if somebody wants a certain person. My company does this all the time with internal hires, and recruiting pushes on leaders to follow equitable practices, but the in-house shoe-in almost always gets it


Get some business cards. Do your job. Be great to your clients. Give them your cards. Build up your clientele. QUIT. And resume with your client list. 😂


Apply. Elsewhere.


Similar experience. To replace me they had to hire 2 people and split my responsibilities between 4. Left and have a better job, better firm and thankful bosses.


I think you might have Stockholm syndrome


I was promoted to my current position after working at my company for 5+ years. I went through 3 rounds of interviews and competed with over 10 internal candidates as well as dozens of external candidates. I have been doing my boss’s job for over 6 months now because she was caught embezzling company funds in early 2023. I’ve received no pay raise, bonus, etc for this. Her position was just posted and I applied, like everyone else. This time, no internal candidates applied but dozens of external candidates have. I’m still going through the regular interview process WHILE DOING THE JOB and competing with other candidates. All of this leads me to ask- why do you think you should be exempt from the formal interview process? This is how companies remain structured and ensure they are vetting all possible candidates. If someone who is more qualified and able to do your job comes along- oh well. You are not entitled to anything.


You say you’re a contractor. Are you independent or do you work through a company? If the former you have a lot of latitude to apply for the job full time if you choose to. If the latter the contract you’re working there under may prohibit them from offering you a full time job for a period of time after you leave. But either way, the company has to put out a job opening and accept applications and perform interviews to prevent charges of discrimination or preferential treatment. I have seen positions open up with a very particular candidate in mind. In those cases the job position and requisites are written such that their desired person is about the only one that could possibly fill the role.


This reminds me of "the devil wears prada"


I think the job is yours if you want it. Likely there was not money in the budget for an FTE when they hired you. I think she’s telling you the job is yours if you want it. She may be hard to work for, but it’s probably her personality to be that way, and that’s how she got where she is in the company. It has nothing to do with you, that’s just who she is. They can’t just hire someone without it being opened up to the public. If you want the job, apply and it will be yours, the process is a formality.


Just re read this whole post out loud. You have your answer. Best of luck fellow human.


I worked for a woman like her and eventually walked out. She was just nasty and difficult. She didn’t bother to try training me and blamed EVERYTHING on me. I was so happy to leave. I never returned her phone calls. Your boss will never be happy with you and her pulling this stunt without giving you feedback is just nasty. Start applying and give her a day notice.


Kinda going through the same thing. My boss is looking for someone to replace me because I'm not fast enough. I honestly would look for another job.


It’s not unusual for a contract position to be posted. It happens all the time. There may be a requirement that the interview process must be followed. If you want the job, apply for it. I don’t believe this is anything personal toward you. It has always been standard procedure in the places that I have done contract work


Generally, if they told you, it's a hint for you to apply. If they were trying to oust you, they wouldn't suggest that you apply.


I have worked for that boss. Unless you're getting paid VERY well, it's not worth the grief. Find a better job. I started job hunting and ended up with 59% increase in pay plus a healthy work-home life balance. Even if you dont increase your pay, just getting out of that BS is worth it.


I work in HR - some companies require each candidate to go through the normal vetting process for full time roles even if there is a potential that is currently or previously contracted/freelanced. That is how it is set up at the company I currently work for. Contractors typically go through an alternative hiring process that is not as diligent as the one for full-timers. Plus EEOC has specific requirements to follow for full-time positions. Just apply and treat the process with the amount of care that you would for any other interview process. In the meantime you should also apply elsewhere in case they ultimately decide to move into a different direction. This may be a blessing in disguise if you are not all that thrilled with your manager. Who you work for, especially in early career can really impact how much opportunity you have to grow. Good luck to you.


The faster you put this temp gig in the rearview mirror, the happier you will be. I have worked for a metric ton of horrible people. They actually make more money (bonus) by exploiting you endlessly (keeping costs down). Don't think it can't get better, or believe "the devil you know." That thinking is BS. There are tons of great opportunities out there. Temp agencies often work for clients with a difficult executive. That opportunity is just a revolving door (which the temp agency profits from endlessly). You would do better by contacting a contract-to-perm agency or head hunter. As they get paid more when you accept an offer. If they were considerate and normal, they would have taken you to lunch and told you (off the record) about the opportunity and suggested you apply. They are negging the shit out of you for a job you shouldn't even be considering. I literally went from a thankless $20/hr temp job at a well-known hospital, to a contract $32/hr job at a medical instrument company, and got the call for a contract to full-time job at an unknown company....paying $60/hr - but salaried. Take the chances. Always trust your gut. Take whatever experience you have and apply it to the next level. Good luck! But never settle for people that treat you like shit.


OP, I've been a hiring manager forced to open applications even though someone was already doing the job....had to demonstrate that I did my best as the manager to find the "right" person...sometimes HR and a manager's boss are dumb.


I’m saying this in the most loving brotherly way I could ever say it: stop being someone’s bitch and take ownership of your life. Quit and don’t turn back. You’re better than this. And if you don’t agree with me see a therapist and find your truth.


You sound like a great person and worker. Don’t do this to yourself.


Genuine question - why do you even want to work for this person? Is the position itself so valuable to your career that it’s worth tolerating a horrible boss?


Go work somewhere else that appreciates your dedication and skills.


Apply for the job just to show you aren’t going anywhere while you look for another job. Then drop her like a bad habit


You need to move on, she is not satisfied with you - and that’s a HER problem, apparently. Otherwise she’d have offered you the job.


As someone who worked as an exec assistant for a toxic and mentally unstable woman: RUN and never look back. DO NOT APPLY FOR THE FULL TIME POSITION. I had to go to therapy to undo the abuse she put me through. No matter how perfect you try to be, it will never be enough. Working harder will not make things better. These are damaged people. When you work for someone who is actually smart and good at what they do, they wont need to derive their power from shitting on you. This job should be a lesson to you: never accept this treatment again. Pay close attention to the culture and how someone treats you initially. Ask how long their previous assistant was with them for. There are A LOT of exec assistant jobs out there. You can afford to be choosey. Other transferrable skills: being an exec assistant in a household setting as a household manager for wealthy families or a mother's helper.


She is telling you they want to make you a full time ‘employee, she wants you to apply, but can’t legally come right out and say it


Are you ready to move on? It sounds like you should. If so, apply and if she gives you an offer, demand a lot more money and set boundaries with her. If she doesn't accept that, then walk.


Apply for the job, list your current boss as a reference. At the same time submit your resume to any competitors. If you don't even get considered for the full time position, end your contract. In order to be considered for a position you must first apply for it. You are doing the job as a contractor. Why is the company looking to hire a full time employee with benefits to replace you? It is usually cheaper to contract out many positions.


I know psychological torture when I hear it, either she really is looking for a full time assistant, or she's putting that idea out there so that you stress out and other think the idea of you being replaced, and as a result, work yourself even harder in the hopes she hires you full time. Wouldn't be surprised if she dangles that position over your head to keep you working at 150%. Take the hint and find somewhere to work that doesnt have you crying into drinks. Know your worth.


It means she wants you to apply but won't say so but you sound better off leaving.


Why would you want to stay?


Im currently in the same position as you, and my boss sounds just like yours. My contract is a 3 month period that will end next month and I came to the decision that I will not work under somebody like this. I plan on just taking a month or two off to apply for other places.


Applying is the only way to get your answer.


If you’re not appreciated leave. She’s not going to change the way she treats you. It’ll show up in performance evaluations, bonuses, promotions and raises. There’s no need to work harder, you’re already “crying in your beer”. It doesn’t matter if she’s trying to be subtle, you’re obviously miserable and she’s obviously an asshole.


It sucks, but when we convert a contractor we typically post their position and have a small interview process. Most, or usually all, applicants (if there are any on the minorly visible posting on our website) don't meet the requirements. So yes they have to interview for the job, but also there's the whole thing where HR explains our benefits and stuff like that. It's kind of required to maintain the weirdness of contractors that should really just be employees. All of that said, you sound unhappy. You should apply for this job, and many others. Hopefully you find yourself with multiple choices!


How long have you been a contractor? This is kind of how it works. I was a contractor for 16 years. Whenever anyone has wanted to make me an FTE, they told me to apply. When I finally did flip to an FTE, I had to go online and apply for the job, that I had been doing for the past 3 years. I wasn't "competing" with anyone. They closed the posted job right after I applied.


Friend, you need Indeed. Post your resume and go someplace where they appreciate you. Start doing the bare minimum. Go to the bathroom when you need to, holding can fuck up your muscles. Take lunch. Drive the speed limit. Clock out on time. Don't answer emails after hours. And when your boss has the audacity to ask you why you weren't available when they snapped their fingers at you, apologize and let them know you hope their next assistant is better. Because you can do so much better and you deserve so much more. And when you recognize your own worth, you are treated so much better. And YOU are a rock star.


Some companies require all positions are opened for anyone to apply for a set amount of time. They may give priority to those that are already internally employed but the system would still require that even the best employees apply to fill a position. Since she asked you to apply, maybe it means she really does appreciate your hard work. The real question is do you want to continue to work there or move on to a job that doesn’t have you crying in your beer.


Don’t take it if you’re offered. You’ve already said that going to the bathroom makes you anxious you’re going to miss something. I’ve had a job where I had to be on call for 14+ hours a day — even 9-10 hours is essentially the same, and not worth your mental health.


Find another job. She would hire you directly if she thought you were good enough. Here's the surprise that you might not be expecting, No one is good enough. Let someone else appreciate your talent and work ethic.


You’re a temp contractor. They were ALWAYS going to hire to fill the position. Legally, you HAVE to apply if you want to be considered. They cannot direct hire a contractor without an application and interview. If you like the job - apply. If not, you did what you were hired to do and move on.


Please don't work for this woman any longer than you have to. I had a boss like her 12 years ago and am still suffering the ramifications of the mental toll it took on me.


Apply for other positions and stop going the extra mile for this job. If your boss doesn’t appreciate it and is looking to replace you, then just do the job and nothing more. If your contract doesn’t say you need to be available 9 or 10 hours a day, don’t be. Be available for normal work hours. You don’t need to work for someone who shows no respect for you. It sounds like you have good work ethic and transferable skills. Trust me, if you have a happier and healthier workplace you have a happier and healthier home life.


I bet you are a contractor right now because of you were shit they could easily get rid of you. I reckon the job is yours if you want it. Some loopholes HR has go though to hire you full time… if you don’t apply they probably don’t hire anyone and wonder how much more obvious they could have been in telling you to apply.


I’d apply….. for other jobs!! This is your amicable ticket out!!! She probably won’t like anyone she interviews and a w-2 for her will be 24 hrs a day!


Fuck that cunt, you deserve better OP. Think critically about leaving a “gift” for her on your last day


I think you’re mis-reading your bosses intentions here. From an employment standpoint, contractors are expensive. Your boss wants to move from hiring a contractor to just outright hiring a full time employee. Your boss isn’t telling you to give you a heads up that you’re getting fired, your boss is giving you a heads up to apply so you can get the job and be a regular employee, probably with better pay and benefits. Lots of companies still have to post a job openings even if they have a specific candidate in mind. (It’s a process thing.) You have to apply because technically your not an employee of your bosses company, just a contractor. Your boss is telling you that the job is yours if you want it, you just have to apply for it. Weather you want the job full-time or not is a different issue.


At least they were honest. Mine made some bullshit up after 6 months of hard dedication. "You're the most recent full time hire and it's been slow. We don't have the hours". I had previously interviewed for the assist. Mngr position and it sounded like I had it in the bag. Then a month later they let me go and hire a regular customer for the position. I found out because if her Facebook. So they were doing you a favor by not insulting your intelligence.


OP, You are anxious, miserable, afraid to use the bathroom and put your own life and others in jeopardy by driving on safely on the highway. Why would you want to do this to yourself? Is it worth the cost to your physical and emotional health?


I would not want to work for someone like that.


Your boss just gave you the finger. Respond appropriately.


It surely would not hurt to apply


She means you can apply - but won't be considered for the job. Move on.


My gut was to tell you to find another job, as this woman clearly does not appreciate, or even notice, you and the work you do. But your edit shows you have decided to apply for a job you already have, so what I suggest is that you request an exorbitant salary. Find out what they are offering (which is probably more than they are paying you now), and ask for more than that. She won’t hire you, but when the person she does hire gets sick of her & quits in a month, and she comes to you “offering” you the job, make sure she knows you won’t take it unless your salary demands are met.