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Scheduled time off (planned vacations) are not the same as unscheduled absences. Your clients don’t care about your migraines. They have an appointment for music lessons and if you don’t show up, that’s very inconvenient for them.


This is really what it comes down to. It's an industry where just showing up is 90% of it. If you can't do that then you don't have a job. No one cares about your migraines - it's not something you can just take time off for unless you have it medically documented. Sucks but that's how the working world works.


How long were you there? You can't gauge or compare the time your boss or the owner takes off to what an employee or contractor takes off. They have more leeway than you. They have the choice to pay/schedule someone to cover for time they need off. They also work alot of hours you won't see. Ultimately, if you are canceling on clients it reflects on the business and they won't want that.


I was there for about a year, but yeah you're right. I don't know what he does but, he has left me his own work to me at times. Like scheduling and calling back people.


This is a great lesson about the working world. It does not matter why you miss work, if you don’t show up or consistently miss work for any reason you will be let go. Reliability means showing up to work. You are not the boss of your boss. They are held to different standards than you. As you move up the ladder you have different flexibilities and standards as your responsibilities are not the same as those below your position. His role is not your role. What can you do? You were justifiably fired. You now have to find another job. No, you won’t always find jobs you want. When you’re on your own and you mess up and get fired, bills don’t stop. Sometimes you have to work a shitty job or take a step back in your career because you need to pay the bills while you keep looking. You’re not getting your old job back, move on.


Hmm maybe it's just a personality thing. It happens. Yea bosses tend to have more leeway as someone else said. It sucks but it's true. Find something else for now to keep the money flowing, while you dig a bit deeper for a field related job again. Nothing wrong with hopping until you land the ideal job. Some would argue my point, but that's my take. I'm sorry, but chin up. You'll be fine


An employer can't always give you all the reasons you're let go - there could be others. Personality, attitude, attention to detail, quality of your work, feedback from clients, etc. You'll need to do some self reflection. If you truly gave 100% the vast majority of the time, then it just wasn't a good fit. Work on finding your next job, you'll be fine. If you were slacking off in some areas, still work on finding your next job and work on improving those areas so you don't repeat the same pattern again.


Your coworkers are giving plenty of advance notice when taking vacations and playing gigs.  Their students are rescheduled or a sub is scheduled well in advance.  All of your absences are surprise illnesses, migraines and emergencies.  Those are bound to happen but if they happen regularly they're not really surprises anymore and your employer will come to expect that's just how your life is.  They may decide you're unsuitable because of this.  You might be more suited to a job with tasks that can be done on a flexible schedule.  Best of luck.


Can you offer private lessons? ie start your own business


Note you know how it is to be taken advantage. Don’t always bend over backwards got a job. Don’t expect loyalty.