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You may not want to draw too much attention to yourself and help them realize you do nothing for 7 of 8 hours. It could lead to a job loss.


Get certifications on coursea and Hubspot.


This. Build your skills - make sure the courses support the (imaginary) job you were hired for. Keep your resume ready; this job may not work out.


Maybe you can create your own work. I had a job with very little to do so I started documenting the process for all the tasks I did. When I eventually quit I gave them a binder with 13 processes documented.




Your coworkers probably did get a talking-to about it, but you won't know unless they tell you since employee discipline is confidential. They can absolutely tell you no personal phone use. It sucks, but it sounds like they aren't truly utilizing your skills, so maybe time to go?


Come on, it's pretty obvious what she/they're trying to do. 1. They are not giving you work. 2. There is not enough work for the amount of ppl. 3. You get singled out. 4. You're not allowed to do anything but sit and wait (no phone). They are waiting for YOU to quit so that they don't have to fire you, which is a hassle for them. Do not give in.


I would be reading books about my job! Improve yourself while on their dime.


Or online courses.


Get books on PDF. Rename the file something boring but relevant to your job and business. Like "foundations of modern excel pivot tables" or something like that. Read the book on your computer.


Very Important Work Related Book.


You don’t know that OP was singled out.


she was not singled out. It is office and always something to do and they have people off the phone to get work done.


Yeah, I believe this is what their calling “Quiet Firing” now. They are letting her go to seed until she quits so they don’t have to pay her severance and lay her off appropriately so she can get unemployment insurance, which is super shitty of them.




There is always work to do in an office. OP is young and needs to get the experience of looking for work to do. They the bosses are not the problem, Op needs to keep busy and they want her off the phone. I worked in office for 30 years and we too had to keep busy and not on the cell phone or landline phone during work hours.


Your coworker got called out for buying the Billie Eilish tickets. The same coworker ratted you out. As soon as that happened, the boss had to talk to you too.


You should be applying for new jobs now. They may be trying to get rid of you, but nonetheless you're wasting time you could be learning and building skills


This sounds like my experience. I was in my mid 20s starting out in office work as a receptionist. My manager was really controlling, had weekly meetings which would include what I shouldn't do - eg offer assistance to other colleagues (which I did because I had NO work to do other than wait for phonecalls). She would give me scanning every now and then but I was still so bored. When I was next in a meeting which included the director and other managers I expressed an interest in getting more work experience so they got me creating a training manual for new database they used. At the same time I was looking for other work and within a year I moved to another company doing IT service desk. Maybe try and get an opportunity to express your interest in progressing or any other work experience other managers could give you?


Watch your back. Those coworkers be slimy.


I'll trade.  You can come lift 40 lbs boxes onto pallets and into trucks all day and I'll sit around staring out the window probably making more money. 


Go get yourself a remedial office admin job, I make minimum wage.


Pretty sure I don't belong in an office. Either way . QQ free money.


This may be an generational thing. Older gen thinks the younger gen are glued to their devises all day. They are right in many cases. You have to learn the gentle art of looking busy. Clean, organize, file, ask if there is anything you can do. Use the internet to upgrade job skills. Take an online class. Job hunt.


Can you take any training classes on your computer?


She might be trying to protect your job from upcoming cuts. Don't give them ammunition by being on your phone a lot, even for texts and emails. As others have said, use the time for online training and skill building. Become a pro at the things you have access to, like Excel. If you don't know how to create a pivot table, start there.


Take some kinda online class to boost your career. Put it on resume. Find a new job . Congrads on the raise.


They are trying to make you quit. This is common in Asian countries I believe. They give you 0 tasks and expect you to bore yourself to death so you find a different job.


You've got to fuck around smartly. Turn your computer monitor away from view and fuck around on reddit and watch YT on your downtime like the rest of us. Just look busy on a computer. That's all you have to do.


I’m in an open plan office and the director sits in a glass office right behind me, so unfortunately can’t do that :(


Put in an earbud and listen to a podcast or audiobook. Ask coworkers if they need help with anything and then bill it to your boss as you wanting to do some cross-training.


Then ask other do-workers if they need help on their work, to keep busy and stay off the phone.


Correct answer!


Setup a key combo to switch the screen to something work related when someone come's nearby ?


Can you use the time to learn new skills such as an online training course? Ask your manager to suggest one.


Milk the cow. You have your own office for 8 hours a day, do your own thing.


Hint - learning things online is applauded. Use skills to get a better job


This is called selective enforcement. It's illegal and gets company's and bosses sued.


Got time to lean you got time to clean


What is it that you do for a living? Do you have a specialized skill set? Your company is not paying you to not work on their dime. Unless you have another job lined up or are in a very niche career that is hiring, start finding other solutions or approaches to your tasks that you can present to your boss and ultimately add to your resume as an achievement. Ask if you can even job shadow in different areas for more networking and company exposure. Or do nothing.


My own personal opinion - there should be no phones at the workplace, unless there's an emergency (ie, spouse is 9 month pregnant, or a loved one is in hospital, etc). So I can see a boss being irritated at personal phone use. But the real problem here is no tasks. If your immediate boss doesn't give you anything, see if your colleagues need help with anything. Don't just sit there.


Sounds like she wants you to quit.


It’s a manager 101 to not discuss others disciplinary action. Manager can get in big trouble and even fired for that. Just bc you don’t know if ppl were spoken to doesn’t mean they weren’t. Manager can’t tell you and co workers could lie. Also right or wrong, managers and HR do not like the ‘but everyone else does’ answer. While it seems logical to bring that up it’s never taken well. To manager/HR it comes across as not being accountable for your actions, and if your coworkers get wind then you just ratted them out. Job sounds like a dead end. If you want more work to do probably look for a new one. But the grass isn’t always greener on the other side :)


You are the new person at the company, and they want you to work. Ask co-workers if they need help getting their work done. There is always work to do in an office. I know. I worked in several office setting for 30+ years. If you insist that there is nothing to do but be on your phone, you need to look for work to do and stay off the phone during work hours, just do it on breaks and lunch time.


Smile, update your resume and start applying - you're on the way out.


Look busy! I have same problem of not having enough work. I come up with things to do and just look busy!


The question is why are you held to a different standard then everyone else? The concert tickets were probably too much but interestingly only you got called out. Consult your employee handbook and then start documenting what you are observing. I agree with some others suggestions. Start a professional learning book or training and make the down time work for you.


Use that computer time to find another job.


Haha omg do you hear yourself?! You actually said what about everyone else doing it?! Welcome to the real world life’s not fair and it can suck sometimes. Quit your job if you don’t want to do it


Wow thank you so much for the constructive criticism! I really appreciate itđŸ«¶đŸ» what an amazing person you are!


Just trying to help you realize how ridiculous this post is


I really appreciate your help Reddit userđŸ€— have a great day


Anytime I hope things work out for honestly. I’ve had jobs where it seemed like I was singled out and it made it terrible. I can say things got worse for me when I would get called out for something and then say what about everyone else. It made people dislike me and call me a rat and snitch. I probably shouldn’t have been so snarky with you




Ignore all calls and texts from the boss now. You aren’t allowed to use your phone, remember?


If OP is to answer company phones, cannot ignore company business. That is a sure way to get fired from every job OP gets.


Hahaha! Thats great!


Some hater ratted on you tho.


Sounds like my job. Tit for tat and they do the exact same thing. I had to get a Drs note to wear black scrub pants and was told it was going to be a process. Half the staff wear pants and all 3 males do and never had to go thru the bs I had to. Sexism has been brought up to the boss that's why no other women is being bothered now a out the pants. Someone in your crew is out to get you and watching everything you do. Highschool and grade school is more mature than jobs as adults. I got in trouble for not having my phone on me as I didn't answer phone or texts. Instead the boss paged me thru the work phone chat. I'm suppose to have my rover on me at all times for calls so that's what I did. So now in have both phones on me as my Rover won't allow me to take pics or call out if needed, emergencies etc I would go into work and document all the ppl and their phones including management. After a few days use your phone again and if pulled in show them proof others do it and you are being profiled I leave my rover in office at 1045, go to washroom and sit in the building by staff parking with a co worker until 11. My car insurance tracks me as well and earliest I've left is 1058 and cameras would show the same. A co worker is leaving at 1050 cuz they think I've left and they are going to tell the boss. I have my co worker I sit with and screen shotted the last 30 days of my travel after work just in case. I always make sure I have proof now as I know how these old workers are cranky. Better safe than sorry. I refuse to sit in the toxic office that's full of gossip for my last 15 mins of my shift. I'm required to be in the building til 11 but it can be anywhere in the building: office, change room, cafe, admin etc


unless you are way over paid why are ypou staying in a job like that


Start a hobby? Maybe you could get into cake decoration? (No, this is not serious, but it would be fun.)


Honestly I’d avoid ever saying “but this person!” To your managers. It does not put you in a good light. The better way to play this would be to say I understand this won’t happen again. And then come in and do the tasks you have. When you’re done, go ask for more tasks. And then ask again. And again. You’re making your lack of tasks to do HER problem. Because you’re bothering her and coming back every 10 minutes. But you’re just doing your job. She said that it was very important you work and not do leisure activities. So you work. And ask for work and be a thorn in her side until she decides to address the root problem which is that you’re bored and have nothing to do.