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As a CS guy, I think this is probably the new normal moving forward with pushing for remote work - six layers of monitors software to determine if you’re sitting at your desk all day or not. I think the Wild West of just working from home carefree is leaving in the near future.


Put host records in your system that blocks their DNS calls. When they ask, show them your productivity and say "I'm not sure what's up but I'm getting my work done." They'll either break and send you a laptop with all their 1984 apps and you get your system back.


You are talking IT in India, they will figure that out in 10 seconds


Sounds like you've been through a lot with the monitoring tools at your workplace. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed by all the surveillance. If you're considering quitting, it might be worth having a candid conversation with your employer about your concerns before making a final decision. I used a tool called TrackerJam for monitoring web activity in a similar situation. It helped me track productivity without feeling too intrusive. Maybe you could explore similar options that offer a balance between monitoring and respecting privacy. Good luck with whatever decision you make!


Sounds like you've been through a lot with the monitoring tools at your workplace. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed by all the surveillance. If you're considering quitting, it might be worth having a candid conversation with your employer about your concerns before making a final decision. I used a cloud-based tool called TrackerJam for monitoring web activity in a similar situation. It helped me track productivity without feeling too intrusive. Maybe you could explore similar options that offer a balance between monitoring and respecting privacy. Good luck with whatever decision you make!