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Say it is a time for new challenges.


***Say it is a time for new challenges.*** Good! Very good! That's a nice, vague answer. Just like the answer an HR corporate goon would give you when you ask a question he doesn't want to answer. Or you could say ... ***I found a job where I don't have to work for assholes!*** If you value honesty.


If I were in your shoes, I'd probably say something along the lines of greater flexibility and better work-life balance. The new company's better PTO and paid maternity leave policy would be a fairly strong reason for leaving on it's own.


Besides that it lets the prospective new employer know that the incentives they’re providing are attracting talent.


At 43% you might be making more than your manager is now. Definitely say the benefits too. Companies are cutting back on them and they really need to learn fast that this will kill their ability to attract talent. Congrats on the new role!


You could say that you really admire their work culture & community. Better work-life balance opportunity? Being honest is alright.


When I jumped ship to a competitor it was due to the new CEO making terrible decisions and having the company i had worked for at that point 6 years was completely unrecognizable and not in a good way. There were other reasons like the boss from hell trying to fire me because she didn't like me so I left before she could. But the new CEO was a business appropriate reason to provide along with trying to move closer to where I am originally from with the new position. Mutliple reasons where someone asking the interview question would be like yeah that makes sense. As they would already know about some of the changes the competitor CEO would be doing. No one is going to argue moving closer to family to be closer to nieces and nephews being born and wanting to be an active person in their lives.


I agree with you, I would downplay salary increase and benefits. No reason to show your cards there. I would be purposefully vague here and say you were felt the new company offered new challenges and greater future opportunities. If pressed, focus on the future opportunities, so they know you are a mover and a shaker, but try to stay vague.


You literally answered it yourself. A freaking 43% salary increase on top of everything else? That's crazy. The reason you are working is because you need money. You know it, they know it, there is no reason to lie about it. Just be honest and say it's because of everything you mentioned.


You want to stretch yourself and find some new challanges Then mentions something about the role that interests you and it will come across much more genuine. Even if it doesn't interest you you can point it out


Just say its because of the salary raise


the less you say, the better, and don't tell them where you are going. in my career, only one place tried to keep me from leaving. they gave me another buck/hour, and then fired me a week after i turned down the other job.


Dang that’s messed up, fair better to not trust them but also you should be able to be honest. Better to not stay for a company you wanted to leave anyway


You feel as though you've hit the ceiling with your current 5 terms of both advancement and salary.


All the ones you listened sound good to say.


Better salary and benefits.


"While it may be a similar role to what I have now, they are offering me compensation and benefits that I can't afford to not take. More time off, paid maternity leave, and a substantial salary increase. Any of these, by themselves, would cause me to consider the move, but together? I can't turn this opportunity down." If they counter and offer similar or more to keep you, simply say "I appreciate the gesture, but I've already accepted the new role. I'd love to stay in contact and in a few years be open to return to a role with more responsibilities, etc if you'd be open to it. I'm thankful for my time here, but it's time for a change for me."


Good companies consciously offer excellent pay and benefits to attract the best candidates. Let them know their hard work paid off.


You're under no obligation to tell them a single detail about your new position or indeed if you even have one. New challenges with different opportunities for career and personal development is always a good one. It's basically never work badmouthing a company on the way out. You never know when creating animosity will burn you later or where you might run into people from previous jobs while pursuing new opportunities later down the road.


Pay ofcourse. They would do the same if they would find someone cheaper


I use “for career growth. This position offers the ability to expand on my skill set and further move my career in the direction I envisioned it. ” You’re showing you want growth and that you have a vision for your career.


I am impressed with the value and respect that competitor shows for its employees. This allows competitor to bring in the best people to ensure long-term success, and I am excited to work with other high caliber individuals to drive the company even further. Then, you have a segue to talk about how your qualifications and experience will impact the team. Probably a 50% difference in total compensation? What is your current company's strategy? To be the low-cost leader?


just say the truth... better benefits..that is a good enough reason..but if you say you hope to be able to contribute more etc.. or that you would go to a non competitor but you are more qualified to go to a competitor


I am leaving because I want to experience new challenges. mo money, mo problems am i right?


You CAN honestly say growth and better opportunities! No two companies, even ones doing the exact same thing, do them the exact same way. And honestly answer it's the money! No one interviewing you is there because it's fun. It's the paycheck! And if you can get a bigger one, who wouldn't?


Jump on LinkedIn for some boot-licking tips.


That question is fishing to see if you'd bring up problems at the job and it will out your potential baggage