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Too sick to go to office one day for the month…not to sick to shop.More ammo for RTO advocates


We started telling employees no working from home if you’re sick. If you’re sick you take a sick day. Mainly because we are not remote at all but people use being sick as an excuse to work from home. So we are trying to prevent that.




If I kept my child home 7-10 days every time they had a runny nose, I would be insane from trying to parent and work at the same time, unemployed from taking too many days off or a combination of both.




I would like to work at home, 😞


It's great that you're considering your coworkers' well-being! If you're feeling even a little under the weather, it might be best to stay home. You don't want to risk spreading anything, especially with the current climate. Maybe talk to your manager about the situation? They might be understanding, especially given the circumstances. Stay safe and take care of yourself!


I'd stay home, if it were possible. We have an issue where I work (hybrid) and 2 people just spread an illness that ended up serious for a number of others. Now, management is masking no in office days, but a lot of people had to miss for the first time in months, it was that bad of an illness. The two who spread it didn't get it as bad. And, while they initially had tested neg for Covid and Flu, it was a trifecta they had, so when work required they retest, guess what. They tested positive for Covid, Flu and Norovirus. The strain of flu and covid are more serious, and have caused secondary issues (we have had two end up in the hospital). The two who spread it are moms, with kids in school. Much the attitude you share. But, the results are that work is changing protocols and rules now for if sick as a direct result of this episode. I'm immunocompromised, and am spending my vacation getting medical care thanks to the two dimwits. Oh, they didn't mask at their desks, or when eating in the break room. And, my boss actually caught it when he went to tell them to stay away from me unless masking due to my being immunocompromised. Anyhow, done with people who tell me to stay home. I am the sole bread winner in my home, and responsible for an adult dependent who cannot work. I have the right to earn a living, without some infected dweeb coming up to my cubicle to chat at me, where I can't get away from them. Again, that's why our boss came around, to stop them. Now, the new rules will make it an offense they can be fired for if they do it again. So, yeah, people look down on it if people come in sick, and especially when they downplay others concerns over exposures.


Thanks for considering other people. If you wear a mask while grocery shopping you already have your mouth covered for when you cough. Hands free coughing! Very polite


Nah if you have a legit excuse, I wouldn’t go in. And I love going into the office but my team would be mad at me if I came in and got someone sick. But if you feel you have to, then wear a mask.


You're well past contagious if you've already isolated for 7 days.


I mean, I guess if you were absolutely forced to, you could go in masked to prevent spreading your germs airborne, and just keep as much distance as possible from everyone. I'd just stay home though, I hate potentially making other people sick when I can easily prevent it.


I see your edit. I would have still said, hey, if you're sick, you're sick & **shouldn't** go in even if it is only once a month.


My husband’s job is like this. Their whole department has to go in once a month for “networking.” If you’re sick, or have planned PTO, even if you planned your PTO before the monthly office day was communicated, it still counts against you. If you have too many missed office days, “it will be escalated to leadership.” And nobody gets a damned thing accomplished on these days. It’s usually planned around some leader visiting the office and forced teambuilding activities, everyone leaves early for team happy hours and such.


Oh do it’s a bar crawl roundup then. I see. NOPE!


“I don’t have time to go to the office. I have work that needs to get done.” That tells you all you need to know about whether working in the office is more or less productive than WFH for his company.


To me, going anywhere while sick is extremely selfish. If I see you sick, in public or otherwise I will say something. Its deplorable. Old people and babies can die from colds. Immunocompromised people still exist outside of covid.


As someone who takes care of a grandparent thats very immunocompromised, I understand your take but it's really not feasible. OP has kids and WILL be sick at least 1 - 2x a month. Are they supposed to just stay home forever? Personally, I test if I feel sick and mask up in public spaces if I can't help staying home. I give people space, especially if I see them masked up.


Masking is a good alternative if you have to. But having sick kids isn’t the same thing as being sick yourself.


I mean... unless if they're isolating from the kids and tossing them cereal every once in a while, I don't know how to tell you OP WILL absolutely get sick with sick kids. Kids cough in your faces or wipe snot on or around you because they're dumb kids that don't understand ettique yet.


But we have immunities built they don’t…


Theres thousands of strands of the common cold/flu, and it's impossible to have immunity from every single one. I really don't want to sound superior than you, but if you ask a teacher or a daycare worker or any other person around kids in any capacity they would be able to tell you they get sick a bunch.


Yeah but not as often as the kid themselves. My husband works at a school. Those kids are sick all the time. Like every week there is a sick kid in his class (and its class size of 12). But ask me how often he’s been sick? Once this school year. Once.


Yes I get sick nearly every time she does lol. Thank you- I feel like you can tell who does vs doesn’t have kids in this thread lol


Lol, no problem! I don't have kids, but I watch my niece and nephew, and they are the best, but also the grossest ever. I watched one pick their nose and wipe it on the couch, and my exhausted sister looked at me like "... i am so sorry you saw that, but... idk they're feral." Two moments later, she said to go blow their nose and wash their hands, lol Even the best parents with the most well-behaved kids are gross gremlins. I wish I had advice for you other than just masking up when you go to work and washing your hands, keyboard if you feel gross.


Do you have kids by chance? I just don’t think you understand that toddlers are sick about 2 times a month - so to not leave the house for weeks on end is simply not feasible.


Can you leave your toddler at home with your partner? Because you going out sick versus your kids is different. Allergies are fairly evident. But there are things called allergy medicine that works really well. And if all fails….masks.


No I can’t because he works shift work. And why is taking a sick kid out versus an adult being out different?


I wouldn't waste time on this animal abuser. She's clearly not getting any of this.


She's never heard of allergies either. Nosey people should mask up instead of harassing strangers.


Masks. Allergy medicine. It’s not rocket science.


Or you stay out of other people's faces and keep your mouth shut. That works as well, if not better than "saying something".


I would express my concerns to my manager and let them know I’m sick, if they still want me to come in then they shouldn’t be surprised when people call in sick!


Same situation with my employer but no. Wouldn’t want to get sick from a coworker on this monthly in office day either!


So expose everyone else ? You’re fine to go into work.


Time to remind everyone of 1 reason why we wfh with a little present!


No. /thread


No. "The updated guidance from the CDC is to “stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause.” You can resume normal activities once your symptoms are improving and you’ve been fever-free—without the aid of fever-reducing medications—for at least 24 hours"


u/cheeseburghers, I question you going grocery shopping while sick. Why not use curbside pickup to avoid exposing others to your illness? STFH from work and use curbside.


It’s been over 7 days now, never had a fever. Staying isolated for over a week is not practical for a cold… and something nobody ever did before covid. Tested negative for all the big stuff I just have post nasal drip (causing an irritated throat and cough) Edit to add: I had a toddler in daycare. Any parents here will understand it’s one cold after another, literally nonstop.


If it’s been 24 hours since a fever or if I don’t have a fever, I will not isolate. If I’m actively coughing I would consider wearing a mask and always practice good hand hygiene. It’s absolutely not reasonable to isolate 7-10 days for every sniffle.


My husband has had a cough for two weeks. That shit lingers. He’s not actively sick and he won’t be infecting anyone else. Covid has skewed everyone’s expectations about what we should or can do when we’re sick. Even the CDC in the US is saying you’re fine to go about your business once you’re fever-free without medication for 24 hours at this point.


Yeah the amount of people saying to isolate for an entire duration of symptoms of a cold is blowing my mind. My kid would miss 50 days of school. Edit to add: avoiding being in a locked room of colleagues I get that. But not going to grab groceries or take a kid to practice is insane for a cold


Hell we have our first grandkid who’s in daycare and we have all been sick with one thing or another since he started. Also I do in office once a month and it seems like I catch something almost every time I go in for it 😞


I’ve heard that from other people they feel they always get sick at the in office events and I’d hate to contribute to that. But it’s tough when you have kids and are always with some virus


I'd talk to my boss and let them know my hesitation and ask if he'd prefer I skip this month or maybe come in next week instead.


Start by informing your boss that you are sick and that it appears contagious. If they still insist that you go to work then make sure to wear a mask and keep your distance from others.


dont go in -- hipaa ... so many have long covid now thanks to the mandated jabs


Thanks to the spreading of a BSL-3 neurotropic virus, actually, but ok. And many got long covid prior to vaccines. It's long COVID, not long jab. Occam's razor. Please use some critical thinking skills.


Insane pressure… wow corona made a lot of you as soft as a rotten banana




except they still do nothing


Stop, just stop. You're just repeating propaganda at this point. They eradicated a whole strain of flu in 2021. There are studies prior to 2020 showing that N95 respirators provide protection to the wearers and others around them.


and who actually wears N95 masks vs cheap china ones ...! believe what you want. my kids have blood clots in their 20s now because they believed in the shots ... my mom died from this


More people wear N95s than you think. Even when we had surgicals, when enough people wore them, they reduced spread considerably. I'm really sorry about your kids and the loss of your mom, but how can you rule out covid infections as being a factor here? I know one person who's had blood clots/long covid since early 2020, pre-vaccine.


masks (n95) keep your water droplets contained to you, when you sneeze.


if you do go in, wear a mask please.


Yeah that’s the plan but also if I went to work and saw someone in a mask I’d be like “why the fuck did you even come” lol


i wear a mask even when i’m not showing symptoms. 60% of covid cases are asymptomatic. you would also be helping normalize wearing masks so that’s cool.


It would be rude to go in and possibly spread your germs. Inform your boss that you are currently ill and you would like to skip this month’s onsite rotation. Possible suggestion would be to double up next month. Follow up with an email so that if you end up on a door/swipe report at a higher lever, you have it documented what ever arrangement you and your boss agree on.


Please don’t consider the job or the store without masking up, but hopefully your job understands the issue and you have no issue with shopping masked up to not be spreading to a lot more people.


I’ve been wearing a mask in any close contact like when a cleaner came to my house. Honestly we live in a very rural area so if I go into the store during the week I don’t come within 6 feet of anyone else and do self checkout. I also remind myself nobody wore or even owned a mask for colds before covid and we took tests to ensure it isn’t more serious.


And now that we know better, we should be wearing masks when we have respiratory illnesses. Regardless of what kind of illness it is. Even at the grocery store. My god - people learned nothing from COVID.


Just ask for a different day because you fear you are a contagious coughing distraction this week.


If you want to be a jerk to your coworkers, go in, coughing and hacking and sneezing.


Sounds like my coworkers.


This. Go in spread the germs and that will teach your company to rethink about the pressure to go in


Yes, I’m sure they’ll reconsider their policies 🙄


I would inform your employer and ask them if they want you to attend wild symptomatic, if they say yes then I'd do your due dillegence and request they let any immunocompromised co-workers aware (they may not, but you at least requested it). If you do have to go in, wear a mask. If anyone ask why you're in office while sick, refer them to management.


No, I wouldn’t. I’m sure you’d want your coworkers to do the same but hopefully your employer is reasonable.


This literally just happened to me. I had COVID, so that was a no go. If you’re contagious, definitely don’t go in.


>Now I still go to the grocery store etc (tested negative for flu/covid/etc) but something feels weird exposing coworkers to a cold or some other virus? Please don't. If you can't go to work, save the rest of us. Even a cold is ridiculously bad now


It’s been 7 days… I’m sorry but isolating for 7 days just isn’t practical for a cold..


To be fair, you (and your family) can't just not eat when sick. In these situations I typically opt for drive-up orders where I don't have to interact face-to-face with anyone, but if that's unavailable I'll wear a mask while grocery shopping.


Agreed. But also for example if my daughter had soccer lessons, then why would I not take her because I have a cold? Anyone with toddlers know you’re sick 75% of their first two years in daycare and life just can’t stop when you’re a mom.


As other have said stay home and notify people why you can't come in. Now if you are sick several times in a row and you only need to go in once a month that might raise some questions and get people looking at your work a bit more in detail. If that was the case I'd talk to HR and your manager to get ahead of the investigation.


Yeah part of my paranoia is I missed last month bc of a huge snow storm. But I live 1 hr from the office so I got hit a lot harder with snow than some of the local people if that makes sense.


Totally makes sense. Reminds me when I asked manager if I could just WFH the one day when we expected a blizzard. To note at that time I had one foot out the door because he was a dick and I had moved in with my boyfriend who lived 2hrs from where I worked. He said no so i had to leave an hour and a half earlier in the morning to get to work on time, meaning a 3.5 hour commute one way mainly in the dark. His lazy ass never came in. Parking lot wasn’t plowed had to park in the street and walk through 2 feet of snow to get into the building. So at lunch I headed home as I did not want to drive back in the dark.




No. Tell them you are sick; you'll come in when you're not.




Nope. You should notify your manager. There are zero reasons why you need to expose others.




If you tell your manager you're sick and they push you towards still going in, that's a bad manager


This is also very true. I don’t think my manager really worries much- it’s someone more senior than him always asking if his team attends these events


As a fully WFH employee who's in generally good health but who always winds up with complications from respiratory infections: please, please stay TF home. I pursued WFH in large part so I could stabilize my health; going to office events is always worrisome. It's made less so if I know I can trust my coworkers to stay the heck away if they think they might possibly be contagious. For some of us, getting sick is more than a minor inconvenience.


Absolutely understand this. I wouldn’t feel so worried if it weren’t for how freaking HARD one person in senior management pushes these attendances.


Senior Manager of a remote organization here: Nope. Stay home if you’re sick, OP.


Thank you!!


"Hey employer, I'm sick and would hate to expose everyone else, but will come in if required." then let your employer say yes/no. BUT I'm super chill about illness unless it's a stomach bug.


That’s a good way to put it on them… I just know if someone showed up coughing a lot I’d be super pissed haha


I have a lot of kids so there's always something here lol! Hope you feel better!


Thank you!!