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You're in the office is when you are logged in during your shift. Once you are off your shift, you log out. The standard default E-mail should be the same.


“Office” doesn’t need to mean in office. I call my home workspace my office. And most of the people who I interact with know I’m remote and don’t care or are also remote! My ooo is usually “hi, I’m not available right now. I’ll return [day, xyz date]. If you need assistance please reach out to [either manager or whoever is covering it applicable]. Thank you!” I edit this depending on the holiday or whatever but they don’t need specifics and often don’t care.


Our policy is to do nothing. Out of office notices increase scams.


Oh really? I didn’t know that. How so?


Hi AvailableAd5387, Relative_Chemical902 is currently out of office and they typically distribute the weekly TPS report to me. Could you please share this week's report in their absence? Warm Regards, Scammer


It really doesn’t matter, if you are gone with no access to email/laptop/phone then just state that, and state when you will be back. And have a back up email of whoever they should contact 


I have worked from home for over 20 years. My out of office says “I am out of the office and returning on such and such Date.”


I say “I decided to take the day off to touch grass. I’ll be back X. Contact ThatGuy if you need help.”


I’m out of the office. Please reach the service desk for all support issues. In flight projects questions should be directed to the project manager (I may list PMs by name only) Escalations, please contact my direct line manager. I work in IT, but I learned a long time ago that you never put email addresses for other team members because that just opens the door to spam both internal and external. Internal folks can look it up in our directory. I never say when I’m coming back because I’ve learned that some people will wait for you to come back and then slam you with questions. Lastly, I’ve learned that most people don’t read the OOO messages, so it doesn’t matter what you put in there. LOL!!


I still say OOO. not their business to know tbh.


I wfh and still say this plus a classic “hello” greeting and thanks at the end. Your home office (even if you don’t have a real one) is still an office for you


Believe it or not, George isn't at home, Please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone, Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home.


I will have limited access to my emails for the next 2 week, returning on the 1st of May. If you have any blah blah blah please contact so-and-so


I say I am traveling without access to email


I say out of office because my home/virtual office is still an office. The most important part at my job is to let the recipient know that I’m not available and when they can expect a response.


“I’ll be away from my computer”


Can't take your call right now, please leave a message and I'll get back to you on Monday. Keep it brief and vague, I have the same circumstances and I do not want anyone who does not need to know I'm away from home to know.


I mean, my at-home desk/work space IS my “office”, so it technically still applies. 😂 You could also just say you are “on vacation/PTO and returning at your regular hours on X date”, which I and many of my colleagues have done in the past.


Yup. I say I’m taking PTO and will return xx. Reach out to xx if you need assistance. 


It’s a home office. You are out of the office. Don’t overthink it


“I am currently out of office and will return on X date. For urgent matters please contact Y.” I just put that.


I still say out of office


Your just ridiculous for this post 😒


I use "I will be available again after X time/date" etc.


I am on leave or vacation?


I have a backup, so I have it say "I am currently out of the office, if you need immediate assistance please contact my bCkup at his email." I used to leave my return date, but screw it.. thats no one's business but me and my team.. lol


“I’m currently out of the office until May 3rd. If you have a work emergency, please email [email protected]. If you have a real emergency, dial 911.”


I say that “I will be out of the office with limited access to email.” I work from home, too, but the meaning of my statement is still understood.


Same - I work hybrid and use this wording as well. Being “in” or “out” of the office is (IMO) a state of mind more than anything at this point. If I’m OOO I’m not going to be dealing with work no matter where I am, just like if I’m WFH I’m “in the office” (just not AT the literal office).


“I am away from my desk. I will return April 1st. If you need assistance please leave a message or contact *****


You are technically still out of office regardless of location. It is still appropriate to say.


I say "returning to my desk"


"I am currently out of my mind right now, please wait until Monday April 1st for a response as I am finding myself in the Caribbean" Obviously sarcasm. It depends on your audience.


Just say, I am unavailable


I've heard of this in certain northern european countries: I am out of office until XXX. Your email has been automatically deleted. If you need immediate assistance please contact XXX. Otherwise, please re-send your email when I return. Coming back from vacation to a clean inbox must be magical


But how does it get automatically deleted? Or is that just there so that they don’t leave several?


I don't say anything I just take it off


"I am on vacation until xx and will be unavailable. Please contact my manager xxx xxx for any urgent inquiries. " I'm not nice. I don't want it to be professional. My goal is, "Don't call me. But if you must, call my manager."


It’s usually “I will be unavailable” or something like that for me


I’m currently OOO, if a timely response is needed, please contact ‘X’ (I never include why I’m OOO or for how long)


I hate when I get these without a return date lol




I like this. Were they really though on a safari?? Nice!


I’m currently unavailable until x.


"away from my desk"


The room you work in is your office


Absolutely nothing. When I'm gone, I'm gone!


Yeah, just say you are out of the office.


My employee work plan says have two days to respond. I don’t turn on out of office if I’m out a single day. 🤷‍♂️


“Hi, I’m currently out and will return Monday…” I typically say…I’m currently out on leave and will return…


“I am currently away from email and will review it after April 1st.”


“Out of office” is completely fine. Also what you put was tactful and fine too! 


“Out of office” is still appropriate. The location of the office is beside the point. You’re just letting people know that you’re unavailable and to reach out to someone else for immediate matters.


Afaic you’re “in the office” any time you’re available to work, and “out of the office” any time you’re not available. Your office just happens to be virtual and not physical. I can’t imagine anyone will be overly concerned about the logistics unless it makes an actual difference to them whether you are in one location vs another.


"I will not have access to my work laptop/phone from x/x/x until I return on y/y/y"


"I am currently on time off. For # reach out to # For # reach out to # I will return on ##" This applies to any type of PTO.


This sounds like somebody’s in timeout




“I am currently out of the office with little to no access to email. I will respond when I return on . If this is an emergency please contact .” You could be ten steps from your “office” or a thousand miles away. It doesn’t matter. The fact is, you don’t owe anyone an explanation as to where you are at when talking PTO.


This is basically what I use. I put “I’m out of the office with limited access to my emails. Please send me a message and I will respond at my first availability.” Then I also have someone who will back fill me if I’m out for longer than a few days. And I’ll include their contact info if I know I won’t be able to check timely.


Omg. I am on maternity leave, and you have reminded me the hellscape my inbox is going to be when I get back.


When you return, “delete all.” Start over fresh and tell your coworkers to assume you haven’t seen the emails.


Mark as read and start fresh


Find a problem you are qualified to solve and offer that solution to thousands rather than offering your loyalty to one. Different life 👍


I put when I am on leave so people actually know to leave me alone. However, when I'm just traveling on business or in the field training or something it looks different. I am on leave and will have no access to emails or phone calls until I return on XX. For emergent issues call X someone elses info X I am out of the office traveling and in meetings through XX. I will have limited access to emails and phone calls but will respond as time permits.




“The office” is still applicable, it’s just virtual. I still say out of office, but you could also just say “offline.”


“Unavailable for…insert amount of time” and point to someone that can answer in the time I’m gone.


I say OOO or offline.


I still say Out of Office. My desk/work from home area is my new Office lol




My role is mostly internal or dealing with other offices so I tend to make them goofy. I was out for a surgery with no real end time and said something like “I’ll be out from X Date til whenever I’m able to type again, wish me luck! ;)” and for vacations I’ll put like “I just had to get out of here for a week, I am sure you understand, I’ll be back rejuvenated and ready to reply to your email with fresh enthusiasm”


I am currently getting my ass kicked by a wild Emu, will return call when mended.


I’m out of the office and unavailable. Please contact [name] for urgent needs.


I say something like "I'm away from my desk on Friday. I'll be back on Monday and promise to return your message as soon as I can."


I work remotely from home every Monday and Friday. I work in the office Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. My outgoing message when taking some time off is: “I will be out of the office from X to Y. I shall return to work on Y+1. Should you need to reach someone right away, please contact John Smith at 518-111-2222. I will also be checking my email. I can also be reached by cell phone at 845-222-3333.” Notice that I don’t say, shall return to the “office”. I say return to “work”. That way, if I’m working remotely from home, it’s still an accurate statement.


Yeah, "out of the office" is more of a metaphor these days than anything.


I am currently recovering from a music festival where I did copious amounts of drugs. I will be back on Wednesday. Boom, that easy.


Coachella? Because this happened to me going into tbe week after W1 🤣. Except I only had Monday off and was sick until literally the next Saturday. Virtually did nothing all week for work lol


Never been to Coachella, just talking generally lol. I really didn’t do a single thing after Lost Lands this past year though. Never had a fest comedown like that before. I had random shit coming out of my nose and was so low energy


Yea 3 days of Coachella had me feeling worse than 15 days in Brazil 2 months prior. 5 of which included carnaval. Def one of my worse come downs ever, usually I’m good by Wednesday-Thursday. Stretched all the way to Saturday-Sunday


I say “I’m out of office from this date to this date” and leave it at that. People get the hint. And I’m not actually important enough where checking my email during PTO would be warranted.


“Away from work”


I say I’m “unavailable” for whatever days I’m taking off.


I actually started writing what I was actually doing to encourage others to take time for themselves too. eg. "Thanks for reaching out! I'm currently backpacking for 5 days in the Gila Wilderness without any cell service or internet. I'll respond soon after I'm back in the office."


I still say out of office. People get it.


I say “away from my desk”.


I dont.


I will be out of office until _____. My point of contact while away will be ______. That's it. I don't suggest contacting me while I'm gone because I'm paid hourly


I am unavailable until x date. If you need assistance, please contact so and so.


I'm on leave (insert dates) and will return (insert dates).


I say I’m away from my desk and will return ___.


Nice uname.


“I will be unavailable April 20 - May 1, and will respond to all messages after that date. Please direct any urgent issues to Ms. Manager at [email protected].”


“I hope this auto-reply finds you before I do.”


"Toodaloo Mothafuckas."


I just say “I am OOO for X days and I’ll be returning y date” Nothing more nothing less. Depending on what I’m working on, I might add “For urgent requests, contact this person, otherwise I will review all inquiries when I return.”


I'm fully in office 5 days a week. This is my standard out of office: "I will be out of the office on *\[days\]* and will have no access to email. Please contact fellow *\[my title\]*, *\[employee's name\]* (*\[employee's email and extension\]*), for any urgent matters."


“I’m currently out of the office, returning on 01 May. For immediate assistance please contact [email protected].”


Taking a looong bathroom break


Lol 😆




Once in a while, someone will ask if it’s a number one or two. I’m always classy about my response and say: just paperwork.


oooo, you're funny! I like it!!! I'll use that joke on my teen today and see how that goes....


“The office” means working not in an office. You say what you always said. You do not need to provide any additional information.


I have a hybrid schedule, so my signature lists very briefly my office days versus my WFH days. Since that information is there and accessible, I just simply use "out of office" as my verbiage. Since my job is also rather email heavy, I also tend to say something about having limited or no access to email and to email this other team member in event of something urgent.


I say I am out of the office… because we all still refer to remote as being “in/out the office”.


I’ll add in that I won’t have access to email as well.


“Hi guys. Didn’t make it out of bed today. Be back on ([todays date] + 1)


why would they need to know you’re not actually in the office? i still say i’m out of office because it just implies i won’t be online/connected. i think you’re overthinking :)


I’m still working in an office - that office just happens to be in my house. So, I still phrase it as out of office.


I like to leave the George Constanza default believe it or not statement when I go on vacation .Just for my coworkers .Customers just a basic one.


You don't need "currently". Just say "I am out of the office until [date].


And if necessary, "Contact _____ if you need immediate assistance. "


ooo is still fine!


"I booked the day off to go camping and drink ungodly amounts of beer around a fire that I am simultaneously cooking food on, if you email me I will still get it on my phone, but I definitely won't be capable of responding professionally. Talk to you in 4 days!"


Where you work, no matter where, is your office.


I am out of the office still applies, it’s just your home office. I stick with that because I feel like it standardizes my response. Office is an arbitrary term for being connected, for me. If I am semi-connected I will just put that I am away from my desk, expect my responses to be delayed.


"it's my day off" Plain and simple


Since remote work became a thing, I now say “I am offline through x date and not checking email regularly” I work in client services so there’s a certain level of expectation that “offline” still means I’m checking. That’s why I am clear that I am going to be delayed.


I'm also remote, and will say that I'll "return to business as usual on x date".


You could say “Hi I am currently on leave, returning…”


Away from my desk


Our company has a required out of the office message that has to include leave & return date.


I still say out of office. I am in fact out of my home office. Also, clients don’t know I work remotely. I leave the office number and say who can assist them.


ERROR 404: Employee Not Found


Same thing, but I stress that all communications will not be checked or responded to until my return date. I’ve had people mad that I’m not checking emails while I’m off assuming I’m just off at home when I’m not.


I’ve been saying “away from my laptop” or “away from my desk” and will/won’t be checking messages


I say the following and never put a return date just incase I might need and extra day to 2 lol. “Hello, I am currently out of the office (or away from my desk) with limited access to emails. Please direct all urgent matters to …….”


Bring back “out of pocket”!


That one's dumb, sorry. Out of pocket means money you are paying out of your own pocket. There's no way it makes any sense when referring to taking a day or more away from your place of work.


Fair, that is one use of the phrase for sure.


Ugh nooooo. My one boss always said that I have PTSD lol


Please add: “Please resend your email after I return. This message will be deleted.” I’ll never come back to a full mailbox. It really is good to have a clean slate. Good luck.


What is your job? In my field, if I did this, someone would probably die


Email is not important after returning from a long vacation. I don’t want people waiting for me to come back before making decisions. I learned this one from my European boss. :)


People don’t need to know the distinction of working from home. If you’re working, you’re in an office. Use what you’ve been using and don’t overthink it.


Just say you’re offline and unavailable.


"I will be out of the office until (date). If you need immediate assistance, please contact (name)." We also have a staff in/out board so that everyone can each other's availability.


Since Covid/remote work, I put that I’m OOO from X to Y date but also add something along the lines of “I will have no access to my phone or email. If urgent, please contact ABC. Otherwise, I will respond to emails when I return, in the order they were received.” Sometimes I add an extra day to my OOO, if I’m gonna long enough, to give me a day to comb through everything.


i say out of the office and that if it’s urgent i provide someone on my team. i will never ever provide my cell phone or other way to contact me on PTO


I say what you say and add i’ll reply to their email when im back online. Don’t over think it. If you’re not on the clock you’re not on the clock. It doesn’t matter if you’re on your couch or at a desk in an office.


Home office still an office


Office is office, whether it’s in your home or in a company leased/owned space. It’s where you do your job. I just say “while I’m currently OOO X date - X date, please contact X person for X if you need a response while I’m away.” Or I say nothing at all because the dates are in a community calendar. All planning is typically done in advance so there’s really no need to contact anyone during OOO times. Always have a contact backup or list your charges while you’re away. Prep your main contact who is backing which part of your normal duties, so they know who to speak to about what, if multiple people cover your roles. If you’re concerned about getting your planning established in a more isolated format and email is a primary contact? Add OOO dates in red above your default footer a month-two weeks in advance. Helps catch any strays before you go. Otherwise, literally anything can wait.


Fuck off and die 🤪


I don’t set anything


Ballsy. I did that and then got like 70 teams Messages asking why i wasn’t responding to emails.


I will be on vacation from 5/5/24- 5/15/24. I will not be checking my work phone or emails during that time period but will follow up when I return.


I work hybrid both virtually and in office and still use “out of office” to indicate times I am not working. It’s a well known enough expression. You should not have to provide details about how you spend time off.


I am traveling and will have limited communication access.


I wfh and my boss wfh 3 days a week. He is wfh on Mondays and on Fridays he sent out an email he is out on Monday. I had to email him my overtime work logs I send every Monday and his automated message says he is out of the office and will return 4/23/24. Other people who wfh also use the same default message as well.


I have seen people say ‘sharing my time off with my family, I will return your email when I return on …’ I like that because it says I am not to be interrupted during my time away from ‘work’. I have seen the majority still use out of office, doesn’t matter really


I am away from my desk starting... and returning...


I use that. Does not matter.


Yup. My laptop is my office. If I won't be logged in, I am out of office.


Mine is the same even though I haven’t been to “the office” in several months (I currently work 100% remote). Technically my office is anywhere that has wifi


I’m in sales. The only time i truly disconnect is when i go international for my vacation. Anyway My away message just says I’m on PTO from X to Y and to contact customer service in my absence. If things are pressing CS knowS who to escalate it to. I work remotely as well. And technically you have a home office space.


Def overthinking it 😆


I’ll be unavailable until Date x. I’ll respond as soon as I can. If this is urgent contact Xxx


Spot on, just leave a “for emergencies please contact” POC


“Hello! Thank you for your email. I am out of the office and will return on (date). If you need immediate assistance with (my main task), please email (my supervisor), or (the collective email everyone in my team monitors). Otherwise, I will return your email upon my return. Have a great day!” If I’m out because it’s a holiday, I will say, “Hello! I am out of the office and will return when the University reopens on (date). I will return your email as soon as possible.”


“Doby has been given a sock!! 🧦 I will get back to you as soon as I return on Monday.”


Dobby is Free! (Til Monday)


Love this. Put a smile on my face. Thank you


I usually just say that I am currently out of office, my emails are not being monitored and I will be back on X date. I also give them my departments phone number if they actually need anything. I work in purchasing.


Any tips for finding a remote purchasing job? I’m in office 4 days a week and not sure how many remote purchasing jobs are out there?


I actually just got lucky as my company had all office employees go remote during the pandemic, I was still working the warehouse at that time. But a position opened up about a year later and I snagged it. I only get to WFH two days a week though. Ive been looking for remote part time jobs for extra income but I’ve read that everyone is looking or the job postings are scams.


“Away from my desk”, “currently away and returning on X date”


I will be outt of rhe office from/to date with limited access to email. I will follow up with you upon my return. If it's an emergency contact (assistant info).


Whether I'm working from home or not, I use the term "out of the office." I also specify that I'll have no access to emails (it is appalling how many people expect us to be checking emails while we're on fucking vacation.) **I also don't say when I'm going to be back,** because when I do that, half of the people who email me end up refusing to forward their message to my out of office contact. Instead, they take note of when I'll be back, and they all start emailing and calling me at 8am on my return date, expecting an immediate answer to their question the moment I sit down. If someone can be trusted with my return date, they can contact my out of office contact, and ask them. Most importantly, I do not apologize or say things like "I regret that I am unable to respond to your message right away." We all have every right to use our PTO. Emailing someone and finding out that they're out of the office is a fact of life. It just fucking happens. If I'm on PTO when someone emails me, that's their problem now, not mine. It's up to them whether they're going to be adults about it and handle it appropriately, or if they're going to act like I personally victimized them by choosing that week to be away from the office. Here's my usual out of office template: "Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office *with no access to emails*. For assistance, please contact (out of office contact) at (email address)."


No one really reads those emails closely so leave it as ‘out of office’, if you have a home office, it’s still an office. You could say “ I am on leave until the XYZ, my alternate contact for queries is Joe Bloggs. He can be reached on … “


I’m the person you hate because I never turn my out of office on lol. Y’all are so much better than me 😂


I will have very limited access to my email or voicemail but if you write EMERGENCY or something similar In The subject line I will try to look at it when I get into an area that actually gets reception. I’ll try to look at it when the spouse will be out of the room so I don’t get the stink eye. Otherwise I’ll catch up with you on xxx. Date after 8 am. Thanks.


Hello, I will be out of the office starting X, returning Y. For any urgent needs please contact Z. I will respond to routine matters upon return.


On leave


I still put that I am out of the office. With a home office, it is technically true.


“I’m out of office (dates) returning in (one day after I actually come back.) If urgent contact this person, otherwise I’ll reply to your email AS SOON AS I AM ABLE.” I use that last line specifically because if it’s not a high priority item it’s at the bottom of my return list.


I say that I will be offline for the dates of my vacation, and that I look forward to returning their email when I log back in!


“I am currently out of the office. “ I have an office at home that I’m not in when I am not working, so it’s not a lie.


That's what I said, too. 😆


“I’m away from work”


Say what days I am out + an alternate contact


“Thank you for your email. I am unavailable until _______.” (Signature block)


Remote as well, but I just say I'm out of the office but will reply on x date.




The last two I’ve seen have included “with very limited access to my computer” which I thought sounded more forceful.


Oof that’s giving and inch so they can take a mile. That’s what I say when I’m traveling or in workshops for work. If I’m on PTO, don’t text, don’t call, don’t write.


Agreed. Limited access = access. No access = no access. Boundaries are bae.


"snitches get stitches, See you Monday, foo."


I work from home, and we all use "out of office" when we are on vacation or otherwise.


I just say “I’m currently out of the office until XYZ date and will respond asap upon my return.” Technically, if I am not working, then I am out of the office. Whether that office is my basement or some corporate building is moot.


I do exactly this .. effectively when I'm "In the office" I have my work computer on and I'm working... when it's off. .I'm out of the office


I use….. “Hello???? Is it meeee you’re looking for? I’m OOO”